The News
Waking up to your phone ringing after a night of ghost hunting is not a good morning, but waking up to the caller breaking down your door? It's a terrible morning!
"Wake up Danny! You have to see this!" yelled Sam, shaking a dazed Danny.
"Why? It's too early. I just laid down too." groaned Danny. He was lying face down into his pillow with a streak of dried drool on his chin. Opening his eyes were a struggle since they felt like a ton was hanging from his eye lids.
When his eyes were opened, you could clearly see bags hanging from under his eyes. They were so dark; he almost looked like a raccoon. His black hair was a mess, more than usual, and his breath melts of garbage.
"And you do relies that it's Saturday! My rest day!" argued Danny, sitting up to meet a guilt, and impatient Sam. "What?" said Danny with worry. It's rare that Sam would get that look. It's when something important is going on and she needs all attention.
All Sam did was wave to tell Danny to get up and ready. With one last groan, he rolled out of bed and gave a longing look to his pillow before staggering to the bathroom.
After 5 minutes, Danny walked out with his original white t-shirt with the red oval and jeans, still messy hair and bad breath.
"Come on, we're going to Tucker's. He's waiting for us." said Sam as they made their way down the stairs of the Fenton Works building. "We have something to tell you."
And with that, they walked on in silent all the way to the Foley Residents. Throwing open the door without knocking, they made their way to Tucker's room.
"Hey guys! Finally get Danny up?" Asked a geeky looking teen with dark skin, red beret, and faded blue eyes that met no were near Danny's sparkling blue skies.
"Yeah, took about ten minute to get him out of the bed. But he's here now, so go on and tell him." said Sam, getting to the point.
"Alright, come on Danny, to my bed!" said Tucker as he led the two on the bed in front of the TV. "Alright man, don't freak out too much, okay?" Asked Tucker before turning on the system.
"Depends, now show me before go back home to sleep." Replied Danny as he yawned to prove his point.
Taking that as a yes, Tucker turned the TV on.
...News Channel...
"Good morning Amity Park and welcome to News 8. I'm Sherry Beck and I'll be with you this morning News." said a cherry woman who looks like she chugged a bottle of energy drinks before the shot. She had deep brown eyes and almost white blonde hair. She had no wrinkles so she was in her late 20's or mid 30's. All in all, she looks great for the cameras!
"But, before we get started today, we have special News from Mr. Stranger. Odd name, but anyways, he has important information that should be shared. So, here he is, Mr. Stranger!" called Sherry as she stood from her chair to welcome the guest.
Mr. Stranger was an odd man to see walk on to the stage of the News. You couldn't tell what his eye color or hair color was from the long black cloak that hung in front of his face, giving off a shadow that hidden all skin from view. He had on long baggy pants that were also black, along with black boots.
You could clearly see that the man's presence made Sherry nervous. She was sifting from feet to feet with her long arm stretched outwards to shake hands. But the man never shook her hand. Instead, he sat down in the spare chair that was meant for him.
And with that Sherry sat down. "Well, I heard you had some big News for us to hear. What is it you wanted to tell us?" she asked in a voice that struggled to hide her nerves.
"Yes," said the man in black. He had a deep, raspy voice that sent shivers down your spine. "I did, but the news could change the towns, possibly the world! The great News I have to reveal to you is that the Ghost Boy, Danny Phantom, is not who you think he is!" At this, Sherry leaned forward in her chair and asked, "What do you mean, Mister? Is he really evil? 'Cause the town finally came to conclusion that he's good!"
"No, no, he is good, but I found out that he's not really a full ghost!" exclaimed Stranger. With that, Sherry broke out laughing.
"You can't be serious! There is no way Phantom is not a full ghost!" she said in between giggles, but stopped when Stranger held up his hand to dismiss the laughing lady.
"Hear me out Miss, but what I say I true! There are evident all over the place. His bazaar ecto- radar, the way he always shows up at the right time, and I have heard tons of ghosts call him a Halfa. Now, think about that and try to laugh!" he argued.
Sherry was quiet from shock for a minute or two before saying, "I can't believe it. Are you sure? I mean, it's impossible!" she asked in a quiet voice.
"That's what I thought at first, but I went to Fenton Works and voiced my concern. They said it is possible for a person to survive massive quantities of ectoplasm and gain ghost powers." answered Stranger.
Eyes wide, mouth gaping like a fish, Sherry was dumbstruck. "And do you know the true identity of the town hero? Since you know all of this?" she asked after a shake of her head.
"Sadly, no. But I do believe that the kid with ghost powers go to Casper High. Since a lot of the ghost attacks the High school more that the whole town. And from the looks of Phantom, the kid would 14 to the age of a small 16 year old. But the full identity is unsolved." Stranger replied. "But I hope this revelation don't change the way we look at him and the reason for me doing this is to help the kid, to take the stress off him a little more!" And with that he stood said his goodbyes and left the screen, leaving a shocked Sherry and quiet News Station.
...Back with Danny...
"Breathe, Danny, breathe!" cried Sam as she placed a hand on Danny's shaking shoulder.
Throughout the video recording, Danny has been through 4 panic attacks, 3 locks of hair almost being pulled out of his head, and almost went into shock. So, right now he's on his fifth panic attack.
"Come on Danny! Calm down! You're making me hyperventilate!" said Tucker breathing heavy. "I told you not to freak, dude!"
"Well, I said 'Depends.'" gasped Danny, calming a little bit down.
"He's right Danny. You got to calm down or Mr. and Mrs. Foley will hear." Sam said while rubbing circles in his back to soothes his nerves.
"Lovebirds!" snorted Tucker, and with that, a chorus of, "We're not lovebirds!" from Danny and Sam.
"Yeah, right!" replied Tucker. Sam snorted and punched Tucker in the arm. "Oww!" cried Tucker.
"Whatever, but listen Danny, it's not the end of the world. It will all blow over in no time. All you got to do is lay low and deny every question people ask you about your human half." explained Sam.
"Yeah, your right! Lay low until everyone gives up and the problem is fixed, but one problem..." Danny stopped mid-sentence.
"What problem?" Tucker asked before Sam could open her mouth.
It took a few seconds for Danny to answer since he was deep in thought about that very problem he was concerned about.
"Who was the man on the News? And how did he find out about the secret, other than what he just revealed?"
Sam nor Tucker knew the answer to that question.
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