Making her way back to the main group was pretty easy. It would seem as though they had it down in terms of controlling just how many aliens were making their way onto the ground yet alone outside the four meter circumference most of them were fighting in.
"Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Annie seemed to have come at the perfect time. She could help with the portal as she could make her way up there.
"Our biggest guns won't touch it."
"It's not about fire power Captain." Annie included herself in the conversation as she pointed up to the portal making device itself.
"You want to go up there? I don't think so Summers."
"It seems like an adventure." Annie shrugged she would go up there with or without his permission. It was just nicer to get it beforehand.
"How do you intend to get up there."
"The same way I entered the helicarrier on the first day we met." Annie started to levitate herself as she spoke. Taking a look at his confused face continued to fill her with a childlike feeling, the same one when you proved your teacher wrong.
"Probably should have asked for a file about me Captain!" And with that Annie was on her way up towards the top of the Stark building. So far it was smooth sailing, probably guided by Clint's eyes and ears at the top of a building opposite her. But totally worth setting off for. It was the second time recently she had used this aspect and she wished she had done it more often. For the glee she felt was more than when she was flying a normal plane and that was one of her favourite past times.
'Your hair looks amazing right now.' Clint's voice echoed in her head and Annie had to take a second to realise he had stoped mid battle to contact her about her hair mid flight. But that was her Clint.
Landing on the little balcony of the Stark building Annie was surprised to see she wasn't alone. The SHIELD scientist Eric Selvig was also present but he wasn't quite in the right head space. He seemed dazed, possibly still under mind control but he wasn't acting out as if to attack Annie and she could ignore him for now. Unless he walloped her in the head she would probably just leave him there.
"Agent?" Doctor Selvig's voice took Annie's attention away from the portal. It was a beautiful contraption, deadly but beautiful.
"I don't know what's going on but the Tesseract you can't fight it."
"I know Doctor, you're not the only man to have succumbed to it."
"But I think I might have been able to do a little bit of fighting. There's a shut down feature and I'm looking at how to stop it." Annie followed his eyesight to look at Loki's sceptre hanging dangerously close to the edge of the building.
"Oh I can get that easily." Annie hoped she gave a reassuring smile to the scientist as the sceptre made its way happily over to her. She wanted to shut it down instantly but thought she should probably make sure everyone was on the same page. Her hand went to the communicator attached to her hearing aid hoping she hadn't fried it. She touched lightly to ignite conversation.
"Um guys I think I can close the portal thing." Annie knew her statement hadn't been as clear as everyone elses had been. But it got her point across.
"Do it Summers." Captain America responded and Annie wondered why he had asked for their alias' considering he hadn't used them once.
"Hang on a moment I've got a nuke coming in." Stark interrupted their cutesy little moment.
"The aliens can work a nuke? That's insane." Annie responded.
"It's one of our Sabrina." Annie wanted to feel honoured for a moment considering she had got a nickname from Stark. The more time she spent around him she realised yes he was ignorant, stand off, and a bragger but he was also a decent guy behind all the layers. Her mother would have been proud to see the man he's become.
But she listened and kept the portal open watching the suit of armour move its way into the portal and towards the enemy ship. She would hold it open until she knew he made it back through. However, one of the wormy things had made their way through as she was keeping it open for Stark. Keeping the sceptre in its ready position she decided it was time to see what the visor was like in battle again. She concentrated on the worm alien allowing the optic blast to start. Her hand that was on the communicator still, yes she was a super awesome multitasking woman, allowed her to make another statement.
"You guys might wanna do some catching. I'm making filets." With the end of the statement the worm alien was spilt horizontally down the middle and a small red figure had come back through the portal. She didn't ask someone for approval for the moment she saw Ironman come back Annie closed the portal.
"He's not slowing down someone stop him." Annie didn't have chance to help before Banner's other half had captured the falling figure. All she had to do was concentrate on getting herself and the Doctor down onto the safe ground.
"Wanna go down. I'll take you down with me but there's a rule. You've seen the fourth Harry Potter film right?" Annie waited for him to nod in advance.
"Right when they portray they do that weird walking thing to help slow them down. If you wanna like slow a little and not plummet I recommend walking through the air." It was completely unnecessary to do so, but Annie would enjoy watching the scientist do so.
It took her a lot longer to come down then it did going up to the balcony of the Stark building. And 90% of that was caused by her watching from a higher height the scientist do a little walk down through the air. She didn't want him to know she was hovering above not doing anything of the sort until the very end when he stood on solid ground. She lowered herself gracefully.
"You lied to me." Doctor Selvig exclaimed as he watched her come down.
"Got you to smile though." Annie waved at him goodbye before finding the rest of the team.
When she got there, Stark was lying on the floor hopefully just unconscious. Nobody seemed to know what to do, he looked pretty dead. Banner's other half didn't like that though and let out a very menacing roar. That was enough to wake the billionaire up. With a startle nevertheless.
"What the hell? What just happened. Please tell me nobody kissed me." Tony Stark would be okay.
"We won." Captain America finalised.
"Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job guys. Let's not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shwarma? There's a Shwarma joint around the corner. I don't know what it is but I want to try it." Tony Stark would be better than okay. He didn't need any recovery time.
"We're not finished yet."
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