*11:30 am*
The sun filled the room hitting Loki's face he blinked slowly waking up. He set up stretching his arms behind him hearing small pops meaning it was a wonderful morning stretch. He yawned and slid off the bed looking out the window at the beautiful sun and trees in the backyard he would have started crying if he didn't have an overwhelming need to pee. He hopped foot to foot before turning and walking to the bedroom door. But he stopped something was wrong the door was shut he left it open when he went back to bed. He started panicking and looked at the floor the blanket was gone! It was gone and the blood was still there so clearly they moved it and saw it. He took a shaky breath in and looked around for the bracelet he didn't put it back on before but he had left it on the floor. A stupid stupid mistake he made he should have remembered, Loki pulled his shirt down and fiddled with the bottom of it. He was nervous very nervous what if tony wanted to hit him for being bad? What if he wanted to send him back?!. Tears filled Loki's eyes and he furiously wiped them away with his hand, he inhaled and opened the door ready to face whatever was behind it. He pulled it open thinking someone was going to be standing behind it but no one was, he peaked his head out but again no one was there. 'Maybe they are in the kitchen' he thought and press his legs together. He wiggled more and walked into the bathroom carefully shutting the door to not make a noise as soon as it was shut he run up to the toilet and pulled himself out letting a sigh of relief as he heavily went into the bowl. It was at least a 2 minute piss which he was glad it was because once he finished he would have to face tony and thor maybe even Steve because he apparently comes over everyday. Loki put himself away and flushed the toilet it was loud and made him jump back in fear, he hated loud noises it made him feel like he was being yelled at.
Loki took a hot minute washing his hand and also drying them. He sighed and slowly lefted the bathroom, dragging his feet down the hallway and stair. He gulped and stepped off the stair, he could see tony crossing his arm with a very pissed look on his, and thor looking disappointed and well Steve he seemed sad or maybe disappointed he couldn't really tell. Loki stood there as steve look over, Loki froze and hoped maybe he was invisible of course he wasn't so Steve tapped tonys arm and pointed to Loki. Loki's heart was pounding and he had to really control himself not to just teleport his ass out of there. "Loki come here now" tony said angrily, Loki listened and walked up to the table holding his breath as he did. "You know why Im upset right?" Tony asked, "no" maybe he could play dumb and they would actually believe him. "Dont play stupid with me Loki" tony hissed, "i-im not" Loki voice cracked he didn't mean for it to but it was to late to fix it. "You are!" Tony shouted angrily and hit the table with his hand, Loki jump and he couldn't help but tear up at the sudden noise. He was scared and hurt and he just wanted to sink into the floor and disappear he should have just let them see his have a nightmare he would look weak yes but not as weak as he looked now he is a God he shouldn't be scared of some loud noises or yelling. Steve pulled tonys arm, "what?" Tony questioned with an annoyed voice. "Your scarying him" Steve mumbled.
Tony looked over to the god, he was shaki and he could see the unsched tears filling his eyes.
Loki shook scratching his wrist. Something he did when he was nervous but since there was self harm marks there it would constantly come open from the scratching and bleed.
He couldnt help but let a tear fall down his face as he quickly went to wipe it off. Tony stared at him and his expression softened he clearly felt bad but not enough to not be angry, "Loki you know what you did wrong right?"
He asked calmly. "Yes" loki answered slowly trying hard no to let his voice crack, "what did you do wrong" Tony asked crossing his arms. Loki looked at his wrist it was turning red which means if he continued it would bleed and he shoved his hand into his pocket. "Loki" Tony said his annoyed tone back, "I to on off my bracelet and deleted the video recording of me on your glowing box" he whispered staring at the ground. "Yes you did and in the process you got yourself hurt didn't you?" Loki nodded. Tony sighed and walk up to Loki which caused him to shake violently "I'm sorry... Please don't hit me" Loki didn't look up as he talked trying to hide the tears that were pouring down his face. "What? I'm not going to hit you I just wanted to see your cut" Tony said confused, "Loki finally looked up his eyes red and tears silently running down his face. Steve couldn't help but run over and crouch in front of Loki and telling him everythings ok. "bubby it's ok I promise, were not mad anymore ok? And no one is going to hurt you" Steve said with a small smile. And that was it Loki broke down he sodded as he apologized over and over again and said he was just embarrassed about his nightmare. Steve stood up and calmly shushed Loki in till he stopped crying, Loki wiped his tears away and felt a wave of embarrassed wash over him. His face blush a light pink and he stared at his feet, "Loki honey can I see your hand?" Steve asked. Loki did what he ask and held his hand out, Steve unrapped it and smiled. "I think you'll be fine I'll put ointment and a new bandage on it later" he let go of Loki's hand and gave him a large smile. This calmed Loki he wasn't lying no one wants gonna hurt him he was gonna be ok. "Reindeer games.. I didn't mean to you know scare you I was just angry you didn't follow the rules" he paused between the words to think. "Its fine" Loki replied smiling, Tony seemed confused how he could go from plan out having a panic attack to happy he would have to look into that later. "Are you hungry brother?" Thor asked from behind. "Oo yes" Loki run up to Thor. "Alright we should make French toast" "whats that" Loki's asked. "Its sweet bread" Thor replied, "can I help" Steve wondered. "Yes!!" Loki answered before Thor could, Tony watched as Loki Steve and Thor told Loki how to make it. He couldn't help but smile and wonder if Loki wasn't as bad as he thought.
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