°Chapter Two°
Hey every one there are a few things that you need to know to understand this chapter. Firstly, France and Canada have a pretty tight father -son bond going on even if France occasionally forgets about Canada. Secondly, Canada is usually only seen by Alfred and Francis with England rarely remembering him without a little help. Thirdly, Matthew is the older twin and takes on the role of overprotective big brother. And last but not least take note of when I say 'Alfred' and when I say 'America.'
"Bon jour ma petite Mathieu how did you sleep?" Francis asked as he rolled a cart full of breakfast food into the nearly empty meeting room.
"I'm fine papa," Matthew responded. "It's just that Alfred doesn't seem like himself yesterday. It was like I was being introduced to a completely new person yesterday. This morning when I woke up he was still sleeping, that isn't really uncommon but I think he might have been crying. When I came closer he stopped and I didn't really have the heart to turn on the light and disturb him if he was really sleeping."
"Do not fret Mathieu he's just still tired from yesterday. I'm sure he'll be alright, he's very resilient. " Francis said comforting his son. "I made you pancakes."
"Thanks Papa." Matthew responded as he placed a few pancakes on his plate trying push any thought of Alfred out of his mind.
"Papa? Why did the Ancients return? I'm not complaining I was just wondering." Matthew said.
Francis whirled around shocked (but still looking fabulous) as he had evidently not thought about it.
"I do not know Mathieu. I assume that they had a reason though. Maybe it will be revealed to us in time."
"Okay Papa." Matthew smiled as he continued savoring France's delicious (although Matthew's are still better) pancakes.
"*Zǎoshang hǎo France, aru." China greeted as he entered the room completely overlooking the blond Canadian.
"*Bon jour China. Pancakes?" Francis questioned as he held out a plate of hot, syrup topped pancakes.
"*Xièxiè France," China nodded as he accepted the plate. "These remind me of *jiu cai bing except I usually top mine with hot sour sauce."
In the background having been forgotten by France and ignored by China, Canada gasped in shock. "That monster! How dare he treat those beautiful pancakes like that."
Slowly the other nations began piling into the meeting room. The Japanese personification came in first, bowed as a greeting and proceeded to enjoy France's pancakes and bacon. The Russian came in next smiling eerily but none the less accepted France's frightened offer of pancakes. Germany arrived afterwards as punctual as always with a cheerful Italian on his arm and another who was behind him insulting his every action. With two calls of thank you, one in German and the other in Italian, and the last thank you being hidden in a curse from the older Italian the three began eating pancakes and bacon.
"Shall we begin this meeting?" Germany asked. "Wait were are America and England?"
"The American pig is probably sleeping, da." Russia said.
"Japan please go retrieve America and France find England." Germany ordered.
"Ohonohono," France smirked. "I'll be sure to wake *Angleterre up."
"Why didn't he send me to look for my brother, eh?" Canada wondered. "Well its not like he knew that I was there. I don't understand why I'm so invisible. Is it because I'm too nice and polite? No it can't be that cause Japan is even more polite than I am. I'm one of the largest countries in the world and yet sometimes it feels like I'm nothing more than a speck of dust. Why am I so invisible?"
The small island nation quietly got up to retrieve his hamburger obsessed friend while the other went to grope the hopefully asleep England awake.
"America -kun are you awake?" Kiku questioned as he knocked on the door. The country got no reply except for a small sniffle and a choked sob from the other side.
"America -kun are you okay? Japan asked. " I don't mean to disturb you America -san but Ludwig -san requested that you attend the meeting." Japan continued as he stood on the door.
A surprisingly soft call of "I'll be out in five" passed through the wooden door.
"Is America -kun sick?" Japan wondered as he waited patiently outside. "He did not say hero once and he was so quiet. I've never heard him be as quiet as that."
The door opened and America stepped out dressed in a typical outfit for him. He had put on a tan jacket and pants, with a white dress shirt and brown tie worn underneath. America was also wearing his brown bomber jacket and black shoes.
"Are you okay America -kun?" Japan asked alarmed. He can only remember a few times when America was this quiet, usually only during war. The blonde nation's head was bent and he was clutching his jacket tightly.
"I'm fine Keeks just a little tired from yesterday, even heroes need to take a break sometimes. Like when •Ichigo took a break after he lost his powers. But since I'm the best hero ever I won't need such a long break. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" America laughed.
"I'm sure something is wrong with America -kun. I am not sure but something in his aura feels strange. And he has still not raised his head. Now for most people that wouldn't be strange but America -kun has always exhibited such a confident, almost arrogant aura." Japan pondered as he politely nodded at the right intervals to America's babbling. "America's rambling can be annoying but it is a little cute the way that he gets so excited about something like Pochi gets when I present him with a bone for good behavior. "
"Keeks?" Alfred questioned as he began to play with the hem of his shirt. "Do you think that I'm annoying?"
The American personification finally lifted his head, letting his golden locks fall away to reveal childish, wide, red rimmed, ice blue eyes.
"No America -kun," Japan said lying through a smile. "I do not think that you are annoying America -san. You are just a little excitable but that isn't necessarily a bad thing America -san."
"Then why does everyone always hate on my ideas?" Alfred asked.
"Not everyone has reached your innovative lesson of thinking yet America -kun. I can give you one example of when you and Russia - san wanted to reach space and the other nations told you that it was impossible that didn't stop you and you eventually succeeded. Do not be ashamed of your intelligence." Japan concluded to a now visibly happier Alfred.
"His eyes are now a slightly darker sky blue as compared to the previous icey blue color with silvery flecks. Do his eyes normally change colors. This is extremely abnormal behavior for America -san. I did not want to lie to America -kun but it would be very rude to tell him the truth of what I thought about him." Japan thought.
"Thanks dude!" America said smiling happily as he flung open the meeting room door. "Hey everyone! The hero's here. HAHAHAHA!"
"*Ja, ja just sit down," Germany said as he rubbed his temples. "Now where is Englan-".
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU BLOODY FROG!" A voice, presumably England screams.
"Never mind." Germany said as his cheeks became slightly tinted with a pink color.
"Ohonohonhon. " Came the reply of a satisfied French pervert.
An angry England stomped into the room followed by a happy France. Japan who had been watching America for any other sides of something being wrong was only just quick enough to observe America flinching at the sound of England's voice.
"He's gonna be just like Mother was," America realized. "He's going to hurt me just like she did. But I'm stronger now and I can easily overpower him. But I just don't wanna get hurt again. I don't want to be alone again. Is it so wrong to just want to be loved?"
Unaware of his brother's internal panic and worry Canada handed his younger twin a plate piled much higher than everyone else's filled with bacon and pancakes with a large cup of coffee on the side.
"No thank you Mattie I'm not very hungry." America said absent mindedly as he accepted only the coffee.
Everyone else in the room froze before turning to look at America in shock. The fight between Francis and England was forgotten, Italy almost forgot to ask for pasta, Romano's jaw dropped temporarily stopping him from spewing insults out to Germany and everyone else stopped eating in favour of staring at America.
"Ve~ is Mr. America sick Germany?" Italy asked confused.
"Maybe he finally decided to lose some weight, da?" Russia questioned trying to bait his opponent into a fight, only to be completely ignored.
"I... I've never heard *Amerique say that he wasn't hungry before." France gasped.
"The fat git probably wants to lose a few pounds and can you blame him?" England questioned. "If I was as fat as he was I'd be likely to skip a few meals to."
"Aren't you worried for your little colony and son?" Francis inquired to an outwardly nonchalant England.
"Of course I am you git." England snarled mentally much like angry lioness.
"Of course I'm not worried," Arthur replied. "He's not my colony Frog in case you forgot the entire revolution and 1812."
"Alfie are you okay?" Matthew asked worried kicking into overprotective, older brother mode.
"I'm fine," America responded ever oblivious. "The hero's always fine. Don't know why you're worrying bro."
"But you're always hungry, unless you're sick! You're not sick are you? Maple! Did your economy crash again? Are you going through another recession? Is it elections? Is it another natural disaster? " Matthew fretted.
"Nah I'm fine dude," America said waving off his brother's concern. "Don't be such a worrywart Mattie the hero can take care of himself."
Matthew narrowed his eyes clearly a nonbeliever but decided to drop it in favour of continuing the meeting, that doesn't mean that he can't bring it up later. The Canadian picked up the still full plate and returned to the kitchen only to return with a refilled cup of Espresso for his caffeine addicted brother.
"Thanks big bro." America smiled softly as he accepted the hot drink.
"...Okay let us begin this meeting." Germany said shaking himself out of his shock induced stupor. "First order of business is-"
A bright, silvery ball of light appeared over the the meeting table causing everyone to block their eyes, when it disappeared it left a very large, leather book in its place.
"Ve~ what's that?" Italty asked as he put away his white flag.
"Its a book, duh." America declared although he secretly itched to grab the book and read it for himself.
"I think that is obvious American pig," Russia responded. "I'm actually surprised that you know what a book is considering you don't use it."
"There is a letter in the book, aru." China interrupted. "It says
Dear G10,
We the former nations of the world have never stopped watching over you our ancestors. We have noticed that too many of you are suffering in silence afraid to seek help. We love you and can't stand to see you suffering any longer. We fear that if we let this continue some masks will shatter and leave the people beneath irreversibly broken and damaged. Maybe it is that you fear revealing the real you underneath, maybe you just fear hate but in the end you are still harming yourselves. In the book we have compiled a list of diary entries and other statements about you. Please remember that we are not doing this because we hate you but rather because we love you.
Lovingly Yours,
The Roman Empire, Brittania and Native America.
The nations most affected by the letter began reacting differently, Italy began crying, Canada's face blanked out, Romano quieted down and America began trembling ever so slightly.
"I think I shall continue reading, aru. Is that alright with everyone?" China asked.
"Yes, continue *s'il vous plaît China," Francis responded with his eyes on his children and brother.
The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the brightest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.
The nations who were generally associated with those traits received glances from their concerned friends and family members in the room.
Romano is terrified of thunderstorms and earthquakes. During them he begins trembling, crying and clinging to Antonio, Feliciano or Gilbert. They're the only three that calm him down and the only ones who know of Romano's fear.
"That's not true *libro bastardo," Romano cursed.
"Ve~ that's not true big brother. There was one last week and you very sad but all you needed was some hug therapy!" Italy declared.
"It's not wrong to need a little help sometimes." Francis stated.
"Tsh, whatever you say bastard." Romano muttered.
Japan's mind is an enigma. No one knows exactly what goes on in that head and Kiku doesn't let on to the fact that he may be a little kinkier than some might have guessed. He is not and has never been 'innocent.'
"Oh." Japan blushed.
"Ohonohonohon." France giggled perversly. "Maybe we can get kinky together."
"Bloody pervert." England spat.
"I could have told you that, aru! I raised him." interjected China. "I shall continue.
Dear Diary,
I do believe in magic just not Daddy's kind, that is something only a few know. I am actually quite skilled in the art of voodoo and Native American witchcraft. I prefer using voodoo as Native American witchcraft reminds me of Mother and the ways she used it. I wish that he'd stop trying to force his magic on me.
"You told me to forget everything that the savages taught me and that included my magic so I hid it. And New Orleans was colonized by Francis so I thought you'd be mad." Alfred glared at the British personification.
"You still could've told me, prat." England snapped.
"I'm sorry I oppressed your nature lad," England thought. "This must be a very old entry, he called me Daddy. It's been a very long time since Alfred called me Daddy and has seen me as a fatherly figure. I miss those times."
"Are you okay Al?" Canada whispered. "You seem really tense."
Alfred smiled, one of plastic, to his concerned older brother in fake reassurance.
"Would you mind showing me some of your magic tomorrow lad? I would would like to see how it compares to my Celtic magic." England stated.
"Ve~ can I watch?" Italy asked.
"Uh sure." Alfred replied hesitantly. He had never used his magic the presence of another nation except Canada.
"May I watch as well America -kun?" Japan questioned.
"I won't stop anyone from watching." America shrugged. "After all the hero will never turn away his adoring fans. HAHAHA."
After the war, Yao raised several children who had lost their parents in the chaos as his own. It didn't matter if they came from an enemy nation or not, he just like kids that much.
"That was very nice of you China." Germany commented.
"It felt nice to not be alone, after everyone left the house was so cold and empty, aru." China said finishing with a nostalgic smile. "May someone else read? I am getting a little tired."
"My house is also cold and empty but no one will ever want to live with me, da." Russia thought sadly. "They are two afraid of me."
"I'll read," Canada volunteered only to be heard by no one aside from France and America.
"I shall read," Germany volunteered as he tried to pry Italy from his arm. "Please pass me the book."
Francis sends roses to every country on their birthday. He does it anonymously so the roses are not rejected by countries that hate him.
"Ve~ Big Brother France you're so nice." Italy beamed.
"Yeah thanks pervert." Romano insulted underneath a compliment.
Russia silently smiled happy at being included. He had gotten a rose on June 12th, one of only a few gifts he received. Ivan's other gifts had been from his sisters, (a wedding band from Belarus and an old photograph from Ukraine) a mug that said 'Damn I make 800 look good' from America and the rose.
America always seemed to remember everyone's birthday but they often forgot about his.
"I guess you can be nice frog." England choked out.
"Thanks Papa." Matthew whispered.
"Yeah, thanks Francis." America smiled. "That was totally heroic of you."
"*Arigatou gozaimasu France -san." Japan spoke up from where he had been rather quiet.
"*Xièxiè." China murmured, his voice still a bit sore.
"*Danke." Germany said. "Now if we are all done may I continue?"
"Everyone needs a little love." France smiled feeling proud of his actions.
Dear Diary
Today Alfred took me to Disneyland and was really eager to show me something. He built a park devoted to several nations around the world. And Canada was there. It was one of the first ones there actually. I was so touched. He actually remembered me! I'm so proud to be his big brother even if I usually get lost in his shadow.
"Who's Canada, aru?" China questioned.
"He's the bigger land mass right above me," Alfred explained annoyed at having to go through the same process so many times. "We kind of look alike and he's my older twin brother."
"Mattie's proud of me? But why?" Alfred pondered. "If anything I should be grateful that he actually chooses to recognize me as his twin. If I was in his shoes I would have disowned myself a long time ago and I wouldn't even blame him. Canada deserves so much better than I can offer."
"...hey." Canada waved dejectedly.
"Sorry for forgetting about you again lad." England apologized.
"You're such a bad father °Opium, aru. What kind of father forgets his own child?" China questioned.
"SHUT IT YOU BLOODY ARSEHOLE!" England screamed.
"*Mon ami you must save your voice for the bedroom," Francis flirted. "You know I like to hear your screams. Ohonohonohono."
England shoved the French man off him and stomped over to stand near the door.
"Ve~ you have a brother America?" Italy asked. "Does he like pasta?"
"I do but pancakes are better." Matthew smiled.
"Ve~ let's have pasta together. Germany, can we have pasta?" Italy wondered.
"Be quiet and I'll consider it." Germany spoke.
"Ve~ pasta!" Italy cheered.
Dear Diary
Today my ship once again settled in the now familiar Virginia port. I took a horse to the house that I built for my cute, little colony and once again the house was empty. It look me a few days to find him, America had decided to take dwelling with a pack of blood thirsty wolves. It looked like he had been living there for the past seven years that I had been gone, he's clothes were different and he was relatively clean. Alfred looked remarkably like one of those savages, I swear his skin and hair were darker. Why does America refuse to stay in the beautiful house that I built for him and instead seeks a home in the forest with the animals?
"SEVEN YEARS AIYAH!!!" China screeched. "You left a child, a baby alone for seven years. No wonder America is is immature, aru."
"Tsh, no wonder the burger bastard is so messed up." Romano commented.
"You lived with animals America -kun?" Japan asked politely.
"Yeah," Alfred blushed, slightly embarrassed. "It got lonely by myself and the animals are always nice to me.° Chibiabos and his pack have always been kind to me so I appreciate if you did not insult them. And also the locals were getting suspicious of witchcraft because I didn't age. As for my skin getting darker I was simply calling upon more of my so called savage survival genes."
"The damned wolf had a name?" England inquired as he continued to lock glares with China.
"Don't insult Chibiabos," Alfred hissed. "He was there more for me then you ever were."
"He is still just an animal." Arthur replied slightly disturbed by America's apparent affection towards a long dead wolf.
Before Alfred could reply, Canada interjected actually raising his voice at England. "Chibiabos is one of our Native American legends and he or Manabozho usually took care of Alfie when you were gone."
"Thanks bro," America smiled, temper abated. "Hey Germany can we have a break now?"
"Ve~ Germany I want pasta." Italy begged.
"*Ja ja! I believe we were due for a break anyways." Germany agreed.
Canada grabbed onto the arm of his still slightly melancholy twin and dragged him out of the meeting room and into his bedroom.
"What's up bro?" America smiled.
"Does he really think that I can't tell that his smile is as fake as England's hatred for Papa?" Canada thought.
"Al I know you and I know that something is not alright with you. You know that you can tell me anything right? I promise that I'll always be there for you. You're my little brother and I just want too take care of you. I want to make sure that you are happy and healthy." Matthew said. "Could you tell me about Native America? From your reaction to her I guess that she wasn't the best but how bad was she? Did she ever hit you?"
"What are you talking about Mattie?" America smiled feigning innocence. I had an awesome childhood!"
Thankfully for Alfred he had the power of the Golden State and the experience of thousands of actors and actresses on his side. His thousand megawatt smile and childish, innocent looking features were enough to convince anyone to believe what he wanted. Alfred could be one of the best manipulators when he chose too.
"Okay bro, eh," Matthew grinned looking relieved. "Now let's go back to the meeting room. I sure someone has cooked something for lunch by now."
Alfred bite his lip feeling nauseated at the thought of food but none the less followed his brother out of the room and back towards the meeting room. The North American twins left the room with Alfred yapping away to his brother about anything he could think of.
China and Italy rolled various carts into the meeting room. Italy rolled a large bowl of bowl of pasta with a smaller bowl filled with meatballs while China rolled one filled with fried rice, chow mein and mixed vegetables.
"I made lunch, aru. If you ever want more you can build more Chinatowns." China urged.
Alfred remained sitting silently sitting not wanting to go to eat. Canada being the loving brother that he is made sure to retrieve two bowls, with one being piled dangerously high.
"Here you go baby brother." Canada smiled.
"Thanks." Alfred whispered feeling disgusted at the thought of having to eat so much. Alfred took a deep breath before he began shoveling food down his throat wanting to get it over with.
"Must you be such a pig America?" England sneered.
"*Mon ami are you sure you should eat all that? After all being, uh, overweight is very attractive." France explained.
"Greedy, American, pig." Russia said smiling creepily.
"Stupid, commie bastard." America responded with his mouth full.
"*Kolkolkolkol." Russia warned.
With one last, loud slurp America gave a final glare to Russia before he exited the room to do who knows what leaving his brother alone.
"Stupid, fat, ugly, useless, waste of space, weird, unloved, ignorant, oblivious, dim, daft, moron, idiot, brainless git, burger -loving freak, hero -obsessed jerk, arrogant jerk, fatass, and a fucking hamburger bastard." Alfred thought as he mentally berated himself as he ran to the bathroom. "I wish I could make my family proud. Do I even have a family? France thinks I'm some idiotic whale and only tolerates me cause of Mattie, I just drag Canada down and England hates me. My supposed to be Father hates me, I'm such a waste of time. Something must obviously be very wrong with me because even Mother didn't like me. I wish I wasn't ever born. But I'm trying to be better."
The young nation entered a different bathroom, locked it and opened a stall. He knelt in front of the toilet and shoved a finger down his throat. Alfred upchucked everything and emptied his stomach of its contents.
"I want to be better." Alfred wished as he stood up and brushed his teeth using the toothbrush that he had stored in one of his jacket's near infinite number of pockets.
Alfred plastered on his smile becoming America once again as he jogged back to the meeting room.
"Go to stuff some more of your nasty burgers down your throat comrade?" Russia sneered.
"Nah," America laughed. "But I knew if I stayed any longer I'd end up punching you right in your oversized nose."
"Kolkolkolkol." Russia warned.
The other nations leaned closer always eager at the prospect of a fight much like young children at a highschool. Germany slammed his hands onto the desk eager to resolve the conflict before it even started.
"I shall read this time." England requested.
Dear Diary,
I wish people would stop judging by my sovereign days. Don't they get it? I suffered as well. Those were my bosses decisions not mine. I am called a monster, a freak. They seem to forget that I have feelings and do have a heart no matter how frozen it may be. It is hard being alone without friends and distances from family. Someone once said that it is better to be feared than to be loved but that is very untrue. I would choose love over fear any day.
"Niccolo Machiavelli," Alfred said quietly. Upon receiving confused looks he continued. "It's his quote from his book °the Prince in chapter seventeen. He's one of yours Feliciano."
"How would you know?" England asked curiously.
"My boss was reading it and he mentioned the quote to me. I guess it just kinda stuck." Alfred shrugged. "And I don't fear you Russia, I could never fear a commie bastard like you!"
Russia smiled, for once not creepily as he got up to hug his American counterpart who melted into his hands enjoying the rare feeling of being needed for something other than his bank account and arsenal. There was nothing truly romantic about it, merely two lonely people seeking comfort in each other's arms for less than a minute.
The silence was broken by a certain Japanese snapping pictures which he immediately emailed to Hungary.
"RusAme," Japan thought as he covered his nose with a tissue to try to avert the incoming nosebleed. "Yaoi. Russia -san would be a dominating and possessive top and America -san would be his not so submissive and oblivious bottom. America -san is very appealing to the eyes, I wouldn't mind having him for myself but it is better to let that ship sail. I wonder who is better endowed?"
The Russian let go and glared at his nation counterparts daring them to comment negatively.
"Shall we continue we the reading?" Alfred questioned still revelling in the warmth from the hug. "May I read?"
"*Ja, ja." Germany agreed as he passed the book to Alfred.
Dear Diary,
It's happened for the fifth time already; I bid the soldiers in the dug out goodnight, then come back the next day and found them dead or missing. No one seems to know what's happening and it's scaring the nations that are left. But now I know. There was a message left in the dugout this time: "North America was here." It seems that there must be something in the air on the other side. Perhaps it is the might of the British Empire affecting them differently?
"Nah. North America is just awesome like that," America said as he slung a hand over his brother's shoulder. "It has nothing to do with Iggy. A stuffy old man like him could never help create this brand of awesomeness."
"You fucking idiot," England spat fed up, he had been groped awake, forced to eat nasty French food for breakfast, had to listen to America's irritating voice discredit his amazing pirate days not to mention he woke up with a killer headache. "I was one of the greatest pirates who ever lived! I conquered the seven seas and defended my country several times. What have you ever done besides sitting on your fat arse shoving hose nasty, heart attacks you call burgers down your throat. I'm sick and tired of you. Sometimes I wonder why you're still around, its obvious that no one wants you there."
"*Mon lapin don't you think that you are being a little mean-spirited?" France questioned as he remembered his promise to Brittania to take care of the young, blonde twins. "He is after all but a boy, *non? He has not experienced what we have gone through. There is no need to be so hard hearted."
"HAHAHAHAHA!" America laughed.
"Its not like what Iggy says is important. He's just being cranky cause he hasn't drank any of his nasty tea yet."
England bite his lip as he knew that if he responded it would be going way to far. He was already regretting what he had said to America, he was just looking for an outlet to release his anger upon.
"We shall adjourn this meeting until tomorrow." Germany interrupted destroying the silence.
By this time several hours had already elapsed and day was giving way to the magnificence of night.
"Hey Mattie, Keeks wanna play some video games in my room?" America asked as he bounced on the sole of his feet, full of energy.
"I'm sorry America -kun but there is some urgent paper work that I must attend to." Japan apologized with a bow.
"I'm sorry Al but I promised Papa that I would spend some time to catch up with him. You understand right." Canada questioned.
"Yeah it's fine dudes," America replied. "Just gives me more time to improve my already heroic skills."
"I guess I can't really blame them for not wanting to hang out with me. Mattie deserves to enjoy some quality time with Francis. Does he really feel lost in my shadow?" Alfred wondered. "He really and truly has no reason to. I'm nothing but an egotistical jerk, even Mattie told me so and he's almost always right. I don't know how to make it up to him. I wonder if this means that all my secrets will be exposed with the whole diary reading venture that we are currently participating in. I hope Mattie won't become any more ashamed of me than he probably already is?"
Canada gave America a soft smile before he walked off to join his parent figure. The American nation continued smiling, with each hairline thin crack on his mask deepening second by second as he continued to fool everyone around him about almost everything about him. Do you really think that anybody could think that highly of themselves? In fact in is the opposite, Alfred's self esteem was dangerously low to begin with and the bar just kept falling. I wonder what will happens when it lands at the bottom, don't you?
*Word Glossary*
Zǎoshang hǎo (Chinese) - Good Morning
Bon jour (French) - Hello
jiu cai bing (Chinese) - A Chinese flatbread similar to the scallion pancake may be made with garlic chives instead of scallion
Angleterre (French) - England
Ja (German) - Yes
Amerique (French) -America
s'il vous plaît (French) - Please
libro bastardo (Italian) - Bastard Book
Arigatou gozaimasu (Japanese) - Thank You
Danke (German) - Thank You
Mon ami (French) - My Friend
Mon lapin (French) - My Rabbit
Non (French) - No
°Historical References°
Revolution - The American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. Skirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence. France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783.
1812 - In the War of 1812, the United States took on the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain, in a conflict that would have an immense impact on the young country's future. Causes of the war included British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen and America's desire to expand its territory. The United States suffered many costly defeats at the hands of British, Canadian and Native American troops over the course of the War of 1812, including the capture and burning of the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., in August 1814. Nonetheless, American troops were able to repulse British invasions in New York, Baltimore and New Orleans, boosting national confidence and fostering a new spirit of patriotism. The ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on February 17, 1815, ended the war but left many of the most contentious questions unresolved. Nonetheless, many in the United States celebrated the War of 1812 as a "second war of independence," beginning an era of partisan agreement and national pride.
Opium - The Opium Wars, two armed conflicts in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and of the Qing dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1911/12. The first OpiumWar (1839-42) was fought between China and Britain, and the second Opium War (1856-60), also known as the Arrow War or the Anglo-French War in China, was fought by Britain and France against China. In each case the foreign powers were victorious and gained commercial privileges and legal and territorialconcessions in China. The conflicts marked the start of the era of unequal treaties and other inroads on Qingsovereignty that helped weaken and ultimately topple the dynasty in favour of republican China in the early 20th century.
Chibiabos - Chibiabos is the beloved brother of the culture hero Nanabozho in the traditional stories of many Anishinabe communities. By some versions, Chibiabos and Nanabozho are twins; according to others, Chibiabos is Nanabozho's younger brother; and in still other tellings, Chibiabos was adopted by Nanabozho as his brother. In some communities Chibiabos, like his brother, is associated with rabbits (his name literally means "ghost rabbit"), but in others, he was a wolf spirit often represented in the physical form of a wolf. Chibiabos was murdered by water spirits (usually identified as Water Panthers or Horned Serpents), touching off a violent chain of events that included the destruction of the earth by flood. Afterwards, Nanabozho accepted that he could not bring his brother back to life, so Chibiabos became ruler of the underworld. He is portrayed as a good and kind being who takes good care of the land of the dead.
Niccolo Machiavelli & the Prince - Born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy, Niccolò Machiavelli was a diplomat for 14 years in Italy's Florentine Republic during the Medici family's exile. When the Medici family returned to power in 1512, Machiavelli was dismissed and briefly jailed. He then wrote The Prince, a handbook for politicians on the use of ruthless, self-serving cunning, inspiring the term "Machiavellian" and establishing Machiavelli as the "father of modern political theory." He also wrote several poems and plays. He died on June 21, 1527, in Florence, Italy.
•Fandom References•
Ichigo - An anime character from show Bleach.
Pochi - Japan owns a white dog called Pochi that resembles an Akita or Shiba Inu, both Japanese breeds. Some say it may be a Japanese Spitz due to his white and fluffy fur in some sketches and fanarts
Kolkolkolkol - Russia could be issuing a warning to others. 'Kolokol' means 'bell' in Russian, and 'kol' is often used as an onomatopoeia in Russian for the tolling of a bell, a centuries-old designation of approaching danger.
RusAme - The ship name for Russia x America
Author's Note
Hey again and thanks for sticking with my story. I know that I said I probably wouldn't update yet because I'm still in the middle of exams but well life goes on. I usually typed a little between exams to help calm down my slight exam anxiety. So please no hate on England's attitude. I pinkie promise that England's attitude will improve when he comes to understand what's happening with the blonde twins. The world views America as an idiotic, hero obsessed idiot. I'd like to set a challenge for you my viewers. Whoever can guess what's wrong with each character first within the first five chapters can submit a diary entry about any character as long as it isn't too out of character and I swear I'll fit it in. So as you can see every character got a diary entry but as time progresses the main characters will get more entries. My entire word count is 6309 words.
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