The Awakening
When Danny finally came to, he found that his body was heavy and it took all of his will power to shift his limbs into a sitting position to determine his surroundings.
As he looked around, he found out that he was in his room. It was light out side, judging from the brightness, it was around noon.
"Man, what hit me?" Danny murmured to himself when he felt a bad headache form, making him lean back down.
As he did so, the last of his memories came flooding back to hit him in the face. From the News report to the Fenton-Exposer to now.
Danny felt tears form at his eyes as he processed the information and realized he no longer had a secret. "Well," he whispered with a hint of sorrow in his voice,"I guess secrets are never meant to be kept hidden." And with that, he turned over and let the tears run free with the rare moment of weakness.
Danny had promised himself to never cry, to show weakness, but at that moment, as he turned over to hide his face in his pillow, he couldn't help but to show his weakness to the world as he silently cried alone.
The Kitchen...
To say that the Fenton family was a wreak, was an understatement.
Maddie was sitting at the end of the kitchen table as she let tears run down her face as the last few day's event ran through her mind.
It has been almost four days since the secret of her son was exposed. After they had made it home with her unconscious son in the back seat, they had immediately took him to his bed and made him comfortable.
It was no shock when they realized he wouldn't wake up any time soon. They just hoped he woke up before they have to take him to the hospital for extreme reaction shock.
News travel fast as some people may say. It wasn't even an hour by the time the News crew caught wind of the Ghost Boy's secret identity. They immediately aired in the middle of a different program and announced the big reveal.
- An hour after the Fentons got home.-
After everything had calmed down, Jack plopped down onto the sofa and whipped out the remote from inside the sofa as Maddie went to call Jazz from college to come home.
"Jazz, sweetie, we need you to come home." Maddie said in between sniffs.
"Why? What happened?" Jazz asked with worry. It wasn't like her mother to cry like this.
"You know about the Phantom thing everyone is talking about, well, me and your father learned that Danny was Phantom and we're having a hard time with it. We need you here." Maddie said and she spent the next few minutes telling Jazz all about the invention and Danny passing out on the stage.
"Mom, i'm sorry but i already knew about Danny and his secret. I promised not to tell and for that i'm sorry. I would come down if i could, but my classes are getting harder and more work and i can't miss too many days i'm sorry." Jazz said and they spent the next few minutes talking about how Jazz found out about Danny's secret and Maddie asked questions about how Danny got his powers.
As they talked, Jack was watching the News a bit horrified at how fast news traveled from the school. On the News, they were showing a picture of Danny Fenton next to a picture of Danny Phantom and they were comparing the similarity of the pictures, coming to the conclusion that the internet rumor was unmistakably true.
Sherry Beck, the reporter, was shuffling papers and was twirling her white-blonde hair as she was nervous about the revelation of the biggest secret ever and she was trying not to squeal.
"As you can see," Sherry stuttered as she pointed to the pictures on the weather screen. "Fenton has the same body tone with the same hair style as Phantom. The names sounds the same as well and we were very blind to miss such a big detail. There are no words from the Fenton family on this report, as we believe they are dealing with a lot at the moment. But as soon as we do, we'll tell y'all the updates.
With that, they showed the pictures again and went back to the regular program that was playing before it was interrupted.
Within a few hours after the News report, the internet was buzzing with people on twitter, snap-chat, and every other social media with people talking about the big secret being exposed. On YouTube, videos went viral with conspiracy videos, News report and more.
By the middle of the day the next day, the President of the United States stood up to the defense of Danny and made a speech to make sure no harm comes to the family of the Fentons. And a few hours after the speech, the rest of the world from the South Pole to the North Pole knew the secret.
By the third day, ten hours before Danny woke up, the Fenton family stood and the City Hall and answered the cities many questions about day and what they where to do.
Many people wished to see Danny, but the Fentons denied access by saying he was still unconscious from the after effects from a massive shock. The news took everyone by a storm. They never knew how much the secret meant to Danny.
After a long and hard meeting at the City Hall, everyone that arrived finally began to leave with their hearts heavy from the hard truth they learned. Maddie and Jack didn't know all the answers that people asked, so they were glad when Sam and Tucker came to their rescue and answered most of the questions that where about Danny's powers, why he kept it secret, who all knew, and etc.
So when the day finally ended, Sam and Tucker went home to rest as did the Fentons. They where all tired and as soon as they got home, Jack went straight to bed and Maddie is where we founded her earlier, sitting at the kitchen table with tears in her eyes.
As time went by, the time where Danny woke up came and went with no one knowing until Danny made his way slowly and stiffly down the steps and into the kitchen exactly two hours after he woke up.
It was a hard decision for Danny to make since he didn't want to get up and face the world.
To tell the truth, Danny rather rot away in his bed and never give a care in the world, but his stomach began to grumble in away that sent pain up and down his body, and the ever present scab that the fight with Skulker gave him about five days ago didn't help the pain. At least the bruise on the back of his knee was gone.
Making up his mind, Danny slowly got out of bed and wobbled to his door, for the lack of use in his leg muscles, it was a hard and painful process for a couple of seconds.
He slowly made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen where he found his mother staring dumbly at her coffee cup and his dad was nowhere to be seen since he was passed out in his bedroom,
Trying to add humor, Danny said," Wow mom, you look like someone just died." As he said that, he winced at how his voice sound from no water and lack of uses and what he just said. But it had the reaction he wanted, for his mother shot out of her seat and tackled Danny into a bear hug that took the air out of his lungs.
"Ow, mom. You could have warned me before you did that!" Danny said with a weak smile that didn't reach his eyes.
A short laugh escaped Maddie's lips before she cried for the hundredths time in the past three days,
"Mom, I'm fine. Don't cry." Danny said as he held on to her as her sobs wreaked her whole body.
For a few minutes they held on to each other as Maddie calmed down enough to lead Danny to the kitchen to make him sometime to eat.
Once done, they both sat in silents as Danny ate his sandwich and drank his cup of milk.
"How long was I out?" Danny asked. He didn't really want to know, but he just had to. The silents was becoming suffocating and that was the first question that came to mind.
"A few days." Maddie said as she looked on with disgust as she say that Danny shoved a mouthful of sandwich in his mouth. But she couldn't blame him, it have been days since he last ate.
"Oh," Danny said. A few days wasn't that bad. "What happened during that time?" Danny was shocked that he just asked that question and was about to say never mind when Maddie answered before he could.
She explained everything from the time he passed out to the time he woke up and every details possible to fill Danny in on the news. When she was done, Danny was quite speechless. He never thought that in a billion years people would do that for his. For goodness sake's man, the President made a speech for him!
"Wow." was Danny's only response. With his stomach full, Danny leaned back to process everything through. 'At least everyone don't hate me.' he thought.
But he couldn't believe all this was happening. All of his worries and pain, it was all Mr. Reklaw's fault!
"I'm going to kill him!" Danny whispered to loud because Maddie heard him. "Kill who?" She asked with worry. It was unexpected for Danny to say that.
Looking up, Danny realized what he said, "Sorry, I was talking about that guy that started all of this."
"Oh,: Maddie said in understanding.
After a period of time, Danny shot up in his seat as a disturbing thought crossed his mind about the stranger.
Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, he asked his mom how to spell Reklaw and quickly wrote it down along with it wrote backwards.
Once he did that, he sat back in his seat in shock as the colors drained from his face. For want he wrote was none other than, Walker...
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