Author here! Sorry it was short, I need to admit that I'm in a bit of a writers block. Enjoy the cliffhanger! See ya Belladonnas!
Jess Pov.
I stroll into the warehouse idly, seeing that it's empty. They must be gone, I realize. I inspect the area, interested by the supply crates. I move towards one, but it's locked. Easy. I smack my hand onto the handle, and the whole door falls off. The crate is filled to the brim with paper towels. Figures, why would anything useful just be sitting around like this? I clear an area, pushing the crates away. This is where I'll kill them, I decide. Somehow I just can't imagine it. It doesn't feel real at all. I sit down in a nearby crate, cross legged. I delve into my thoughts, wondering what my purpose will be after this. I've worked towards this for so long, when this hatred is gone, what'll be left? No, I'll just work with that when it comes. I slowly slip into boredom. I decide to just start a fire, or something to get them here. I walk out, but find I don't need to do something drastic. They're here. They haven't noticed me, so I just stand there a moment, scanning their faces. It has been too long. I jump down to ground level softly, and clear my throat loudly. They turn to me, and I stand there awkwardly. "Umm, this seemed a lot easier in my head. I-" I'm cut off by Max striding over to me. Then a pair of lips smash into mine!
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