Shadow's P.O.V.
Eggman must have had something to do with this. Faker wouldn't just retire out of nowhere, without an explanation and saying we don't need him. That is unlike him.
"Mobious to Shadow! Do you copy?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Rouge then growled lowly.
"What do you want? And why are you in my house?" I said coldly as always.
"Well, you seemed as hurt as everyone else when Sonic told us he was retiring. I came to check up on you." Rouge sat down.
"I don't care." I rolled my eyes.
"You never told him." She said softly.
"I said I wasn't going to." I answered with a louder growl.
"Now now~ Calm down, Handsome~ I still think there is a way you can tell him you like him." She crossed her legs and looked at me.
"Shut it, Bat. I am not going to." I glared at her but she didn't even budge.
"Do you think he left because he's dating someone?" My ear twitched at that. "Maybe he started seeing someone and that's why he took all his stuff." I felt as if I got hit in the chest. "Or maybe he is planning to get married?" She gasped quietly making me growl loudly and lower my ears slightly, hurt at those words.
"Shut up! That's not true! Doctor must had blackmailed him or something!" I snapped at her making her smirk lightly.
"I guess we will never know since you never asked him." Rouge stood up. "I'll see you later, Shadow~" She flew off.
"That bat, who does she think she is?" I couldn't stop growling. "Maybe I do need to tell him..." I rubbed my face since I couldn't stop thinking of what she said.
Sonic's P.O.V.
"Lea... Please... It's 3 in the morning... I gave you your bottle... I checked your diaper... I even put you your music that makes you go to sleep..." I groaned softly as I rocked her in my arms.
She giggled loudly, wide awake. I was tired and she had woken up around an hour before. I had tried everything but she wasn't sleeping.
"Maurice...?" My mother walked in the room and smiled softly then carried Lea and rocked her in her arms a bit faster than I was doing, slowly putting her to sleep.
"Thank chaos..." I dropped on my bed, big bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep.
"I heard her giggle from all the way to my room." She softly chuckled. "She's asleep already..." She whispered then gave her to me as I held her in my arms while laying down.
"Thank you, Mom..." I yawned.
"I still can't believe you decided to go through with this... They are beautiful angels, don't get me wrong. But I imagined my kids getting married then having pups, not doing this by a donor." She petted me.
"I know... But I don't regret doing it..." I said softly as I started falling asleep.
"Your sister has Noah again?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright sweety, get some sleep. Goodnight." She kissed my forehead then left.
I fell asleep right after.
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