Nobody ever said Edmund was the sharpest knife in the drawer. That probably explained why he, whilst blind and completely disoriented, had escaped his holding cell and charged for freedom.
It also explained why he was lost in the woods, unable to use his eyes and pinpoint his relative location compared to what he knew.
Edmund wasn't sure if he had ever been at the back of Trix's castle built into a dormant volcano. In fact, he didn't think he had ever really been past the front room, the throne room.
But still, he charged on, passing tree after tree until the air grew colder, the forest grew quieter, and he had nothing but himself and his thoughts.
"You really butchered it this time, Ed," he mumbled to himself, reaching out until his hand touched another tree trunk. From that one, he reached out again. Over and over, taking himself farther into an unfamiliar part of the forest.
"You're gonna die out here."
All around his was silence.
"Yep. You're gonna die. The last thing you'll ever see was that dude's creepy mask. Way to go, Edmund. Way to go."
He went on for a little while longer, ten to fifteen minutes or so.
Edmund nodded to himself again. "You should have stopped fighting her a long time ago. Tried to make friends. Trix seems like a cool person. Better than being alone."
Anything was better than being alone right then. Even battling to the death whilst disabled would have been better than being stuck here, alone, vulnerable.
Finally, he sighed. "I'm blind." He said softly, then repeated it a few more times. "Blind. Blind, lonely, and spiteful.
"Why do I still do this? Why do I still fight when I could just go home. Go see my mom again. I bet she misses me."
He closed his eyes for a heartbeat. "I miss her."
That was when he heard the voices.
"I was wondering when you would arrive."
And Trix's retort- "I could say the same about you."
He called her Honey Bee. What an odd nickname for a girl who's name was Trix.
He missed the next few things they said, but heard the last bit. "Let's go home. You'll catch your death out there."
The same thing the man had said to him, before Edmund was blinded.
Fury overcame him, his body seemed to work without him telling it to do anything.
In an instant, he had sprung from the trees, hooked his arms around someone, and dragged them to the ground.
He felt scratches along his cheeks, clawing at his arms. Edmund tightened his arms around their neck. His mind cleared the slightest bit, and he realized it wasn't the man he was attacking, it was Trix.
Edmund let go, feeling her scramble away, struggling to breathe.
The man was watching, laughing. These children, what an amusement.
Rising to his feet, Edmund shook his head, trying to clear it, but everything was just so fuzzy. His vision, his thoughts. Who was he? Was this real?
"I'm going to kill you!" Trix hissed, her hands curling into fists as she pushed herself to her feet.
"Oh, so beautiful!" The masked man exclaimed. "Murder him, Bee. Rip his brain from his skull."
He was talking about Edmund, but she turned her gaze towards him. "Him? Never. You?"
She flung towards him, knocking him off balance. All Edmund could do was listen. He couldn't see, he couldn't watch, no matter if or how much he wanted to.
He slumped against the tree thinking. Bee! The masked man had called her Bee. He heard metal against metal, screams of anger and pain, and then the squelch of something wet.
"Trix?" He asked hesitantly.
"He fled." Her answer came after a moment. He flinched when he felt her hand on his shoulder. "And you're... you can't quite survive on your own anymore, can you."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement. He was blind. He had tried to suffocate Trix, instead of the masked man.
"And, you're bleeding. Compliments of yours truly." Edmund could imagine ice-blue from the shadows studying him.
He felt her grab onto his wrist, and begin dragging him through the woods.
It was morning again. The sun was rising after the night he had seen the blonde girl bask in the stars, seen the light make her eyes every color but what they were supposed to be.
She was out in the front yard, walking barefoot through the dewy grass. She seemed content.
Edmund watched from the living room window, peeking from the blinds.
"You're being a creep," he told himself, but he was scared to go out and talk to her. What if she... he didn't even know.
Hi, i'm your neighbor, he would say, and what would she do? Say hi, nice to meet you? Or immediately call him out on watching her for the past three or four days.
"Bee!" The dark-haired man inside the house called. The blonde girl stopped, turning towards the door. "Come inside! Breakfast is ready."
The blonde hair girl started towards the door, stopped halfway there, met Edmund's eyes through the blinds, and waved, before continuing her way inside.
She knew he had been watching him the entire time. It sent chills, but good ones, down his spine.
Everything is a bit all over the place, isn't it? But i promise it all comes together by the end... for the most part.
Everything that isn't answered is room for sequels!
Make sure to vote, because y'all are really bad about that and it boosts my self confidence so go do it.
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