Even know Loki had a cast on after a few days he was able to get around quite fast with his crutches, he would put all his weight down on his arms and push himself forward making him go farther then he normally would with walking.
It had now been a few weeks, and Loki was getting antsy. He wanted to leave the safety of the house and go do something, he was terribly bored and sick and tired of resting.
So when Thor asked to go shopping for something at target Loki immediately chimed in saying he would love to go to, putting on his best please face. Steve and Thor were hesitant at first but after a long begging session they finally said Loki could go.
Loki hopped up the stairs and into the hallway, Loki hoddled as fast as he could into his room. He threw his crutches to the side and slammed the bedroom door shut, he pulled off his pajama shirt and grabbed a green and black stripped sweater out of his closet pulling it on.
He grabbed some dark green cargo pants and hopped over to his bed, he couldn't put them on standing up any more since he wasn't allowed to put weight on his leg. Loki set down pulling off his pajama pants and replacing them with his cargo pants.
Loki took one boot from his bedside and put it on, he didn't know how to tie his shoe so he left them tied which made it a real struggle to pull it over his foot and leg. Loki sighed as he finally got it perfectly on, he pushed himself up and to his feet.
Loki wished he didn't threw his crutches to the side it took forever to get them up off the ground without him falling or letting go of one crutch. Loki walked down the hallway and stopped at the top of the stairs.
He put down one of his crutches and used the other one to sit on the floor, he pushed the crutches down the stairs one barley missing a glass potted plant.
Tony walked over from where he was standing at the door, "do you need help?" Loki shook his head and pushed his way down the stairs like a small child would, butt on each step as he goes down.
Loki pushed himself up from the final step and hopped over to his crutches, Tony watched getting a kick out about how Loki was struggling but yet so confident.
Steve had walked over now bumping into Tony on purpose to say 'I'm not happy your not helping him'. Steve picked up Loki's crutches and handed them to Loki who gave a thanks and a small smile.
"Come on let's go" Thor called from the doorway, Loki smile grew bigger as his excitement took over him. Steve stood by Loki as they made there way to the car making sure he didn't fall. Thor who was standing by the car opened the back door and held it open for Loki.
Loki at first didn't like all the attention, but then as people started doing everything for him it reminded him of him being the God of Asgard.
Loki carefully set down in the car and was handed his crutches since there was plenty of room for them in Tony fancy large car. Steve decided to sit up front this time which Loki didn't really like since Thor was really annoying and talked all the time, unlike Steve who set quietly.
Loki sighed trying to get comfortable as Tony put the car in reverse and pulled out the driveway. He was so excited to get to the store, he stared out the window watching the trees go by.
After a long painful twenty minutes they pulled into target, Tony park the car the closest he could get the entrance. Even if he hated Loki he didn't want Thor or Steve to scream at him, plus he still felt slightly bad about Loki's leg.
Loki unbuckled his seat belt and in a flash managed to get out of the car and to his feet, Steve who had gotten out of the car as well grabbed Loki's arm stopping him from hopping away to fast.
Loki frown pulling away from Steve "hurry up" he whined, "Loki slow down, we have all day there's no need to rush" Steve said replying to Loki's whine.
It seemed like forever for Tony and Thor to get out the car, Tony taking extra long just to piss off Loki. Loki growled softly not enjoying just standing there, Thor walked up to Loki giving him a small head pat before walking to the entrance of target.
Loki hopped (I don't know how to describe how he uses his crutches so when I say hop that means he's useing them :) ) behind Thor following him. Once everyone was in the store Tony went off on his own to the indoor Starbucks and Thor went to where he needed to go for his item he wanted.
Steve was given another chance after letting Loki run away the first time he watched him. Which Steve was happy for he definitely needed a second chance after that whole fiasco.
"Toys!" Loki yelled not caring if anyone heard a grown man yelling to look at toys, Steve smile and rolled his eyes playfully "I'm coming". Steve almost had to run to keep up with loki 'how can this man hop that fast' Steve thought to himself.
"Eee" Loki squeaked, Steve watched as Loki scanned the toys and pick up certain ones begging him to buy them. But something Steve didn't realize was how Loki would act when he really really wanted a certain toy.
Loki gasped as he saw the new gen 7 lps set, he grabbed it holding it close to his chest almost if he barely let it go it would disappeared in thin air. Loki hopped over looking Steve dead in the eye and saying "this is mine now".
Steve still smiling shook his head no and told loki to put it back, Loki put on his best please face "pretty please, Ive been good". "yes you have but we don't have the money right now" Steve said which was a complete lie since Tony was rich.
Loki growled "no, it's mine!" He yelled, "Loki put it back please" Steve said crossing his arms. Loki ignored him glaring at Steve still tightly gripping the lps, Steve frown walking over to Loki taking the lps in his hands and after a small fight managed to take the lps from Loki and put it back on self.
Loki eyes grew wide and his anger boiled, he threw his crutches down and fell to the floor. "Loki get up your making a scene" Steve begged crouching down to Loki's level.
"A scene, I'll show you scene" Loki growl out angrily. Steve was shocked when Loki started screaming bloodly murder, tears were falling down Loki's face and he hit the ground with his hands.
"Loki please" Steve said begging more people were staring at this point Loki wasn't embarrassed in the moment but Steve sure was, "NO I WANT IT!" Loki yelled as loud as he could. Loki's eyes were growing bright green.
*crack* *crack* *crack*
Steve face fell with horror as Loki's bracelet (the one that stops his magic) started cracking, *snap*. Loki's bracelet snapped into a million pieces, magic flooded though Loki as things around him begin to glow green and lift up in the air.
Steve stood up stepping back, he heard the store shelves rattling and could see large cracks on the floor. Steve watched as the store shelves ripped from the floor, floating in the air.
Loki anger had tooken over and nothing was gonna stop him from using his magic to get that toy, at this point Loki began using his magic to throw things at such speed it made holes and bent's in the walls.
"Loki breath and calm down, your scarying people" Steve asked trying to calm down his fast beating heart. "NO, I AM A GOD THEY SHOULD FEAR ME!" Loki screamed throwing a toy truck at a near by shopper.
Now people were screaming and calling the police, Loki could hear them since he stopped screaming. "A villain is in the shops and is trying to kill people", "there trashing the store and hitting people with items", "there a monster they have magic!".
This only filled Loki anger, he hated these mortals. They had no respect for gods like him they all deserved to be punished, something in Loki's brain told him to kill all the worthless humans but deep down in his heart all he felt was pain and sadness he promised he wouldn't hurt anyone but God he was just so angry.
He snapped out of his thoughts and plans when he heard sirens, he then saw police officers alot of them and with guns. Suddenly Loki didn't feel angry anymore no he felt terrified, pure terror ran though Loki.
They would surly shoot Loki, I mean Loki would shoot himself if he had a gun. Loki breath picked up as the cops came closer and surrounded him, keeping there guns on Loki as if one wrong move and they'll shoot.
"stand back sir" one of the police officer ordered to Steve, "what no, he's just scared he didn't mean it" Steve replied. Steve was panicking he knew Loki was in grave danger and he couldn't protect him even if he tried.
Steve was grabbed and pulled out of the way, they clearly didn't realize he was caption American because he wasn't in his outfit. Tears now poured down Loki's face as saw Steve be pulled away, his only comfort gone.
"GO AWAY!" Loki yelled, suddenly the store shelf flew forwarded crashing into at least four cops crushing them under the weight of the shelf. Blood seeped out from under the shelf causing Loki's breath to hing and stop.
"I didnt mean to do that" Loki said under his breath, Loki really didn't mean to do that as soon as his brain thought of it it happened it was like his magic had a mind of its own..he couldn't control it.
As soon as Loki thought of something his magic caused it to happen, toys went flying forwards to the cops knocking them down or even out and making there weapons fall down.
Loki only had one more shelf so his brain decided to pin the cops behind him, one cop let go of his gun making it slide towards Loki's feet. Which out thinking Loki grabbed it pointing it ahead at the only standing cops left.
His hands were shaking so even if he shoot it wouldn't hit the target he wanted. "STAY BACK" Loki yelled struggling to his feet, his magic still flowing powerfully though him.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Thor and Tony running over, but he saw enough cops shows to know not to take his eyes off his target. The cops would take that time to shoot.
Steve had now rushed over to Tony begging him to make the cops stop since Tony was rich he could easily pay his way out of it, but tony didn't say anything or do anything he stood there shocked and frozen in place.
Thor on the other hand was slowly waking over to Loki with his hand out in front of him not to scare Loki even more. Loki moved the gun away from the cops and to Thor, Thor stopped immediately.
"Dont come any closer please" Loki said stepping back, "Loki put the gun down and I'll get the police officers to put down there's" Thor pleaded.
"No as soon as I do they'll shoot me" Loki whined, "no they won't" Thor replied "I promise. "Stop LYING!" Loki shouted making a toy fly acrossed almost hitting Thor dead on.
Thor put his hands down standing as still as possible, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't control it!" Loki yelled out to Thor. Thor didn't know if he believed Loki but he sure was upset so maybe he was telling the truth.
Loki eyes looked over as he heard a loud dang, one of the cops had fired there gun straight at Loki. Lokis magic came in handy the bullet froze inches in front of loki.
Loki growled firing the bullet back right into the officers head, killing him instantly. "BROTHER" Loki looked back over, Thor wasn't nervous anymore no he was angry and Loki knew it was because of him this didn't help Loki's situation.
His brother now hated him even more then he already did and Tony was gonna kill him and Steve was afraid of him and he had murdered so many people. Loki dropped the gun a gusted of bright light came around Loki then he was gone.
The cops were confused for a minute before running out to find him, Thor anger wasn't gone but now he was more afraid not for Loki no but for all the people he encountered and could possibly kill.
*with Loki*
Loki shook feeling sick as he stood in his room, he had no where else to go so he just decided to go home well was it his home anymore Tony would definitely not want him there. Loki mouth filled with vomit as he spilled down his lips and onto the carpeted floor, he coughed as it came up spilling on his clothes and mouth.
He felt so sick and embarrassed and so so scared, he was scared the Avengers would hurt him or even worse kill him and god he was scared Steve and Thor hated him. He really didn't mean it he just couldn't control himself.
Loki put his hands up sobbing into them, he just wanted to be happy and not so angry he didn't even want to be a God anymore he just wanted to be a normal person.
*with Tony*
"I knew this was a bad idea" Clint said crossing his arms as he leaned on the couch, "I agree with Clint" Natasha said.
Tony had gone to the tower to get the others to help him find Loki, Hawkeye was not happy at all he wished Loki would have just stayed in Asgard he didn't care if Loki was hurt or dying.
Natasha was the same but did feel slightly bad for Loki, Steve had told her all about the progress Loki had made and she was actually thinking he was maybe becoming good.
Bruce was in the corner not saying anything so Tony looked over, Bruce shook his head. Tony sighed "guys just find him", Clint rolled his eyes "I'm taking Natasha". "no your taking thor, Bruce go with Natasha" Tony said.
Clint wasn't happy Natasha was the only one he really actually liked talking to, so having Thor was a real pain for him. Natasha didnt seem to be into it either she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes before waking out the tower with Bruce in hot pursuit.
*couple hours later*
"This is so annoying" Natasha gripped, Bruce nodded but kept his mouth shut. "I'm tired and were near Tony house let's get a drink" Natasha suggested, "good idea" Bruce said he was getting tired walking around.
The door clicked open and Bruce and Natasha stepped in walking over into the kitchen, Natasha poured them some water and they stood there quietly sipping there drinks.
"Do you hear that?" Bruce asked after hearing some strange noises from upstairs, Natasha listened closely "ya it's coming from upstairs, lets check it out" Natasha replied. Bruce and Natasha set there waters down and carefully and quietly walked up the stairs and down the hallway.
"It's coming from in here" Bruce whispered, "it sounds like crying?" Natasha added. Bruce grabbed the door knob twisting it slowly and pushing it open, Natasha and Bruce became face to face with Loki in the middle of the room with vomit in front of him and on him and balling his eyes out.
Bruce stepped forward making the floor creek alerting Loki to there presents, Loki looked up stopping crying. His eyes grew and he pushed himself back against the wall, "go go away" Loki stuttered out.
"Wow this is the famous killing God" Natasha laughed, bruce frown walking forward again. "NO GO AWAY" Loki shouted as a book hit bruce straight in his face, bruce fell back.
Natasha wasn't laughing anymore now she was angry, "bruce are you ok?" Natasha asked. Bruce moved the book from his face, a large cut on his bridge of his nose was the only injury he had.
Loki whined as he started crying again, "I'm sorry I didnt mean to" he sobbed out. "You didn't mean to chuck a book at him?" Natasha said angrily, "how'd you even do that?" Bruce asked.
Loki sniffed "magic" he replied in a small voice, Natasha stood up stepping back Natasha was strong yes but she was no match when there was magic involved. "Bruce get up, were gonna call back up" she whispered, Bruce stood up feeling a little dizzy but managed to walked out Loki's room.
Natasha ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, Bruce followed slowly behind. "Stand there so he doesn't come down the stairs, I don't think he's stupid enough to jump out the window" Natasha said pressing a button on her handmade watch.
The watch was Tony homemade gadget that had a build in speaker to connect to the other Avengers watches, the watched beeped a few times before a voice was heard over it "yes?" "Come to the house Loki's here we can't get close because of his magic, he hit Bruce with a book he's alright just a cut on his nose" Natasha said into the watch. There was an answer from two people saying on there way.
Loki peeked his head out the door, he was still crying making his vision a little blurry but he could still see. He saw Bruce standing at the end of the stairs and he heard Natasha talking to him.
Loki stayed there watching Bruce and listening to Natasha talk, he couldn't quite hear what she was saying but he knew it was her. It must had been ten fithteen minutes later before the front door was slammed open and Loki heard a familiar voice.
"Where's loki?" He heard the voice say with a panicked and loud tone, Loki shot up not caring the sudden pressure in his foot made it hurt. He ran (kinda) down the stairs tripping and landing straight onto Bruce who fell down from the weight and force.
Loki pushed himself up using Bruce to get himself up, Natasha must have thought it was attack because she was walking over and fast. Loki panicked and turned away from her seeing Steve a few itches away from him.
Loki broke down in sobs making Natasha stop in her tracks, she watched as Loki somewhat run over to Steve burying his face into his shirt and gripping it with his hand.
Bruce who got the wind knocked out of him set up looking over, he was just as shocked as Natasha. Loki coughed hicking before puking down Steve's shirt and pants down to his shoes, Loki stepped back trying to catch his breath.
"Sowwy" he mumbled, Loki had slipped while he was waiting in the room for Steve to come home. He thought it would be better to slip thinking it would help take the stress away but it didn't, everything was just so big and he felt so small.
Before Loki could say anything else he was grabbed roughly by his arm and pinned down, he gasped as his back hit the floor. He opened his eyes that were shut from the impact Clint was over top of him Loki yelped out as Clint dug his nails into Loki's arm.
Loki was scared and because he was scared his magic didnt listen even know Loki didn't want to hurt Clint his magic clearly did, Loki's magic lifted Clint up smashing him against the ceiling and onto the floor.
"CLINT!" Natasha yelled running over to help, Bruce had finally stood up he really didn't want to go all hulk since he would destroy the house so he tried to stay calm. Loki pushed himself up and kicked his way over to the wall he saw the potted plant next to him, without thinking he smashed it taking a piece of a glass and holding it out in front of him.
"Nu go near me" his words were slurred making Natasha and Bruce confused, Clint on the other hand didn't care what Loki said he was pissed he lundged towards Loki. Loki closed his eyes still holding his glass piece out.
He slowly opened one of his eyes after no impact was made, his other eye opened as well at what he saw. Steve and Clint were on the floor, Steve must have tooken the impact for him.
Loki threw the piece of glass aside and crawl up to Steve hiding behind him, "scwared papa" Loki whispered to Steve.
Steve set up turning around to face Loki, he leaned down making Loki flinch but to Loki's surprise Steve had kissed his forehead.
Loki looked up at him, Steve gave a toothy grin and stood up picking up Loki. Loki buryed his face into Steve's shoulder Loki didn't care that vomit got on his shirt and pants he was already covered in it and Steve didn't seem to care either. Steve looked seriously at Natasha Clint and Bruce, "stay here I'll be back after I give Loki a bath he needs to calm down before we talk with him".
"What!" Clint yelled, "but Steve he's a villain he could kill you" Natasha said angrily. "Hes no such thing now be quiet" Steve said angrily back.
Natasha wasn't happy but decided not to talk back, Clint on the another hand did "your really doing this, he killed people for God sake!" Steve let out a frustrated sigh as Clint got up. "Bruce if he comes anywhere near me or Loki kick him out the house" Bruce gave a small nod.
Loki was then rushed upstairs and into the bathroom, Loki was left in the tub so Steve could clean up the vomit in Loki's bedroom. Loki splashed happily letting out small giggles, he looked up his hands shot to his parts as he covered them.
Bruce was standing in the doorway, "Steve told me to get you out the bath" Bruce said as he saw Loki panic. "Nu I stay" Loki said looked down his lip wobbling as if he was going to cry, Bruce stepped in shutting the door behind him.
He set down next to the tub, "you don't seem all that bad, it's surprising you kill people" Bruce said. Loki frowned as small tear spilled from his eyes splashing in the tub, Bruce frowned as well not meaning to hurt Loki's feeling.
"I didnt mean to upset you" Bruce said calmly, Loki looked up "sowwy for hurting you, I nu mean it" Bruce gave a small smile before standing up and grabbing a dino hooded towel.
"Come on let's get in some comfy clothes", 'maybe he's not so bad and scary not like the hulk at all' Loki thought to himself. Loki stood up and stared at Bruce, "whats wrong" Bruce asked. "Help" Loki said pointing to the tub wall, "oh can you not get out?" Bruce replied. Loki shook his head.
Bruce put down the towel and went over picking Loki up and out of the tub, making sure to not look at Loki's parts so he didn't make him uncomfortable. Bruce put Loki down and wrapped the towel around him, he pulled out some clothes Steve left.
Once Loki was dressed and his hair was somewhat dry Bruce opened the bathroom door and stepped out, Loki let out a whine making Bruce turn around.
"Up up" Loki said making grabby hands, Bruce stepped back in grabbing Loki and lifting him up and putting him on his hip.
"Aw how cute, look like Loki found a new comfort person", Bruce looked over seeing steve. Bruce smiled "he is sweet when he's not destroying things" "yep" Steve replied. Loki shoved his thumb in his mouth and layed his head on Bruce's shoulder.
"Lets go downstairs and talk with everyone" Steve said, Bruce nodded and headed down stairs Loki removed his thumb from his mouth and point to the ground. Bruce put Loki down and stared at him confused, "barrassed" (←embarrassed) Loki mumbled out. Bruce ran a hand though Loki's damp hair, "thats ok we can walk in together".
Loki smiled, Bruce and Loki waited for Steve to get down before they made there way into the living room, Tony and Thor were now there Clint must have left Thor behind to come help with his little outburst. Loki stared at the ground not daring to look up at the glares that were given his way.
Steve reached down picking Loki up who gave a small wiggle in protest, he was extremely embarrassed and the others looking at him didn't help. But he did feel comfortable with Steve so he leaned into his touch, Steve had walked over to the middle couch and set down pulling Loki into his lap.
Loki wiggled a little but soon calmed down as Bruce set next to them both
"honey can you explain what happened then I'll explain what I think happened?" Steve asked. Loki gulped pushing himself into a bigger mindset so he could talk normally.
"Um I really wanted this toy because it's new and runs out fast and I got angry and couldn't take no for an answer so I got anger and because I got anger my bracelet broke and my magic came out *sigh* and got mad at the people cause they were mean so I threw a toy at one and they started screaming and call the cops and the cops came with there guns" Loki rushed out tears filling his eyes as his sentence ended.
"And and" Loki wiped his tears away before continuing, "I got really scared so my magic started acting on it's own and it threw things and killed people and because I couldn't control it it scared me more" Loki eyes started glowing a light green as thing in the room began to move.
Steve hugged Loki from behind and shushing him like a baby who was crying, "are we really believing this it's all an act" Clint said throwing his hands in the air dramatically.
"I not lying" Loki shot back, Loki face now was covered in anger and the lamp seem to have a mind of its own as it speeded to Clint, Thor got up catching it before it could smash into Clint.
Thor put the lamp down and set back on the couch, Loki leaned back against Steve's chest and fiddled with his fingers, "Sorry" he whispered.
Steve looked over at Clint giving a small glare, "no I'm not forgiving him" Clint said crossing his arms. Loki sniffed and covered his face with his hands, "clint!" Bruce said angrily now feeling like a father figure towards loki.
Loki couldn't take it anymore everything was so stressful, he broke down sodding as he put down his hands. Bruce grabbed a tissue from the coffee table and wiped Loki nose that had snot dripping out of it.
"Shh it's ok Loki we know you didn't mean it" Steve reassured him, "do we know that" Clint asked. "He seemed sorry" Natasha said, "wow your really taking his side" Clint said uncrossing his arms somewhat hurt Natasha was taking the side of a villain.
"I'm on no ones side" Natasha replied switching her weight from one foot to the other she had chosen to stand since there wasn't enough seats, after a few minutes of silence other then Loki's sobs he finally seemed to calm down.
"Loki baby what do you say?" Steve questioned, "I'm sorry for being mean, I just can't control my anger and magic" Loki said looking over at Natasha and then at Clint.
"I don't really care what you say, your not forgiven by me" Clint said angrily standing up and walking out the house, "Loki I don't know if I forgive you" Natasha said following after clint.
"Were gonna go back to the tower" Natasha said opening the front door and walking out, Loki was sad he wasnt forgiven but he was to tired to protest.
"Of course I forgive you Loki" "I forgive you as well brother" Bruce and Thor said, Loki looked over at Tony, "ya ya your forgiven" Tony said pulling out a book from the stand next to his chair.
Loki yawned and gave a small smile, "I think its time for bed" Steve said getting up with loki. "I have to go but I'll be over tomorrow to go on that little road trip with Clint and Natasha" Bruce said waving goodbye.
"Bye Bruce thanks for the help" Steve said, "Loki?" Steve asked. "Hes asleep" Thor replied to Steve even know Steve didn't call him.
Steve smiled and headed to Loki's room.
Dont know if this need a trigger warning so if it does let me know! I wanted to make Bruce a soft father figure for Loki :)
And Natasha kinda a half mother figure half not since she's still nervous around him, and Clint well idk about him he may forever hate Loki don't know yet.
Words 4979
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