Chanyeol and Baekhyun had cut their date short, and now they were at Baekhyun's apartment. They were sitting on his couch, and Baekhyun had his arms wrapped around his knees while he digested the information Chanyeol had just told him.
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and glanced up at Chanyeol as he whispered, "And you're sure I'll never have to see him again . . .?"
Chanyeol nodded and tentatively scooted forward, he gently touched Baekhyun's knee —- as a way of comforting him —- as he said, "I promise. He was arrested for assault and you're parents filed a report. He'll never be able to come near you again, not unless he wants to spend the rest of his life behind bars."
"But he's relentless, Chanyeol. What if he doesn't care about that?" Baekhyun weakly murmured.
"Then I'll protect you, Baekhyun. I won't let him hurt you ever again, I promise."
Baekhyun sniffled and nodded as he murmured, "Okay, Chanyeol. I trust you."
Chanyeol smiled weakly and leaned forward, his hand gently cupping Baekhyun's cheek as he kissed him. "I love you, Baekkie, and I want you to know I'll do anything for you. Always and forever," Chanyeol softly said.
Baekhyun smiled and kissed Chanyeol back. "You're too good to me . . ."
"Well, you deserve it," Chanyeol murmured.
Baekhyun sighed. "Can you stay with me tonight," he murmured.
Chanyeol smiled and kissed Baekhyun's forehead. He pulled him into his arms and tenderly held him. He rubbed his back and muttered, "Okay, I'll stay with you tonight. And how about tomorrow, just to get your mind off everything, why don't we go to the beach with Sehun and Luhan?"
Baekhyun smiled and murmured, "I'd like that."
Chanyeol smiled too, and then slowly a mischievous smile appeared on his lips and before Baekhyun could react, Chanyeol seized him around the waist. Baekhyun shrieked and laughed as Chanyeol swung him over his shoulder before running to his bedroom.
He kicked the door shut with his foot and dropped a laughing Baekhyun onto the bed. Chanyeol jumped onto the bed after him, Baekhyun reached up to grab his shirt collar as he said with a smile, "Why are you suddenly being so silly?"
Chanyeol chuckled and leaned forward to kiss the corner of Baekhyun's mouth as he replied, "Because baby, I want to make you happy."
Baekhyun smiled and wound an arm around Chanyeol's neck as he softly replied, "I am happy."
Chanyeol smiled too and murmured, "I'm glad." Then he leaned in again, softly trailing kisses along Baekhyun's jaw and down to his neck. A breathy sigh escaped Baekhyun's lips, and using one hand he gently pushed Chanyeol back so he could pull his shirt over his head.
Chanyeol didn't say anything, his eyes did that for him. He gazed down at Baekhyun softly as he gently brushed his fingertips along his hip bone; gingerly caressing his scar. Baekhyun's breathing was baited and in a quiet voice his whispered, "Chanyeol, I want you to touch me . . ."
"Aren't I, already?" Chanyeol said half-teasingly.
Baekhyun was too caught in the moment to react by rolling his eyes, and all he said was, "You know what I mean . . ."
Chanyeol nodded and adjusted above Baekhyun, being careful not to press too much of his weight into him. He kissed his forehead, his lips trailing down as he kissed his cheeks, his nose, the corner of his mouth, and with his lips inches from Baekhyun's he asked, "Yes . . . But are you ready?"
Their lips brushed together as Chanyeol spoke, and it did things to Baekhyun's insides. He had to close his eyes to try and rein in his desire before he reopened them and replied, "I know you know about my past, it's obvious with the way you touch me . . . So yes, I'm ready. I want you. Please, Chanyeol?"
Chanyeol nodded and caressed Baekhyun's cheek with his thumb as he softly said, "I just want you to be sure."
Baekhyun reached out to his cheek, his hand sliding down to his chin to tug him closer as he breathed, "I'm sure. Please?"
Chanyeol nodded again. "Okay, Baekkie." He leaned forward and pressed their lips together once again.
Their night was much like their first time together — although for Baekhyun, it was the first time. As they kissed; as their body melded together, he remembered things. He remembered past touches; past love making, and it fueled his present desire into something fierce and beautiful.
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