Chapter 4:Memories
"Y/N, wake up!"
"Uhhh levy whyyyy?!"
"Beacouse, remember today your going to practice how to use ur magic."
"Oh ya I forgot Natsu was going to teach me....but just five more minutes plz?." I beg giving her puppy eyes.
"Nope!" She takes the covers from me pushes me off the bed. I guess the puppy dog eyes.
"Levyyyyyyyyyy whyyy ya gotta be so rude."We start laughing."Fine I'm up"
"Finally, now get ready...while I read meh fanfics."
"Haha ok"
"Ok ya ready to go"Levy asks me and Reble.
"Hey, Natsu are we going to practice today?"
"Yes. But first I need to beat gray's ass for no reason"
"Ok.." I say as Natsu is already beginning a fight and every one joins in. Natsu 'trips' over a box and pushes gray into erza. Gray starts screaming at Natsu and they start fighting.
"Boys calm down" Erza says calmly. The boys don't listen and Natsu gets pushed by gray into Erza and her strawberry cake falls on the ground. She freezes for a second about to pick it up when elfman steps on the cake.
"Come at me ice princess!" Natsu is all covered in flames.
"Gladly, hot headed freak!".
"M-My s-stawberry cake..." everyone freezes.
"YOU GUYS WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Everyone runs. And I start laughing.
"Erza you can have my strawberry cake I don't want it,"
"Really!" Her eyes have stars.
"Yup," She starts eating the cake her face is covered with white and pink icing.
"Thank you. But those" She swallows the cake she had in her mouth. "Those guys are going to pay!"
"Well you can fight gray all you want today but wait till tomorrow for Natsu."
"But whyyyyyy!
"Because today were training and I don't want him to have a broken foot."
"Oh ya I forgot. Oh well I'll just have to break his foot tomorrow." She smirks while punching her palm and cracking her knuckles. "..." I am officially scared.
"Your scary," Reble says
"Well its my job." Erza smirks again.
"I-I will see you later I got to go find Natsu" I say.
"Ok bye Y/N"
I look around the guild and everyone is hiding. Behind doors, plants, desks, chairs, The job
board, tables.
"Everyone come out she's not going to hurt anyone *cough* *cough* except for gray*cough* *cough*" Everyone comes out of there hiding place. Honestly the guild hasn't bein' this quite before. I see Natsu, so Me and Reble walk up to him. I need this training but everyone is so nice I don't want to hurt them by telling them the truth.
"Now are we going to train?"
"Let's go to the training circle thing in the basement it's huge and made out of the strongest iron or somethin'."
"Ok" We head down to the basement. "Wow you weren't joking when you said it was huge..."
"Ya, ok I have no clue what so ever on how to teach you dragon slayer magic... wait your a gen 1 dragon slayer right?"
"Then shouldn't you already now this kind of magic didn't ur dragon teach you."
"My dragon....umm I lost my memory when I was 10. My 'parents' told me everything they could about the two years I was with them. Only bits and pieces that I remember of my childhood now. I used to say "Adalinda" A lot my 'Perents said that was my dragons name I was confused at first but they explained that I was a dragon slayer. I never learned how to use my magic since I forgot. My 'dad' told me to join a guild someday and hopefully someone could teach me. So I joined this guild and I found not only one dragon slayer but 3... ya that's my story it's messed up, I know but hopefully I can remember someday those 8 years of my life with Adalinda and remember how to use my dragon slayer magic." Half of that story is true I did lose my memory but I got it back when I was 13. 3 years ago.
"Well if you want to remember maybe practicing dragon slayer magic can help. Right happy!"
"Let's start with the dragon roar..."
"Ya congrats you can now you have learned the dragon roar!" Natsu smiles.
I see a flashback of a dragon teaching me how to do that dragon roar. This is Adalinda...But there are two dragons. One was covered in fire and one was covered in water.
Adalinda and Zyaaxom.
I have never seen or remembered this dragon before how come I can remember his name. Is that why I'm a fire and water dragon slayer. Have I not remembered everything?
"I was not raised by one dragon...I was raised by two. Adalinda and Zyaaxom. Adalinda, The water dragon, and Zyaaxom, The fire dragon." I whisper to my self.
"Wait what? What do you mean" Oh crap I almost forgot natsu is a dragon slayer they can hear almost anything.
"Atleast you remember something let's keep training for a while longer."
"Hey levy. Hey Reble. Did she cost to much trouble levy?"
"No she was actually quite maybe because I gave some fish"
"Haha ya most likely... should we start heading back home?"
"Ok let's go today has being a long day all I want to do is take a relaxing bath and go to sleep."
(Um ya again, idk. Welp hopee you enjoyed my trash (if anyone is even reading this) and if anyone asks I got the dragons names from google 😂 ok ima go now byeeeeee)
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