Jessica Aphmau
Jess Pov.
"I'm back!" I announce, pushing open the door to the house.
"Whisp!" Sky yells. I pause at the name.
"It's Jess. Jessica, Aphmau." The group looks at me with shock. "I found it out by my father, have I grown a second head?" They shake out of their stupor.
"You saw your dad?! How'd you meet your parents?!" Max asks. I think back to the encounter.
"Incorrect, I met my parent. My mother is dead." They give me pitying looks, layered with shock.
"I'm sorrys toz hearz that." Barney responds. I shift my attention to a truck near the house.
"Did you guys get another car?" Jin shakes his head. Then I notice the red dot on his forehead, a sniper guide! I push him down, landing on top of him.
"Everyone get down!" They're confused until they see a sniper dot about to train itself on Shelbs. They drop, hiding behing our couch. I turn red, realizing the awkward position Jin, and I are in. He's doing the same. I awkwardly slide off him, and pull my emergency pistol out of it's holster in my pocket. Everyone stares at me. "Wh-What?! A girl can't have a gun!? Stop being so sexist!" I return fire, shattering our large window. I take three more shots, and I become a murderer. Well, a voluntary one. Some of those tests... All the people I've killed flash through my mind, with this one being the freshest. There's another, and he almost hits Barney! Time seems to both slow down, and speed up. I grab the bullet from midair! The group is incredulous as I take out man after man easily. Last clip! Make it count Wh-Jess! There's a bullet headed for Max! I don't think, I jump. Then everything goes dark.
Author here! Can't update for a week! Sorry! The reason is on my crafting dead book! See ya Belladonnas!
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