*gasp* sweat dripped down Lokis face and socked into his pillow, he sits up wiping his forehead. *knock knock* Loki kicked his blanket off with his feet, sliding off the bed. He slowly walked to the bedroom door, twisting the door knob and pulling it open. "Hi" Loki mumbled, steve was standing there with concern written all over his face, "you look terrible" Steve said. Loki was cover in sweat and he had dark eye bags and was shaking, "I'm fine" Loki replied crossing his arms. Steve gave a glare and crossed his arms as well, "I don't like when you lie to me" Loki uncrossed his arms and his gaze turned to the ground. "Sorry, I just didn't sleep well", Loki whispered. "did you have a nightmare?" Steve asked tilting his head to the side, Loki nodded. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Steve said, Loki shook his head. Steve reached out running his hand over Loki's head, Loki leaned into his touch. Loki eyes filled with tears as he glued his eyes to the floor, "honey... *pause* please don't cry". Steve said pulling Loki into a hug, Loki lean into his chest as he let silent tears run down his face. "Shh, it's ok" Steve replied putting his arms around Loki, "whys he crying?" Loki moved his head away from Steves chest just to see mean old Tony. "He had a nightmare" Steve replied his voice low and annoyed, Loki looked back at the floor "ya but I'm fine now" he mumbled. "You don't seem ok, do you um wanna talk about it" Tony questioned as he ran his hand against the back of his neck. Loki again shook his head, "alright suit yourself" Steve pulled Loki back into his chest, "don't act like you care" he growled. Tony eyes grew wide and a look of shock went across his face, "I'm not acting, I do care" he said defensively back. Steve rolled his eyes "ya whatever you say", Loki whined it was early in the morning and there was already fighting. His mind felt fuzzy and small, he tried blocking it out but to no use. He hadn't regressed in days and it was finally coming out, "dada" Loki whimperd putting grabby hands at Steve. Steve at first was confused and thinking it was a joke but after seeing Loki's teary eyed face he knew he wasn't joking. Steve reached down scooping Loki up and giving him a kiss on the head, Loki immediately lean against Steve shoulder putting his thumb in his mouth. "Why does he act like that around you?" Tony asked, Steve thought for a minute "I'm not sure, it's almost like he's a baby and needs his daddy" "I'm gonna look it up" Tony replied as he walked down the hallway. Steve carried Loki down the hall and stair till he made his way into the kitchen, he tried putting Loki down but he immediately started crying and screaming begging to be picked back up. "Hi brother and Steve" Thor said walking into the kitchen from the living room, "how my baby brother?" Thor asked in a mocking tone. Loki giggled and mouthed some words no one could hear, Thor stared at his brother he only ever acted like this when he was a little. Thor was about to say something when Tony turned the corner, "I got it!" He said excitedly. "You got what?" Thor asked looking confused, "I got why he's acting like this, it's called age regression.. It's when you revert to a younger state of mind due to trauma" Tony replied happily. He was happy he finally figured out what made Loki act like that, he felt so accomplished. "Loki who's your dada?" Tony asked after a bit, Loki pointed at Steve "dada", "yes good job, Steve's your daddy" Tony said as he encouraged him. "I'm confused" Steve said putting Loki down, Loki let out a small whine. "He think of you as a father figure" Tony replied, "oh" Steve said a smile creeping on his face. Loki fiddled with his shirt pulling it down and wiggling, Thor looked down clicking in his mind what was wrong. He grabbed Loki and pick him up making Loki wiggle against him "nu down down" Loki whined. "No were taking you potty" Loki face turned a bright red, "nu gotta go", "then you wouldn't mind trying?" Thor said as a comeback. Loki wiggled more against Thor as he ignored him, "down" loki growled pointing to the ground. Thor gently put Loki down, "come on bub lets go" Steve piped in. Loki crossed his arms and stomped his foot "Nu!" He yelled. Steve sighed and gave Thor a look meaning 'I don't think this is gonna work', Thor shook his head and sighed as well. "Ok fine you don't have to go" Thor said, Loki looked up and smiled "otay!" He then bolted to the living room and flopped on the couch. "Hopefully he doesn't wait to long" Steve said to Thor, he'll probably wait to be honest.. He's always like this, waiting till the last minute or not even going at all" Thor replied. "If he pisses on my floor again I'm putting him in nappys" Tony said crossing his arms. Thor and Steve looked at each other before nodding in agreement, hours passed and Loki seemed to wiggle and squirm even more.
Loki shoved his hands between his thighs, as he let out a shaky breath. "Why'd I not go before when he asked, I'm so stupid" Loki thought to himself, Loki gritted his teeth as he felt a short warm leak fill his already damp underwear. Tears filled his eyes and slowly slipped down his face, he wanted to wipe them away but he need his hands to hold himself. He let out a choked sod as his leaks turned to a short stream then to a full force stream, it soaked into the couch after it could no longer take in his pants. He let out a small whine before moveing his pee covered hands to his shirt as he wiped them off, Loki kept as quiet as possible but the couch could only soak up so much, as it spills over the sides and splashes onto the floor. Soon the crying turned to gasping breathes, his face was turning purple and he felt like throwing up. "Loki honey calm down, it's ok it's just an accident" Loki looked up with teary eyes, he saw Steve standing in front of him with concern written all over his face. "Loks it's ok" Steve said running a hand over Loki's forehead, "your gonna be ok, just breathe with me" Steve said after a bit of Loki struggling to breathe. They slowly did there breathing exercise till Loki calmed down, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he choked out after they were done. Tony stood up from where he was sitting, "Thor asked if you had to go and you refused, your being childish and even with your regression you should know when to stop and go" Tony said angrily that his couch was ruined again. Loki looked down and nodded "sorry" he mumbled, "you should be sorry, since now we have to punish you" Tony replied as he walked over to Loki. Loki quickly looked up thinking he was going to be hit, "your gonna have to wear nappys if you can't control your bladder" Tony said. Shock and anger and embarrassment hit Loki like a truck "n-no! I'm not wearing one!" He shouted. Tony gave him a death glare, "to bad" "NO!" Loki shouted again. "Stop shouting" Tony growled, Loki stood up cringing as his cold pants stuck to him. "I HATE YOU!" He screamed before bolting to the bathroom, "Loki!" Steve gasped out. Thor stood up from his chair and gave Tony a look saying please don't hurt him he didn't mean it, but Tony ignored the look and stomped his way up the stairs and pounded on the bathroom door. "Come out now" Tony growled, "no!" Loki yelled back. "Loki I'm sick and tired of you you know that" "then why do you want me here huh why take me back if you don't want me" Loki yelled before collapsing to the floor. He was cold angry and sad and all he wanted to do was go to sleep but he had to get cleaned up. Tony thought for a moment somewhat shocked at what Loki had yelled to him, "because I wanted to give you a chance to change" Tony replied after a bit more of thinking. "I just wanna go to bed... I'm tired" Loki whispered, for some reason tonys heart gave in for the boy and he felt bad "you can go to bed after you get cleaned up ok?" Tony asked. The door knob to the bathroom twisted open and Loki stood there tears falling down his face. "Okay" Loki replied back...
Loki soon got cleaned up and was getting ready for bed when Steve came in with a nappy in his hand. "I'm sorry Loki's it's tonys orders" he said with a sigh, Loki whined as he flopped on his bed pulling the covers over his head. He heard foot steps coming closer and all he could do was wait to see if they would leave but of course they didn't as soon as the foot steps stopped the covers were ripped off of his. "No!" Loki screamed and tried pulling the covers back over him, "go away, I don't want it!". "Loki I'm sorry, please make this easy for me" Steve said placing the nappy down on the bed. Loki glared at it for a minute before crossing his arms and shaking his head no, "Loki you keep having accidents, this will stop it.. Do you want to upset Tony again" Steve question. Loki looked down and shook his head, "that's what I thought now please lay down so I can put this on" Steve asked. Loki sniffled but did as he was told, what he didn't realize was how Steve would react to the bruises all over his lower half from where that witch touched him. Steve let out a gasp as he saw the dark purple markings over Loki's butt and crotch area, "w-what happened" Steve stuttered. Loki didn't answer he only let out small sods, "Steve pulled the nappy up over his crotch and hooked it with the sticky patches. "I'll be right back ok" Steve said getting up and heading to the room door, Loki nodded as he set up.. He try to stay as still as possible as he heard crinkling, the patting between his legs made it so he couldn't close them, it was also weird he felt exposed like he had nothing on his bottom half, he set up more ignoring the crinkling. He pulled the blanket over himself and grabbed his pillow, he wanted to cuddle it. He was tried and upset and just wanted to go to bed.
Steve rushed down the stairs "guys we have a problem!" He whispered yelled so Loki wouldn't hear. "What is it now" tony groaned, "yes did something happen?" Thor asked. But they knew something awful must have happened because tears were pouring down Steve's face, "t-there are bruises all over Loki's bottom half" Steve stuttered out. "What?!" Thor shouted with concern, "shh, please be quiet I don't want Loki to hear" Steve said as he wiped his tears away with his palm. "Why does he have bruises there" tony questioned, "I think something bad happens I remember when he called he said he was scared... *pause* I think he was assaulted" Steve replied. Nobody talked after that, Steve was crying again and Thor angry radiated off of him and well tony was just in shock, tony knew they treated him bad there but not that bad. What are y'all talking about" Steve heard a voice behind him, everyone turned to see Loki behind Steve. The nappy wasn't noticeable with sweatpants on so Loki decide to come down stairs for some cuddles, "we're um talking about the game" Steve said looking around then back at Loki. "Yes the game!" Thor chimed in, "why are you lying to him" tony asked crossing his leg over his other. Loki stared at Steve and Thor "did I do something wrong..." "No no you didn't do anything wrong" Steve said quickly so Loki wouldn't get upset. "Listen brother, we're concerned about the bruises on your lower half", that's all it took for Loki to have flash backs of getting hurt by that evil woman. Tears fell down Loki's face as he let out a sod and collapsed to the floor, Steve immediately went up to Loki and reached out to help him up, "please don't touch me, I'm sorry!!" Loki yelled out. He covered the front of himself with hands as he cried out more, "Loki honey I'm not gonna touch you like that" Steve replied, his heart was sinking deep in his chest. He was so upset for Loki how could someone touch him like that, they were disgusting animals. Thor stood up and walked over to Loki sitting in front of him, "we aren't going to hurt you brother" Thor said gently. Loki looked through his cloudy eyes to see Thor in front of him "Thor?" Loki mumbled before climbing into his arms, he leaned into his chest and balled his eyes out. They stayed there till Loki cried himself to sleep, and was picked up and put to bed. Then tony and Steve made angrily phones calls to Asgard and Thor even threaten to go to Asgard to straighten it out himself, but tony held him back. Eventually Asgard guards apologized and steve went up to cuddle with Loki.
Took forever but here's another chapter.
Words 2333
Ps I don't read over this so there's gonna be mistakes
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