It seemed like no time Danny found himself standing at the bottom of the steps to the school. He could have swore he was just walking out of the kitchen at home and now he was at school before he even knew what he was doing.
Feeling the on set of fear, Danny took a step back, but in doing so, tripped over onto someone who was standing behind him, making them both topple to the ground in a heap.
"Ouch, I'm so sorry!" Danny said in a hurry but quickly calmed down seeing that it was Tucker he tripped on and Sam was standing above them doubled over laughing.
"Geez man, you almost broke me." Tucker said standing while brushing off dust and fixing his glasses that tilted on his face in the crash landing. "Shut it Sam!"
Still laughing, Sam wiped a tear off her face and said, "Sorry but that was too funny. How are you Danny?"
Struggling for a second to stand and brushing off dirt," I'm fine, a bit worried about school. No actually, I'm freaked about school!" he said throwing his hands in the air to emphasize his point.
"Ah don't be like that. You got us! Anyone who try and mess with you will have to go through us!" Tucker said while puffing out his chest and pounded a fist to it to make him seem tough.
"Yeah and besides, the teachers knew you were coming back today and told everyone to lay off yesterday. So they won't flock you." Sam said going up to the door of the school," And like Tucker said, you got us!" And with that she threw the doors open wide enough for them bang the back wall and come back while Tucker Dragged a cursing Danny through the door and into the crowded hallways of Casper High.
Once in the school, Danny was pleasantly surprised to see that no one, in fact, were 'flocking' to him. He made it to his locker with only so many people noticing him, but none made a move to him, not even Paulina. In fact, he made it all the way to his first class, English with Mr. Lancer, without a single disturbance, but all luxury must come to an end.
In the classroom, many students arrived early and where already sitting down and waiting for class to start and as soon as Danny walked in with Sam and Tucker in front of him, all conversations died and every eye was on him as he made his way to a sit in the back corner by the window, even though it wasn't his normal seat he wanted a easy way to escape if things got to much, second story? So what, he could fly.
Taking his eyes away from everyone staring at him, Danny started to unpack and set out his English textbook and binder to start class on a good note when a sudden thought hit home, " Sam, did we have homework?" he asked leaning to his right to where Sam sat glaring at everyone who wouldn't stop staring and mind their own business, she replied, "Yes, but you don't need to worry, Lancer won't expect it from you for being out."
Sighing with relief, Danny finished unpacking and waited for class to start while talking with Tucker for the remaining ten minutes before class started. But as the rest of the class made their way in, Danny started to feel anxious as every new student that walked in openly gawked at him and Danny thought for sure he was going with his escape plan. But right as he had worked the courage to do so, Mr. Lancer strides into the class, well, as much as one could with a pot belly, and started the lesson by tell everyone to sit down.
When his eyes met Danny's he smile and said," Ah Mr. Fenton, glad to see you back in class. I hope you did your homework."
Every eye in the class looked to Danny as he stuttered, "Wh... what? Uh you see, I uh..." and he just blanked, not knowing what else to say or do. Wishing he still had the guts to jump out the window. He could feel sweat dripping down his back in a nervous sweat and he began to fiddle with is fingers as he tried in vain to think of what to do.
Seeing his inner struggle, "I'm just picking Mr. Fenton. I know you wouldn't have been able to do the homework." Mr. Lancer says in a calm voice then he raised it to address the class, " Now, who can tell me why Bruno decided to go under the fence..." and with that, everyone reluctantly moved their eyes to the teacher as he lectured on about the book they where to read.
At the end of class when the bell finally rang for second period, everyone packed their backs a left, well, almost everyone, "Mr. Fenton, please stay back for a few please." Mr. Lancer called out, not even looking away from his grading all the while he muttered, 'Animorphs! These people...'
"Um sure," Danny replied, "See you in third Sam." and walked over to Lancer's desk while his friends said their good byes for now and left, but not before giving Danny a look that said, you will be fine.
Walking to Lancer's desk, Danny couldn't help but wonder what Lancer wanted to talk about. The more he wondered, the more anxious he got. After a few more seconds, Lancer looked up with a sigh to Danny and bent over to the bottom drawer in his desk an pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Danny and said, "This will tell you all the special privileges the school counsels and the principles wanted to..."
"I don't want it." Danny interrupted, handing the paper back without looking at it. "I just want to be normal and getting this won't give me that."
Shocked, Lancer stated,"But some of the privileges will help you with your ghost hunting and school problems like letting you leave class without an explanation and homework deduction! Do you not want that?"
With a shake of his head, Danny said, "I will just take advantage of that, it's fine, I just want to be treated like a normal student." And with that, Danny fled the room leaving a shell shocked English teacher who for the life of him didn't know what to do with himself.
Standing at the Math classroom door fifth teen minutes late, Danny face-palmed for forgetting about asking for a note, but not wanting to go back to Lancer, braced himself and walked in on the Math teacher who was in the middle of asking the class for their homework.
At the sound of the door being opened, everyone in the class froze as they saw Danny walk in late and the teacher, Mrs. Cunningham, looked to him and he saw a look of surprise and a bit of pity in her brown eyes. "Are you ok dear? Was it a ghost attack that made you late?" she asked with a concerned voice and everyone leaned in their seats, wanting to know if so.
For a second Danny didn't understand why his teacher asked such a question and stared dumb-founded at her before coming to his sense and said, "Huh, no, I uh was held back in Lancer's and uh forgot to get a note." now felling stupid for his replied and quickly sat in the first seat he laid eyes on which was the middle seat in the second row a quickly sat down, feeling his face burn red.
Blinking, Mrs. Cunningham replied, " Oh i'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions dear. A bit new to all this you know. So any ways, who cares to explain problem four in the homework.." and with that class resumed after the awkward scene.
About twenty minutes into the lesson, Danny really wished he choose a different seat. Sitting to the right of him, Paulina and her friend Star sat making googly eyes at him and on the left, Dash and Kwan sat starring at him in wonder and boyish glee. Sitting in front of him was Jake Morten, the guy every one believe was Phantom at the beginning, who kept sending Danny glares out the corner of his eye. And finally, nerdy Mikey sat behind him making squeaking noises every time Danny moved to lean back.
Danny had half the mind to move to the empty seat in the back that annoyed him to no end as it called out to him, but not wanting to make a scene, stayed put. Begrudgingly.
Then, the teacher said something that will be the subject of Danny's nightmares, "Okay class! Partner up, you will be doing an assignment that will take the rest of class." As soon as she said that, every head in the room snapped to Danny simultaneously, making Danny shutter at the image.
Seeing the problem, Mrs. Cunningham said, " Now class, leave Mr. Fenton alone, let him choose his partner, now hurry or i will pick for you."
As fast as he could possibly move, Danny spun in his seat to face Mikey who gave a squeak in surprise and asked "Partner?" without thinking of the outcomes, only hoping to get out of having an A- Lister or a first class popular student get their hands on him. Seeing as the class was all A-Listers and 1st classer popular students save for Mikey and himself.
Shaken by how fast Danny choose him, Mikey could barely say 'sure' before Danny moved to flip his desk over to face him, almost toppling over in the process.
The rest of the class let out a collected sigh seeing Danny with a partner and moved to get their partners as well and started to work as the teacher explained what to do.
"Alright, let's see, I do even you do odd?" Danny asked while looking through the problems, "Or you take even and i do odd?" He looks up to see a still shaking Mikey who know looked flustered.
"Um, I could, I mean, seeing as you choose me as your partner and no one does that unless they want me to do all the work and seeing as your, you know, and you choosing me and all, i guess, you want me to do them all while you take the credit right?" Mikey stammered into a rant while he reached out for the worksheet to do the work. I mean, i always happens when a popular guy choose to work with him and seeing as Danny is popular...
"Of course no Mikey." Danny said, stopping Mikey's train of thoughts, "We're partners, we work together."
Feeling a bit stunned that Danny didn't take advantage of him, Mikey blurted, "Even!"
Giving Mikey a warm smile, Danny handed over the worksheet and they got started on the work problem. Finishing before the end of class, and for being the only ones who finished, they received no homework as a reward. And while leaving to head to History, the met up with Sam who had the same period too and walked together as new friends.
Seeing as the History teacher, Mr. Kub, didn't have anything fun or interesting planned, Sam, Danny, and Mikey spent lesson tossing paper wads at each other when the teacher wasn't looking. Only getting caught when Danny threw his wad with too much force and missed Mikey by a long shot, smacking Mr. Kub in the face as he was turning to face the class.
Now, heading to lunch feeling very lucky that Mr. Kub was a 'fun' teacher and didn't see, or didn't care, who threw it and let it slide with a warning, but of course everyone in the class knew it was Danny for they all turned and stared at him while Sam and Mikey tried their hardest not to burst with laughter as Danny felt his face grow hot.
But walking into lunch with Sam and Tucker by his side again, he felt better and more calm and walked into the crowded lunch room. Making their way to the lunch line, they saw that the line was long. Reaching almost to the other side of the room.
"Aw man, why is it that we're always in the back! I'm starving to death." complained Tucker as they made there way to the back of the line. Looking at his P.D.A he let out a gasp, " I missed my 11:25 feeding!" he yelled throwing his arms in the air bringing attention from surrounding tables their way. Danny giggled at his friends antics while Sam glared.
"Shh Tuck, your bringing unwanted attention to us you dimwit." Sam hissed, successfully shutting up Tucker, who just went to pouting in silences. "Anyways, how was Math class? Being alone and all?" she asked turning to Danny who started to look uncomfortable as everyone in the lunch room started to stare.
"Uh it was good actually. Mikey and I..." before he could finish, a giant hand wrapped itself easily around Danny's forearm and started to drag him through the line as a voice that belong to none other than Dash Baxter start to shout things like, "Move out of the way! Hero coming through! Watch it!" all the while student watched the whole thing play out as Dash dragged Danny up to the front of the line, grabbed him some food, went to pay for it and dragged him to the one table every low status student would never imagine touching, the A-List table.
He was then pushed dazedly into an empty seat next to Paulina and Kwan while Dash ran around the table to sit in front of Danny. The whole thing took less than a minute to go down, but Danny's brain was still dizzy from the fast scenes and was having a hard time figuring out what just happened. Looking around, Danny notices Sam and Tucker still in the back of the line, staring with their jaws on the floor. Actually, more than half the lunch room looked like that. The rest of the room looked either bored or jealous.
"...believe your him!" Danny heard Paulina squeal when he came back into focus.
"Huh?" was his intelligent answer.
"Oh, you must be wondering why we brought you here! Well, we decided, even if your in a much higher status of your very own, we wanted to know if you want to become A-Lister!" Paulina squealed loudly as everyone in the room heard her. "Imagine, all the popular you can even think about having, instant invites to every party, and your very own nerd to do your work! What do you say?"
The whole room was tensed to hear Danny's answer. Everyone but Sam and Tucker believed he would say yes without hesitation, but to their shock he replied with, " Thanks but no thanks." and he stood up to walk back to his friends, but no before turning to Dash and said, "Thanks for buying my lunch, but i can buy my own. You can keep it."
After that, lunch went by uneventful besides the Box Ghost showing up demanding that everyone gave up their lunch boxes of Doom all the while Danny just uncorked his Fenton Thermos and sucked in the ghost with out looking or moving, much to the disappointment of the students in the room, never having seen Danny 'Go Ghost' yet.
Now on their way to fourth period, they couldn't help but laugh at everyone shocked face at how easy Danny defeated the Box Ghost. Their faces were priceless!
"Ugh, P.E. Let the torture begin." Danny and Tucker said at the same time. Sam just rolled her eyes.
As the period started and ended, it wasn't quite as bad as usual. The class just played dodge ball and some how, Danny won for being the last one standing on his team. Which was a bit surprising to him as he just stood in the corner of the gym with his friends who were soon taken out and slowly, Danny's team grew smaller, leaving him all alone with the full foot ball team going against him. Obviously, Danny could have went intangible to avoid getting hit, but at the time, he forgotten how to do so.
So we find Danny sitting in his next class, Astronomy, sporting a couple of bruises that had many think he just came out of a ghost fight and when asked, he replied with, 'Dodge Ball Sucks.'
Astronomy was Danny's favorite class. They learned about the stars, planets, the theory, and today, the universe and the many theories of the universe. The teacher, Mr. Cosmos, had a way with words that made one imagine what he was talking about so clearly, you would think he was playing a movie and he was narrating.
"Settle down children." Mr. Cosmos said as he walked in and started lessons. "Today we will talk Universe. We know how many light years this solar system of ours is, you know the sun and the moons and the planets, how there made and moved. But we don't know them at the same time. Many questions that man dies to know of this universe but its just too far for us to reach out and grasp with our knowledge. Our theory is one of them, Multiverse, does it exist? Or doesn't it?" with a pause, Mr. Cosmos sits on the edge of his desk and leans forward, making the class do the same. "Imagine! The Milky Way Galaxy, home to our solar system, but not just us, others, billions of other solar systems circles within our Galaxy. We know that our Galaxy also has brothers and sisters. Billions and Billions of other Galaxies with there own solar systems circling them. Billion of planets in each one of those solar systems. Some Planets or never seen, forever trapped in darkness, lost swimming out there, with no where to go, only to stop when crashing into others, forever lost. With black holes threatening our very existence. And all of this, is swimming around in one big Universe. Makes you feel small doesn't it? But imagine this theory, that with all of these great big galaxies and countless stars and beauties, that all of it, is a single drop of water in a waterfall of other Universes with their own stars, suns, galaxies and black holes. What if we are just a single drop of water, in a never ending waterfall of other universes? How does that make you feel?"
A pregnant silence blanketed the room, so silences, you could literally hear a pin drop. The silences, however, was broken by a girl in the back whispering in a very soft voice, "Wow..." and everyone silently agreed.
The rest of the day at school ended with Danny and Tucker at their last class, Chinese with Miss. Yang.
Miss Yang was a little old lady with a very high spirit so that the class was passed very fast with fun and games as they learned about the culture of china.
As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of school, Danny and co. were one of the first out the doors.
"Dude, today was something else." laughed Tucker as they made their way to Sam's house.
"Yeah it sure was." Agreed Danny, "I thought for sure the day would be torture. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be."
They stopped at the door way to the Manson Mansion as Sam let them in and made a bee-line to the movie room while Sam rolled her eyes. All they cared about was that room.
"So boys," Sam announced as they all grabbed popcorn and soda and made them selves comfortable on the movie room chairs, "Horror or Romance?"
Without hesitation, they all shouted 'Horror' and laughed like there wasn't a worry in the world for them.
But how long will that last?
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