A Day In The Life Of Jess
Adam Pov.
I click on the video, tears streaming from my eyes. We failed her. She's right to blame us. The crew is behind me, watching the computer. They're in the same state I am. The first thing I see is Jess, sitting on a large white bed. The room is white walled, and nice. "Hello, it has been awhile. This is my last video, explaining who I am. So yes," She gestures to herself. "This is me. Cringe all you want, destroy all that fan art of me with red hair, but this is my face. And this," She opens her arms in a grand fashion, showing the room. "is my prison. Y' see, the reason I left YouTube was because I was forced to go here. You may recall an old news show about an asylum used for experiments on unwilling subjects? You may recognize me as the girl who burnt it down. You may also assume there are more of them, and that's where I'm being held. I really don't care anymore, all I want nowadays is to get my chance. My chance for revenge. I was betrayed by my friends, who cracked after one test! You viewers might not understand all of what I'm saying, but they will." There's a banging sound on her door, and a familiar voice calls out to her.
"Time for the maze, get over here child!" Doc! I clench my fists in anger.
"I'll go, but can I get a minute?" The knocking stops, and she continues. "They gave me up to a life of endless tests, mazes, and combat. Unfortunately for them, Doc has treated me better. He's given me a sort of revenge, now my combat tests are preformed on their holograms. It may sound strange to you, but I get to kill them everyday. A form of brainwash, you could say. A small comfort, though I'm sure I sound demented. Maybe I am. Now I'm going to show you something, there's magic in this world." Her hand starts to send electric shocks into the ceiling, and I'm taken aback by her boldness. What is she doing?! "I wanted to let you know, because soon enough, tons of people will realize what they can do. It will be an unstable situation, and people may revolt. I recommend that the government control it, or it'll fall apart. Goodbye viewers, I'll miss you." The video ends, and I'm left reeling from her words. Jess...
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