Caitlin was rushing to the dinner appointment with Stuart and Rebecca, after Rebecca had dropped her bombshell last night that she was pregnant with Stuart's baby. And to think Caitlin had thought that Rebecca had had her eye on Nicholas, that weekend of her dad's party, but apparently that had been a ploy to make Stuart jealous, to which Rebecca bragged had worked like a charm. On hearing of her pregnancy, Stuart had ecstatically proposed to Rebecca, and invited Caitlin to join them celebrate their engagement dinner.
Caitlin missed Nicholas, she longed to hear his voice. She wished she had the courage to call him, but she could not come up with any excuse to do so. And why didn't he ever call her like normal people do? But then, there was nothing normal about her and Nicholas. She left her office too late, but patiently maneuvered through the rush hour traffic. If only things could progress between her and Nicholas she wished forlornly. Sadly he did not want what she wanted for them. Eventually she arrived at the fancy French Restaurant in Rosebank, handing her keys over to the parking attendant.
'This way,' the Maitre'd guided her to Stuart's table. Heads turned, men forgot to breathe as they looked lustfully at her beautiful figure draped in an oyster coloured figure hugging dress. Stuart stood as she entered. His eyes evidently filled with love for Rebecca, and she was just as intoxicated with him. She greeted them both with hugs, congratulating them.
'What would you like to drink?' Stuart grinned.
'I'd say champagne is in order,' Caitlin smiled happily.
'I've called mom and dad, ' Stuart smiled at Caitlin.
'Dad's been hounding me for a grandchild, for forever,' Caitlin laughed, 'you don't know how glad I am for you to take the pressure of me. Well here's to love and happiness,' Caitlin toasted, loving the chilled French champagne. And then she almost choked on her drink.
Oh, no, I don't believe it!
Suddenly Caitlin's heart felt like it was being ripped out, the blood in her veins went cold, as her eyes caught sight of Nicholas approaching. Only he was not alone, a strikingly beautiful brunette, was clinging to his arm, and Nicholas was whispering in her ear. Caitlin wanted to be sick.
How could he do this to me!
He had not yet seen Caitlin. She willed herself to remain calm and get her heart under control. It felt like her insides were being pulverized.
After the night we spent together, could he just move on so quickly?
Granted, she had not given him her body on a silver platter. But did she mean nothing to him at all? She tried to remind herself that they were not in a relationship. At their breakfast he had urged her to focus on that day, no reference to the future. In light of that why should he not date other women she questioned herself? Her wayward feelings were not his problem.
Caitlin recovered somewhat. All she knew was her heart felt as if he had personally ripped it out. With painful effort, she drew Rebecca into conversation, wishing she could get the hell out of there. Stuart interrupted their conversation.
'I hope you don't mind, Nicholas is joining us.' Stuart looked to Caitlin.
By now Nicholas was near their table and she was sure he saw her, as Stuart stood up to greet them. She looked up into his eyes, unsuccessful in totally hiding her disappointment, or camouflaging her pain. She caught his eyes narrowing, then a look of frustration for a millisecond, before he quickly masked his surprise.
'Caitlin, I did not expect, you would be here?' His tone was casual, although his eyes reflected regret and pleaded understanding from her. She ignored the message in his eyes.
'Forgot Stuart had a sister?' She lowered her eyes, feeling guttered, wishing she did not have to trade words with him in front of his lover. Her tone sounded mocking, only he read the sarcasm in her response. Nicholas introduced his date, who was still clinging to his arm. Caitlin had a mental picture of octopus tentacles.
'Alexis Reid, meet Stuart, Rebecca and Caitlin.
'How do you do?' Caitlin was polite.
Alexis offered her hand, purred and tendered a smile that stopped as it started.
Where does he find these bloody Ice Princesses?
Alexis only smiled for Nicholas, acknowledging everything he said, but did not seem to have much interest in the others. Nicholas deliberately chose the seat opposite Caitlin. She felt his eyes on her, but she chose to ignore him, chatting only to Stuart and Rebecca, who thankfully seemed oblivious to others around them.
The meal was served, various courses came and went, and Caitlin went through the motions. It tasted like sawdust. She just toyed with it. The waiter taking it away, unfinished. Rebecca looked at her with concern for a second. Caitlin held her breadth, praying she would not be interrogated, luckily Stuart dragged her attention back to him, and Rebecca smiled lovingly at Stuart, forgetting about Caitlin.
Not wanting to draw any attention, Caitlin tolerated the trivial conversations initiated by Nicholas and the Ice Princess, when forced to. He tried to tease her, and draw her into a private conversation, she ignored his attempts. It was almost midnight when Caitlin had endured enough, and bid them all goodnight. The two men stood up, she hugged her brother and Rebecca. Caitlin turned to the Ice Princess looked her in the eye, and bid her good night. Caitlin did not under any circumstances want to tell her,
'It was a pleasure to have met her.' She looked at Nicholas and mumbled a goodbye.
'I'll walk you to your car.' he offered.
'There's no need.' Caitlin flung over her shoulder.
He asked his date to be excused without waiting for her response.
'I insist,' Nicholas caught up with her effortlessly cupping his palm under her elbow. She flinched wanting him to remove his hand.
'Caitlin, I did not realize Stuart had invited you as well, I thought it was just him and Rebecca,' he offered.
'You don't need to answer to me Nicholas, we're not in a relationship,' she felt tears threatening to burst its bank, but she would not break down in front of him.
'There's nothing going on between Alexis and me,' he tried to reassure her.
'There's nothing going on between you and me either Nicholas, so go back to your date,' she unlocked her car.
She was amazed at how calm she was. Nicholas held the door, preventing her from entering her car.
'We spent a night together,' he reminded her.
'I'm surprised you can think back, as far as forty eight hours ago,' thick pools of tears filled her eyes 'considering how quickly you've moved on,' the green depths of her eyes betrayed her feelings.
'Caitlin,' he groaned loudly, 'Alexis is a friend.'
Silently she reminded herself that he was not answerable to her, yet she was unable to stop herself questioning, 'do all your "friends" hang their claws all over you in that proprietorial manner?' she yanked the door opened not waiting for him to respond.
Caitlin cried herself to sleep. Her heart ached at how Nicholas so easily became involved with different women, whilst she found no appeal in any of the male species in comparison to him. She was thankful she had not told him she loved him, like she had wanted to before he left her that afternoon. She could not ascertain when she started using Nicholas as the barometer, but there had been many offers from rather attractive and eligible men but deftly she had brushed them off or kept them at arm's length ever since the first day Nicholas took her in his arms and kissed her. No man sent her pulses racing as he did. She had been kissed by other men previously, but no other man's kisses had the earth shattering effect on her as his did. When she was in his arms, all her resistance crumbled, her body shamelessly defied her. It wantonly submitted to his every whim.
Why can I not switch off what I feel for Nicholas, and just move on?
Caitlin wished she could go to a place far away, where distance could protect her from the emotional torment of constantly being near him, and hide somewhere where she would never run the risk of ever seeing him.
Caitlin returned from Simon's office seething with anger. Katie studied her boss.
'Just the smoke is missing from your ears to complete the picture,' Katie unwisely offered.
'You're not going to believe this!' Caitlin was livid, waving her file crossly. 'I spent six hours reworking this damn thing. And do you know the one question His Highness throws in my direction as he returned the proposal to me?'
Katie raised her eyebrows questioningly.
"Did you apply your mind, before you submitted this?" she quoted Simon. 'I'd like to ring his neck!' she whispered conspirationally.
Katie looked at her sympathetically.
Caitlin wondered why she wasn't throwing her annoying one liners like she normally did.
'Can you see that I'm not disturbed for the next hour or so please Katie,' Caitlin willed herself to calm down.
'Er_, Caitlin__'
'You scheduled a meeting for me this afternoon?' Caitlin moaned loudly, cutting her off.
'You have company,' Katie pointed to the visitor's lounge.
Caitlin stilled, she did not need to turn around she knew exactly who the uninvited visitor was.'
Now didn't he pick just the perfect moment to confront me when I'm looking for an avenue to vent my frustration?
'Thanks to Simon, I'm now in the line of fire!' he gave her a lazy seductive smile, again accurately reading her thoughts.
Would she be able to have any private thoughts from him? Anger flared in her heart. She willed herself to remain composed, ignoring how devastatingly attractive he looked, his designer suit clinging to his rippling muscles. The trousers only emphasizing his muscular thighs, she recalled her fingers tracing over those sexy thighs, caressing those rippling muscles. Last night she had wanted to strangle him, or rather his Ice Princess.
What's with the violent streak to strangle everybody?
Caitlin inhaled in measured breaths. Katie was watching the two of them with undisguised interest.
'What do you want?' she asked him casually, changing tack. She caught him bat his eyelid. Nicholas and Katie visually surprised at her calm demeanor. If truth be told, Katie was not really surprised. She knew her boss always skillfully hid her anger under that practiced calm demeanor.
'Your PA is all ears, sure you want me to answer?' he continued his seductive teasing. Caitlin was not falling for his seduction in front of Katie.
'When do you ever get any work done?' she challenged him.
'There's twenty four hours in a day,' he murmured.
'Somehow, I don't see you burning the midnight oil over work,' she tossed at him accusingly, wondering what he and Alexis Reid had got up too. She cautioned her mind not to go there. At least his eyes registered her accusation.
'I'm giving you five minutes.' she caved in.
'Do not offer him coffee!' she turned to Katie, who pretended to shuffle some papers on her desk.
'Black no sugar.' Nicholas winked.
Caitlin did not invite him to sit instead she, herself stood at the front of her desk.
'I said five minutes,' she reminded him.
'How are you Caitlin?'
'You did not drive all the way here, just to establish my state of health!' she replied irritatedly. 'What, you could not find an Ice Princess to have breakfast, or is it lunch with?' she looked at her watch to check the time.
It was way past lunch. Katie knocked walking in with a coffee tray.
'You have not had lunch yet Caitlin,' Katie reminded her on cue.
'I'd love to get rid of Nicholas, but you're offering him coffee, is dinner on its way for him as well?'
'I warned you, she's going to bite my head off,' Katie complained to Nicholas.
So Katie tried to get rid of him.
Well if she has never managed to, there was no way Katie would succeed. Caitlin shut the door, leaning against it.
'Why are you here Nicholas?' she questioned, her emotions still raw from the pain of last night.
'I wanted to see you,' he said, placing his hand on her cheek.
'This is my place of work,' she reminded him.
'Caitlin, last night, you were not happy __.'
Not happy, that's an understatement!
'Are you going somewhere with this cryptic conversation?' she demanded to know.
'Caitlin, I don't want us to fight,' he murmured. He stood in front of her, effectively pinning her between the door and his body. He held her eyes to his, their bodies responding to each other. Her lips went dry. A pulse throbbed at his neck. Both their eyes were dark with desire. She pushed him away, escaping.
'Are we in a relationship, Nicholas?' She wanted to know handing him his coffee.
"'Relationship?'" he repeated.
'So did you skip the word, relationship, when you were developing your personal lexicon, and go straight to sex?' she flung at him.
'Does there have to be a formal contract between a man and a woman? Can two people not just spend time together?' he asked guardedly.
'So then why are you here trying to justify yourself?' Her voice rose a decibel, as she demanded to know.
'Because I could not sleep last night thinking about the look on your face, when I walked into the restaurant with Alexis.'
'So tell me then Nicholas, you will not subscribe to relationships because you do not want ground rules and boundaries?'
He stared into her eyes then looked away. She waited, he refused to respond.
'Am I expected to allow you to barge into my life whenever it suits you, like now?'
'Should I allow you to make love to me on demand, whilst you still play the field?' she needed clarity.
'What do you want from me Caitlin?' He closed his eyes throwing his hands into the air refusing to be baited.
'You are the one pursuing me, Nicholas! I need to know the ground rules, and I need to know they apply to you, as much as they apply to me.'
'You are not an unwilling participant, when we make love,' he reminded her.
She felt the heat flood her cheeks.
'I am not denying that I'm attracted to you,' she lowered her eyes. 'In recent months, I've steered away from other men because of you,' she whispered.
She hoped her admission would encourage his intention, but he would not be baited. She longed for a relationship with him. She wanted to know that he belonged to her and only her, and to be able to have long conversations on the phone each night. She wanted to know that she had the right publicly, to reach out and hold his hand when she felt the need to do so. She wanted him to affirm that he was hers, as she was prepared to be his.
'Can we not take things one day at a time without putting any labels on it?' he offered. She felt a stab of pain pierce her heart. He was obviously not interested in her, the way she was in him. She realized sadly that there was no future in getting involved with him. All that would result in is excruciating pain.
'So I can date other men when you are not in need of my company?' she goaded.
'Are you going to go to bed with them?'
Her hand reached out, this time she did manage to strike him.
'You sick bastard!'
His eyes were two balls of dark storm clouds. Fear gripped her. Oh no, was he going to punish her here at her office? Instead he dumped the coffee cup back on the tray untouched, opened the door and stormed out. She still did not know the answers to her questions.
Were they in a relationship?
Could she see other men?
Was he going to be sleeping with other women?
Was she expected to drop everything, whenever he rocked up at whichever door of hers he turned up at?
She did not see or hear from him in the week that followed. Although secretly every time the phone rang, she hoped it would be him. She'd hoped to catch a glimpse of him in the business circles they moved in but he never surfaced at any. A few days later in a management meeting, so engrossed was she in her erotic daydream of Nicholas, that when Simon asked her comment on something, she had no idea what they were discussing. Caitlin had looked around the room. The deadly silence overwhelming her. Embarrassed, she requested to be excused, and hurriedly escaped out of the meeting. That had never previously happened to Caitlin.
Get a grip on yourself Sinclair you are going to self destruct!
Caitlin stormed into her office, slammed her door, to the raised eyebrows of Katie, who wondered why her boss was out of the meeting so soon. Some two hours later, Simon walked into her office concern in his eyes.
'You okay Kid?' he seemed to comprehend that her inner turmoil was related to matters of the heart. Caitlin looked into Simon's eyes saw the fatherly compassion and broke down. Covering her face with her hands, she sobbed uncontrollably. Simon reached out, lifting her to her feet and held her quietly in his arms. He let her cry offering her his handkerchief, patiently allowing her to regain her composure. After a considerable time of just allowing her to vent her emotions, he asked, 'You feel better Kid?'
'Yes,' she murmured with a heavy sob.
'You want to talk about it?' he probed.
'No,' she pleaded, her emotions still too raw for her to deal with right away.
'Okay if I fill you in on what transpired in the boardroom?'
Caitlin nodded, not looking at Simon.
'We need to have a discussion in the morning. Tomorrow evening, I'm off to London for a week. I've already informed the board that you will be holding the fort, so we will need to touch base on some issues.'
'Okay,' she murmured softly.
It was not the first time that she was delegated the position as the Acting CEO.
'Now I want you to take the rest of the day off, and that's an order Caitlin!' he instructed.
She knew when he addressed her by her name, not to put up any resistance.
'I'm sorry,' Caitlin murmured an apology, her head hung low, avoiding his eyes.
'No need Kid we've all been there, for what it's worth he's a total idiot, whoever he is.'
Caitlin was embarrassed that Simon had guessed the nature of her emotional state. With a half smile playing on her lips, she was secretly pleased that he was not aware who the "idiot" was.
Caitlin felt no appeal for her penthouse, instead she visited some of her favourite bookstores, and at leisure perused the latest editions on offer. Still confused about Nicholas, she pondered on how he did not want a relationship with her, yet he still needed to come and justify his guilt about her seeing him with somebody else.
Men! Can't live with them and can't live without them!
Armed with a bag full of autobiographies, motivational books and the latest business journals on offer, she headed home minus a small fortune. As usual she was greeted by the dominating frame above the fireplace. This was her only connection to Nicholas, and in some bizarre way, it seemed to be her source of strength. She recalled teasing him, that she would take it down when she was angry with him, but what she felt now was not anger. He had made no promises of commitment or any reference to exclusivity, so she would not be able to justify any anger. If she was honest, she would admit that what she felt was a deep longing for him, a desire to be in his arms, a desperation to feel his lips over hers, and something else, so much stronger, which she did not want to put a name to right now. Emotionally fraught as she was now, all it would take is for Nicholas to take her into his arms, and she would offer no resistance.
Why did you come into my life Nicholas Brenthurst? she sighed. But now that he had, she did not want a life without him in it.
She knew her PA would be discreet and not question her about yesterday. There were some unspoken boundaries, which they both respected. Just before lunch, she had a call from Simon.
'How you doing Kid?' he asked casually.
'Fine thank you,' she answered cautiously.
'There's someone I'd like you to meet, think you can come through?'
Caitlin's heart turned cold.
Please don't let it be Nicholas, her heart begged.
'Be right there,' she responded mechanically.
You can do it.
She motivated herself. You did damn fine the other night in the restaurant. Caitlin knocked on Simon's door, a polite and casual expression on her face.
'Josh McKay!' She smiled pleasantly, relief that it was not Nicholas.
Josh stood up admiring the strikingly attractive lady, who displayed poise and confidence with such ease. Although feeling at a disadvantage as he did not know Caitlin's name. Josh McKay was the business editor and news anchor for the local television broadcaster.
'Did we get it wrong last week?' Caitlin smiled at Simon.
'Nah, we're too smart for that,' Simon teased, 'but I've told Josh that you'll be holding the fort in my absence, so make sure you call it right!' he warned. Caitlin smiled at Josh extending her hand.
'Caitlin Sinclair,' she introduced herself, 'my boss has forgotten his manners. How do you do?'
Josh had an easy manner, he was rather dashing with the clean cut, surfer boy good looks, blonde hair falling attractively all over his face.
'Hi, pleased to meet you,' he smiled. 'For a moment there I was at a disadvantage, 'Sinclair hey?' 'I heard that arresting voice on the radio, but when I tried to put a face to the voice, I told myself, she probably has just the face for radio.' He laughed teasingly, adding 'how wrong I was, you look sensational!' he complimented her, matter of fact.
'Since we're handing out compliments, may I say you cut rather a dashing figure yourself Josh McKay.' she teased him back.
Caitlin did not know why she was flirting with Josh right in front of her CEO, but he was so easy going and they seemed to get along like a house on fire.
'Would you two stop flirting as if I'm not here!' growled Simon. 'Heck, you've just met each other.'
There was spontaneous laughter.
'McKay, Caitlin is my right hand man, you mess with her you will have me to answer to.' Simon warned.
Caitlin wondered if the protective attitude was a follow through after yesterday. She looked into Simon's eyes and saw affirmation there.
'Yes Sir,' Josh saluted, good naturedly.
'Now you two want to take this elsewhere, some of us have work to do,' he dismissed them.
'I can offer you coffee in my office.' Caitlin compensated Josh, grinning at being thrown out of Simon's office.
'It's almost lunchtime, how about we grab something downstairs?' Josh counter proposed.
'Sounds good to me,' Caitlin agreed.
Well Nicholas was not making any appearances, in her direction, so was she supposed to wait at home till he had need of her? She rationalized, at this rate she'd live a lonely spinster's life. Okay not very true, she had crazy girlfriends who lived to party, like there was no tomorrow.
So when Josh requested to have dinner with her, she agreed without hesitation. Secretly she was a tad nervous. Josh was a household name in South Africa. She knew together they would attract unwanted media attention. If she was honest she knew, it was Nicholas' reaction that made her nervous. Why bother he had no hold over her? He did not want a "contract." So she was free to have dinner with whomever she damn well chose to have dinner with! Caitlin was ready at eight looking like a celebrity herself, fashionably styled in a knockout sexy bright blue designer dress, her hair stylishly cascading down her shoulders. Precisely on time Josh knocked on her door ready to escort her to dinner.
She had not expected to become gossip fodder as quickly as that, but the very next morning, her picture together with Josh was splashed across the gossip pages. Josh smiling down at her, and she looking like a blushing bride. And true to Josh's warning prophecy, the media was speculating on when they would 'tie the knot.' She'd heard that the media invented sensationalism, now she had firsthand experience of it.
If Caitlin thought only the media were having a field day, she had a rude awaking at her own office. She had to field all sorts of bantering and one liners.
'And here I thought my colleagues only read the financial section,' she quipped, when they would not let up. Caitlin had to rush to a meeting of Simon's in the city centre. She was glad to escape the unrelenting banter for a few hours, even though she hated driving to the city, it was a welcome relief. She went back to the office highly frustrated at spending three hours in the traffic. There was a beautiful bouquet of green and white roses on Katie's desk when Caitlin walked in, in a foul mood.
'Why the long face?' Katie demanded.
'Don't send me to the city again.' Caitlin groaned. 'I am positively traumatized!' she finished, looking appreciatively at the roses.
'Secret admirer?' Caitlin queried absently.
'They're for you.' Katie said mysteriously.
Nicholas? her heart cried.
Frantically trying to find the card, she turned her back to Katie, and tore open the envelope.
'Can't wait to see you again,' signed JM.
Disappointedly, Caitlin picked up one of the white rose buds and carefully raised it to her nostrils. Closing her eyes, she savored the sweet scent, walking into her office, without revealing the source of the roses.
'Who is it from?' Katie demanded curiously, but no response was received.
Caitlin walked into her office and dialed Josh, 'They're exquisite, thank you,' she politely informed him. Caitlin twirled the rose around in her hand, her mind drawing a comparison between Josh and Nicholas. Josh made the effort. He called her during the day, and at night, now he'd sent her flowers. Nicholas had never once called her, yet he was so demanding. He stole her heart, and most cruel of all, he was blatantly suspicious of her integrity. How could one justify such callousness?
Yet it is you my heart cries out for.
He was not deserving of what she felt for him, so she tried to channel her feelings to Josh, who was caring, trusting and showed an interest, unlike her demanding Lord.
Pulling into her driveway later that night, she observed cars parked all around the building and wondered absently what the occasion was. As she hauled her briefcase and jacket from the back seat, she was affronted by cameras flashing in her face, microphones thrust in front of her.
Oh no! she groaned.
They're camping here now!
-End Chapter Five-
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