Chapter 21
Chapter 21: Weird Actions
Lia's POV
We are currently in Yeji's place. Since tomorrow until next week, we don't have classes as all our teachers, are going to a teacher thing.
They didn't say what they will do. But it's like that every year.
We are currently discussing on what to do with Yeji. As of the Moment, their parents are out of town, they went to visit their grandparents last week, and hasn't return yet.
Being friends with their Family. We'll be looking after Yeji. And also maybe investigate what happened to her and Yeonjun.
Because, Yeonjun has been acting weird too. Since, we can't reach Yeonjun. So for now, we'll have to investigate from Yeji's Point of view.
We quickly went up the stairs and we knocked on Yeji's door. And went in, as we went in, you couldn't really see the old bedroom, that we were in, back then.
Everything was messy, nothing's right. You'll be imagining if a storm came in or what not. Since we didn't see Yeji, near the door, she must've been in the bathroom or her closet.
After a few minutes, of looking around we couldn't see Yeji. We decided to text her, but then a phone rang. It was Yeji's I know that ringtone, I could honestly tell that it was hers.
It was on the Computer Desk. It was left there. Since, Yeji wasn't here; we decided we should clean things up. As we were cleaning I noticed a big bump on the floor, that's covered with blankets.
I quickly went to it, and pulled the blankets up. And the thing that was behind it was Yeji! I wonder how long has she been under those blankets?! Is she asleep or what?
I quickly told them, and we hurried cleaning up the place. We lifted Yeji's unconscious towards her bed, we quickly told Hyunjin to get out and tell the maids to prepare a soup. And we'll take care of Yeji. We'll do a sponge bath on her, and we can't do it, if there's a boy here.
He quickly followed, as it's his Younger sister's life on stake.
After we did the sponge bath on Yeji. She has gained consciousness, she quickly looked around and it made her cry. Luckily, were still there, we comforted her. We asked her, if she was feeling okay. She just nodded, we asked her if she's hungry, she just nodded, again. I asked Yuna, to go down to Hyunjin and tell him that Yeji's awake and hungry; she quickly understood and ran all the way down.
We fixed the position she is in, so she'll be comfortable when eating the soup later. After a few minutes, the food came, and we just watched her eat it.
We asked her if she's already okay, once again she just nodded. I wonder If she can still speak or not.
"Okay, Yeji! Can you please, try to speak?! You're just nodding there as if somebody just cut off your tongue!" Ryujin said, I looked at her, and saw that she has the scariest aura ever.
I looked over to Yeji, she was about to cry. I looked over to Ryujin, and she was still in the scariest state, to talk too. Before I knew it, I heard sniffles.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too. It's just; I don't know if, I can still trust you." She said, while crying.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Hyunjin asked.
"Of course, you can trust us. I'm your brother, and they're your best friends." Hyunjin said, and started comforting her.
We asked her, of what happened to her and Yeonjun. When we asked that, she started sobbing like crazy! We just comforted her, as she was letting all the pain out.
After a few minutes, she was good to go. She quickly gave a summarization of what happened. She said that Yeonjun started accusing her of crazy things! After a few more minutes, she was already fast asleep.
It has been days, after we've confronted and saw Yeji in that state, and we are currently going to confront, my brother. Because what happened to Yeji, is still super complicated. From what I understand, Yeji was wrongly accused of something, she didn't even do.
But, for things to turn out to be like this, it has to be something super bad. Because, Yeonjun never does this kind of things, without some reason behind it. He wouldn't result to something, like this. This issue is so little, and what he did just made it a bigger problem for us to handle!
We quickly knocked on his Door, and opened it seeing scenery like this in our own house, is disgusting! His bedroom is literally, full of Alcohol, his bedroom smells like it too!
In the corner of my I see all five boys, cleaning the place up, but still struggling to clean it up, because they're not experienced enough to do it.
I looked at them, to search for my Stupid brother, cleaning the bottles up with Soobin. I quickly, said to the girls to help the guys clean up. Which thankfully, they did. I guess we aren't used to see my house being like this.
I quickly approached my brother and told him were going to talk about this once were done cleaning. He quickly agreed as he already knows, what were going to talk about.
Were finally finished cleaning, this place up! Once we did, we all looked towards Yeonjun. We all wanted an explanation from him.
"So, mind telling us what really actually happened, to the both of you?" I asked him as he took a really deep breath.
He was about to tell, us something when somebody's phone rang. Turns out it was Hyunjin's. He quickly signaled us to continue without him. And then he left the room, while answering the phone.
Once, Hyunjin left. I asked him once again.
"What really happened, Yeonjun oppa?" I asked him.
"What Yeji eonni said, doesn't actually add up." Ryujin said.
"She said, you just quickly judged her. You didn't even listen to her! Or her side of the story!" Ryujin said, not holding back her anger.
"I didn't mean to do those things, to her." Yeonjun said, while looking unto his hands.
"What do you mean Yeonjun oppa?" Yuna asked.
"I was just a bit too carried away, with my emotions when she told me, what Yeji did." Yeonjun said, while still looking into his hands.
"What do you mean 'She'?" Chaeryeong asked.
"Park Jiwon... She was the one who told me that." He said, he was starting to shake.
I don't know whether It's from Sadness, Guilt, or Anger. But what I do know, she did this, she planned this.
If it was Jiwon, then something bad must've happened, to the both of them. That's the reason, why she did that. She wanted revenge against Yeji. She knew about how close they both are, at those times. Then, she knew how to hurt both of them, without realizing it.
I think Ryujin, knows about this too. I looked at her, and I'm sure, she's already done analyzing it. I'm pretty sure, she digging it out, further more.
"Now, she's done it." Ryujin said we all looked at her.
"What do you mean?" Taehyun asked.
"E:U, is known to bully, a person who embarrassed her, in front of a swarm of people or in front of the guy she likes." Ryujin said.
"That means, she's doing this for revenge. It's either Yeonjun oppa or Yeji eonni who offended her. But, from what I've heard, it seems like Yeji, did something without us knowing." Ryujin said.
"And that's what she did, she separate the both of you. As you seem to be close to Yeji. She thought, if she can separate the both of you, she can finally have her long awaited revenge." Ryujin said, explaining it a bit more.
"But, looking at it right now, it seems like, it happened a long time ago. As the problem is a bit on the complicated side." She continued both of her earlier statements.
"Now we know, that it wasn't intentional, we just need to explain this to Yeji." Soobin said.
We were talking about the things that will happen, in the future. When a loud bang was suddenly heard from the door way of Yeonjun's room. It was because somebody suddenly barged in the room, it was Hyunjin.
"Guys! We literally have to go now!" Hyunjin said, looking terrified.
He quickly left the room, looking so confused we all went down and saw him in his own car. Honking as if it was the last day!
"Hurry up, you guys! Do you guys still actually want to see Yeji?!" He shouted at us.
Wait- did he just say Yeji's name? Is Yeji Leaving?!
Hyunjin's POV
I got a call, from Yeji. So I quickly left the room to answer it.
"Hey, Yeji! What's up?" I asked her.
"Hyunjin... Are you going to join us or not?" Yeji said.
What does she mean join us? Are they going somewhere? From what I know Mom and Dad just got back from Grandma's two days ago. So they won't be able to go anywhere.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Haven't you read the messages I sent you, earlier today?" She asked.
"What do you think? Would I even ask you if I read them?" I asked her back.
"I guess not. Well, if want to join us were currently at the Incheon airport. We're leaving in a couple of hours." She said, that took me by surprise!
"Wait- what?!" I said.
"What do you mean, airport?! You guys are leaving me here?! I know you and the blue haired ugly boy, fought. But Yeji! This isn't the answer! You have friends here! They aren't worth it to be left!" I said, trying to delay her.
"Huh? What do-." I quickly cut her off.
"Hwang Yeji! I know it's hard for you to stay here! But, what about your friends?! Me?! The memories you made here?!" I asked her.
"Okay, okay. Are you really okay, Hyunjin?" She asked me.
"I am not! Hearing that you're leaving me behind hurts you know?" I said, while tearing up.
"Wait, Hyunjin!-" She said, but in the end she got cut off she to the signal I guess.
I have to stop her! No, we have to stop her!
I quickly barged inside Yeonjun's Bedroom, and said.
"Guys! We have to go now!" I said, and ran out of their house, and went in inside of ours, I quickly went in and got my car keys, and went to my car.
I said to the maids to quickly open the gate, and make sure to close them good. And never let anyone else in except for us.
Once, I got out of our drive way, they still weren't there!
"Hurry up, you guys! Do you guys still actually want to see Yeji?!" I shouted, while honking them about a billion times.
Thankfully, they all got in. And I drove away towards the Airport. I just wish, Yeji, is still there, by the time we reach the place.
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