He drew her against his body, his mouth closing over hers. His lips teased against hers, his hands sliding through her beautiful mane of glossy hair.
What the heck is he up to now?
Her fingers rested lightly on his arms, as her lips responded to his seductive kiss, even when they shouldn't. A car door closing nearby alerted her to their goings on in public. She opened her eyes looking into his, only half paying attention to the fact that they had an audience.
'I take it your motive was not an irresistible urge to kiss me.'
'Not this time,' there was amusement in Nicholas' eyes. 'We will use your car hmm?' he planted a soft kiss on her throat.
She nodded her agreement, feeling foolish at her outburst.
'Hi,' she greeted her neighbour uncomfortably, embarrassed at her outburst as she waited for Nicholas to get her keys from the penthouse. She got a wave and an amused grin in response.
'Have we gotten over our temper tantrum? Nicholas grinned, opening the passenger door for her.
'I'm sorry,' she murmured, lowering her head.
'The neighbour thought you looked gorgeous,' he fanned the flames.
'Can you shut up. I'm embarrassed enough without you fuelling the situation.'
'Are you embarrassed about your tantrum, or kissing me in front of an audience?'
'Just drive,' she groaned out.
But he already knew the latter was her cause for concern. He was like a giant in her car. He turned on the ignition and the music blared so loudly, he tried to reach for the volume button but could not find it and instead, held his hands over his ears. Caitlin turned down the volume, throwing her head back laughing at the sight of Nicholas. He turned, stared at her then began laughing himself.
'Can you hear yourself think, with the music so loud?' he complained.
'I play it that loud, when I don't want to think,' she grinned.
He shook his head and smiled.
'If it's too loud, you're too old,' she teased him lightly.
'I'm definitely too old for that music, but I'm not too old for you,' he threw back.
She grinned to herself, wondering if age would ever be a deterrent to Nicholas Brenthurst.
'Do tell,' he coaxed, observing her grin.
'At the ripe old age of thirty four you're looking pretty good,' her hand reached out patting him on his thigh.
'Wow! A compliment, it must be my lucky day,' he grinned. His hand quickly covered hers, when she made to remove hers. She tilted her head, looking across at him, quite comfortable to leave her hand where it was. He did not look her way, concentrating on the road ahead. Caitlin sighed, admiring the gorgeous hunk next to her, wishing for the hundredth time that he could be hers, only hers.
'Carrie is a lovely young lady,' Caitlin remarked conversationally, after some moments.
'She's talented too. You must see the pictures she's taken of your preferred choice of a honeymoon spot,' he remarked.
Caitlin blushed, 'I noticed you shared the sentiment,' she shot back.
'Would you go with me to Florence, Caitlin?' he challenged.
He was not talking about marriage or honeymoon, just going with him.
'Hypothetically speaking?' she goaded.
'Hypothetically speaking, if I asked?' he rose to the challenge.
Oh, let's get out of this danger zone! '
'Seeing you're not, lets drop the subject, shall we?'
This was dangerous territory she was wading in, she did not want to be in above her head, with Nicholas playing mind games with her. Somehow she knew, she would not come out unscathed.
'So why do you have a problem with me leaving a mark on your neck?' He taunted her.
Caitlin felt the colour flooding her cheeks again.
'Caitlin?' he prompted.
'What's with all these questions?' she groaned loudly.
'Humour me,' he grinned.
She breathed deeply before answering. 'I'm twenty eight, perhaps it's trendy on a teenager. I kind of think it out of place on an adult.' She responded not looking at him.
'Miss Prim and Proper,' he teased mockingly, reaching down clasping his fingers through hers.
She smiled at him sarcastically, turning her head away. They drove in silence for a while, each with their own thoughts.
'Why did you pull out of the Square Root Project?'
He was silent for so long. Did she just ruin the moment between them? She wondered if he would ignore her question, then he responded without taking his eyes of the road.
'I wanted you to have it.'
But that was the same reason, I pulled out!
'But it was rather a lucrative project!' she stated.
'I'm not motivated by money, Caitlin,' he informed her quietly. 'I have made enough money to last me a few lifetimes. I thank God, many of the personal goals I've set myself, I have attained. I can be selective now of the projects I want to be involved in. My goal now is to develop others in my company to take on the field work, so I can focus on more strategic matters. I have begun a skills transfer and development programme, with three young employees who show tremendous potential. And one is a young lady with a lot of promise.'
'Really?' A green tinge filled around her heart.
'If that proves successful,' Nicholas continued, unaware of her attack of envy, 'I will expand the programme into the industry.'
I wonder if I should expand my horizons!
She picked up his voice again as he continued, 'our country can certainly benefit from initiatives like that. It's something, I've been giving a lot of thought to, but have only now voiced, so consider yourself my first audience, to an ambitious vision,' he smiled into her eyes.
She forgot to breathe again. Wow, the more time she spent with him, the more human a form he took on.
'Noble gesture indeed, I wish you well.' Caitlin felt pride swell in her at his selfless intent.
He winked, 'besides if I intend taking a wife as some later stage, she won't be pleased with all the traveling I'll be doing.'
But I thought he had no intention of marrying?
She did not acknowledge his comments. She looked out her window hoping she was able to mask her hurt. She did not want him to see the pain in her eyes. If he could see the colour around her heart it would be a dark envious green, if she was not the other party to his marriage plans. She felt her stomach become knotted at the thought of Nicholas with another woman, let alone somebody else as his wife.
Caitlin had thoroughly enjoyed Carrie's party. His parents were courteous and charming. His father was charming, his mother was sizing up a potential threat to her son's love.
'Thank you,' that was interesting and wonderful.' Caitlin smiled as Nicholas clipped on her seatbelt.
He offered her a dazzling smile, as they headed back to her penthouse. His eyes were filled with such warmth.
'Such a rare combination,' she spoke softly, holding his gaze.
'What is?'
'That gorgeous smile and that tender look in your eyes.'
He looked away.
'I've only seen that combination once before,' she needled him further.
His eyes met hers again. 'When?' she got purchase.
'In the morning, after we spent the night together in front of the fire,' she breathed heavily. She remembered that look in his eyes, the warmth, the tenderness. He'd never looked more gorgeous to her previously. Perhaps that was when she actually fell in love with him and only realized it later when they were out at breakfast. He leaned over, quickly placing a kiss on her cheek, and bringing his eyes back to the road. She looked across at him, his kiss, bringing her back to the present, but he kept his face focused on the road.
'So was it good for you too?' he asked teasingly.
He had to be kidding right!
It was the type of comment couples made to each other after making love. She looked at his face. His eyes were dancing with laughter.
'You were a stud,' she replied provocatively.
'And you're quite the expert, aren't you Caitlin?' His tone was soft, seductive. Was he just toying with her, or did he know, that she had zero experience?
'Caitlin?' He quizzed, when she refused to respond.
'How did we get onto this topic of conversation?' she questioned, not wanting to look his way.
'You started it.' he murmured.
'All I did was compliment, your smile, you pervert,' she replied, her tone not offensive
'I'm enjoying the conversation, so talk to me,' he cajoled.
'I'm enjoying your company, but let's change the subject,' she copped out.
He gave her a knowing look, but did not respond.
Caitlin knew whatever the relationship between them, one thing it will never be is boring. There was an undeniable attraction between them, volatile like a pregnant volcano. There was always this anticipated expectation, insatiable need and desire for each other. They were silent for a while, comfortable in each other' presence.
'I've had a wonderful day with you Nicholas, thank you,' she smiled politely.
'And we've not argued once,' he reminded her, clasping his fingers over hers on her lap. She placed her free hand over his, loving this time together with him. They smiled tenderly into each other's eyes, and drove on quietly the rest of the way, until he switched off the ignition outside her penthouse. The door was barely locked, and Nicholas pulled Caitlin into his arms.
'It was sheer torture being there, and not being able to hold you,' he moaned, hugging her.
Caitlin hurriedly pulled his head down, so she could reach his lips. Provocatively she ran her tongue over his upper lip, sending shivers through his body, his tongue sought hers, but she avoided his, instead she trailed her tongue to his ear lobe, gently planting soft kisses there. He groaned his pleasure. Caitlin's lips found their way to his throat, she nibbled on his flesh, until he moaned her name. He sought her lips again, but she still denied him, instead, running her tongue over his chin
The stubble beginning to surface again, she caressed her cheek against the stubble, enjoying the erotic pleasure it provided. Her tongue traced a nerve that awakened to her touch.
Nicholas losing all patience pinned her against the wall with his body, his mouth demanding hers. His lips hungry, punishing her, for teasing him. His tongue found hers, and entwined itself to hers. A groan of pleasure escaped from Nicholas' throat. His fingers undid the buttons on her top, unhooking her bra, reaching up to cup her beautifully firm breast. A gasp of pleasure escaped Caitlin's throat as his thumb circled the rosy pink tip, finding it already aroused. His mouth left hers, making its way to her breast, and gently nibbling on it, sending a spasm of delight through her.
'Nicholas!' she cried his name. Her lips tried to claim his, but he punished her, just as she'd denied him earlier. Her hands fumbled impatiently with his buttons, her fingers raking across the firm muscular chest. Raising his head up, he groaned with pleasure as her palms took pleasure in exciting him, as it came into contact with his flesh. They moved again, this time with his back against the wall, Caitlin forcing her tongue into his mouth, locking with his, sending little sparks of pleasure through him, as she kissed him at leisure. He pulled her closer, his arms fierce around her body. Her lips traced a path to his erect nipple, the tip of her tongue moist, and in a circular motion, she teased over the taut nipple.
'Caitlin, __oh! Caitlin__' he groaned her name repeatedly, placing his hand behind her head. She felt his breathing harsh against her cheek.
'Caitlin, stop,' his palms cupped her face, as his eyes held hers mesmerized.
'What?' she whispered, sensing a change in Nicholas.
'Can we talk?' Nicholas' voice was unsteady.
Why do I get the feeling, I'm not going to like this?
She looked away, readjusting her top.'I'm listening,' she responded guardedly. Caitlin tried to read his eyes. They were shuttered, giving nothing away. Gone was the desire she saw there only moments ago. She waited patiently. There seemed to be a war going on in his eyes.
'Caitlin, I'd like you to end your relationship with McKay.'
'What?' she said, her piercing green eyes glaring at him. Caitlin's brain stopped working.
He couldn't__. No, he would not have the gall __.
Did she imagine him saying something about her breaking up with Josh? But when she looked at Nicholas, he maintained a defiant stance. She could feel her chest weave up and down as she battled to remain calm. Her shoulders straightened stiffly, her chin rose to do battle.
'You just had to ruin a beautiful day, didn't you?' she accused him.
'I will not share you with another man Caitlin!'
'No Nicholas! No!' she yelled at him, tears threatening to reveal her frustration.
The gall of this brute!
'So rules only apply to me and not to you?Are we back to dictation now?' she questioned.
'I want your assurance, that you will end things with McKay,' he demanded.
'In my office you refused to define the boundaries of whatever the hell is going on between you and I,' she barked.
His eyes were murderous, he wanted her to follow his express instruction, not challenge him.
They were not lovers, or in a relationship? How dare he? She and Josh were over at any rate, they had not seen each other in some time, ending things would just be a formality.
'Does this work both ways Nicholas? Because you always seem to need a female on your arm to validate you?'
'I'm not committed to anybody,' he informed her, through clenched teeth.
'You're not committed to me either, so what gives you the right to make demands on me?'
'Do you want to play the bloody field?' he roared.
'Excuse me! I should be the one asking that question Nicholas. I'm not the one with a different partner every week.'
Okay perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit.
She could see a storm blazing in his eyes, but she refused to back down. 'So in what capacity do you stand here pitching your demands Nicholas?'
Silence. Stony silence.
'You're not committed to me, so no restrictions apply to you, yet ironically, I must submit to your demands?' she spat at him. She went on, as he assumed all her questions were rhetorical. 'You know what Nicholas, I recognize the all too familiar pattern. You blow hot and cold, go into hibernation, then resurface. Well let me know when you're prepared to lay your cards on the table. I refuse to be dictated to.'
She was seething with anger now. She was shivering violently, even though it was a warm evening.
'And another thing, when you figure out what you want,' she stabbed her finger into his chest. 'I'll be yours exclusively, when you are mine exclusively, Nicholas. Make sure the playing field is level,' her eyes raged. She shook her head. 'Would I ever, be able to spend one day in your company, without being incensed?' She needed to escape from this man, before she became violent.
'Just get out!'
She ran up the stairs, as tears streamed down her cheeks.
A stubborn streak in her, was not going to make her end the pedestrian relationship with Josh. On the contrary it just motivated her to call Josh.
Nicholas' high handed manner, was just rubbing her the wrong way. Caitlin called Josh the next day provocatively urging him to visit for dinner. That night, when the doorbell announced Josh's arrival, she observed he was looking rather handsome, in a charcoal suit, woth his carefree smiley face, and many women would concur but he did nothing to set her pulses or heart racing.
'Hi,' he kissed her cheek. 'I was beginning to think you've dumped me,' he tested.
'I'm sorry I've neglected you,' she stated matter of fact.
'Well if you will still have me, I'd love the pleasure of your company' he responded.
Unobtrusive and undemanding, that's what she needed right now.
'I'd like your company,' she appealed.
He smiled back, taking her in his arms. Caitlin lifted her lips to kiss him, putting her arms around his neck. She kissed Josh, with all the pent up emotion she felt for Nicholas. Her lips were forceful, as if teasing Nicholas, trying to punish him. If only this was Nicholas.
'I should stay away for longer periods,' he teased.
Caitlin felt like a scoundrel.
She had a rough night after Josh left. She could not stop thinking of Nicholas. Sleep did not come till the early hours of the morning, when it was almost time to wake up. Caitlin could not get rid of the dark shadows from under her eyes try as she might with all the tricks available in her cosmetic tool kit.
'Oh, everybody has a bad hair day, once in a while.' she mused.
She was late for her meeting with Simon. He seemed to be on a fishing expedition, trying to draw Caitlin on the reasons for her out of character lateness.
'Bad hair day!' she threw at him hoping he'd let up.
'Care to share your indulgences of the night before, that caused your lateness the morning after,' he quipped.
'I went to bed at eight o' clock, and slept like a baby,' she lied.
'I can see I 'd have better luck breaking into Fort Knox than getting you to open up, so let's get to work then.'
Try as she may, Caitlin could not drag her thoughts away from Nicholas. He popped up in her mind constantly. Yet she abhorred his bullying tactics. To him she was just a toy that he used then discarded when he was bored. Well she refused to put up with this emotional roller coaster, she was in safer territory with Josh. There was none of the earth shattering physical attraction and the explosive lovemaking, but at least her sanity was intact. She loathed the way Nicholas did not offer a commitment to her, yet he demanded she end her relationship with Josh. Caitlin did not hear from Nicholas the entire week. She threw all her attention to work. Meeting with Josh when he had evenings off.
The following week Caitlin had a surprise visitor at the office. Simon was in Caitlin's office, they were doing some damage control on one of the projects a junior partner was working on. Katie buzzed Caitlin on the intercom.
'Nicholas Brenthurst for you,' Katie said.
Caitlin was shocked, her mind in sudden turmoil. She began to seethe with anger on the inside. She glanced at Simon, who raised his eyebrows questioningly.
She'd get rid of him quickly.
'Which line?' Caitlin asked, not seeing any lines lit up yet.
'He's standing in front of me,' Katie said, matter of fact.
Throwing her pen down, Caitlin visibly coloured. She looked at her watch, it was almost noon. She still had a mountain of work before the board meeting at three.
'Lunch date?' Simon ventured.
'I was not expecting him.' Caitlin responded, avoiding Simon's eyes.
'Caitlin, I think I'm beginning to understand, the man who has arrested your heart.'
Caitlin groaned inwardly, her face becoming uncontrollably flushed.
'Look Kid, I can spare you an hour, I think you need it.'
Caitlin needed to come clean about the Square Root project with Simon. She figured now was as good a time as any, for he would want to greet Nicholas, and there's no telling what his enquiring mind would conjure.
'Katie, please tell Nicholas I'll be with him in five minutes.'
'Simon there's something I need to confess.'
'Confess away, did you rob the bank, who did you murder?'
She avoided his eyes, 'I'm afraid, I passed up the Square Root project.'
He raised his eyebrows.
'I did not want to compete with Nicholas,' she went on quickly. 'It was lucrative, yes, with potential benefits for us. I just did not want to go through with it,' she whispered.
'I know Kid.'
'You did! How?'
Simon rose, slipped one hand into his pocket, the other waving in the air.
'There was a lot of buzz in the industry about Square Root. I was taken aback, when you informed me, that you vetoed it. My curiosity was sparked, because it was the first time, you made a call, without consulting me.'
Caitlin winced.
'I did the math, and saw it was good. Here I actually have the folder of the information I put together.' He passed the file to her. Caitlin skipped through the pages, looking for the recommended course of action, and saw Simon's analysis mirrored her own.
'I must admit, I had a cold sweat, until I bumped into Nicholas a week later, and amazingly, he gave me the same spin you did.'
Caitlin's face could not get any redder than it already had, 'I'm sorry, although I did not know, till later that he'd passed it up as well,' she whispered contritely.
'How do the both of you expect our companies to make money if both of you just pass up the opportunities?' he suppressed a smile.
She felt an urge to squirm down her seat. She didn't tender, because she wanted Nicholas to get the contract, and he did not tender, because he wanted her to get it. In the end neither of their companies benefited.
'I was initially concerned by your motive, but after chatting with Nicholas, I could have kissed you and given you a promotion, only I'd be out of a job, if I promoted you.
'What? I don't understand.' Caitlin was confused.
'Caitlin, I don't mind that you passed up Square Root, especially considering your motives.'
She was really experiencing a heat wave.
Taking a seat again, Simon said, 'You see sometimes, there are things more important than our own self serving interests.'
'This was like déjà vu!' Caitlin thought, for Nicholas had said the same thing.
'Caitlin all these years, I've been grooming you, I've watched you blossom into the successful, articulate expert you are, but what I admire most about you, is that you are not a cold calculating, power obsessed individual. I'm proud of you Kid. Life is not always about taking. Sometimes we must give a little!'
Simon smacked the intercom. 'Ask Nick to come in Katie.'
Simon was up from his chair to greet Nicholas. Caitlin was still trying to process all the emotions, first of everything Simon had said, and then having to deal with Nicholas'
we're on – we're off affair.
'Nick!' Simon greeted, sorry you had to wait old boy.'
Nicholas looked totally arresting in his dark grey suit, crisp black silk shirt, a white leather tie, which he seemed to have loosened considerably. Nicholas smiled happily, shaking Simon's had with ease, and seeming to be rather relaxed and in good spirits.
'Caitlin,' Nicholas smiled taking her breath away. 'Hi, how you're doing?'
'Hi,' she responded, feeling uncomfortable with Simon in view. Nicholas' eyes caught the file on her table titled "Square Root." Looking at the discomfort in Caitlin's eyes, he put two and two together and got five.
'Simon, about the Square Root__!' Nicholas started.
'It's okay Kid, water under the bridge.'
"Kid", but that's what you call me! No! First my brother! Then my parents, and now my boss!
Who has not fallen under the Nicholas Brenthurst spell? Her mind argued. Nicholas and Simon laughed.
'Caitlin, how about we have some lunch?' Nicholas suggested, his face a polite mask. She wanted to refuse. Actually she wanted to throw him out of her office, for all the pain and frustration she felt which he was directly responsible for, but she just could not throw a tantrum, in front of Simon.
'Go ahead, you only need to be back by two. We should be able to wrap things up by then.' Simon proposed. Caitlin wanted to strangle Simon. She also wanted to throw Nicholas out the window, and watch him free flow unaided. Only she could not pick him up. She nodded in submission, closing all the files on her table, as Nicholas and Simon chatted, while they waited for her to finish. She stood up, picking up her handbag, signaling her readiness to leave. Nicholas opened the door for Caitlin, taking her by the elbow. She stiffened, imperceptibly, only letting him know, she did not need his assistance.
'How have you been Caitlin?' he asked as the lift doors closed with them inside.
'Quite fine, until I had to see your face again,' she snapped.
'So I guess, I won't be getting a welcome back kiss,' he quirked.
'I am quite sick of you Nicholas. If it wasn't for Simon I would have thrown you out of my office!' she spat at him. 'You're nothing but a big bully, and I detest you completely. If I never see you again, I would be a happier person.'
He moved towards her meaning to kiss her, then the lifts doors opened. He swore under his breath. Nicholas opened the passenger door for Caitlin, and went round to his side. Caitlin switched on the radio, finding a station that played music, and turned it loud enough, that she would not have to talk or listen to Nicholas. But not too loud that she assaulted his eardrums. He cast his eyes in her direction, amusement at her dismissive behavior. He reached out to hold her hand.
'Don't touch me!' she warned him.
'You are so beautiful, when you're angry,' he grinned, unfazed by her behaviour.
Nicholas took Caitlin to a nearby Italian restaurant. The restaurant was cozy with an inviting ambience.
'I'm not very hungry,' she responded when Nicholas wanted to know what she would like to eat.
'How about the vegetable platter?' he suggested, knowing she enjoyed vegetarian cuisine.
'Okay,' she submitted, unable to resist his pleading manner. She refused any wine, seeing she still had much work to do. Nicholas kept their conversation light, chatting about general matters. He related to Caitlin, how Rebecca's pregnancy woes had Stuart having to wake up at night to buy her French fries and ice cream. It brought a smile to Caitlin's face, much as she was trying to keep a straight face with Nicholas.
'A smile at last, hallelujah!'
She laughed. 'I'd love to strangle you,' Caitlin threw at him.
Nicholas reached out to hold her hands, she wanted to pull away, but he held them firmly, his thumb caressing her wrists, awakening the smoldering desire bubbling inside her.
'I'd love to have your hands on me,' but not to bring me any pain,' he teased.
She felt the heat rise on her cheeks and ears. She focused on tucking into her meal. Much to her surprise the vegetarian platter was delicious. The vegetable prepared in olive oil, was crispy and absolutely tasty. He skillfully continued to draw her into subtle conversation and before she knew it, she had stopped sulking. They were laughing and enjoying a pleasant lunch.
'Well, if you don't need anything else, we can leave so I can have you back by two,' he reminded her.
'Thank you for lunch, it was good to get out of the office.' she admitted.
'Glad to be of service' he mocked.
They were in his car on the way back to her office, when he stirred the hornet's nest. 'So have you ended your relationship with McKay?'
Provoking her must really turn him on. Caitlin could feel her temperature rising very sharply, her eyes reflective of a stormy sea with hurricane conditions. There was absolutely no way they could remain civil for any length of time.
'Can I ask why, should I end my relationship with Josh?' she demanded, raising her voice.
'I thought we had that conversation already,' he snapped.
'"Conversation!" No Nicholas there was no conversation, only your instruction. You want to know something?' she continued, 'I happen to like Josh very much, and if I had to make a choice, I would end things with you! Only, we are not in a relationship now, are we?'
They had stopped outside her building, Caitlin ripped the seatbelt off, flung the door open, and stormed out. Nicholas came around to her side.
'Keep your hands away from me!' she spat, 'And stay away from me Nicholas, you're nothing but an insufferable egotistical, bully. I hate you.'
Nicholas' eyes were murderous. He jumped into his car, left her standing there and stormed off.
'Well, that certainly proves how much you're prepared to fight for what you want Nicholas Brenthurst!' she mumbled to herself.
Do you know what you want Sinclair!
The next month Caitlin just went through the motions of living. She went to work, went home, cried herself to sleep, and carried on the routine like a robot. She kept up appearances at work, but when she was alone she just broken down to pieces. Eventually, she did break off the relationship with Josh, not because Nicholas had demanded she do so, but because she found it too much of an effort, being with him or anybody else when Nicholas totally consumed her feelings, thoughts and invaded her dreams. Josh was devastated, but respected her wish.
Caitlin received a program for the workshop she was preparing for and she wanted to be sick. Nicholas' name and picture was there. He was billed as the technical consultant for the Trade Department. So while she will be presenting the case for industry and the private sector, he would be there on an advisory capacity for the public sector. She was so having fun preparing for this, now she will have to put up with him again.
Like a bloody dirty coin.
The phone buzzed on her desk, 'Caitlin Sinclair,' she answered absentmindedly.
'Caitlin hi. it's Nicholas.'
Caitlin almost fell off her chair. The program was still in her hand, she threw it on the desk, as if Nicholas could see her looking at it. He'd called on her private line, how did he know the number?
'Yes, hi!' she said, remembering to respond.
'Caitlin, I just got the program for the workshop, and I see you're representing the industry. There are some barriers to entry that make the playing field uneven, I would like addressed.'
'I'm surprised you notice uneven playing fields!'
It was out before you could hold herself in check.
'Can we stick to the subject at hand?' he barked.
She had to hold the phone away from her ear.
'Caitlin?' He called, when she did not respond immediately.
'Did you get the questionnaire, I circulated, to the industry, through the chamber of commerce?' she asked.
'Have your secretary send them through and I will add them on.'
The next day, an envelope arrived from Nicholas' office. It clearly highlighted the issues that needed addressing. He quoted the European Union's, trade and commerce 'protectionist' policies that affected their position, and his proposals on how, the restrictive clauses could be amended to benefit South African entrepreneurs. The commerce and economic proposals were comprehensive and made good business sense. She was amazed how she'd overlooked some of the gaps he picked up on, however there were rather technical references he alluded to in the construction environment, that she needed clarity on.
Caitlin had Katie, type a response to him on those construction issues, summoning him to come and give her some background and understanding of his concerns. She wondered what sort of a team they would make, if they worked together. From previous occasions, when they were thrown together, she had seen that they were able to set their personal differences aside, and display a professional and businesslike front.
Dragging herself up the stairs that night, she did not feel like retiring to bed. She was not yet ready to do battle with the demons that robbed her of sleep every single night. With a bottle of wine for company, she made herself comfortable in the patio. The air was a bit cold, no stars in sight, just a sudden drop in temperature. Caitlin put her feet up and just sat there sipping away from her bottle of wine. She contemplated getting out of the cold patio, but was enjoying her reflective mood, and even an hour later, when a soft drizzle of rain came trickling down, she continued to just sit there, oblivious to the effects of the rain. Some two hours later, the bottle empty, drenched to the skin, her teeth chattering, Caitlin hauled herself up and sought a hot shower to heat up her body temperature then climbed into bed. She tossed and turned through the night, restless and feeling in a foul mood.
When she awoke in the morning, not surprisingly she had a hangover of note, and a headache from sitting in the rain.
'How could I have been so stupid to sit in the rain?' she scolded herself. Swallowing some painkillers on an empty stomach, off to work she went. She could just see her mom blowing a gasket at her popping pills on an empty stomach. She could not get rid of her insatiable thirst, by ten that morning she'd had like three liters of water.
Katie, showed concern, but Caitlin pretended not to be aware of anything untoward. She hoped her pores did not reek of alcohol.
'Nicholas, will be here in an hour,' Katie reminded her.
'Did he request Simon to join us?' enquired Caitlin.
'No.' Katie responded.
Caitlin requested some data from the Commerce files, asked Katie to make an information pack for Nicholas, and waited for his arrival.
She popped another two painkillers to try and get rid of the headache, and decided as soon as she and Nicholas were done, she would go home and try and get some sleep. She should feed some nourishment into her body, she chastised herself.
Nicholas walked in exactly as scheduled. He looked adorable, in a suit in silver, moulded to his body, baby pink silk shirt and a black silk tie. Caitlin somehow, did not imagine Nicholas in baby pink, but he looked exceedingly attractive in it. Even though she felt as if her body had been through a roller coaster, and her senses somewhat numb, she could still get a whiff of the scent of his aftershave, or was it ingratiated in her sense of smell, ridiculously it awakened her own senses.
'Nicholas,' she greeted him as he walked in. It seemed awkward being so formal with him, after their many intimate moments of heart stopping pleasure. He smiled pleasantly no signs of unease, or any anger from the last time he stormed away in his car.
'Caitlin, how are you?' he enquired, taking in her chocolate brown suit, that displayed her well shaped legs, the cream top, subtle but hinting at her firm well rounded breasts. She'd put on some foundation to mask the shadows under her eyes, a glimpse in the mirror, revealed that she'd done an excellent job.
'Fine, thank you,' she smiled. A slight quiver on her lower lip betrayed her reaction to his effect on her. She wanted to display a brave professional front, but her body responded acutely to his close proximity. She wished she didn't feel so under the weather.
On the outside, she looked like a million dollars, just her insides felt as if a chain saw had been let loose, making her feel raw. Well at least this time, she could not blame Nicholas for the way she felt, it was her own stupidity, for trying to drown in the rain.
Caitlin asked Katie to bring in some refreshments she offered Nicholas some coffee, which he accepted. They sat down to work. She cleared her throat, aware that Nicholas was intently studying her. His eyes kept dropping to her cleavage. She should have put a shirt on, and closed up all the buttons.
'Firstly. Simon would like you to be reminded about the policy proposals he raised with you,' she started.
'Good news,' he smiled, dragging his eyes back to her face. 'Tell Simon his proposal is on the agenda.'
Caitlin nodded, accepting the confirmation of the proposal from Nicholas. Their fingers touched as she took the folder. Caitlin's eyes reached up to Nicholas, he returned the look, however his masked eyes revealed nothing. She looked away quickly. Caitlin opened the file on her laptop, referred Nicholas to the information pack prepared for him where she needed his guidance. Sitting alongside each other, Nicholas explained some of the technical information to her. Caitlin took notes, made adjustments on her presentation, to reflect Nicholas' arguments. She asked many questions seeking clarity, inviting Nicholas to elaborate on how the existing policies negatively affected free trade opportunities. Taking the pen from her hand, he illustrated a diagram on her notes to give effect to his argument.
'Perhaps, you should reflect the proposal with this diagram.,' he said editing her presentation on her laptop.
Oh he's too close...that cologne.
He leaned across, to point to his note on her screen, then looked at Caitlin to ensure she grasped his point. His eyes narrowed at their close proximity. Nicholas' face was so close to hers, she felt his breath caress her cheek. Caitlin swallowed, looked away, as Nicholas continued to stare in her direction. Hurriedly, she paged to the end of her presentation to let Nicholas view her recommended plan of action.
'If you're happy with my recommended course of action, then we're done,' Caitlin murmured, her voice not pulling off the normalcy she desired.
Nicholas studied her recommended proposals. He'd been there for close on two hours now. Caitlin was surprised that so much time had passed, although thankfully, she felt more confident to address all she needed to at the workshop. She looked at her wristwatch, if Nicholas was satisfied, with her draft, then in about five minutes, she could go home and climb into bed.
Katie knocked and walked in finding Nicholas, glued to the laptop studying the draft, and Caitlin waiting upon Nicholas to approve or reject her recommendations.
'Shall I bring in more coffee?' Katie enquired.
Caitlin stood up, 'we're done, that won't be necessary.'
Nicholas only edited the text on one of her proposed plans, otherwise nodded his approval. She packed her bags to leave, as he was gathering his documents.
'Lunch date?' he enquired, observing her haste in packing up.
'Is there any other contribution, you'd like to add on behalf of the industry?' she enquired politely, ignoring his question.
'That should cover our position,' he informed.
'Thank you for your time, and the assistance Nicholas,' she dismissed him.
'I'm out for the rest of the day,' Caitlin notified Katie, after Nicholas departed.
She picked up some medication at the pharmacy, and could not wait to climb into bed. It was some six hours later, when she awoke realizing it was early evening. Feeling slightly better Caitlin showered, not really having an appetite, forced herself to some chicken broth and a jug of orange juice and climbed back into bed. She swallowed a few more pills, still feeling physically drained, even though she slept for so many hours, surprisingly she slept like a baby.
Having had a good night's rest, she rose early however, still slightly under the weather. Her head continued to throb. A fever seemed to be setting in. The pain in her throat rather uncomfortable. Caitlin showered, applied some makeup to her pale face, and drove to the venue, where the workshop was to be held. She had tried earlier to force some food down, but the thought of food just made her nauseas.
She looked around to gain an attendant's attention to check the seating arrangements. A hand firmly grasped her wrist drawing her attention.
'Miss Sinclair?'
Turning at an angle to observe who had gripped her arm, 'Yes, I'm Caitlin Sinclair,' she nodded.
'Hi, I'm Jackie Bouwer, your assigned assistant for the day, how may I be of assistance?, she took Caitlin's laptop, before Caitlin could respond.
'First, show me where I'm to be seated,' Caitlin smiled, politely.
'You're on time, though the others are still streaming in, just one person from the other party is here already.'
And in the next minute she was face to face with the other party. Their eyes locked, time stood still, they were teleported to another planet.
'May I introduce you to Mr. Brenthurst, Ms Sinclair?'
'We know each other well,' Nicholas offered Jackie one of his killer smiles.
Caitlin glanced at the young lady who tried to remain unaffected by that gorgeous smile or the hunk himself, but could not pull it off successfully.
Show me a female who's immune to his devilish charms, and I'll stop loving him.
It seemed her designated seat was next to Nicholas. She wondered if he manipulated that. Caitlin recognized the politicians from the Trade Department. There was a large media contingency, print, television and radio. She spotted Josh at the media stand, and went to greet him.
'Josh hi,' she smiled greeting him warmly with a hug.
'Caitlin, you look stunning,' he exclaimed.
They chatted a while, and Caitlin returned to her seat. Her throat was acting up, she hoped it would just hold up till she got through her presentation. She went through the bottle of water on her table, and still felt thirsty.
'So, you couldn't resist going over to hug your lover?' Nicholas threw at her, as he slid in next to her. Caitlin felt it required too much of an effort to argue, she let it slide.
'Good morning to you as well,' she cast a cursory glance his way. Her voice sounded a bit husky to her ears. She hoped the event would start punctually. She was the first speaker on the program, after the Opening Address, by the Trade Minister. Caitlin helped herself to Nicholas' water, 'Do you mind?' she asked not really waiting for Nicholas to respond.
'No,' he said, helping her pour it into her glass.
'Are you okay Caitlin, you're drinking water, like there's no tomorrow?' he enquired.
'I'm fine,' she lied, even as her head throbbed violently. Caitlin realized that she'd left the medication at home. The camera lights were blazing right onto her face, painfully aggravating the throbbing pain at her temples. She rose and went and stood on the side away from the lights. She could feel her temperature rising, burning up her body. Nicholas came to her, not comprehending what was going on with her, concern filling his eyes.
'Darling, what's wrong?' he asked concern in his eyes and his voice.
Here was that endearment again.
Only she felt like a sick dog to appreciate it.
'Do you think you can find me some painkillers, my head's throbbing?'
Nicholas signaled to one of the attendants. He slipped some money into his hands and asked him to get some pain killers quickly.
'Are you sure you can manage?' Nicholas asked, 'I can cover your presentation, if you want.'
'Yes, I'll manage,' she spoke softly.
Nicholas threw some sugar into a glass, filled it with water, and handed it to Caitlin, with the pills. Josh seeing the exchange between Nicholas and Caitlin came to make enquiries.
'What's the matter Caitlin?' he enquired, looking concerned.
Wow! Two of the most attractive men in the room were vying for her attention.
Caitlin shook her head indicating everything was fine. After about ten minutes, her head felt a bit better. By the time it was Caitlin's turn to give her presentation, she felt a little more human. She was given a warm welcome as she made her way to the podium.
'Program Director, Honorable Minister ...,' Caitlin went through all the protocol, and started her presentation. After about forty five minutes, she received a standing ovation. The media room was demanding the attention of the speakers as they concluded their presentations. Caitlin could feel her head swaying, she felt faint. Josh was the journalist who interviewed her. She was thronged by cameramen and microphones, wanting her comments.
'Miss Sinclair, what proposed action will be taken to create opportunities for small and medium enterprises?' Josh asked
'Do you see a relaxation in the 'protectionist' clauses?' He continued, when she'd answered his first question. There was a barrage of more questions that were thrown at Caitlin from the rest of the media contingent, which she deftly dealt with. Needing some fresh air, she escaped outside. Her body on fire now. Her vision blurred, she could barely see two steps in front of her.
'Caitlin, are you okay?' Nicholas' arm was on her shoulder. 'Caitlin, God you're burning up!' Nicholas led Caitlin to a chair.
'Caitlin, can you hear me?'
'Nicholas I feel__,' she mumbled.
'Caitlin, I'm going to have a word with the Program Director, I will be back in a minute.'
Nicholas instructed one of the technicians to pack Caitlin's documents, and her laptop into his car. When he came back to her, she was totally delirious. Nicholas swore under his breath. He carried her to his car, and sped to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, she was mumbling incoherently.
When he got to the hospital, he threw a tantrum, demanding a doctor see to her immediately, and was instantly obeyed. She was put on a drip, and given an injection to bring down her temperature. The doctor diagnosed a viral infection and a case of dehydration.
The next twenty four hours, Caitlin was under sedation, and was unaware that an entire day had gone by and that she was 'out of it.'
She awoke, totally disorientated, her throat feeling as if it had been subjected to violet scrubbing with sandpaper. She opened her eyes to see Nicholas sitting in a nearby chair, and he seemed to be going through some paperwork.
'Nicholas,' she whispered, her throat rebelling against any attempt to work. He heard her faint call, and rushed to her.
'Caitlin, you're awake,' he breathed a sigh of relief.
She felt the familiar smells of a hospital. 'Where am I? What happened?' she got out painfully, clearly an effort to even whisper.
'You're in the hospital,' he said. 'You got violently ill at the workshop and blacked out.' 'I've been so worried about you,' he murmured his face close to hers. She looked into his eyes. They were full of tenderness and concern. Caitlin reached out her hand touching his face, a full stubble had grown on his face, his eyes looked tired.
'Thank you for being here,' she whispered, suspecting he'd been there the entire night. He covered her hand with his, planting a kiss on each of her fingers.
'How do you feel?' he murmured.
'My throat ... so sore,' she complained.
Nicholas rang the bell to get the nurse's attention.
'Nicholas, __ the workshop? Did I __ the presentation?' she asked wondering just how much of a spectacle she had made of herself.
'Yes, it went very well,' he smiled proudly and a good job you did too' he continued. 'You gave the industry valuable media coverage. Your interview was even flighted in the European media,' he finished.
'Interview?' she whispered, I don't recall __,' she winced.
'The European media were amazed at your insight into the construction industry,' he remarked proudly. 'You were great Caitlin,' the industry is still singing your praises!'
'I'll take a bow, when I can stand __' she half smiled weakly.
He smiled back, moving her hair, away from her face. 'I've got you a copy of the television interview,' he smiled, 'And later, I'll read you the comments from the print media.
'Your wife is up, I see' the nurse smiled gently.
Caitlin and Nicholas exchanged a glance. His eyes were filled with emotion.
'How can I help you my dear,' the nurse smiled compassionately.
'Something for throat,' Caitlin complained.
The nurse nodded, checked the drip, scribbled into Caitlin's chart. 'I'll bring you something right away honey,' she smiled. 'Sir wouldn't you like to go home and rest, you've been here all night,' she suggested, 'I'll give your wife something to help for the pain, and she will be asleep in no time.'
'Don't leave me,' Caitlin whispered, reaching out for Nicholas' hand.
'I'm right here darling,' he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her temple. 'Go ahead and rest, I'll be here, when you wake up again.'
Caitlin held tightly onto to Nicholas' hand. As she slept her fever broke, bathing her in sweat. She was mumbling incoherently again. Nicholas used a warm cloth and damped her down whispering comforting words as she slept.
It was some hours later Caitlin awoke, feeling human once more. Nicholas was holding her hand. She smiled, noticing his fingers entwined into hers, his head resting on his arm. Using her free hand, Caitlin slipped her fingers into his hair, caressing it. He lifted his head slightly in response to her touch, his eyes seeking hers.
'Hi,' she smiled shyly, the colour returning to her face.
'Hi,' he responded, 'how are you feeling?'
'Hungry,' she admitted.
Nicholas buzzed the nurse again.
'Nicholas, go home, shower and get some sleep,' she pleaded.
'You must be feeling better,' he teased. 'You did not want me to leave you this morning.'
'Really? I don't remember,' she blushed, embarrassed. 'I hope I did not incriminate myself in any way!' she groaned sheepishly.
'I was hoping you would have,' he mocked, 'you mumbled a lot, but nothing coherent, I'm afraid.'
She breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank God, for small mercies,' she retorted, avoiding his eyes.
Nicholas smiled as he ordered her some soft foods, custard, yoghurt, fruit juices, as her throat was still too raw for solid food.
He fed her making sure she completed everything when she tried to complain that she'd had enough. She was given more medication. Nicholas encouraged her to sleep. He agreed to go home, shower, promising to get back as soon as he could.
'Sweet dreams,' he murmured, kissing her on her lips.
Nicholas called Simon to inform him of Caitlin's progress. He also called Stuart. When Nicholas came back in the late afternoon, Caitlin was sitting up.
'Hey! You're looking much better,' he smiled.
He looked so adorable, she wanted his arms around her. Caitlin recalled the last time they were together before the workshop, the screaming match they'd had. The painful memory made her drop her head, avoiding his eyes.
'How are you feeling, tell me?' he demanded.
'I feel human again,' she smiled shyly. 'I got up, took a shower, and even sat a while on the settee there by the sun,' she pointed. 'The headache's gone, my throat is even much better.'
'Well, that's the best report, I've heard in twenty four hours, he smiled.
Caitlin wondered if that meant, he was glad she was able to attend to herself, so he could get back to his own life.
'Thank you for all the flowers,' she avoided his eyes, they're beautiful. There were bouquets of roses all over the room, in a sea of colours. Caitlin was sure there were more bouquets here than in any florist's shop. She noted there was one bouquet with white and green roses, signed with Josh's name. She wondered if Nicholas had called Josh.
As if reading her thoughts, he said. 'I called McKay yesterday, to let him know.' Nicholas informed her, studying her reaction. 'He was here last night.'
'Really? I didn't know,' she still avoided his eyes, looking at her fingers.
'You were asleep, when he came, he waited a while, then left. He had to be on air,' Nicholas informed her.
'McKay thanked me for letting him know, but told me you ended the relationship a month ago.' His tone was questioning.
Caitlin did not look up. She felt vulnerable right now, and she did not want to get into an argument with Nicholas, not when he was so supportive and instrumental in her recovery.
'Your mom and dad will be here tonight.' he supplied.
Caitlin looked up. 'Why did you tell them,' she winced, 'Now I'll never hear the end of mom's nagging.'
'I told Stuart' he smiled, 'he was the bearer of the bad news to your mom.' '
I'd like to ring his neck!' she complained.
'Incidentally Rebecca and Stuart should be here anytime now.'
'What's in the bag?' she asked curiously. They were distracted by their earlier conversation. Nicholas did not get an opportunity to show her what he bought. He took out a sandy beige coloured stuffed toy. It was a shaggy looking puppy, with a pendant around the chest. It said "press here." Caitlin looked up at Nicholas, he was studying her, gauging her response. Curious she pressed, it gurgled and echoed "hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses" in a little baby voice. Caitlin threw her head back laughing.
'It's adorable,' she whispered. 'Thank you.' She held out her hand to Nicholas, and when he came to her she kissed him, flinging her arms around his neck and hugging him. Smiling shyly, she held tightly onto the little shaggy dog. '
My pleasure,' he supplied. 'And this,' he said 'I've brought to read to you.' He took out a leather bound book, showing her the cover. It said "All time greatest poets". It was a collection of great English poets and their most popular works, the likes of Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Shakespeare, Dunn, and many more.
'Would you like me to read you something?' he enquired
'Yes please,' she smiled eagerly, 'Can you read Byron?' she requested.
He nodded, pulling the chair closer to her bed, and began reading. His voice is so beautiful, Caitlin thought as he read. She smiled, listened attentively. She was holding on tightly under the sheets, to the adorable stuffed toy animal, that Nicholas had given her. She treasured it and felt connected to him, just holding onto the toy.
'Rather cozy, I would say,' Rebecca cooed, walking in to a picture of Caitlin sitting up in bed, and Nicholas on the chair reading to her. Caitlin blushed, she could imagine what a picture the two of them must make. Unperturbed, Nicholas stood up putting the book down. He shook hands with Stuart, gave Rebecca a hug, as the two then exchanged greetings with Caitlin.
'Hey sis, how are you feeling?' Stuart's voice was concerned.
'Much better thanks,' Caitlin smiled.
'What happened?' Rebecca asked accusingly at Nicholas.
Nicholas folded his arms across his chest, leaving Caitlin to respond.
'I think I was trying to make my body run a marathon, without much preparation.' Caitlin offered.
'Stuart, why don't you take Nicholas for some coffee?' Rebecca hinted.
'Guess that's our cue, that we're not needed,' Stuart winked at Nicholas.
Nicholas looked at Caitlin. She looked away.
'Okay, out with it,' Rebecca demanded as the men left.
'As I have said,' Caitlin sighed, 'I was doing this presentation at this workshop. Nicholas was also there, I wasn't feeling too good, he saw me I think, before I could pass out, and the next thing I know, I woke up here. I was feeling a bit under the weather, when I awoke that morning, but I thought I'd be able to get through the day. Evidently not.' Caitlin sighed again.
'Well I hope you're going to be all right, by the time of the wedding!' Rebecca demanded.
'I should be out of here by tomorrow,' Caitlin hoped.
Her friend smiled, 'Wishful thinking,' Your doctor apparently, seems to think you're a prime candidate for anorexia nervosa, and insists you won't be out, until he sees some evidence to the contrary,' Rebecca supplied.
'Oh no!' Caitlin groaned, 'Do I have to stuff my face, just to prove, I'm fine?' Why didn't Nicholas say anything!
No wonder he insisted on feeding me my bloody meals, and ensuring everything on the plate was eaten.
Josh came to see her a little later. 'Welcome back to the land of the living,' he smiled, planting a kiss on her cheek. 'You were lights out last night,' he added.
'I know. Nicholas told me you were here.'
'Thank you for the flowers,' Caitlin smiled, 'they're beautiful.'
'Speaking of Nicholas, some things are coming into perspective,' he teased.
Caitlin felt the colour rush to her cheeks, avoiding his eyes. It was no use telling Josh, there was nothing going on between her and Nicholas. Although no words were exchanged, there certainly was something between her and Nicholas, and neither of them could really be convincing, in denying anything to the contrary.
'I'm sorry,' she offered.
Josh sighed, 'Caitlin, don't worry about anything, as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.' Nicholas walked in a little later, seeing Josh a nerve twitched on Nicholas cheek, but he quickly recovered although not before Caitlin saw it. Josh smiled, greeting Nicholas, warmly. The same could not be said for Nicholas. They chatted politely for a few seconds. Josh said goodbye, placed a casual kiss on Caitlin's cheek.
'Take care of her man,' he said much to the embarrassment of Caitlin. Smiling Josh waved goodbye and left.
'What was that about?' Nicholas asked.
'Nothing,' Caitlin refused to offer any explanations. Nicholas raised his eyebrows. He came and sat on the bed, his face inches away from hers.
'What?' she feigned ignorance, her eyes automatically arrested by his.
Nicholas ran his finger over her cheek, tracing the outline of her lip. Caitlin closed her eyes, her cheek, tenderly molding against his finger.
'Caitlin,' he whispered, wanting her to open her eyes.
She responded, but her eyes were focused on his lips. She wanted him to kiss her. Eventually her eyes met his. There was pain in his eyes, because the last time they went to lunch, she told him she hated him.
Oh God, how could I have been so insensitive?
'Nicholas _.' she whispered.
Just then the door opened. 'Caitlin honey, how are you feeling?' her mom and dad, walked in all concerned. Caitlin quickly removed her hands from Nicholas. She could see he was not pleased about her dismissive gesture.
'Mom, dad, hi,' she said, her cheeks colouring brightly. 'There was no need for you guys to rush over here,' she groaned.
'Hi Nick, her mom kissed him on the cheek.
Nicholas nodded.
Her dad, gave Nicholas a hug, she saw her dad put his arm on Nicholas' shoulder, probably trying to assess the damage.
'Honey what happened?' her mom asked, concern in her eyes.
'Nothing serious mom, I just seemed to pick up some viral infection, it made my temperature, go too high, so here I am, trying to recover, and as you can see, I'm fine.' Caitlin smiled.
'Then why has the doctor, not released you?' Her mom demanded. Perhaps Tommy, should examine __'
'No!' Caitlin raised her voice at her mom. 'I'm just under observation.'
Nicholas rushed over to her. 'Caitlin?' He queried softly.
'It's okay,' she smiled at him.
'Stuart, tells me, you need to go to Mozambique, Nick?' Her father asked.
Caitlin's eyes flew to Nicholas, his eyes met hers, as if revealing, he was hoping to tell her, himself.
No don't leave me, I need you!
Caitlin looked away, her heart devastated.
'Yes just for half the day,' Nicholas said for her benefit.
'Well, we won't stay long. You need some rest honey,' her dad said. Nicholas walked her mom and dad to the door.
'I'll just walk your mom and dad to the lift. I'll be back in a moment.'
Caitlin nodded. Her heart began to sing, at least she will have a few moments in private with him. She had no right to make demands on Nicholas, firstly they were not in a relationship, as she so pointedly informed him in no uncertain terms, and secondly, he could not just leave his work priorities, and hold her hand twenty four hours a day, after all, the worst was over, and she did not have a terminal illness.
Nicholas came back five minutes later. He was looking a bit uncomfortable. He took her hands in his.
'I'm sorry you had to hear about my trip from your father,' he said. 'I wanted to tell you, after you've had your dinner. I'm just going for the morning I will be back in the afternoon.'
'That's okay, I understand,' she smiled bravely for him. 'Thank you for all you done so far, I appreciate it,' she reassured him.
The nurse brought Caitlin's dinner tray in.
'Oh good, you're up, that's a positive sign,' she smiled at Caitlin.
Nicholas sat with her on the settee, ensuring she finished everything on the tray. A few times Caitlin wanted to throw in the towel before the tray was empty, but Nicholas encouraged her to continue, rewarding her with a kiss for her every effort. He picked up the book of poems, and read to her.
After an hour he suggested, 'I should tuck you in,' he murmured.
She knew it was time for him to go, he also needed to rest, the earlier he left tomorrow morning, the earlier he could be back.
'Okay,' she relented.
He nodded, lifting her in his arms. Caitlin wrapped her arms around his neck. She was already missing him, knowing she will see him only late the next afternoon. He looked into her eyes, read the sadness there.
'Caitlin,' he groaned softly.
She lifted her lips to his, brushing his softly. 'Nicholas,' she murmured, her mouth opening, wanting his kiss. He obliged, kissing her earnestly, holding her in his arms, as he carried her back to the bed. His lips did not leave hers, as he hungrily kissed her, and carefully laid her on the bed again. She held onto him tightly, drawing his head closer to her, wishing he did not need to leave.
'Should I cancel my trip tomorrow?' He traced his lips down her throat.
Nothing will make me happier, my darling.
No, I'll be okay,' she lied.
He left the book of poems near the counter next to her, incase, she would want to read the next day. 'Will you promise to eat all your meals tomorrow?' he asked.
'Yes,' she agreed.
'So can I say 'good night' to you now? He asked.
'Yes,' she replied again reluctantly.
Nurse Tyler came to chat to Caitlin as she breakfasted. Caitlin was glad for the company, as least the eating should go quicker.
'Your husband, not arrived yet?' The nurse asked, with surprise.
We're not even an item!
Caitlin sighed, dropping her head.
'Uuh, we're not married,'
'What?' she laughed. 'You could have fooled me.' She shook her head, 'he is so attentive to you, so caring. You better hold on to him, they don't make them like that anymore, you know.'
Caitlin shrugged her shoulders, and just smiled. Nurse Tyler was all philosophical now, folding her arms across her chest.
'Well honey I think, before you know it he's going to pop the question.' Caitlin raised her eyebrows, speechless.
'As sure as the sun shines during the day, and the moon glows at night, he's going to pop the question, very soon.'
From your mouth to a certain pair of ears!
Caitlin stuffed her face with the rest of the breakfast, giving her hands something to do.
'And you, my dear Angel, are so strikingly beautiful, __.'
'Be careful, I'm going to get swollen headed,' Caitlin interrupted her. 'Oh' sweetheart you're adorable, so polite, such good manners, and what a gentle spirit.'
'Appearances can be deceptive!' Caitlin warned.
'Nah, if that is so, then you're a very good actress.'
'I tell myself the same thing sometimes,' Caitlin quipped.
'Funny too,' Nurse Tyler threw in without smiling.'
Caitlin was surprised to see while her personal life was being dissected on Nurse Tyler's operating table, she managed to completely clear her breakfast tray. Nurse Tyler, picked up the tray.
'The doctor will sure be pleased to see you're making such a concerted effort to regain your strength.
'Thank you, Nurse Tyler, that was lovely and thank you so much for the company.'
Even though I know you were spying on me to make sure I cleared the breakfast tray.
'It was getting a bit lonely here,' Caitlin smiled.
Another nine hours to go.
'I'm sure the friends and family will start coming around soon.' She smiled comfortingly. 'Now, I better get back to work, before matron starts looking for me,' she whispered.
Caitlin felt helpless, no work to keep her busy, no laptop, only books and television. Nicholas had insisted she was not to think about or touch any work.
'I'm bored!' she sulked aloud, as if complaining to Nicholas. Caitlin picked up the book of poems, and went to sit at the settee. She chose from one of the poems that Nicholas had already read to her. His voice was so passionate and compelling, when he read, she could almost now hear him speak the words of the nineteenth century, Lord Byron. .
"Many and beautiful lay those around,
Like flowers of different hue and clime and root,
In some exotic garden sometimes found...,"
So much has been written about Lord Byron's Don Juan. He certainly was an intense and complex character. Caitlin wondered why Byron had never completed the work on Don Juan. He'd spent so much time on it.
'Hey Kid, if you wanted to play truant, you could have stayed at home you know!'
'Simon!' Caitlin smiled, giving him a hug.
She was glad she'd showered and slipped on a comfortable track suit. She still hadn't thanked Nicholas for going through her wardrobe and bringing her back all the personal effects. She wondered on his imaginative thoughts as he'd chosen her lacy underwear. Now he knew her preference for silky delicate briefs.
Simon took the book from her hand. 'Interesting, I thought you only read financial journals,' he quipped.
'And you forgot to add, "I'm ruthless and cold hearted" she threw at him.
Simon laughed good naturedly.
'How are you Kid? Katie and I have strict instructions from Nicholas not to talk shop to you under any circumstances.'
Caitlin felt the colour flood her cheeks. This 'thing' between her and Nicholas was not so slowly and rather surely, bringing unwanted exposure.
'I'm fine, and feeling great', she smiled, 'I should be out of here by tomorrow.
'That's wonderful, by the way Claudia, sends her love, giving her a hug again. 'From Claudia,' he grinned.
'So how's things at the office?' Caitlin asked without thinking.
'Uhh huh! no talking shop,' he cautioned.
'Oh, come on, you've never been afraid of the Board or the Chairman,' she teased him.'
'Nicholas is big, I'm scared of him.' Caitlin and Simon laughed together. Just then her mom and dad walked in.
'Saved by the bell,' Simon winked, 'Simon good to see you old chap,' her father greeted warmly.
'Hi, mom' Caitlin hugged her mom. 'You're looking great honey.'
'Dad,' she hugged her dad.
'We've had a word with your doctor. He's given us a good report, her father smiled.
'Yes, I can't wait to get out of here, it's like a prison. The television holds no appeal. I am so bored,' she complained to her dad.
'It's called recuperation,' Simon reminded her. 'The brain needs to rest, while the body heals.' 'Yes Doctor Barnett,' she threw at him not smiling.
'How about some coffee?' Greg enticed Simon, out of there.
'Sounds great, I'll take my leave,' he kissed Caitlin on the cheek.
'Thank you for stopping bye,' Caitlin smiled at Simon.
He winked again and the two men went outside.
'How's the wedding plans coming along mom?'
'Full steam ahead,' her mom smiled. 'We can't wait for your wedding darling,' her mom ventured softly.
It was dangerous territory being alone with her mom for too long.
'Are the doctors pleased with dad's health now? I hope he's not exerting himself in any way?' she redirected the conversation. And her mom was none the wiser.
'Tommy examined your father last week. And he's happy with the progress.
An hour later, Carrie came breezing in. Caitlin was rather thrilled to see her.
'I've been instructed to provide you companionship. I told him I needed to wash my hair, but he threatened to disown me, so here I am under duress!' Carrie grinned, hugging Caitlin.
'Your brother is quite bossy, I agree.' Caitlin smiled. 'Thank you for coming, I am so bored to death in here. I have never felt so helpless in my life,' Caitlin moaned.
Carrie smiled compassionately.
'Nasty place hospitals, I do not want to trade places with you. So where's the lover boy gone to?'
'I don't know what you're talking about.' Caitlin feigned ignorance.
'I could start a florist's shop with all the contents in here,' Carrie added for effect.
'So how's things with Riccardo?' Caitlin deflected. She and Carrie had had an interesting chat at her party, Carrie telling her of her latest beau. Carrie glared at Caitlin, not buying her evasive tactic. It was fun having Carrie there. She certainly knew how to entertain in her dramatic way. Caitlin was sad, when Carrie had said goodbye. After a successful lunch, Caitlin rested a while. She glanced at her watch for the hundredth time.
One thirty!
Two and a half hours to go.
Caitlin willed the time away. Totally frustrated, she picked up the phone and called her PA.
'Hey Katie,'
'Why are you calling here?' she asked suspiciously in response to Caitlin's greeting.
'Am I on Interpol's wanted list?' Caitlin asked mischievously.
'Nicholas is going __.'
'I know, I know. You'd swear he was the bloody Employer!' Caitlin interrupted her, becoming a bit irritated.
'Oh Caitlin we just want you to get well,' she pleaded.
'I don't have a terminal illness, you know, and I'm probably going to be out of here by tomorrow.'
Katie was silent. She knew she should make right.
'I'm sorry, Katie. I'm being unfair to you. It's so frustrating just sitting here doing nothing.'
'It's okay. I guess doing nothing is a novelty to you,' she empathized, smiling into handset, knowing her boss to be tolerant and always respectful.
Caitlin saw Josh come through the door. Waving at Josh, she ended her call to Katie. 'I'll talk to you again, and I promise not to talk shop.' That comment enticed a laugh from Katie.
'You're looking great! Josh smiled, giving her a hug.
'Tell that to my doctor please.'
'You really look wonderful Caitlin,' he smiled planting a kiss on her cheek.
'I should have said thank you, the first time.' Caitlin blushed, going to sit on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling on the side like a little kid.
'So, how are you doing' he asked.
'Resting, eating well. Resting, and on the cycle goes.'
'Caitlin, I've missed you,' he walked closer to her bed.
Caitlin avoided his eyes, dreading the direction this conversation was leading to. Josh came and stood in front of her.
'Caitlin, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.'
I feel the same way, but not about you.
Josh took both her hands into his, his eyes looking deeply into hers.
'I love you,' he told her passionately.
'Josh, I __,' she tried to pull away, but he held her hands firmly.
Caitlin looked down at their hands. 'Josh, I'm sorry.' She shook her head for effect, 'I__I don't feel the same,' she managed to stammer out.
'It's okay. Can you give us another chance, Caitlin?'
What a vicious circle! She wanted Nicholas! Josh wanted her.
She looked into his eyes not wanting to hurt him, but needing to be honest.
'Just then the door opened, and in walked Nicholas, the most beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand, his eyes narrowed, at the false picture of intimacy. Caitlin on the bed, Josh so close to her, their eyes so intensely locked, their hands joined together.
'Nicholas, you're early!' she blurted, pulling her hands away from Josh hurriedly.
'That's clearly obvious!' His eyes were murderous, but his tone deadly quiet. With a measured pace, he left the bouquet on the trolley, at the foot of her bed. Caitlin had been counting the hours to see him, and now he was misled by what he saw. He was obviously also looking forward to seeing her as well, he was two hours early!
'I think this room is pretty crowded for three people. Goodbye Caitlin.'
'Nicholas no! Don't go.'
End –Chapter Seven-
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