Why? Would he actually buy the company just to manipulate their personal situation?
He couldn't be that stupid and pay an overrated market price for shares in a company that's of no importance to him. Granted the total money he would fork out as the major partner was perhaps a drop in the ocean and won't even dent his bank balance. But would he go to that extreme!
'Are you still with me Caitlin?'
'I have to leave, Dex'
'But we've not ordered lunch!'
'Sorry,' she cast him an apologetic half smile, 'but quite frankly I don't know who I can trust at Telstar. I went to test the chairman earlier today, I think he's in on it. Simon does not seem to be suspicious though. Seemingly, I was the only paranoid one, only I'm actually not really paranoid, am I?'
'Why don't you go on a shopping spree?' Dex challenged, still studying the menu hungrily.
'What good is that? I'll just be a minority shareholder, in no position to negotiate.
You could not fight Nicholas without a full arsenal, it would be suicide.
'I wish I did not need to drive back, I'm so tempted to indulge in a rather strong drink.'
Caitlin called Simon again, as she left her aborted luncheon.
'Where are you, sounds like you're having a bloody party,' Simon laughed.
'Simon, I need to see you right away,' He seemed to take his time to answer.
'Is your allegiance with somebody else Simon?' She demanded.
'No Kid, let's meet where we did earlier.'
Caitlin sat across the table from Simon, not knowing if she could trust him. Her gut instincts told her he was above reproach, but right know there was so much confusion in her brain, she didn't know whom she could trust.
'Simon I need you to level with me.
I know Giles Preston is holding out. I need to know where you stand.'
'I support you one hundred percent Kid. I know nothing.'
'Simon do you suspect something untoward is going on?'
'I have no access to Telstar records. I can only read information that has public access status, and that does not tell me much.'
'Would you believe me, if I told you that a hostile takeover is being staged?'
'What? Why would someone stage a hostile bid?'
'Suppose it was Nicholas?' she baited.
He raised his eyebrows, studying Caitlin's eyes, 'you know Caitlin there is this saying that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... It should be rephrased to 'Hell hath no fury like two lovers scorned!' he finished.
'What?' she asked confused.
'You and Nicholas should bloody get married!' he hissed.
We're not lovers!
She cast her eyes downwards. It was the first time he'd used that tone of voice on her.
'What are you going to do?' he asked his voice soft again, as if he realized his earlier anger, had hurt her.
'I'm going to resign, before he assumes the Chairmanship. I cannot work for him Simon, I can't', she shook her head helplessly.
'Telstar needs you. I need you,' he pleaded, 'you can't just up and run.'
Caitlin shut her eyes for a moment. She'd hate to leave Simon in the lurch, but she'd lose her mind and be a total nervous wreck if she had to stay with Nicholas at the helm of the company. He'd use seduction to ride rough shod over her, and Caitlin knew she could not stand up to Nicholas, not when his mere presence had such a devastating effect on her sanity.
No she had to resign, there was no other way.
'I'm truly sorry Simon,' she shook her head slowly, 'I'm going to see Human Resources tomorrow. I understand Nicholas may practically have controlling interest already. So in a week, there will be a paradigm shift at the helm of Telstar. You know I think the External Auditors as well as Giles Preston are in on the takeover. I called the Senior Auditor to ascertain, from their investigation when you could be reinstated, he practically gave me the run around.'
Simon was very quiet, digesting all she informed him off, she could not tell from his expression what his thoughts were.
'Simon have you spoken to Nicholas in the last week?'
'No,' he replied without hesitation.
'Simon,' she reached out her hands to his, 'your job is not threatened. Please don't be concerned.'
'I thought this was a simple misunderstanding, it's become a nightmare,' Simon groaned.
'I need to clear my head Simon, I will call you and fill you in.'
'You going to be okay Kid?'
Caitlin avoided his eyes, 'Nicholas does not play fair Simon. He's manipulative and ___.'
She wanted to say 'punitive', but it would be embarrassing to try to substantiate that statement.
'I just have a bad omen about all of this, excuse me Simon,' she escaped, leaving him at the table.
Caitlin was not in the least interested in going back to Telstar. She called Katie. There were no emergencies. She told her to only expect her back the next morning. Katie read out all her messages. There were none from Nicholas. Why would he bother calling, when he was planning total control of her life. He set himself the highest goals, grant him that. Only she would escape, before he officially took over, so she would not be tied up in any contract with him. The only problem was his acquisition was a means to the end and she was the end.
Ironically mergers and acquisitions were her area of expertise, she should be the strategist, only he was taking the lead and his objective was to attack right inside her territory, and on her watch!
The following morning, Caitlin sat at her desk, her thoughts reflecting on Telstar's Chairman. She did not know whether she should be angry at Giles Preston or feel sorry for the guy. She supposed once Nicholas had laid his cards on the table, Giles Preston was just following orders. But she was disappointed that he had not taken her into his confidence. She also now understood the stalling by the Senior Auditor. Caitlin called the executive manager from Human Resources asking him to bring her file with. Her private line rang as she waited, for the Human Resources executive.
'Caitlin Sinclair.'
'Hey Kid!'
'Simon!' she exclaimed cautiously.
'I got a call last night.' Simon was matter of fact.
'I take it he must have fifty one percent,' Caitlin stated, perceiving the call was from Nicholas.
'Was your reinstatement mentioned?' she asked when Simon did not respond.
'I've been invited to a Board meeting he's going to call for tomorrow, all will be revealed then, I've been advised.'
A knock on the door, informed Caitlin, that the Human Resources executive was waiting. Caitlin nodded for him to come through.
Not wasting any time is he?
'Look I've got to go now, chat later?' she hung up.
Caitlin trained her eyes on Donovan Reid. He would be around the same age as Giles Preston, she hazarded a guess. She wondered where he stood in the scheme of things. Was he in the know? Was Don also scurrying around with files for the new Chairman?
'How are you doing Don?' she asked her eyes studying his for any signs.
'Not as busy as you, my dear,' he smiled without any hesitation.
'So are we wanting an increase in salary?' he teased.
'Oh no! Telstar pays me more than I need,' she smiled. 'Besides I'd rather be doing what I love than, doing something just for the money.'
That will all change, as you and Telstar will soon find out.
'Don, how much notice period does my contract require?'
'Is some other organization head hunting you?' He laughed, 'I would not be surprised, but you can't leave, we need you here.'
Telstar is too small to house both Nicholas and I, and seeing he ain't going, I ain't staying!
'So how much time have you tied me to?' Caitlin was evasive.
'Technically,' he said, 'you would have to serve forty five days notice.'
'Forty five!' she exclaimed, standing up.
God, I can't survive that long.
'Like I said technically__.'
'You mean there could be a loophole?' she was hopeful.
'In your specific case, yes.'
He scanned her personal data. 'Telstar owes you more than sixty days of leave, so that could be traded against the notice period,' he supplied, 'although I'm not happy to report that to you,' he conceded disappointedly.
'So what you're saying,' Caitlin could not contain her delight, 'is that I do not need to serve any notice?' Caitlin was cautiously overjoyed.
'That's what I'm saying,' he reluctantly nodded.
Caitlin went around and kissed him on the cheek, 'I love you Don.'
'Miss Sinclair!'
'Oh, please don't slap me with a class action sexual harassment suit. I'm just happy about the terms of my contract.'
Caitlin felt alive. She saw a light at the end of the tunnel. She felt generous. She could even offer Telstar a week or two to see the transition through, although if Simon was reinstated, she would not need to.
'Thank you Don. That will be all.'
Caitlin walked into Giles Preston's office, her resignation in hand. His eyes shifted when he saw her. He could not look her in the face.
'I wish you would have taken me into your confidence Mr. Preston,' she started without preamble.
He shifted nervously, 'I was sworn to secrecy Caitlin.' He was not enjoying this, he was actually relieved that Caitlin got wind of the takeover.
'You have steered this ship, like a captain, whose has had twenty years of experience negotiating rough seas,' he reflected with admiration. 'Caitlin upon reflection of all my life's experience, not many can hold a torch to you,' he consoled.
Caitlin shook her head disappointedly, 'I regret to inform you, Mr. Preston, I am tendering my resignation with immediate effect. I have no desire to be in the employ of the company any longer. Now I've had a meeting with the Executive at Human Resources, I understand I do not need to serve out my notice period, but I'm willing to offer you a week or two if you so require, and at minimum I will be at your service for the next five days.'
'How ___ how did you know?' He asked.
'No technical expert in mergers and acquisitions, is worth their salt, if they don't grasp sudden antistatic movement of shares, in the very organisation they operate in!' She threw at him.
With that Caitlin walked out. Giles Preston looked as if he had been kicked in the gut.
Caitlin should be feeling anger, or frustration or rejection. But she felt calmness, she could not comprehend.
Contractually, she was free to leave, for she had terminated her contract with the old guard, and had no obligations to the new Board as it was only officially meeting for its first order of business in twenty four hours.
The situation would have been humorous, if Nicholas had not been so high handed. He bought the company to get to her. She resigned from the company to get away from him. She wondered, in twenty years time, how the both of them would reflect on this incident. Arriving at her office, she looked at Katie. They had worked together for so many years. It was difficult to deal with a parting of any kind. There was such a deep bond of loyalty, respect and professionalism between them.
'May I see you in my office please Katie?'
'The media have been calling nonstop Caitlin. They want confirmation about something from you. What should I tell them?'
It did not take the vipers long to latch on!
Caitlin looked at Katie, this was going to be painful, she could feel it.
'Just stall them till tomorrow please, there should be a press conference by then.'
Caitlin was having trouble bringing the words out. Her emotions were threatening to reveal themselves. They'd worked closely for too long, this was too difficult.
Katie patiently waited for Caitlin to speak her thoughts.
Here goes!
'I've resigned, Katie,' Caitlin murmured.
'What!' Katie sobbed, 'you can't. Why?' she cried openly. 'You're doing such a good job. Every employee is proud of your leadership. Caitlin talk to me.'
Caitlin's head went down. Tears were sliding down her own cheeks.
'I love working with you, don't do this Caitlin, please don't,' she begged'
Caitlin walked around her desk, and put her arms around Katie. She wanted to speak some words of comfort, but none came out. So with as little detail as possible she tried to fill Katie in.
'Is that what the media wants to know Caitlin?' she sobbed on her boss's shoulder.
'Let's sit down there shall we,' Caitlin pointed to the settee. 'Ownership of Telstar has just changed hands. I can't talk about this now, in the meantime, Katie I'd like you to keep things under wraps. Mr. Preston, Simon and I are the only people who know about the takeover, and you and Mr. Preston are the only people who know I've resigned.
I will be informing Sandy after you. Don't let on anything to the media, I don't want to be hounded when I leave here or get to my penthouse,' Caitlin tried to offer a bright smile.
Katie sobbed uncontrollably, and nodded her head in acknowledgement.
'Can you ask Sandy to come to my office please? And Katie, I'd like you to take the rest of the day off please, Sandy can sit in for you.'
'What's with Katie's long face?' Sandy enquired curiously. Caitlin hoped it would go a bit easier with Sandy. They had not worked together as closely as Caitlin did with Katie.
'Sandy, I need to speak to you confidentially,' Caitlin started, leading her to the settee.
Sandy nodded, swallowing nervously.
'Firstly,' Caitlin inhaled deeply, still not coming to terms with the takeover. 'Telstar had been bought out.' she paused, waited for it to sink in.
There's the Billion Dollar question!
'Secondly, Caitlin ignored her question. 'I've resigned,' Caitlin told her softly.
'Why?' Sandy demanded, tears streaming down her cheeks as well.
Caitlin wondered if the 'When and How will also follow soon!
'There will be a board meeting tomorrow Sandy, a lot should be revealed then.'
'Is the takeover good for Telstar Caitlin?'
She'd have to answer this honestly. 'Statistically speaking, it makes Telstar a stronger player. It's pushed up the share price, rewarding shareholders handsome dividends.'
'So why are you resigning?'
'Do you mind, if I don't answer?'
'But you are doing such a good job!'
Caitlin wondered how many more times she would hear that fruitless comment.
'You are a wonderful person Caitlin, I would hate for you to leave,' she blinked away the tears.
'Caitlin put her arms around Sandy, holding her as she waited for her to regain her composure.
'It was my pleasure to work with you too, Sandy. Do you think you can sit in for Katie, for the rest of the day?'
Sandy nodded, blowing out her nose, and wiping away her tear stained face.
'Get a debriefing from Katie with regards to the media,' Caitlin concluded their meeting.
She refused to deal with the media. She would not comment. Let Nicholas' PR handle the heat. She shut the door, reflecting on the past week. She was still trying to comprehend Nicholas' action. He stormed into her life, stole her heart, and now he wanted to control her professional life as well. Just how far was the arrogant, insufferable brute willing to go to control her life? He did warn her that he would get to her no matter how.
Caitlin cast her eye to her inbox. There were endless emails that were demanding her immediate intervention. After three or four attempts of paging down the screen, no end was in sight, she just abandoned the emails.
Her heart just not in the mood for work today. In fact, she could name the precise moment her heart stopped being interested in Telstar, when realization hit her that Nicholas was the architect of the takeover. It was like a bitter pill now, and thankfully she did not need to swallow it. Her phone rang interrupting her thoughts. Caitlin made a concerted effort to recollect her thoughts and answer.
'Can I see you in my office in an hour Caitlin?' Giles Preston requested.
'As I am still contractually, an employee, I would have to answer yes!' She agreed.
'Thank you,' he said and hung up.
A little later, Caitlin picked up an executive folder, in case she needed to take any notes and walked to Giles Preston's office. She pondered on whether she was going to get instructions to deal with the media, or will she be compelled to attend the Board meeting tomorrow. She figured Simon would assume his post as CEO. As a new Board would be put in place and the possibility that she will not be around for very long, she thought there was no relevance for her attendance.
She was deep in thought as she walked in, her hands crossed over her chest, clutching the folder, her body there, but mind and emotions switched off.
Immediately she was alerted to the absence of Giles Preston at his desk, then she saw him standing a distance from his desk, near the window talking to Nicholas.
The deceit continues.
Giles Preston could not even look her in the face. Caitlin glared at Nicholas, his face blank, revealing no emotion. This is the man who twice proposed marriage to her, although discounting the first occasion, when the proposal was offered to her father. And how could she actually be in love with this calculating swine?
Unhurriedly, she dropped her folder on Giles Preston's table, and walked up to Nicholas. Their eyes locked, both pairs of eyes masking their thoughts.
'Clinical precision! I'll grant you that. Pity you were robbed of the element of surprise!' Her even voice not betraying her anger, though the piercing green depths of her eyes revealed in no uncertain term to Nicholas, her suppressed anger.
Giles Preston's eyes were rolling in their sockets.
'An element I'm willing to happily concede,' he responded, 'seeing it was uncovered by the Acting CEO.'
Thank you Dex.
'I take it you will assume the role of Chairman and CEO as your first order of business tomorrow?'
'Correct,' he responded guardedly.
'Good. As Mr. Preston is contractually still the Chairperson until then, he is already in receipt of my resignation. I will not be at your welcome party tomorrow, Mr. Brenthurst.'
Giles Preston was becoming visibly flushed, he was nervously wringing his fingers.
'About your resignation,' Nicholas continued, unfazed by Caitlin's comments. 'It's why I'm here, I would like you to reconsider.'
'Why? Is it because of my goodwill? The value I add?' she emphasized.
'Yes,' he conceded, knowing exactly where she was going with that.
'So much so, that you deliberately orchestrated your scheme without my engagement or participation?'
He remained silent.
'Thank you for the opportunity to reconsider Mr. Brenthurst, but I decline,' she said with satisfaction.
'Giles may I have a word with Miss Sinclair privately please?' Nicholas' eyes did not leave Caitlin's.
'Certainly,' he smiled, only too relieved for the opportunity to escape.
'What the hell are you up?' Caitlin spat at him, lowering her voice, aware that the door was ajar.
'I pursue what I want,' he told her emphatically. 'You would not take my calls or listen to what I have to say, so I figured I'd make a grand appearance,' he waved his hand dramatically.
'So you buy out the company, just so you can manipulate me?' she flung.
'If this is the way to get to you, so be it!'
Caitlin placed her fingers against her temples, trying to relieve the raging tension building.
God, is he a psychopath or a lunatic?
'Has it not occurred to you,that your high handed manner is precisely, what drives me away from you?' she flung at him.
'If you allow me the opportunity, I can prove to you that we are good for each other Caitlin.'
'No. I'm not staying.'
'You should reconsider,' he cautioned.
'I want nothing to do with you,' even as she said that she felt the heat of his body draw her to him.
'Retract your resignation Caitlin,' he demanded.
She shook her head. 'And this will be the substance of our working relationship, wouldn't it? You badgering me, insulting me, humiliating me constantly making demands, like you own me! And I, the employee on the payroll will just have to tow the line!'
'It does not have to be that way Caitlin.'
'No? You've been coercive and manipulative from the first day we met,' she reminded him.
'Caitlin __'
'Leave me alone, Nicholas. This is not the way things should be between __two people.'
She wanted to say between people in a relationship, but wisely did not. He stared into her eyes, pleading for her to reconsider.
'Forget it Nicholas. You are always going to be dictatorial, and I'm not going to put up with you.'
He took two steps towards her, 'don't fight me Caitlin,' he warned, coming to stand too close to her.
'What's left for you to purchase? My soul?'
Her body was responding to his close proximity. Their eyes unable to disengage. The anger fused with something else rather potent. It was more than a month since she was in his arms, but the attraction that was dormant, was now threatening to erupt. She could feel her body awaking to his presence. If only circumstances were different. She longed for his arms, for the touch of his lips on hers. She had an urge to run her fingers into his hair.
Get out of there Sinclair!
'I have no intention to work with you, or for you Nicholas. Good bye!'
'Caitlin if you do not retract your resignation, I will embark on a restructuring exercise,' he warned.
'What! You're going to hold me to ransom for other people's jobs?' she whispered.
'Yes Caitlin, if you defy me I will.'
Caitlin was enraged, and the anger like a dormant volcano exploded, 'Nicholas are you aware of how many people will be affected by your selfish action?'
His cold eyes and militant stance was unwavering.
'You can't bloody restructure Telstar, it does not make business sense!' she screamed at him, indifferent that others outside could hear their every word.
'The human capital employed here has been directly aligned in proportion to the output of our goals and objectives. Reducing the staff compliment is ludicrous.'
He quietly shut the door. Caitlin tried to read his eyes, but he divulged nothing. 'You're bluffing,' she challenged him.
'I don't make idle threats Caitlin.'
His eyes informed her without a shadow of doubt of his seriousness. He handed her a file. Caitlin opened the file, a sick feeling filled her stomach. She sat down quickly, feeling her knees getting weak. More than thirty people stood to lose their jobs. He intended shutting down some of the divisions. He couldn't be accused of not doing his homework. Though some of the casualties were Simon, Sandy, and a few of the Divisional Heads.
'No! No,' she groaned softly.
No not Simon. It will destroy him.
There were some on the list, responsible for Simon's suspension that she would not bat an eyelid about.
This can't be happening.
'Simon has three teenage sons,' she pleaded.
'If you retract your resignation, are in attendance at the Board meeting tomorrow at eleven, and serve one calendar year's notice, nobody will be retrenched.
'One year!' she cried out. And she thought forty five days were a prison sentence.
He ignored her outrage and continued. If you do not attend the meeting tomorrow, I will enforce this plan, he pointed to the file.
'You despicable bastard!' she spat at him.
'I don't know if my mother would agree with that description, I would have to ask her.'
Caitlin pondered on this suicidal mission he chose for her to embark on. What would it take to get him off her back, and out of her life? Should she sleep with him? That was really all he wanted!
If you look on the positive side, it will be satisfaction guaranteed!
But for how long would she have to sacrifice her virtue. One night would not be sufficient for his gigantic appetite. And then, could she live with the pain of loving him, knowing what making love with him felt like, knowing the pleasure of being in his arms. Of being satiated with his love, could she live with that? She already knew what being in his arms was like, she knew the ache, of her need for his possession. Would she be able to survive, when he tired of her and walked away. He was a man of his word, he would walk away. Caitlin groaned painfully. Nicholas' eyes rose questioningly, already very familiar with her emotions that caused those groans.
'What would you want from me, in exchange to be left alone, and for Telstar's employees to have job security? She offered in a soft voice, dreading the response.
His eyes narrowed sharply in surprise. They became dark, filled with desire.
God, she could read those eyes, even if she only had one bad eye.
Her eyes locked with his. Her invitation clear and unmistakable. For the sake of self preservation, it would have to be the ultimate sacrifice, but one she was prepared to endure. There was no way she could survive one year with him. Heck she could already feel herself drowning after just one hour.
'It's too late,' he replied so softly, she almost thought she did not hear correctly.
'Too late for what?' she asked confused.
'We've known each other almost a year Caitlin and I still __.'
He stopped right there not finishing his sentence, lowering his eyelids.
She studied his eyes, there seemed to be a war waging there. Unconsciously her hand reached out onto his chest.
'You still what?' she desperately wanted him to finish his sentence.
'No Caitlin!' he groaned loudly. His voice, and eyes echoed her own sexual frustration.
'Forget your proposition,' his eyes were back to business. 'You adhere to my three demands or I restructure!' he spoke with finality.
What was he thinking? What was that unfinished sentence about?
He had covered every angle, ensuring she had no escape.
'Why are you doing this Nicholas?'
'I want you Caitlin!'
'But I've just offered myself to you and you've rejected me,' she whispered.
He shook his head, 'when you come to my bed, it must be because you want me. I don't use sex as a business tool Caitlin.'
'Why have you declared war on Telstar's employees?'
'There need not be any casualties,' he informed her.
'Except me, but my feelings have never mattered to you, now have they?' she spat at him. 'You are a pathetic excuse for a human being!' She flung at him.
'The ball is in your court Caitlin, stay and nobody loses their jobs.'
'Go to hell Nicholas!' she picked up her folder and yanked the door open. The senior auditor was patiently waiting outside with Giles Preston.
'I thought you needed fourteen days and did not want to be harassed? You've certainly done an about turn!' she barked at him.
He had the grace to squirm. Caitlin reached for the file in his hand. He was hesitant, looking at Nicholas. Nicholas nodded and he released the report to Caitlin. She flipped to the end searching for their final analysis. Simon Barnett was exonerated of all charges and the recommendation was immediate reinstatement to his post.
Shoving the folder back at the senior auditor, Caitlin stormed out.
'Thank you God,' she whispered at the verdict. Now all the affected staff could keep their jobs, if she remained at Nicholas' beck and call. So her exit plan had failed. Nicholas never played to lose. He anticipated her exit and had quickly covered all the loopholes. He knew, had he asked her to stay, she would decline, so again the master of manipulation, he appealed to her moral conscience. Now people's livelihoods were at stake if she did not agree to his preposterous plan.
'One bloody year!' she would have to put up with him. How was she going to survive? He was going to wreak havoc with her emotions all over again. Even while they stood there arguing, the attraction was volatile. She saw the desire in his eyes, and if she was honest, she would admit to the pleasure it aroused to see him again. But what was that emotional outburst about. It was almost as if he let his guard slip. What on earth was he going to say? Caitlin went to her office, slamming the door and locking it. She would not put it past the arrogant excuse of a human to barge into her office, especially since he was now the owner.
'I'm not here,' she buzzed Katie.
'Okay,' Katie acknowledged, with a smile.
Caitlin put her arm on the desk and nursed her head on it. The tears streamed down her cheeks as she contemplated her future. She wanted nothing to do with Nicholas. Why did he go out of his way to force himself into her life? He was not interested in any permanent or committed relationship. Again in the Boardroom he declared that he wanted her.
Is that all he felt, when she loved him with all her heart. No self respecting person would want to be part of that kind of a situation. Caitlin thought back to the proposition she offered him. She very explicitly and unmistakably offered him her body, and yet he declined her proposition! Now she had to make a decision that affects the lives of so many people she cared about. Simon, Katie, she could not believe that their futures depended on the decision she would make.
And she knew Nicholas would carry out his threat. If he had to buy the company she works for to prove his point, he won't stop there. Caitlin made herself comfortable on the settee, just lying there pondering her options. The idea of going abroad found some appeal. She'd had so many job offers, offering benefits not to be sneezed at yet none of them found any appeal. Locally, companies had tried to head hunt her, but she'd declined all the offers.
If she left Telstar, she would have to leave the country to escape from Nicholas. How long is twelve months if measured by tolerance? She knew the first three months would go quickly enough. The transition would come with its challenges that would keep them all busy.
Katie buzzed her. 'You okay?' Katie asked concerned.
'Yes thanks. Go home Katie, I don't need anything else today.'
'Take care, Caitlin.' Katie hung up.
Caitlin went home, it was quiet. No Carrie around. She was starting to get used to having Carrie around, she was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. A note next to the telephone, told her Carrie went to visit her mom, that she would not see Caitlin tonight.
"Check the refrigerator!" the note ended.
Opening the refrigerator, a beautiful tray awaited Caitlin. An assortment of Sushi delicacies adorned the tray, mini bars of dark chocolate was spread about, and most beautiful of all, was the single white tulip, draped in a vase. A card attached to the vase said, 'You're the sister, I've always longed for, all my love C.B.'
Caitlin called Carrie to thank her for supper.
She was thankful for the solitude. And again she pondered on the decision she needed to make. People's livelihoods depended on her decision. Could she live with herself, when their futures were not secure. Whatever decision she made, she either had until ten thirty to herself tomorrow, or she had the rest of her life to herself.
-End Chapter Twelve-
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