Chapter Seventeen
The Bishop High School Erica Vitti Society might be over for the year, but that didn't mean it was really over. Mr. Ko and Amos White were both hard at work looking at potential candidates for the following year. The adults would have to assign the President and Vice President, but the rest of the membership would be decided by those senior officers.
"This is your opportunity, Arthur," Amos said to his son. "You are the only surviving member of your chapter, as I doubt Thomasina West will switch sides and return, and Jesse Rodriguez is certainly not welcome. You would make an excellent officer for the club. You could even be the President with your seniority."
"Um... No thanks," Arthur replied.
"I don't think you understand the opportunity you're being offered."
"The last President got eaten, Dad. I'm good being insignificant. Really."
Amos sighed, unable to argue with his son's logic. "You will be joining the E.V.S. next year, right? Once you're in-"
"The only way out is death. I know. I'll be there. I just don't feel the need to be in charge."
"Perhaps you'll feel differently in college. Those chapters are superior to the high school ones anyway."
I highly doubt my opinion on getting eaten will change anytime soon, Arthur thought. To his father, he simply replied, "Who knows? Anything's possible."
"That's the spirit!" Amos patted him on the back as Mr. Ko walked into the room with his very sparkly companion.
"Arthur, have you met Mr. Ko's son, Chad?" Amos asked.
"I've seen him around school," Arthur replied casually. He's kind of hard to miss with all the body glitter, he added silently.
Chad frowned at him. "Ugh... Father, why is that here?" He asked.
"That has a name," Arthur replied.
"I don't especially care. By the way, that shirt is hideous and does nothing for your physique. You've got the six pack. You might as well flaunt it."
"Is he for real?" Arthur asked.
"Behave yourself, Chad," Mr. Ko said with a frown. "As the only surviving member of this year's chapter, Arthur is to be respected. And, as Lydia Blaire's only known nomination for membership, Chad will be joining you next year, Arthur, so you boys need to learn to work together."
"You guys do know that Lydia's been sent to looney land, right? Her vote probably shouldn't hold much weight in things," Arthur pointed out.
"Don't you dare mock her for that!" Chad snapped, surprising Arthur with a genuine flash of emotion instead of his usual bravado. "That poor girl is traumatized, and trauma can damage even the strongest mind, Arthur White!"
"Chad, calm yourself," Mr. Ko said.
"I wasn't mocking her," Arthur clarified. "It's a miracle I'm not in there with her, actually. I'm just saying that maybe the former leaders shouldn't determine anything for next year's chapter."
"Chad should have been a member this year," Amos said. "He's an exceptional candidate."
"Be glad you weren't," Arthur said to Chad's smug face. "Hairspray is very flammable. You would have been the first to die."
"Whatever," Chad retorted. "Do you even own a brush, guttersnipe?"
"Boys! Stop it," Amos snapped.
Arthur sighed. "Sorry," he replied. "I guess I've got some Post Traumatic Stress and misplaced rage to work through. Chad, I'm pretty sure you were born to join the E.V.S. You'll do great."
"Thank you. I'm sure you'll go very far one day, Arthur," Chad replied. "And I really hope you'll stay there," he added with a nasty smirk.
Their fathers wisely chose to ignore Chad's snide insult. They seemed to realize it would only serve to further delay getting to the point of this conversation.
"Now, you boys will spend the rest of this school year preparing to be part of the new chapter next year," Mr. Ko said, his tone making it clear that this wasn't optional. "You will attend every meeting of the main E.V.S, where you will learn to become the leaders of the next generation. Whomever we choose to lead the chapter will also train with us. I expect next year's chapter to produce nothing but success and glory."
No pressure, Arthur thought. He wisely chose to keep his thoughts to himself. There was no getting out of the Erica Vitti Society once you were initiated, so he might as well learn to embrace his new life. Arthur was a survivor. He had survived the fire. He would survive this, too.
Dylan had decided to do something, but he couldn't bring himself to do it alone. He smiled as Adam came walking toward him. He'd decided to extend his stay in Salem for a bit, and he and Dylan had hung out almost every day, but he was finally ready to return home.
"Alright," Adam said. "I've only got a couple of hours left in Salem, but I'm here. What are we doing?"
"I'm getting a tattoo," Dylan replied. "You're coming with me for moral support."
Adam laughed. "Moral support? If I'm walking into a tattoo parlor, I'm getting some new ink myself."
"Even better," Dylan replied with a grin.
They walked into the tattoo shop and began looking through the designs. "What are you getting?" Adam asked.
Dylan showed him the design he'd asked Aideen to sketch for him. It was a cluster of blue, purple, and yellow stars surrounding the words, We are only stars...
"That's beautiful, Dylan," Adam said softly. "She'd love it."
They sat beside each other while their tattoo artists set to work. Dylan had the artist put his tattoo on his left forearm. He expected it to hurt as the needle ran across his flesh, but it was nothing compared to the emotional pain he'd experienced. It actually felt good as Vynn's memory became physically imprinted on his skin. She would always be a part of him, and now the rest of the world would be able to see that.
Adam chose to get a tattoo over his heart. Dylan was eager to see it. As his tattoo was finished, he watched Adam's artist continue working on him. There were three birds in the design. The first was a parrot. The second was an owl. The last was a raven.
"Matthew had a thing for pirates," Adam explained with a laugh. "He always wanted a parrot... Devon had a bond with owls. Wherever he went, they always showed up. And, well, the raven's pretty obvious."
"It looks great," Dylan said.
"This way, the three of them will always be with me," Adam said softly. "Right where they belong, next to my heart."
"Thanks for coming with me today," Dylan said. "It means a lot to me."
"Hey, I needed this just as much as you did," Adam replied.
"I'm really going to miss you, man... Don't be a stranger, alright? Call me."
"I will," Adam promised. "Maybe you can come to Kentucky sometime and see how us certified vampire slayers do things!"
"That sounds like fun," Dylan agreed.
"Take care of yourself, man. I'll see you around." Adam hugged Dylan tightly.
"This isn't goodbye," Dylan said firmly. "It's see you down the road."
"Exactly," Adam replied. "I'll bring the food. You bring the music."
Dylan smiled, knowing in his heart that no matter where they lived, after everything they'd been through together, he and Adam would be friends for life.
Two days after her father's death, Cierra was getting ready for the first meeting of the Silver Society since everything had gone down. She was nervous. They all seemed to be okay with her, but how could they possibly forgive what she had done?
"Don't worry," Cierra told herself. "They're your family."
When she walked into Alex's house, she heard Jade humming to herself. "That's beautiful," Cierra commented after a few moments.
Jade jumped. "I didn't hear you come in," she said. "How are you holding up?"
"Better, now that I'm not with Henry anymore," Cierra replied. She'd stopped calling him Dad. That term was reserved for Tyler, the man who'd simultaneously hugged her as tight as he could upon their reunion and grounded her for three months for running away.
Jade seemed to battle with herself for a minute before she asked, "Do you want to read some lyrics I wrote? I think you might relate to them after what you just went through."
"Sure," Cierra replied. She read the lyrics Jade had written in her notebook.
I'm your fallen star.
I'm yours to use.
I'm a toy for you
To play with and abuse.
In my dreams,
I run away.
In this life,
I cannot stay.
Evil is not in how I was raised,
But in the things I choose.
I've learned one thing in my life;
The good guys aren't supposed to lose,
So why does it seem that
We're the ones always being hurt?
We're left broken and crushed,
Feeling worth less than dirt.
They tell me to choose a side.
I choose to follow my heart.
I've got to judge which side is right,
Then choose to play my part.
Yes, I choose to play my part.
"Wow," Cierra said. "That's it exactly."
"What's what exactly?" Dylan asked as he walked in and joined them.
"Jade wrote a song that kind of describes what I've been feeling," Cierra replied awkwardly.
"A song, eh? That's the best way to express the chaos in our minds," Dylan declared. "Hey, speaking of that, Cierra... I'm thinking of starting a band. The one thing I took away from my experience with Serpent's Kiss is that I really like being part of a group. I want to perform, and create, and just generally rock out with some friends... Would you be interested in playing the keyboard?"
Cierra paused thoughtfully before saying, "Yeah... I think I'd like that, actually. It might distract me."
Dylan smiled in excitement. "Yes! We've got a keyboardist! So, what about you, Jade? Are you still on the fence?" Dylan asked.
Jade sighed. "Fine, I give up! Yes, Dylan, I'll be in a band with you," she replied.
Dylan hugged her. "This is going to be great. For all of us. Music is the best therapy in the world."
"So, who'll play the drums and bass?" Jade asked.
Dylan considered her question. "Well, I'm sure I could talk Deenie into playing the drums. I don't know any bassists, though," he said.
He tried not to think about Vynn and the way she had always swayed with the music as she played her bass, but it was impossible. He took a deep breath and managed to keep himself from crying. He knew Vynn wouldn't want him to give up performing just because he missed her.
"Actually, you do," Melissa said suddenly as she emerged from what now served as her bedroom.
"I do?" Dylan asked, raising an eyebrow as he forced himself to focus on the moment instead of his grief.
"Nine years of bass guitar lessons," Melissa said proudly. "It was the only cool thing my aunt and uncle ever did."
"We'd be a girl band... Plus Dylan," Cierra said.
"Yeah, Four Chicks and a Dylan," Melissa added with a laugh.
"Hey, that's not a bad name," Dylan said. The others started laughing, and Dylan felt his spirits lifting again.
"Melissa, how the heck can you play the bass? You're so tiny, it's probably taller than you are," Cierra said. "No offense."
"None taken. It's kind of true. I've just got skills, I guess," Melissa replied, her impish grin causing the others to smile as well. "Plus, I can always shapeshift and make myself taller if I have to!"
Aideen and Jesse joined them then. "Deenie, you're gonna be in my new band, right?" Dylan asked.
Aideen looked at him in confusion. "Did I miss something?" She asked.
"Yeah, we're calling it Four Chicks and a Dylan, and I want you to be the drummer," Dylan said.
Aideen laughed. "How can I possibly resist with such an amazing band name?" She asked.
"Perfect! It's official!" Dylan cheered.
"Speaking of official, do you know what we should make our first official order of business?" Melissa asked.
"What?" Dylan asked curiously.
"We need a theme song!"
"What do you mean?" Cierra asked.
"You know, a theme song. All the other superheroes have one! We should totally write one."
Everyone started laughing again. "You know what? That's not a bad idea," Dylan decided.
With the arrival of Spencer, Randy, Beth, Arnie, Cassandra, and Alex, everyone took their favorite spots in the living room and the meeting began.
"Well, we have certainly had an interesting couple of months," Alex began.
"That's the understatement of the century!" Arnie said with a laugh.
"Seriously," Randy agreed.
"But we survived," Spencer said with a smile.
"Somehow," Cassandra added.
"Together," Beth said softly. "We survived because we came together and fought for each other."
"You guys fought for me," Cierra agreed, "and I'm so grateful... Beth's right. The only reason I came back from the darkness is because you guys wouldn't give up on me. I love you guys so much, and I'm so sor-"
"If you say sorry one more time, Cierra, I'm going to hex your lips shut," Aideen said with a laugh.
"I'm so lucky that I have you," Cierra corrected herself.
"I second that," Dylan said. "If I didn't have you guys, I might not have gotten through everything without completely falling apart."
"Let me join the love fest, too!" Melissa said. "Because I met you guys, I'm actually safe for the first time in my life... And that's pretty amazing."
Aideen looked at Jesse. "Did you want to add your own sappiness to this day?" She asked playfully.
"Yeah, I don't really do that," Jesse replied. "But this school year has really sucked so far, so, um, thanks for being here for me and whatever."
Alex smiled. "Alright, now that all of that's over with, let's talk about why we're here."
"Is there another apocalypse coming already?" Arnie asked.
"I hope not," Randy mumbled.
"Relax, guys," Alex replied. "This is our traditional post-crisis dinner. I've got everyone's favorite ice cream flavors in the freezer. I'm ordering pizza, and we're just going to hang out today. I think we've earned a day off."
"A day off?" Jesse repeated. "You liar! The world is ending again."
"No, dummy," Aideen said with enough affection in her voice that Jesse didn't take offense at the name-calling. "For once, it's not ending. Don't jinx us!"
Cierra smiled as the others joked around as if nothing had changed. For the first time in too long, she was starting to feel like herself again. Things really were going to be alright. With that knowledge, Cierra finally allowed herself to relax.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks for reading! The story continues in "Warrior," Book Three of The Silver Society.
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