Sonic's P.O.V.
It had been over 3 years already. G.U.N. had told me the news about Shadows death about 2 months after he left, a few weeks before I had his pup.
Eggman had disappeared making me being able to move back to my old house. Everyone would come to check on us every now and then. Noah and Lea were 4, nearly 5 years old while Shade was 3 years old already.
We all had decided that it would be best to put a name close to Shadows name to his pup. We knew it was going to kill us calling him by 'Shadow' so we chose the closes to it.
I was afraid every single night that Eggman was going to come and snatch them away so for the longest time, I did not sleep at night and had Rouge or any of my friends help me during the day.
I was afraid, hurt, depressed but Noah, Lea and Shade distracted me just enough to make me forget about Shadow for a very long while. But once they were asleep, I was alone with the thoughts that I could had prevented him from going to that mission.
I heard a knock at the door. I walked to it and opened it. The pups were playing around in the living room and I looked exhausted, hurt and sad. More than usual to be honest.
"Sonic..." It was Mephiles and Scourge at the door.
"What are you guys doing here? Its usually Manic and Silver coming here, not you two. Well... Never you two alone." I corrected myself but they stayed quiet then sighed.
"We have to tell you something..." They said and I slowly nodded and let them in.
The pups greeted them and made them smile but it quickly went away once they looked at me again.
"What did you guys want to tell me?" I asked concerned and confused and that's when they started explaining.
They gave me an envelope once they told me the truth of what happened to Shadow. It was a letter... From Shadow, from the day he left.
'I told Mephiles and Silver to give you this when you really needed it and to not tell you the truth until they are to give you this letter.
Eggman let us go so I could say my final words to you and the pups. You have no idea how much it hurts me to know I will never see any of you again and how I will miss that day.
I want you to know that I did this to make sure all of you are safe. I knew that if Eggman didnt get what he wanted, he was going to hurt all of you, including the pups... And the one that is coming...
I didn't want to leave like this... But I knew I couldn't tell you the truth or you wouldn't had let me go and would had risk your life and the pups by trying to save me.
Sonic, I truly love you and I wanted to properly apologize to you about every pain I caused you before we got together. You make me so happy and I would do anything to keep you and the pups safe...
You were the only one who has made me feel this way...
Mephiles asked me today... When we were going to get married... I was going to lie and say that I wasn't ready for that but in reality, I've been carrying this ring around for 3 months...
I wanted to propose to you... I wanted to start a family with you... I wanted a life with you... But unfortunately I was too late... I hope you wear this... I wish I could be with you and help you through all of this...
But I know you won't be alone... And that makes me able to leave in peace... I love you Sonic, I always have.
At the bottom of the note had a small bag kind of fold. I opened it, trying my hardest not to cry but immediately broke down once I saw a ring in there. I looked at it as I cried and put it on.
I love you too...
The End.
Well? What do you guys think? Leave a comment! And no, no sequel this time. Sorry!
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