Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Incident
Yeji's POV
It has been a month after all the craziness happened, and right now, we have our P.E. class. I really hate P.E. for the past couple of months we did nothing, but exercise. It was always like that. Whether you like it or not, you have to participate, if you don't you'll be punished or maybe have detention.
Don't get me wrong, I really like doing exercise, but this is just too much, for us. Plus, my body can't handle it, anymore. I tried to reason it out with my Professor, that I can't have it like that. But he only said that if I want to get out of this situation, I should make either my Parents or a Guardian, to come and excuse me.
But, I know I can't do that. They will probably be sad about what I did, Or something much more worst mad. Even though my body can't take it anymore. I have to do it. As I don't want to see them to be stressed out, of something in school, just because of me.
While, I was thinking of what could I do, just to be excused from this Class. I heard the Whistle blow, meaning our Professor is already here, and that made all of us look at his direction.
"Okay, is everyone here?!" He shouted, while looking around.
"Yes!" We all answered, while we answered that, I started to get dizzy.
"Hey, Yeji are you, Okay?" I heard Lia ask me, while looking at me obviously worried.
"Umm... Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked her, while putting a smile at my face.
I was trying so hard not to make it obvious that I'm dizzy or what not. But, to my luck, the Professor noticed.
"Miss Hwang!" He called out my attention, everybody looked at me.
"Y-Yes?" I said, inquiring him that I was listening.
"Are you okay?" He said, while looking at me concerned.
"Yes." I said, while smiling, he took a deep breath.
"Okay, Miss Hwang, when you feel something odd, go out of the field and go directly where I am, I will have somebody escort you to the Infirmary." He said, while I only nodded.
"Okay, we are going to do 50 Laps! Today! Everybody got that?!" He said, while looking at everybody.
"Okay, I want everybody to get rehydrated before we start." He said, instructing us what to do.
"Yes!" We all answered, while going to our own drinks.
"Yeji, You stay here, I'll go get your drink, okay?" Lia said, while running to our drinks.
I didn't reply, as I only sat down on the ground. I wasn't looking up. I know something's wrong with me. But, I don't know what it is. I was still thinking about what would happen to me, when somebody called me.
"Here. You can have it. It looks like Lia's, gonna take a bit longer than expected." The person said, and He said it with so much authority.
It's Yeonjun, I'm sure It's him. From the tone of his voice. To his shadow. I quickly looked up. It was really him, he was handing me his, drink.
"Wait, I can still wait a bit more. You'll need this!" I said, and pushed the drink back to him.
"Well, I'm feeling fine, today. But you, I don't think so. Just looking at your gestures earlier. You seem to have a headache or something." He said, while still giving me his drink.
I just looked at him. As if I was judging him. He quickly sharpened his look.
"Look, if you're thinking that it contains poison. I'll drink some of it for you." He said, and looked a bit impatient with me.
"N-No. It's just, we just got a normal conversation without you know? Shouting at each other." I said, while looking back at the ground.
"You see, there are times where we should fight, and there are times we shouldn't. And this one is definitely a not." He said, as he suddenly sat down next to me.
"Here, you should really drink this, I'll be fine." He said, I looked at him and looked at the bottle.
"Fine, I'll drink if you drink as well, not that I think, it's poisoned. It's because I can't stand people just giving away something they own. Without having some of it." I said, while looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be drinking first then." He said, and drank some of it.
He gave me the bottle, and it was still filled to the brim. I guess he still out smarted me, again. I just smiled at him, and took the bottle from him, and drank its contents.
"Okay! It seems like everybody is rehydrated, let's get this started!" Our Professor said, and then blew his whistle.
I'm starting to think, that our professor loves that whistle.
"Okay! We are currently on our 21th Lap. Just 29 more to go!" Our Professor said.
I suddenly felt dizzy again, but it's different, I could also feel my head hurting.
"Yeji? Are you okay?" A voice suddenly said, and I know it's a guy because of how deep the voice is, I know for a fact it's Yeonjun for sure.
"Yeah." I said, while putting a smile on my face. Although, it's a fake one.
"Okay... But for extra measures, I'll stay by your side." He said, while smiling, and started to run at the same pace as me.
"Okay..." I said, I could feel my pace, It's getting slower and slower by the minute, I looked around, I saw Yeonjun looking at me, worried.
But then, I suddenly felt weird. It feels like I have the whole world on my shoulders. Then, I collapsed.
"Yeji!" He said.
That's the last thing I remember.
Yeonjun's POV
"Yeji! Yeji! Yeji! Wake up!" I said, while shaking her.
'Wait, doesn't this scene sound so familiar?' I suddenly thought to myself.
I quickly looked around, I Didn't see our Professor, looking at us. So I quickly shouted his name to get his attention.
"Sir! Yeji!" I said, while trying to get his attention.
When he saw us, he looked surprised and scared at the same time. He quickly ran to us.
"Yeonjun! What happened?!" He asked me, while looking at Yeji's unconscious body.
"Sir, I don't know, but, I noticed something when we were running laps. So I decided, I should join her. But then, she somewhat looked dizzy. Then, her pace suddenly slowed. And that suddenly became this incident." I said, providing our Professor everything I know.
"Okay, there's no need to panic! Minjun. Carry her to the infirmary." He said, as Minjun was about to carry her.
A pain in my chest suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Maybe because of the heat? But, I know that isn't the case. Because, I don't think I can tell anybody yet.
I looked at Minjun, he looked nice and all. But, I still don't trust him. So, I naturally presented myself.
"Sir! I'll do it myself, as the President of this Class, I'll be held responsible. Besides, if the nurse asks some questions, what will Minjun Answer?" I asked him, as that got our professor thinking.
"You do make a good point, Yeonjun. Okay, Minjun you stay here. Yeonjun carry Yeji to the infirmary." He said which I quickly obeyed.
I stood up, and quickly fixed her. I carried her bridal style, and ran to the infirmary. Once, I reach the Infirmary I didn't knock anymore.
"Please help her!" I said, to the nurse in the infirmary.
"Oh my Gosh! What happened?!" The nurse asked me, while looking at Yeji's unconscious body. I knew that they would ask that question.
So, I guess the nurses don't know how to help Yeji, as they called the Hospital, for an ambulance. After, that they made me go back to class. I just hope that she'll be fine.
Once, I reached our classroom. I was quickly asked questions, by our classmates, well except Lia. Although Lia is like that. I know she also wants answers. I ignored them, knowing if I said anything that's just wrong. I'm already invading in Yeji's Private Private.
Finally! School is over. I can finally go to Yeji! I can visit her, I was already fixing my things. When I heard a feminine voice.
"Yeonjun." The female voice, said.
"What is it Lia?" I asked her, it may seem cold and all, but she knows that I'm just putting this as an act.
"I'm coming with you." She said, I looked at her, confused.
How could she know?! Can she read minds?! Does she have telepathy?! Is she even Human?! Is she even the Lia I know?!
"Are you thinking that, I'm a weirdo again?" She said, while smirking at me.
"Excuse me, what?" I asked her.
"I said, are you thinking that, I'm a weirdo again?" She repeated the question.
"Umm... Of course not!" I said, while avoiding her gaze, and continued fixing my things.
"Really? Your eyes say otherwise." She said, while laughing.
'Okay, now she's creepy. Is she a Stalker or what not? Is there something I don't know about me, that she knows?!' I thought.
"Relax. You're my brother, so it's just common for me to know these things." She said, I continued to fix my things, until I was done.
"Come on! Let's Visit her. I want to see how she's doing now." She said, while pulling me towards the gates.
"Okay, okay! But what about Mom?" I said, trying to get her out of my way.
"I already told her, I also told her we're going to visit Yeji, and tell Auntie." She said, while pulling me towards my car.
So she has this all planned out already. I hate it when she already planned in advance. Because that means there's nothing I can do. I feel so helpless.
"Okay, let's go!" I said, and unlocked my car, I got in with Lia.
"Do you even know the Hospital?" I asked her.
I looked at her, and she just shooked her head, meaning she doesn't. Be thankful that you're my sister. If not, I would probably throw a fit right now.
"Okay, never mind. I already know it, I asked the nurse what the Hospital is and where it is." I said, and drove to the hospital.
We finally arrived. I quickly parked my cat, in the parking lot. We ran to the front desk.
"Excuse me, but, is there a patient named Hwang Yeji?" I asked the nurse that was on duty.
"Wait, let me take a look sir." She said, while checking the computer.
We waited for a while, but after a few minutes. We finally had the answer we were waiting.
"Why, yes. I'm sorry that it took a little bit longer than expected. May I ask, are you guys related to the patient? Only Family and Friends can check her as of the moment." The nurse said, I was still thinking what to answer when Lia already answered.
"We're her Friends. We're from the same school, were also her Classmates." She said, to the nurse.
"Oh. Okay, she's in room 210, floor number 4." She said, while smiling.
"Okay, thank you!" We said, and bowed after that.
We immediately left the nurse. I quickly looked at Lia, as if she was crazy.
"Lia, Why did you say that?! I don't even know a single thing about her life. I only know her name and address. Well, maybe her birthday as well. But that's besides the fact! We lied to the nurse. We aren't even close!" I said, complaining about what she just did earlier.
"Didn't you want to visit her? And you heard the nurse 'Only Family and Friends can Visit her'." She said, emphasizing the words that the nurse said.
"Yeah, but that isn't the case here." I said, while still walking towards the Elevator, she immediately took a deep breath.
"Well, I guess you don't know it yet. She was supposed to tell you, but, I spoiled it." She muttered, I was completely confused at this point.
I looked at her, in disbelief. She was just hanging her head low. We finally reached the elevator. We pressed the button that calls the Elevator. The elevator then quickly opens.
"She already considers you and the boys as Friends you know? She said, something, of you that reminds her something, from her childhood, back here." She said, while stepping inside the elevator.
"You remind her of her best friend. The one that broke the promise. The one that she trusted. The one that made her move to that place." She said, I was just listening to her.
"Oh." That was the only thing I could say.
"That's why, you're already her friend. Whether you like it or not." She continued.
"I don't know why, but when she said those things to us. It made me feel like, she had something to do with your condition right now." She said.
The Elevator quickly reached our floor, we stepped out, and walked towards her room. It was quiet because I know there's more to the story. We immediately reached her room. And knocked, assuming somebody is already there.
"Hello?" We both asked in unison, we looked around.
We saw Auntie. But her Father and Brother weren't here. Taking a guess, wouldn't hurt right? So, I guess Hyunjin and Uncle, they are both still at work.
"Auntie? It's us Lia and Yeonjun." Lia said, while tapping Auntie.
Auntie quickly turned around. She looked at us. She looked like as if she cried her whole life.
"Auntie, how is she?" I asked, auntie.
"The doctor said, she's... doing okay, for somebody who's pushed their body to over exhaustion." She said, while having tears threatening to fall once again.
"I mean, why couldn't she tell us? Why couldn't she tell us that, she was tired?" She said, and looked at us.
"You guys should sit. Yeji wouldn't want her best friends to be seen standing, while she's laying on the bed." She said, while trying to smile.
"Okay." We said and sat down by the couch.
"Could... Could, you guys tell me... What really happened?" She said, while looking at us with hopeful eyes.
"Okay, but we don't know the whole story." Lia said, looking at me as if she wants me to answer this one.
"So, we'll just give a summarization of it. So, we wouldn't really waste much time." I said, while looking at Auntie.
"Yes. Thank you." She said, and smiled once again.
"So we were basically, at P.E. class that time. While we were on the field, while the Professor is discussing. She started to, get dizzy. The Professor asked her, if she was doing okay. She answered yes." Lia said, before taking a break yo catch her breath.
"But he wasn't really letting his guard down. So he told her what to do if she's feeling something. After the discussion the Professor let us, rehydrate our selves. I told Yeji, I'll get her drink. But it took a little bit longer than expected.' Lia said, continuing her earlier statement and explaining the first part.
"Seeing the Lia, is taking too long. I told Yeji, to just drink my drink. As Lia is taking too long. We argued, but then she gave up in the end. And we made a deal, she said she wants me to drink as well. So I drank some, but only a little bit. Well, She didn't really say how much should I drink. So, I drank, and gave her the bottle and told her to drink all of it." I said, while explaining the situation to Auntie.
I quickly looked at Lia. She looked surprised, as if she was thinking about something I did. Did I do something wrong? I thought about it, a little more, and then it hit me. Something did happen!
"Yeonjun? Dear are you Okay?" I heard Auntie ask.
"Uh, Yes. I'll continue now." I said, shaking the feeling inside me off.
"A couple of minutes later the Professor said, we'll do 50 laps. We were already at the 21th Lap. When she started to act differently. Then, I approached her asking how she felt. She said she's okay." I continued the earlier statement.
"I decided I should keep her company, because if something happened who would help her. Then a couple of minutes later, her Pace suddenly slowed, then before I knew it, She fell." I said, while looking down.
"I see. Did she tell you guys something? That's been bothering her?" She asked us, we both looked at each other, and shooked our heads.
"Oh my Goodness. What is she doing to herself? This never happened before, we moved here." She said, as she stood up.
"Can you please look after her? I have to go somewhere. I'll tell this to your parents." She said, we only nodded our heads.
"Thank you! This won't take too long!" She said and Left the room.
"Lia?" I asked her.
"Yeah?" She said, while still busy looking at Yeji's sleeping figure.
"You should go home. It's getting Late. I'll have Soobin, get you home safely, he'll also stay with you until Mom and Dad comes back home. He can stay in my bedroom." I said, while texting Soobin.
"What?! Why?!" She said, surprised.
"Mom and Dad are probably worried because the both of us aren't home yet. So, you should go home, considering you're younger than me, they'll be probably more worried of you rather than me. Because they know that, I can take care of myself." I said, while looking at her and Yeji's unconscious body or maybe sleeping body.
"I can look after her myself. She's in good hands. Don't you trust your big brother?" I asked her.
"But-." She was about to say something, but somebody cut her off.
"He's right, Lia. I'll be fine. You can trust him. I trust him, he took care of me not long ago. He even took me home." The voice said, we looked at Yeji's Body, and saw she was awake, we were both surprised.
"Lia, stay here, I'll call the doctor." I said, and ran outside.
I asked a nurse to bring a doctor in Room Number 210. Because the patient is awake.
After a few minutes, I quickly got back to the room, seeing she's still awake, and talking to now a Crying Waterfall Lia. I quickly searched my Pocket for my Handkerchief and gave it to Lia.
After a few minutes, the doctors, came in and examined her. I was listening attentively. Taking down notes to show Auntie, later. I quickly texted Soobin.
Active Now
Yah! Pick Lia up already, were in room 210, 4th floor.
Yeah, yeah, I'm already at the entrance.
Wait, there. I'll be up at a second.
Yah! Hurry up! For crying out loud. If something bad happens to her. I'll kill you.
Didn't I say Wait?!
Wait, why do you sound like you're in a hurry?
I'm already in the elevator. You said 4th floor right?
Right. Here I go.
Look at me. I'm literally answering my own question.
Yah. Is Yeji noona awake already?
Yeah, Why?
Now, I know why you're in a hurry. You just want Yeji noona all to yourself.
... (typing)
I'm so sorry for Doubting you sir! I salute you!
Please forgive me, for I have done something very wrong.
Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just pick my sister up and you did bring me my clothes here right? With some of my things right?
But, I don't really think, this is really that necessary, Yeonjun.
I mean, it kind of looks like you're having a sleepover in the Hospital, right now.
Well, I got to get comfortable here, at the same time, do work and guarding or looking after Yeji.
*Cough Cough* gUarDInG *Cough*
Isn't that a bit too, you know? Excessive.
Or maybe it is.
You are making it look like, your her Boyfriend or something.
Sorry to ruin your fantasy, Hyung.
But, you're not her Boyfriend.
Heck, you're not even Friends with her.
... (typing)
Well, you're right about one thing. But you're wrong on the other one.
I'm her Friend. I may not be her Boyfriend. But, at least I'm one of her Friends. And to be exact we were friends back then.
Even, If we aren't going to be together. I'll always look after her. I'll comfort her in times of need. I'll support her in things. I'll be her light, when It's dark. I'll always be here for her. No matter, how much she pushes me away. I'll always be her side. I'll be her knight in shining armor.
It may, be one the most cheesiest things now. But, I fell in love with my Best Friend.
She may not remember me. But, I remember her vividly.
She's the one who made my Heart beat faster every time she smiles.
Funny, how it sounds like. When we were kids. I never considered, a girl's Feelings, especially Lia's. But when she came. She suddenly made me, do things I wouldn't imagine I would do.
Literally. I mean, I was known to be drinking until 30 Glass Shots of Soju is gone or either I'm knocked out. But now, I'm just drinking 5-7 Glasses of them.
But the last time I only drank 2 glasses of the strongest alcohol. And I was already knocked out, then I woke up the next day, I was in my bedroom. The maids said that Yeji, went home with me and carried me with the help of our maids. She even changed my clothes. She took care of me back then. So why won't I return the favor?
I would like to spend my entire life with her. I want to be with her until my last breathe.
Yeonjun hyung?
I think you got it bad for her.
'Did I really? Fall for her? Did I really fall for Yeji?'
Yeah, I guess so too.
Anyway, I'm in front of the room, I'm going to knock, please open the door.
Yeah, sure.
After that scene, Soobin and Lia already left the place. Since Lia was asleep, we had to carry her. I quickly went back to the room and checked on my messages. Just to see, if Auntie already answered me and my messages to her.
Auntie Hwang
Active 15 minutes ago
Hi, Auntie! I just want you to know the Yeji woke up. The doctor said, She should rest some more. So they injected sleeping substance, in her system.
I'm still in her hospital room, I'm currently doing our Homework. Don't worry, I have all the things that she missed written in a sticky note. And put it in front of a notebook that has the notes of the subjects that she missed.
Mrs. Hwang:
Okay, thank you Yeonjun.
Mrs. Hwang:
Can you please look after her some more? I thought this thing I'm currently, is just fast. But, it's just taking so long.
Mrs. Hwang:
Just text me if something happens. Or maybe Hyunjin and Uncle. You have their phone numbers.
Sorry for the late reply, Auntie. I just had somebody come over to pick up my sister and get her home safely, and guard her. It's Okay. Bye, Auntie!
Mrs. Hwang:
Oh, Okay, you should rest as well.
Once, she said that, I feel so sleepy. But, I still had some homework to do. So, I did my homework. While also still guarding Yeji.
While, I was doing my homework. I was also getting a bit sleepy. So, I was going to get Coffee, from a nearby Café. When I heard, somebody say something. I looked at Yeji, and it seems like she's dreaming about something. I quickly went over to her.
"Yeji? Yeji are you okay?" I asked her, while looking at her sleeping body.
While, I was busy trying to wake her up. I suddenly thought, I should call the doctors. I was about to go out, when somebody held my hand.
"Please don't leave me..." The person who's holding my hand said, and I'm pretty sure, it's Yeji.
Because nobody else is here with us, right now. I looked at her. She looks like she's having a Nightmare rather a Dream. If it is a Dream, it must've been a weird one. To make her like that. I want to know what's happening to her right now. But I can't. I decided not to leave the room, because of what happened.
I quickly went back to what I was doing before that happened, meaning I'm doing my Homework. I was a bit busy doing my Homework, when I felt, somebody staring at me. I quickly looked at her, but then I saw she was staring at me.
"Wait! How long have you been awake?!" I asked, looking at her surprised.
"Why are you still here?" She asked, answering my question with another question, while raising an eyebrow at me.
"Do you know that it's not good to answer a question with another question?" I asked her, while smiling.
"Well, you just answered my question with another question, you know that right?" She asked, and smiled.
We both looked at each other, and smiled, then that smiled turned into laughter. We talked to each other about personal life, and the things she missed today. I looked at the clock. And it was already almost one AM! And I haven't had any sleep yet!
"I can see, that you haven't have sleep yet? Right?" She asked me, I looked at her.
"Yeah, Auntie said, I should look after you. So I did. This nothing though, since tomor-- I mean today is a Saturday, I can sleep all day-." I said, while cutting off some parts of the sentence, because of uncertainness.
"No! You should sleep now! I'll be fine." She said, arguing with me.
"But, what ar-." I said, but got cut off by Yeji.
"What I'm going to do? I'll read the notes. So I can study, some of it now." She said, while taking the notebook, from the bedside table.
"Oh come on, Yeji. If Auntie hears about this-." I said, but got cut off by Yeji again.
"Come on. Mom, doesn't bite. Well, except when you're either Dad or Hyunjin. Then she probably will. But seeing you're Yeonjun, you're still safe." She said, while smiling.
"Now go to sleep, young man!" She said, with authority in her voice. Acting as if she is my Mom.
'Cute....' I thought.
"Okay, Okay. But you do know that, I'm older than you right?" I asked her, while laughing like crazy.
"Of course! Lia told me." She answered the question.
"Then when is my Birthday? If you answer this one I'll sleep." I said to her, while crossing my arms.
'That's too easy! It's child's play. It's September, 13th, 1999. You're just a bit older than me, just months. Not years." She said, answering my question earlier.
"Okay, okay. I'll go to sleep now, since answered the question." I said, and fixing my position on the couch.
I looked at her before sleeping, I can see her, smiling at me, and I can't help but to smile back at her. Before I knew it, I was already smiling while sleeping.
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