Money for Nothing
It would seem as though the prisoner did have something to be afraid of. For the door of the side of the plane was torn open. Annie suddenly felt herself having to fight to remain in control of the plane. She never had to fight this hard to remain in control before, but it wasn't everyday the door of the plane was torn straight off. Nor was it done by a man with long blond hair and a cape. This unknown man suddenly grabbed their prisoner and exited out the way he came. At least he was nice about that she supposed and didn't take the rest of the plane down with him.
Annie didn't get chance to look much at the person who broke her plane. She was too busy trying to keep the thing straight as to not send them all plummeting to their death's. It would appear the others did get a chance to look at them. Especially Natasha who once again seemed to know who this person was, or at least had an idea of who it was.
"We need to go after them." Stark exclaimed just about audible over the loud sound of wind coming from the side of the plane. They were going to have to shout to communicate with everyone else.
"We can't not without a plan." Captain America responded
"I have a plan. Attack." And with that Stark opened the back of the plane and exited. Now Annie was sure this looked cool and superheroey. But the problem was that now her plane was a thousand times more difficult to control.
"You don't understand Rogers, these men are literally gods." Natasha shouted at him in an attempt to get the 90 year old man to listen.
"There's only one god ma'am and I'm sure he doesn't look like that." And with that Rogers had also gone out the back of the plane. Annie was trying to desperately get the back of the plane to respond and close again, the loading dock, but it wasn't responding to the mechanical controls.
"Annie we need to go after them and land." Natasha had turned to shouting at Annie for her attention.
"I'm trying to but nothing's responding. You've got to give me time to get some of the parts closed." Annie responded the stress of the scenario obvious in her voice.
"Do I need to go to stand at the back and close it."
"No, it'll take you out the back with this wind power. Stay seated." Annie decided to take a small part of her focus away from trying to fly in order to concentrate on closing the back of the plane. The groaning of the metal was soon heard as the back closed and suddenly the ability to control the plane was slightly easier. All she had to do know was find the others and land close.
It wouldn't be hard to find the rest of the supposed band of SHIELD agents. For they had been flying over a forrest when they had been rudely interrupted. A forrest with a clearing, which made it easier for Annie to know where they were going to land. It was suspicious but it worked and considering Annie had to find a way to put her plane back together so they could fly back to the mobile base safely she wasn't going to question it.
"Natasha, find the Loki guy, and then locate the missing agents. I'll fix the plane." Annie rarely took command but man did this feel good for her ego.
"Do you need help?" Natasha was being nice enough for the time being. But Annie had thought of a plan something she wanted to try out. It had been something suggested to her whilst she was still at the institute, but she had never tried it out. There wasn't a need to do so, and she felt at the time there was so much she still had to try to learn to control.
"No I have a plan, don't know if it will work, but there's always a first time for everything." Annie ushered Natasha off before first thinking about locating the missing part of her plane. Where the door had fallen she wasn't one hundred percent sure. But she supposed being telekinetic had always got its purposes.
The door panel took a couple of minutes to arrive from where it had fallen. But Annie never let her concentration waver from the thought of the silver panel. The more she concentrated the more likely what turned up was her missing part. And when a hunk of silver metal flew in her general direction, she realised that it had worked. It had been a while since she had practiced doing this, and it was then that Annie realised just how much she missed practising her mutations. Sure she practiced a lot more hand to hand and other weapons in the recent years and she had neglected frequent training of her mutations. Only practising them on occasion once a fortnight. It wasn't enough, for she had forgotten not only how to do certain things but she also missed occasions like this. Reminding herself just how strong she really was. The door panel appeared to have fallen in water when it came off. For the piece of metal was dripping. However, she didn't have time to wait for it to dry and didn't have the mutation to quickly dry it. Well unless she swung it about in the air like a whip.
What was the harm?
The next part was the one she didn't want anyone about for. Just in case it went wrong. She had always been told that the optic blasts she struggled to control, hence her funky looking red quartz, might have uses outside of destroying everything she looked at. It was part of being able to project matter and therefore if she worked on her concentration of the blasts she could use them for other matters. Just she had never tried, not after the passing of her father. If he couldn't control the beams and it was originally his mutation, there was very little chance that she could control them. She hadn't had much success before, no matter how much she tried to control the blasts so she could look either of her partners in the eye without the need for the glasses. So she could look in the mirror and see herself without the red tint for the first time since she was 12.
Hovering the door panel over where its obvious missing hole was, Annie reached a hand towards her glasses. She paused for a moment wondering whether she was really going to do this. It could go either way, she could successfully turn her optic blast into a productive beam and solder the panel back, or she could blow the plane up. Annie took a minute to breathe, she closed her eyes as the glasses came off wanting to control what came out. She wasn't sure exactly how to use the optic blasts for anything other than destruction. But she needed to do it, if she didn't they were going to lose track of where Clint was and then she would be gravely annoyed at herself.
Opening her eyes, Annie felt as the very familiar blast came out and in the direction of the door. It felt the same, there was barely a difference, but then again something was off. There was something about it this time that felt better, felt like she was doing something good not something harmful. She could hear the sound of the metal being forced to reattach. Not sure how it was occurring Annie tried to focus her vision so she could actually see what she was doing. It was difficult but she could feel herself completing the reattachment. Sure the door would no longer open but they wouldn't plummet to the ground from twenty thousand feet.
Deciding that she was done Annie closed her eyes and quickly put her glasses back on. And when she opened her eyes again, the familiar feeling of nausea she had when she over exerted herself was back. It was the same feeling she had whenever she used her optic blasts without a form of focusing channel. But she had to push through, get back to the floating base and then she could go for a nap. And then maybe get some more training in so she had more control of her mutations. She needed to use them more without getting tired.
It would appear she was just in time with finishing the repairs as the rest of the group reappeared, blond guy with them. Annie wasn't stupid, she had been taught about all sorts of different gods whilst at the institute as they were often seen around the mutants. But she couldn't bring herself to believe that the two men stood in front of her were supposed to be viking gods. Because if that was the case, Loki had an anterior motive to being captured, he couldn't have been caught so easily. And Annie didn't want that to be true.
"I am Thor of Asgard." The blond guy held his hand out to shake Annie's and that was when it did click that yes these were the real norse gods.
"Annie." She shook his hand before going to stand on the plane. She hadn't been able to fix the back loading door mechanically and therefore would have to shut it telekinetically before they left. And therefore, watched as they all stepped aboard before she shut the door and went back to flying the plane.
She just had to finish the 20 minute flight and then she could go for a well deserved nap.
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