Two Years...
Jin Pov.
I woke up in the cell with Shelby fussing over me. I try to sit up, but she pushes me back down saying, "You need rest!" I push her off me replying,
"I'm fine Shubbs." She still looks worried though.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I start to explain about the tests, and Whisp. I leave out that she was the most beautiful person I had seen, even with the mask. When I get to the part about her fear they looked at me confused.
"What do you mean, she knew us? Why was she scared?!" Exclaimed Max. I explained the fear in more detail. They were horrified at their dream selves. I didn't know the exact answer to his question though. To this day I still don't know. It has been two years, and none of us were tested again. I hadn't seen Whisp since then.
Time skip two years.
Whisp Pov. Age 18
They were about to run a test on Max! I couldn't let them, a couple of days before I had found an electrical panel in the wall that triggered the door. I put on my mask, and I started to hack it, getting lost in the mechanisms. I felt alive in my element! This was great. Cut the red wire, attach the end to the circuit and short it out! I heard a voice, probably the system that I called Monica, "Cell five-hundred forty four has opened. The main project is escaping! Send security. Use force." I sprinted out before I could get caught. I headed for the cell block for prisoners-I mean specimens of normal sanity. I was sprinting, and turning the corner when I saw the right room. I opened the door, and looked around.
Jin Pov. Age 19
We were all surprised when a voice came on saying that a prisoner was escaping. We were even more shocked when the door opened! Ross fell off the bed! I was confused when I recognized the person who opened it! "Whisp!"
"No time to explain just follow me!" She ran and we had to sprint to catch up. She was sliding around corners, and we found two guards one male, one female. She just glared at them. "You know I could easily defeat you, but I don't want to hurt you. Step aside Nicola, you too Nathan."I was surprised they actually did, but then the girl she called Nicola started to speak,
"You won't be able to save them! You should just hand them over. When I tell Doc he'll test them, it'll be harder for them than it is for you!" Whisp replies nonchalantly,
"And when you tell Doc, he'll kill you." Nicola looks scared when Whisp starts to run again. We start to go at an even pace, which is a nice change. When she turns another corner we are at a lab, and she grabs a thick thousand page file labeled, The Whisp Project, Top Secret. She turns two more corners when we come to a set of double doors that say, exit. This was too good too be true! She barrels through the doors, opening them.
Whisp Pov.
I went through the doors, seeing something I had only heard about in text books, the out doors! I looked around, mesmerized. I see a car? Again another thing I had studied, but I had done a test on these, so I knew how to drive it. I start hot wiring it. Sky was the groups leader, I knew. So I beckoned him over here, a tiny bit scared he'll start asking about me. "You know me as Whisp. How'd you guys get into the crazy house?" I ask, curious. He looks at me funny, and responds,
"We got lost, but a man in a white coat offered to help. We, being stupid kids took him up on his offer, and got ourselves kidnapped." I was disgusted by the Doc, who was obviously the coated man.
"I don't blame you, I used to really like the Doc. He acted nice until he started to give me the dangerous tests." I spat venomously.
"The Doc?" He inquires.
"The man who runs this place, but nowadays Monica does all the work. Monica being the machine of course."
"How'd you get here?" I froze at that question, and I quickly deflected the question,
"Almost got it!"
"Okay..." He trails off. He starts to say,"Jin told us about your fe-" I cut him off by saying,
"I got it!" forcefully. The van buzzed to life, and I hopped around into the drivers seat. Phew. Sky went into the passenger seat. The rest filed into the backseats.
Sky Pov.
Looking back on it, Jin never mentioned Whisp being absolutely stunning! I'm lost in her chocolate eyes when she pulls out of the driveway. Her hips were wide, yet she was very slender. Her curves were all I could think about. She had a hood and a mask , so it was hard for me to see her face or hair in detail, but if it was half as pretty as the rest of her I wasn't going to be able to look away! I felt my gaze fall down from her mask, and blushed a little when I realized where I was looking, she didn't seem to notice though. I turn away, checking the rest for injuries. I didn't see any, but I could tell everyone was a bit shook up about the situation. "Why are you scared of us, and how do you know us?" Max asks bluntly. Barney hit him in the shoulder!
"Yous dirts, shes saves uts, ands yous ares beings rude! " Whisp shook her head quickly.
"No Barney he is right to ask. It gives me a chance to explain. Thank you for defending me though." Max looks smug at her answer. Barney nods.
"I was born near this facility. Doc lied to my parents saying that I was born dead." We nod for her to continue. "When I was around twelve, I refused to do a test. It was too scary for me then. Doc, the owner of the place threatened to force other kids to test. Kids that were almost normal unlike me. Kids that would die on the first test. I did the the test under the condition that I got to monitor the kids at all times, to make sure he didn't test them." "That was when I met you guys. You were everything I wanted to be, near normal, and happy. Your interactions with each other kept me sane for the five years after." I was surprised we had done that much, without even realizing that we were. "For one of my tests I was isolated for two days in a white padded room. I went insane very quickly after that. When I got back I clung to my monitor like a lifeline. You eventually helped me get sane again." I was mortified for her! Alone for Irene knows how long, and torn from the thing that kept her sane! "I started to think of you guys as friends, and Doc knew it. He changed the deal so he could test you guys as long as I was able to save you from all pain, that was when I met Jin. I realized I couldn't hurt him, so I had him shock me instead." I was amazed by her selflessness. Jin started to say,
"I'm so sorr-" She cuts him off,
"Don't apologize, I made you do it." He shook his head, and almost continued, but Ross hit him in the arm.
"On with the story please!
"Okay, during that I realized I was scared of him hating me, I realized the way I saw you guys was a teensie bit creepy. I didn't have the best social skills, and I was scared if I met you guys, you'd hate me. That became my fear in the short time I had realized it. After that test you were left alone for two years. A couple of days ago I found a way to break out. Yesterday I heard rumors that Max was going to be tested. I was not going to let that happen!" Max's eyes widen at her show of affection, and he blushes before looking down. I think he likes her too, I felt a bit of anger, but I calmed down. "I grabbed my test file before we left though." "You each get one question. If I decide not to answer you get another one."
"Why did you grab the file?" Max asks.
"So they couldn't use it against me, or my parents.." She trails off. "Next!"
"Favorite color?" Asks Shelby.
"One question, and you ask that? I refuse." Shelbs looked sad for a moment, but she perked up, and asked,
"Then, what exactly do you know about us?" She inquired curiously.
"Well for starters I know who your crush is." Shelby turned pink at that. "I'm not going to say who, but he obviously likes you back." I notice Ross fidget a bit in his seat. Rolby?! Yes! "Adam bites his lip when he lies, Max taps his foot when he lies, which, fun fact a week ago he used your toothbrush to fish out Ross's glasses from the drain after you called him mad Max." I was furious at him! I calmed down when she added, "It wasn't the brush side though, and he washed it after." I was still a bit mad at him. "Also I know where Barney comes from."
"Yours does? Pleases tells mes I's nots know!" I was speechless, how'd she figure that out?
"Your accent comes from an extinct race of humans. They were descended from dinosaurs." Barney did a victory dance, accidentally smacking Jin in the face.
"Alls rights! I's knew I's had champion blood!" Whisp's face darkened.
"That champion blood got you kidnapped!" That quieted Barney.
"Anyways, Jin seems to be paranoid, he always sits on the edge of his seat." Jin looks thoughtful for a second then seems to realize that he does.
"Next!" She announces. "Oh, and Barney already asked his question accidentally." Barney was still satisfied though. Ross pipes up,
"What did you mean by us being almost normal?" She looks surprised.
"You mean you don't know?" I look at her, quizzically. "You all show a fair aptitude for manipulating elements!"
We jump a bit. "Whats?" Asks Barney.
"I've seen Jin literally deflect water. Your sink broke, and the water hit everyone, but him?!" Jin was so surprised he almost falls out of his seat! "And Shelby has made people change their minds about helping her so often. I could've sworn Jin's eyes went from brown, to red that one time she asked him to do the dishes!" Shelby was a bit less jumpy, but her eyes widened. "Adam was teasing the mad Max who dishes facts, and picks up tacks, and he just suddenly happened to have his sleeve on fire!" I remember that, and see Max get angry at her for calling him that, but he seems to reminisce about me being on fire, and he nods. "Barney subconsciously moved a wall once! Adam once levitated an object across the room! Ross has made objects shrink! Earth, Air, and Magic!" She almost shrieks. I could use the air? I was jolted out of my thoughts by her yelling, "How did you not realize? Next!"
"What did you mean by calling yourself not normal?" Jin asks, his voice squeaking a little. Does he like her too?! I must be paranoid. But then again, she was absolutely amazing to look at, and was super kind! Who wouldn't want her?!
"I-I-I, umm... Refuse!" Jin asks a different question,
"Who are your parents?"
"Another question I won't answer." He frustratedly asks,
"Is Whisp your real name? You were cryptic about it when you told me."
"No it isn't." She leaves it at that. Wait what?!-"Next!" My turn,
"What is your real name, the full one?"
"I won't."
"Then why do you wear the mask?"
"I got it on the day of the test with Jin. I wore it after because it has sentimental value. Then the Doc seemed to forget what I looked like. I wore it to spite him. Now it serves the purpose of you guys not knowing what I look like, so you can't give a description to any asylum searchers. "
"We wouldn'ts dos that!" Exclaims Barney. She swerves, and stops the car at a lake. Whisp says,
"Let's stop here." We nod, and step out.
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