Chapter Thirteen
The front door opened and Timmy slipped into the house. Beth looked at him nervously from the stairs leading up to the bedrooms.
"Are you okay, Timmy?" She asked hesitantly. "It's pretty late for you to be sneaking in."
Timmy jumped and let out a startled sound that confused Beth. "Did you just meow?" She asked.
"Um... Maybe?" Timmy replied awkwardly.
"Timmy, what's going on?" Beth asked.
He sighed and said, "Not here, okay? Let's talk in my room."
Beth let Timmy pass by her before she followed him upstairs. Only after he closed the bedroom door did she say, "Talk to me."
"I'm not just a warlock kid, Beth," Timmy explained. "I'm a werelion."
"Why didn't you just tell us, Timmy?" Beth asked in surprise. "You know Jade and I know about the supernatural."
"Yeah, but knowing about the supernatural is one thing... People don't trust lycanthropes. In fact, in some places, they'll kill you as soon as they find out you have fur. I don't exactly advertise it."
"Okay, I guess I can understand that, but we're not like those people, Timmy. Jesse's a werewolf and he's our friend. We won't judge you." She paused. "Did you get infected while living on the streets?"
"No, actually. My kitty's always been with me. The lion is part of my soul, not just my incarnation. I shifted for the first time a few years ago, but I've basically been a lion for my whole life." He laughed sadly. "I'm not very dominant. I don't usually run around roaring unless someone I care about is in danger. My lion literally meows like a timid house cat. I guess that's weird, but I've always been like that. I'd rather snuggle and get scratched behind my ears than maul somebody."
"Well, as far as I see it, that's a good thing. It means we can trust you and we don't have to worry that you'll hurt us."
"I won't, Beth," he said quickly. "I promise. I feel protective of you in particular, and I really like Jade and Aideen. I won't hurt any of you... And your parents have been nicer to me than my parents ever were, and Joey's great, too. I like it here."
"I believe you," she promised. "Is this why you haven't said much to me? Because of your secret?"
"You're an empath. I was afraid you'd figure it out, and that you guys would want me to leave."
"That's not going to happen. We want you here, Timmy. I promise we're not going to turn on you."
"Even though you think I'm weird?"
Beth blushed slightly. "You heard me and Jade talking?" She asked.
"Lycanthropes have excellent hearing... It's okay. I know I'm not exactly normal... But does it still bother you?"
"I'm sorry, Timmy. I shouldn't have judged you... Anyway, this is Salem, right? I'm getting pretty used to weird." She smiled at him. "Can we start over? Let's be friends."
Timmy smiled then. "I could use some more of those," he admitted.
Beth opened her arms up for a hug. Timmy hesitated before moving closer. She hugged him gently before cautiously scratching him behind his ear. To her amusement, Timmy started to purr.
"I like cats," Beth said with a laugh. "Hey, is this why Bastet likes you so much?"
Timmy laughed. "Yeah, I guess so. Cats tend to follow me around."
"No more secrets, okay, Timmy? We're here for you."
Timmy nodded. "Okay, Beth," he agreed. "No more secrets."
He yawned as he glanced out of the window. "The sun's coming up," Beth noticed. "Get some rest, Timmy. I'll tell my parents you're a little under the weather so they don't bother you."
"Thanks, Beth," he replied gratefully.
She smiled as she opened his door to leave and said, "What are friends for? Goodnight, kitty cat." She closed the door and headed back to her room, relieved to have finally connected to the boy who was now living in her house.
Dylan sat strumming his guitar as he watched Vynn read along to the music he'd written. She started accompanying him on the bass. He smiled as he started to sing.
"Oh, we are stars, stars, we are only stars. This flesh is temporary, our souls remain. We are stars, stars, we are only stars. We are not hearts or brains. And I'll shine bright with you, baby, yeah, I'll always fight with you, baby. I've got my sights on you, baby. I'll find the light with you, baby," he sang.
"Oh, we are stars, stars, we are only stars. This world is an illusion, our memories remain. We are stars, stars, we are only stars. We are neither crazy nor sane," Vynn sang. "And we will rise high, my love. We'll reach toward the sky, my love. We're shining bright, my love. We'll never say goodbye, my love."
"Oh, we are stars, stars, we are only stars. This life is ordinary, our souls divine. We are stars, stars, we are only stars. I am yours, and you are mine," they sang in unison. "And you are the one I pick, darling. Together, we just seem to click, darling. Our story's gonna be epic, darling. Our love is magick, darling. For we are... Stars!"
Vynn smiled at him as the song ended. "What did you think?" Dylan asked a bit shyly.
"I think it's pretty great that you wrote a song for me," Vynn replied with a grin. "And I love you."
"Did you just say...?" Dylan asked softly. "I mean... Isn't it too soon?"
"Life's too short to deny love," Vynn declared. "Besides, it's not something that can be measured by a set time table. What's long enough? Five years? Two months? Six weeks? A day? Who the hell decides what's appropriate? When someone speaks to your soul and heart, you can't just ignore it. And my soul and heart are screaming at me that I love you."
"Really? You do?" He asked in surprise.
Vynn looked into his eyes and replied, "How could I not?" She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply.
Dylan lost himself in the kiss. Things he'd never be able to put into words filled his mind all at once. He decided he'd have to write an instrumental piece about that moment, to preserve it forever in history.
"You don't have to say it back," she added. "The song already told me how you fe-"
"I love you, Vynn Hershey," he interrupted her. "And I'm really glad it's mutual."
She smiled as she kissed him again. After a moment, she said, "I don't know what's going to happen to the band when it's time for us to leave Salem, Dylan... I know you have responsibilities here, and you're still in school... But if you don't come with us, I think I might take a break."
"A break?" He repeated.
"I don't want to leave Salem if you're not leaving, too. I want to stay with you."
"But, Vynn, the band needs you."
"It's called a hiatus," she replied. "I wouldn't quit, but I'd take some time off. I like Salem. I feel like I belong here. Maybe I'll enroll in Bishop and finish high school like a normal teenager instead of finishing it with tutors on the road."
"I thought you hated normal."
"I've never really given it a chance... We lost Devon, Dylan. I need a break. I need time to grieve. I mean, if you don't want me here, I can go back home, but-"
"No!" Dylan said quickly. "I mean, I want you here," he added. "I definitely want you here."
She smiled brightly before saying, "Then I'll stay."
No other words had ever made Dylan quite so happy before. As he looked into Vynn's eyes, Dylan knew that their feelings weren't just the impulsive outbursts of love that most teenagers felt. This was right. They'd been meant to find each other.
With that thought, he kissed her again, and everything else faded from his mind.
Lydia nervously stood beside Hugo in the extravagant living room that was blindingly white. The furniture, the carpet, and the walls were pristine and without a shred of color or a hint of fading. It was almost painful to look at. She wasn't sure why they'd been summoned by one of the higher ranking warlocks from the adult Erica Vitti Society, but they both knew refusing to appear would have gotten them killed.
The half-Asian man who approached them wore an expensive suit. His face was stoic and stern, and his eyes were cold and harsh. Lydia wondered if there had ever been any light in those eyes.
"Welcome, Children," Mr. Ko greeted them. "I am so pleased you could join me today."
"Of course, Sir," Hugo replied with a forced smile. "To what do we owe the honor of this invitation?"
Could he possibly suck up to him any harder? Lydia thought in disgust. Then again, it is better to stay on Mr. Ko's good side.
"I understand that you have two open slots in your chapter of the Erica Vitti Society. Why is that?" Mr. Ko asked.
"We eliminated two unworthy members," Hugo replied.
"Yes, I know that, Hugo. What I am asking is why have you not replaced them yet?"
"Well, we haven't found anyone worthy yet, Sir," Hugo explained nervously.
"My son attends Bishop High School. Are you saying that my boy is unworthy?"
"No, Sir! Of course not, Sir," Hugo replied quickly.
"We're waiting for a day of power, Mr. Ko," Lydia said, saving Hugo from shoving his foot even further into his mouth. "The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year. We find it's an excellent time to bring new members into the fold."
"That's solid logic. Yule is an ideal time for new beginnings. Is my son on that list?" Mr. Ko demanded.
"Of course we're looking at your son. He'll make a wonderful addition to our chapter."
"Why thank you," a voice said dramatically from the white spiral staircase. The first things Lydia saw were tight leather pants and designer shoes coming down the stairs. As the figure descended further, she spotted a red sequined blouse that was even flashier than anything she owned. Finally, she saw the face of Mr. Ko's precious son. His eyes were framed by glitter, and his smile was a bit overconfident.
"Hello, Chad," she greeted him politely. The high school sophomore was young, but he had a tremendous amount of power within him. It would have probably been wise to recruit him at the start of the school year rather than Prudence Patterson, but Hugo had been concerned that Chad might try to overthrow them as the chapter's leaders.
"Honestly, Chad, take that ridiculous ensemble off this instant!" Mr. Ko said in horror. "No wonder they didn't recruit you at the start of the school year. No one will ever take you seriously if you continue dressing in this nonsense."
"You just don't appreciate high fashion, Father," Chad replied dryly. "This style is all the rage in Europe right now."
"Now, Chad!" Mr. Ko snapped.
Chad's fear at his father's sudden rage was clear as he shrank a bit. "Yes, Father," he replied, hurrying back upstairs.
"Now, let's discuss your plans for the rest of the year, Hugo," Mr. Ko said.
Seeing an opportunity, Lydia politely asked, "May I use your restroom, Mr. Ko?"
"Yes, of course, Lydia," he replied dismissively. "It's up the stairs, the third door on the left."
"Thank you," she said with a smile. She stood up and headed up the spiral staircase. She made her way toward the bathroom and fixed her hair a bit before she began snooping around. That was when she heard the sound of Chad mumbling to himself.
"He wouldn't know fashion if it bit him on the nose," he ranted. "Honestly, why does he care how I dress in my own house?"
"For what it's worth, you rock this look," Lydia informed him from his doorway.
"Lydia!" He said in surprise. "I was just, um..."
"Talking to yourself because your father doesn't understand you?" She laughed. "We're teenage warlocks, Chad. We've all been there. Don't worry. I won't tell him."
"Why not?" Chad asked curiously. "Most people look for any way to get on my father's good side."
"If I'm going to win over your father, I'll do it on my own merit, not by selling you out. Venting is harmless."
"You surprise me, Lydia Blaire," Chad said as he considered her. "I always thought you were a stuck-up, brainless brat who got everything just because of her family name. Don't get me wrong... Most warlocks fit that description. I certainly do! But there's more to you, deep down. You'll have to show me one day."
"Are you hitting on me?" She joked.
"You're gorgeous, doll face, but you're not my type."
She paused. "Does your dad know?" She asked cautiously. Mr. Ko wasn't exactly the sort to support an alternative lifestyle. Status and reputation meant everything to him.
"I mean, I'm not exactly subtle about my preferences, but since I never actually confirmed it, I think he's in denial," Chad replied. "I'm perfectly content to let him lie to himself. There's a lot less drama that way."
"I'm sorry you can't be your true self in front of him."
"We're warlock kids, Lydia. None of us are free to just be ourselves. Our parents have our evil futures all planned out, and we're good with that, because it's our destiny. It's really not that big of a deal." He paused. "So, do I get to join you guys now?"
"You'll be my first choice," Lydia promised. "Hugo might be harder to convince. He thinks you're going to plot against us so you can take over."
Chad smirked at that. "He's giving me ideas," he joked. "I just might have to do that. I could totally lead a chapter one day, although I was planning to work my way up to it."
"We're not so easy to overthrow, you know."
"I guess we'll find out." He grinned at her before saying, "Now get back down there before they think you got lost!"
Lydia headed back downstairs. Hugo was still explaining their master plan for the year. Mr. Ko didn't seem to notice Lydia's return.
"It sounds like you have an excellent plan in place to make your chapter a successful one, Hugo," Mr. Ko said, shaking his hand. "I look forward to seeing what you do with it."
"Thank you, Sir," Hugo replied.
"It was lovely to see you, Lydia," Mr. Ko dismissed her politely.
"It was my pleasure," Lydia replied, curtsying to him.
As Lydia and Hugo left the house, Hugo smiled at her. "He's impressed," he told her.
"I heard," Lydia replied. "I do hope that you'll let me write the spells going forward so that he'll remain impressed."
"Ugh! It was one spell, Lydia! And it worked."
"Yes, it worked, for a couple of hours. And it accomplished nothing."
"We attacked them with demons! We got by the Unit's defenses!"
"I got by the Unit's defenses, and Bianca launched the demonic attack. You switched their personalities with the worst spell I've ever heard, and they still defeated the demons as soon as all of them were together in one room."
"At least I tried to do something about them! You recruited one of them!"
"Hey, we both decided on the membership list, and as the President, you had the ultimate say," Lydia pointed out.
Hugo waved his hand dismissively. "Whatever. We have more important things to focus on."
Lydia knew he was right. They had a ritual to prepare for. If it was a success, their chapter of the E.V.S. would go down in history. If they failed, however, Lydia was afraid to find out what their parents would do to them.
There was something dark in the air as Adam walked toward his room at the inn. His slayer instincts kicked in and told him to be quiet as he inched closer to whatever he was sensing.
Two figures stood in the corner cloaked in shadows. They spoke in hushed whispers, clearly not wanting to be overheard. Adam leaned in a little bit closer until he could hear some of what they were saying.
"People are getting suspicious," the first figure said. It was then that Adam realized it was Luke. Barry stood beside him.
"There's nothing to implicate-" Barry began to protest.
"That doesn't matter, Barry. This isn't a normal town. They know something isn't right. The cops are-"
"Don't worry about them. They're my colleagues. They trust me."
"Things aren't looking good for us. The band is at a crossroads, and if we make one wrong move, we could lose everything. The last thing we need is another scandal right now."
"Just relax, Luke. We're exactly where we need to be. Some sacrifices were necessary for our success, but we're thriving now. Everything's going to be fine."
It could have been a perfectly innocent conversation, but something felt wrong about it. Adam suddenly started thinking things that seemed impossible.
You're being ridiculous, Adam, he scolded himself. It's Barry and Luke. They're practically your family. There's no way they had anything to do with this...
He tried, but he still couldn't convince himself thar their hands were clean. There was something about the way that Barry had mentioned making sacrifices for the band's success that seemed too literal. Was it possible that their manager had crossed the line?
Barry's the head of California's Unit, Adam thought. He's literally the man in charge. He can't be evil. Someone would have realized it. You can't keep a secret that huge from an entire police unit made up of psychics.
Despite that fairly convincing argument, Adam had been a slayer for his entire life. He knew entirely too well that power could corrupt people, and that no one was above reproach when it came to that. Even the seemingly purest of souls could be tempted to do evil things if given the right incentive, and despite his position at the Unit, Barry was hardly a pure soul. Adam had seen him do a lot of morally grey things in the name of the "greater good," including using his telepathic abilities to get whatever information he needed whether or not someone chose to give it to him.
What about Luke? He thought. He's your friend. He's practically your brother. You've been through so much together. Do you really believe he's capable of this?
Adam wished he could say that it was impossible, but the truth was that Luke had a darkness about him that went far beyond his gothic image. It wasn't just an act, or a part of his stage persona. Luke was intimately familiar with the dark side, and Adam was finally starting to realize that it went beyond a basic affinity for the occult.
Damnit, he thought as his chest tightened with anxiety and rage. How did I never see it before?
Adam tensed as Barry said, "Someone's here."
He knew he needed to cover up the fact that he'd become suspicious of Barry and Luke, so he casually walked by them. "Hey, guys," he said with a yawn. "What's up?"
"You're out late," Luke replied.
"Slayer habit," Adam joked. "I can't bring myself to stay in at night, especially with all of the supernatural activity around here."
"That's fair," Luke replied, keeping his tone even. Adam knew him well enough to read between the lines.
He's not buying this, he thought. Neither is Barry.
"Get some rest, Adam," Barry advised him. Adam could feel anger and annoyance radiating off of him. "We're starting work on the new album tomorrow."
"Right," Adam agreed. "Goodnight, guys."
He walked away calmly, not wanting to alert them to his thoughts. He kept a steady pace until he was out of sight. Then, he ran to the one person he knew he needed to warn.
Dylan and Vynn were sitting in Vynn's hotel room watching television when Adam used the spare key card Vynn had entrusted to him and burst into the room. "What's wrong?" Vynn asked him.
"I'm stressed," Adam managed as he paced around the room nervously.
"I can see that. What happened, Adam?" She asked in concern.
"It's Luke and Barry," Adam replied. "They're not happy with me."
"Why not?" Dylan asked.
"Honestly? I don't trust them anymore," Adam replied bluntly.
"What do you mean?" Vynn asked.
"I think they killed Devon," Adam explained. "In fact, I think they killed Matthew, too."
"Barry was devastated when Matthew died," Vynn protested.
"Yeah, but I heard them talking about necessary sacrifices. They heard me lurking and I tried to act normal, but I'm a little nervous they're going to come after me next."
"Do you really think they'd hurt you?" Dylan asked.
"Yeah, I do. Look, I didn't tell you this before, but Luke and Barry both trained as witches."
"So what?"
"What happens when a witch wants power and will do anything to get it?" Adam asked.
"Oh Gods," Vynn whispered. "You can't be suggesting that..." She shook her head, unwilling to say what she knew must be true.
"They're warlocks," Dylan said sadly. "You know, I was trying to convince myself that they weren't..."
"You saw the way the audience reacted to us and suspected?" Adam guessed.
"Yeah. It's not normal, Adam... And there's something about the way Luke sings some of his lyrics that reminds me of a spell being cast."
"Yeah, and the lyrics to Enchanted aren't subtle, either."
"Seriously, right? I mean, it's like he was practically screaming that he was evil, but everyone ignored it."
Suddenly, Luke and Barry burst into the hotel room, using magick to open the door. "Well, well, well," Luke said. "Look where Adam went running..."
Alex, we're in trouble, Dylan sent out telepathically. Get to the inn. Hurry!
"What are you talking about, Luke?" Adam asked innocently.
"You shouldn't have involved them, Adam. Now we'll have to take care of all three of you. After all, I can't have this getting back to the Unit," Barry said.
"What are you saying, Barry?" Vynn asked.
"I'm right, that's what he's saying!" Adam replied.
"Yes, he is," Barry said. "Adam has always been too smart for his own good."
"It's true... You killed Devon? And Matthew?" Vynn demanded in horror.
"I had to, Vynn," Barry insisted.
"I don't understand. Why would you...? How could you...?" Vynn could not complete her questions. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Matthew was holding us back," Luke said. "He wasn't willing to do what it took to get famous."
"Which was what, Luke?" Dylan asked.
Dylan knew he had to keep them talking. If he could stall them for a long enough time, help would get there. His friends were coming.
"Anything," Luke replied.
"Even kill?" Vynn asked, the horror and disgust clear in her voice.
"Yes, Vynn. Even that."
"How did you do it?" Adam asked. "How did you cover the murders up? How did you fake two suicides?"
"We used mind control, obviously. Barry is a telepath, after all," Luke replied. "We convinced them that they wanted to die."
"You bastards!" Vynn shouted.
Sensing that Vynn was about to attack them both, Dylan gently held her back. Barry and Luke were radiating with dark magick. It was too dangerous to try to attack them without a plan.
"Watch your mouth, Vynn," Barry said. "Cursing is so unattractive on a girl."
"Go to hell, you son of a bitch! You killed your nephew! You killed your own son! You do not get to lecture me about manners!" Vynn snapped.
"You won't get away with this," Adam said. "We won't let you."
"Well, then, I'll just have to eliminate the problem," Barry replied calmly. "I'm good at that." He suddenly shot a torture spell at Adam, causing him to cry out in agony. Angry red gashes began appearing on his flesh.
Dylan prepared himself for battle. There were only two warlocks in the room. He could probably take them. Still, they were powerful. He would need to be careful. He lunged at Barry, which caught him off guard enough to shatter the torture spell he'd cast on Adam.
Dylan slammed Barry's head against the floor with enough force that it killed him instantly. As he stood over Barry's corpse, he did not notice that Luke was coming toward him with a sword.
"Dylan!" Vynn screamed.
There wasn't enough time for Dylan to react. Vynn dove in front of him as Luke shoved the sword forward. It went straight through Vynn's stomach.
Dylan stared in horror as Vynn fell to the floor. Adam pulled Luke away from the two of them and shoved a dagger into his heart.
Blood flowed out of Luke's mouth as his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. He stared at Adam in shock for a moment before he stopped breathing. His body went perfectly still.
Once he was sure that Luke was dead, Adam joined Dylan, who was now holding Vynn in his arms.
"Pull the sword out," Dylan begged Adam.
"I can't, man. She'll bleed to death quicker that way," Adam replied with grief in his voice. He could see in Vynn's eyes that she didn't have much time left.
"It's the only way I can heal her," Dylan insisted. "Pull out the sword, Adam!"
"Shhh, Dylan," Vynn whispered. "It's okay..."
"I'll fix you," Dylan said, his denial clear. "I'm a healer, Vynn. I'm a strong healer. You're going to be fine."
"Dylan, it's my time," she said sadly.
"No it's not," he protested. "It can't be. You're too young." He was using as much energy as he could gather to try and heal her, but he wasn't having any luck. "You're going to stay in Salem. You're going to enroll in Bishop. We're going to be together..."
Vynn looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you, Dylan Messina," she told him. "Look for me in the stars..."
"Vynn... No... Don't say your goodbyes," Dylan shook his head. "I can fix you. Don't give up..."
Vynn's eyes began clouding over until they finally closed. A moment later, she was gone. Dylan clung to her, refusing to accept that he'd lost her.
When Alex and Aideen finally arrived at Vynn's room a few minutes later, Dylan was still holding her corpse. Adam sat on Vynn's bed with his head in his hands, crying silently. When he noticed Alex and Aideen had arrived, he shook his head.
"I guess we're too late..." Aideen said softly. "What happened?"
"Barry and Luke killed Devon," Adam replied tonelessly. "Dylan put Barry down while I was indisposed by a torture spell. And Luke... Luke killed Vynn... So I killed Luke."
"You need to be healed," Alex said softly, noticing the marks the torture spell had left on Adam's body. He was covered in deep gashes and blood.
"I'm fine," Adam replied stubbornly. "Worry about Dylan. He's losing it."
Aideen knelt beside Dylan as Alex slowly began to heal Adam. She gently put a hand on Dylan's shoulder. He immediately jerked away from her. "No," he said. "Don't take her yet. I can fix her. I know I can. I have to."
"Dylan..." Aideen whispered. "You have to let her go."
"No!" He began to cry. "Fix her, Deenie. Please."
"I can't," Aideen said slowly. "Dylan, it was her time."
"No! She's too young... She can't be dead..."
"She already crossed, Dyl... She's gone. You have to let her go."
"Bring her back... Please, Deenie... Please! She can't be dead... Not like this..."
"I know it's not fair-"
"You don't understand!" Dylan snapped.
"So explain it to me," Aideen replied patiently.
"She died for me, Deenie. She was trying to protect me. She dove in front of me, and Luke stabbed her instead of me..."
"Oh, Gods, Dyl," Aideen said in horror. "I'm sorry. This isn't your fault, though."
"Yes it is! If I'd just..." Dylan choked back fresh tears before taking a deep breath. He shook his head. "You're right. I want to blame myself because maybe that would make this make sense somehow, but it's not my fault. Not really."
"I'm glad you see that," Aideen said gently. "Come on, Dylan... Let me take you home."
"No... I can't let her go, Deenie. I can't leave her..." He started crying harder. His entire body trembled with grief.
"She's not here anymore, Dyl," Aideen said softly. "She's somewhere else, in a place where she doesn't hurt anymore."
That seemed to get through to him. Suddenly, Dylan released Vynn's body and ran outside. Confused, Aideen, Alex, and Adam followed him. Dylan stared up at the sky.
"Dylan! What just happened?" Aideen asked.
"I see her smile," Dylan said as he continued to stare at the sky.
"What?" Aideen asked in confusion, clearly wondering if he had lost his mind.
"I see Vynn's smile, in the stars. See?" He pointed to a cluster of stars. "That's Vynn."
Adam looked where Dylan was pointing. "You know what?" Adam replied. "He's right. That's definitely Vynn..."
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