First Time On The Bebop
Oh my flipping god this took way longer than it should have. Also hello I'm back! So please if you enjoyed the chapter hit the vote button, and if you want hit me up with all of your comments about this chapter, please don't be shy. And also enjoy. (Even tho the ending is rushed)
"Come on [Name] I promise that I'm not going to like assault you or something... oh my God it actually sounds like— okay, never mind you're going to be okay. Okay?" Spike reassures. You chuckled at his unusual nervousness.
"Don't worry Spike. I trust you." You said as you placed your arm on Spike's arm. He felt himself blush but he brushed it off.
"Well here we are. M'lady." Spike gestured as the door to the notorious BeBop opened up. Immediately you were greeted by an adorable corgi. The dog jumped onto you leg, begging you to pet him. "Ein! Down! Down!" Spike commanded.
"It's alright Spike." You said as you scratch the back of his ear, making Ein calm down. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" You cooed as Ein rolled over on his back, begging for more scratchies.
"Ein! Ein! Edward is looking for you! Where are you Ein-Ein!" You heard a childish voice from the dark ship. Then you felt someone breathing on the back of your neck.
"Who's the pretty lady?" You screamed as you realize that the voice you heard has their arms and legs around you.
"Goddamnit Edward!" Spike yells as he grabs her and throws her on the ground. Edward pouts.
"I just wanted to touch pretty lady's hair." She groans.
"Pretty lady isn't her name. Her name is [Name]—"
"So you don't think she's pretty?" Edward asks. You bit back a laugh, waiting for Spike's reaction.
"Uh, yeah, she's a," Spike coughs into his hand "Pretty. Actually, she's gorgeous."
"Note, note. Spike gets reddish when talking about pretty lady—"
"Don't you have some flower picking to do?" Spike glares.
"Ah yeah! Bye bye!" Edward salutes as she skips away. You smile softly at the whimsical girl. Spike gestures you to move forward to see more of the BeBop. You walk a few minutes before a woman in towel sashays from a room, which we all can assume was the bathroom.
"Who's this." She deadpans as she looks you up and down, circling you. You held your breath hoping that you don't cause any horrible prejudices against you.
"Faye! Oh by the way [Name] this is Faye—Faye! Get the hell outta here!" Spike commands. Faye clicks her tongue with her long slender finger pointing at him.
"Fine, fine I'm leaving. Oh by the way I used all the hot water so if you two wanted to take a shower together—"
"Faye. Go. To. Hell." Spike glares as Faye walks away, but she cranes her head back to you.
"It's nice to meet you [Name] I hope this idiot doesn't do anything stupid. And if he does tell me. So I can beat his weenie ass." She smugly smiles at Spike as she disappears down the hallway.
You turned around at Spike to see his head in hands, tugging at his dark green locks. You walked over and grabbed his hands.
"Spike I love the BeBop. Show me more." You said with smile on your face. Then corner of his lips twitched up, into a smile just for a second. He grabbed your hand lightly and lead you around the BeBop. You met finally met Jet after all the tales that Spike had said about Jet, of course he was very nice, even though he looks intimidating at first but he's actually a pretty nice guy.
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