Chapter 05
Chapter 05: New School, New Friends?
Yeji's POV
A month passed by and that means, school is coming soon, and my birthday is going to come soon too! I'm going to be 20. I don't really want to turn 20 though. So, moving that aside, I'll be going to my Future School, Apparently while staying here, for a month, I did, explore more than before meaning, I know, a bit more about this place.
Right now, I'm walking towards my future school and let me tell you this, it's so far away. Well, it is still a walking distance from our house. But, I can also take the bus, our car, and taxi, for going to my future school. But, I'd rather walk, than using transportation, to save mother earth.
Finally! I'm near the school. Now, I just have to find their admission office, and get registered, for this school year. Whoa! It's big! I think this school is bigger than my old one. I think, I'll get lost here, in a matter of minutes.
Umm, okay, I think, I'm lost again. But, the good news is, I see people.
'Maybe, I can ask them for help...' I thought, and started walking towards their direction.
'On second thought, they might laugh at me, never mind, I can find the admission office, by myself.' I thought, while fighting with myself.
In the end, I ended up not asking them, and just started walking around this huge school.
So, I think this whole school is a maze! I think, I've been going in circles right now! I've been walking around this huge school for minutes now! That's it! I'm going to ask them.
So, I went to find those people, and when I saw them, I quickly approached them. They were laughing, while I was still approaching them.
I took a deep breath and prepared myself mentally, for embarrassing myself.
"Umm... Hi?" I said, with both nervousness, and uncertainness trailing behind it.
They turned around, with smiles on their faces. They seem nice. Oh... how I wish, I can be friends with them...
"Oh. Hi!" A girl with brown haired, replied back to me.
"Hello, umm, can I ask you something?" I asked them.
"Of course you can!" The girl with black haired said, while smiling.
"Umm... Where's the Admission Office? I'm kind of new around here." I asked them once again.
"Oh, it's right over there... Come on, we'll take you there." The pink haired girl said answering my question, while pointing the direction.
"O-ok, thank you! For your help!" I said, and bowed to them.
"No problem, we'd love to help a new student." A blonde haired girl said.
"Huh? How did you know, I was a new student?" I asked them in confusedness.
"Well, you did say, you were kind of new here, so she may just make up a guess, that you're a new student." The pink haired girl said.
"Oh, yeah, right..." I said, while looking down.
"Are you alright?" The brown haired girl said, in a soft and calming voice.
"U-umm... Yes..." I replied.
"Ya, sure?" The black haired girl said.
I hummed in response. Oh, how I wish to be friends with them. They look so happy together. But, I don't want to ruin their friendship. Just like, what everybody else said. I'm scared to make new friends, because I know that, they will all leave me in the end.
"Hello? Miss? Are you still there?" I didn't notice that, the blonde haired girl is calling my attention.
I didn't even notice that, she was calling my name, several times already. I noticed that her voice had something in it. It was like, Worried? Without, making them more worried for me, I replied to the Blonde Haired Girl's Question.
"Um, yes, yes I am..." I said, and bowed.
"We'll go now! Bye!" They said before, leaving me in front of the Admission Office
They looked happy, while talking, meanwhile me? I took another deep breath, as I am about to make
To be honest, I'm scared, or maybe I'm just nervous? I don't even know anymore. This is honestly nerve wrecking. Without, thinking about it anymore, I decided I should just get this over with. This is it, there's no turning back now.
So, I knocked thrice, to let them know that somebody is going to go in. When I heard somebody saying, "Come In!" I went inside the Admission Office.
"Umm... Hello!" I said, greeting the person in charge.
This is it; this is how your life will change, Yeji!
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