~New home~
Loki stared at the glass wall slowly counting in his head. He didn't understand most numbers since in Asgard it's a complete different system even know they speak english the books are written in a weird pattern. letters are upside down and on there side and some aren't even in the english dictionary. The only way he was able to count to 60 was because his mother taught him, well in his eyes she's his mother. Loki's sighed as he placed his hand on his stomach he didn't understand why is felt weird his stomach never fault weird. It was bubbling and growling with small sharp pains surging from the left side to the right side of his stomach. He didn't feel right and he knew something was wrong but he pushed it to the back of his mind. In just a few minutes he would leave this hell hole and go to a normal home with beds and tasty foods. He was sick of the same thing over and over again, disgusting slimy corn and a large turkey leg which was always cold and his favorite from the meal mashed potatoes there was nothing wrong with them so it was always eaten first. He was happy no more then happy he was excited and with every passing minutes he grew more excited but so did his stomach pain.
*few minutes later*
Loki set up as he heard the familiar foot steps, it was maddly. (idk if I spelled it right but it's like Maddy but with a lee at the end) Maddly was a beautiful young woman with long curly strawberry blonde hair and ocean blue eyes she always wore a light brown leather shirt with metal shoulder guards and a short white skirt with brown sandals for her shoes. Loki never understand her fashion but nobody ever did. Loki stood up from his leaning position which he had been in for a few hours there was nothing to ever do he could only read his book so many times before getting bored. As he stood he smiled and stretched his arms above his head they crackle and popped like a old man getting out of bed in the morning. "Hello my dear friend maddly" Loki said with a cheerful raspy voice, he sounded almost sick probably because they only give him 3 foam cups of water a day. They are very stingy with there water, "hello loki" maddly happily said back. "Are you ready to leave?" Maddly asked with a small smile. Loki stood for a bit with a frown, 'maybe I'm not ready, what if I mess up, what if they hate me.. Of course they'll hate me I'm a bad person' Loki mind was running with intrusive thoughts this caused his stomach to hurt more he winced as a stabbing pain went though his whole belly. "Loki? Are you ok?" Maddly ask letting concern fill her voice. Loki awoke from his trance of bad thoughts "y-yes I'm perfectly fine" he tried hard to not let his voice crack but it did he was in pain and his excitement had vanished. Maddly frowned "ok if you say so" she sounded sad which made Loki's heart hurt, he didn't like making her sad she was his friend he didn't want to hurt her. Loki slowly walked up to his glass cell. He could break it easily if he didn't have a pretty emerald bracelet on which stopped all his magic. It stopped him from hurting other people but not himself which caused many accidents to happen. Lets just say Loki wasnt happy being in a tiny cell cage alone for 30 long years. Maddly tapped the glass twice and it disappeared if only it was that easy on the inside. "Hold your hands out" maddly asked. She was holding handcuffs it was a lot more comfortable then those stupid metal hand mittens. Loki did as he was told and put his hands out, they were trembling and he prayed maddly didn't notice which of course she did. "Loki is gonna be ok I promise" she reinsured him. "Thank you maddly" Loki stared at his hands trying hard to make them stop shaking but he just couldn't. Maddly put the handcuffs on Loki and grabbed him by his arm and pulled his along. Loki couldn't help but shake as they pasted the thrown room. Memories started flowing his mind of his father telling him he isn't good enough and never will be, that he was useless and couldn't do anything without help, they he was a baby and he would never live up to his brother, his father would hit him if he did something wrong his father seemed to pray that Loki would messed up just to yell at Loki to stop crying as he beat him. "Loki? Were at the car" he jumped and looked up completely forgetting where he was and how he got there in till he saw thor in front of him with his big idiotic grin. "hello brother!!" Thor yelled causing Loki to flinch. "Geez could you be any louder?" Loki said annoyed. "Yes I can brother" thor smiled, all Loki could do was glare. "You ready brother?" Thor turned around pulling open the car door open. "Were going in that?" Loki questioned. "Yes it's a car people use it to get place to place" Thor said excitedly. "Its death on wheels" Loki mumbled "oh come on you'll be fine brother" Thor laughed as he grabbed Loki's arm and shoved him in the car. It was quite spacious with a back row and a small area that had a table and another row of seats (like a limo). Loki couldn't help but be shocked this death on wheels was rather nice definitely fit for a god. The car shook as Loki looked up only to realize it was just Thor sitting down next to him 'fat ass' Loki thought to himself with a smile. "Alright driver take us to *insert address* please" Thor asked. Loki thought for a minute "Thor that isn't the towers address" Loki said confused. "Oh no your not staying at the tower your staying at tonys spare house and don't worry tony will be living with us so there someone other then me to talk to" Thor replied as he pulled a beer out of the car door cuddy. "Oh" Loki leaned back against the seat on one hand he was happy to not be surrounded by all the Advengers but on the other he felt like if it was just tony and Thor he wouldn't have anyone to talk to, I mean don't get me wrong he would love to talk to Thor but he gets annoying easily and tony is well... How do I put this, to smart for Loki hes made so many inventions and he's a million air all he would want to talk about is stuff Loki doesn't understand so Loki would be alone again.. Loki hates being alone.
*few hours later*
Loki stomach was churning and his mouth kept filling with spit. His head was spinning and he felt like his stomach was in his throat. He didn't understand what was wrong this has never happened to him before. In Asgard being sick wasn't normal endless you were dying. (idk if this is true but ig this is in my aunt or something) Loki looked out the window everything was blurring and moving so fast it just made him feel worse. "Look brother there's your new home" Thor said between sips of beer. It took a lot to get him drunk. Loki looked ahead he saw a dark brown house with a large black gate. As they slowly approach Loki's mouth filled with something slimy and chucky he leaned forward and choked down whatever that was. He was shaking and his stomach was flipping upside down. "23178" the drive talked to a small box attached to a black pole. A beeping sound happens and the gate magically opened Loki would have been amazed if he wasn't about to spill his insides out. The car came to a stop and was put in park "alright your stop" the driver told Loki and Thor. "Thank you sir" Thor pushed open his side of the door and hopped out Loki did the same but he stumbled. His legs felt weak and he struggled to get his balance right. "I had that the first time I rode in a car as well brother" Thor explained as he grabbed Loki's arm and held him up. "I don't need your help" Loki hissed though his teeth. Thor ignored him and helped him to the door as soon as they stepped on the dirty mat that said welcome the door open and Steve was standing there. "Hello Thor loki!" Steve said as he stepped aside to let them come in. "Hello Steve, I didn't know you'll be here today.. Wheres tony?" Thor asked. Thor let go of Loki's arm and closed the front door, Loki didn't know why but he felt the need to ask for the bathroom. Normally Loki would wait till the last possible minutes to ask or not ask at all which cause a lot of accidents when he was younger. It just made the God nervous and it was embarrassing no god would talk about his bodily functions so normally. But now he felt a very strong feeling that if he didn't it would end badly so he pushed all the embarrassment to the the back of his mind and asked. "Thor, um can I ask something" his voice was barely above a whisperer. "Of course brother" Thor replayed Loki stared at the ground and took a deep breath. "I need the bathroom" Loki couldn't help but have a red glow on his face he felt so embarrassed and like someone would yell at him like his father did when he asked him. He would always say 'your not a child hold it, dont you dare have an accident if you do I'll beat you'. "Oh it's upstairs at the end of the hall" Thor said calmly. "Thank you" Loki put up his hands "can you take these off?" "Um" Thor though for a minute a minute Loki didn't have he needed them off now or there was gonna be a mess on the floor his mouth kept filling up and he was struggling to hold it back. He swallowed hard "take it off!" Loki's eyes glowed a light green he was getting stressed when this happens the bracelet didn't work, it only work for small emotions. "Ok ok" Thor fished in his pocket and pulled out a small key he stuck it in the key hole of the handcuffs and twisted it making the handcuffs fall to the ground as soon as they did Loki bolted up the stairs into the bathroom he slammed the door and stood in front of the toilet his leg gave in and he fell to the ground he grabs the bowl and started tear up. The slimy and chunky mixture filled his mouth again but this time it didnt go down it pushed passed his lips and poured into the bowl causing it to splash and cake the sides of the toilet bowl. This happened for another 10 minute as he cough and choked it up.
*another ten minutes later*
Loki wiped his mouth with his sleeve, he was sweating and his face was red and blood shot. His used the palm of his hand to wipe the hot tears that fell down his face "am I sick? Is that what it feels like to be sick" Loki questioned out loud. He pushed himself up his legs still felt weak but not as much as before he pushed the handle of the toilet down and it washed most of the vomit down. His stomach felt better but his throat started hurting maybe because he just threw up everything he possibly had in his body up. Loki flushed again and this time everything went down he grabs some toilet paper and wiped the seat off then throwing it away. He turned and put his hands in the sick "ok how do I do this" he whispered "theres supposed to be water coming out right?" He mummbled and stared hoping the water would start soon. His hands felt sticky and he didn't like that, 'whats this?' He thought he grabbed the sink handle and turned it make a jet of water pour out. 'This human stuff is weird' he thought as he shoves his hands under the water. (No he did not use soap) Once he was done he turned the water off and wiped his hand on his outfit (not the suit the green outfit) they seemed to be dry enough to leave. He pushed the bathroom door open and slowly walked down the stairs he didn't want his legs to give out again. He turned left and made his way into the kitchen, he pulled out a wood chair and set down thor and steve weren't there but the glass door for the backyard was open so loki assumed they were there outside. Loki put his arms on the table and crossed them then he layed his head down, he was tired and his throat still hurt.
"do you think he's ok it's been like 40 minutes?" Thor asked concerned. "We can go check on him" Steve replied as he stood up and started walking to the back door, Thor stood up as well and followed Steve. Once they made it in they saw Loki with his hand down on the table "he must be tired he was in the car for a couple hours" Steve said quietly "Im not sleeping dumbass" Loki grumbled as he lifted his head up. Loki clearly looked like he threw up or at least was sick. "Brother are you alright?!" Thor asked worried as he rushed over to where Loki was sitting. Loki wanted to tell him he threw up but he didn't know the right word so all he said was sick. "Hes sick?" Steve ask as he walked over, "how are you sick you haven't even been out of Asgard for a whole day" Thor said as he put his hand on his brother head. Loki pushed Thor's hand away and mubbled "stuff came out my mouth it was slimy and chucky" "oh you threw up" Steve said sympathetically "is that what's it called" Loki said angrily "yes it's probably because you never been in a car before it could also be because your nervous" Steve explained. Loki nodded and rubbed his eye he was tired but didn't want to admit it. "Would you like to see where your room is?" Steve asked getting closer to Loki, Loki wasn't scared of Steve so he pushed his chair away from the table and hopped down "yes please" Loki said between a yawn. "Ok follow me" Steve replied as he walked over to the stairs and up them, Loki followed close behind. Steve opened a door next to the bathroom and Loki pured in it there was two bed on each side of the wall and a table on both sides there was also a dresser next to a window and a mirror over the dresser. Loki walked in and set down on the bed closest to the door, "alright I'll leave you alone it you go to bed then goodnight" Steve said as he closed the door. Loki wasn't listening to Steve he was to exhausted all he wanted to do was sleep so he did he pulled the heavy and soft comforter from the bed and snuggled under it putting his arm under his pillow and yawning before closing his eyes and drifting into a peaceful sleep. At least peaceful for now.
(So many words T^T)
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