\felixs p.o.v./
I reached for my phone so I could text jack but I guess he beat me to it. I felt it buzz in my hand. I smiled and started to text.
\Fangirl changed name to Fefe/
Boss god: hi Pewds
Fefe:yo! Where you been?!? I thought you would text earlier than that!
Boss god: oh nothing important! I just got raped by an old man and saved by a god.
Fefe:holy fuck! I'm sorry dude! Wait.....
Boss god:waiting....
Fefe:who the fuck is the god that saved you?
Boss god:the man of my dreams, Markimoo!>\\\<
Fefe:sweet! I think he likes you! And what's up with the nickname?
Boss god:first of all, fuck you! Second of all, he gave it to himself!
Fefe:first of all, that's his god to fuck you! Second off all, that sounds like a striper name!
Boss god: hey gotta go. I gotta do chores!
I look at the phone frowning. Jack can't just, "do chores". He had something else in mind.
~~~Jack p.o.v.~~~
I dicided to text mark or " markimoo" as he called himself. I giggled and pressed my finger on his contacts.
Boss god:hi mark!
Markimoo:hi jackaboy!
Boss god: you sure like making up names don't you?!? XD lol
Boss god: thanks for saving me from the "accident " that happened earlier.
Markimoo: don't thank me. You diserved to feel that with the person you love.
Boss god: well actually I am!
Markimoo: btw are you doing OK?
Boss god: yes mom I'm doing fine!
Markimoo:lol XP! Want to play a game?
Boss god: I like games! What kind?
Markimoo:twenty questions!
Boss god:sounds nice! I'll get to know more about you!
Markimoo: okay, I'll go first. What's your full name?
Boss god: Sean William Mcloughlin
Markimoo: sexy!(not in that way!lol)
Boss god: full name!
Markimoo: Mark Edward Fischbach
Boss god: DAT last name tho! Lol
Markimoo: favorite color?
Boss god: red!
Markimoo: interesting...
Boss god: yours?
Markimoo: that's easy! Its red! Just like youuuuuu!!!!
Boss god: that means we are both most likely obsessed with blood.....creepy!
Markimoo:favorite food?
Boss god: COOKIES!
Markimoo: I will take note in that!
Boss god: what scares you the most?
Markimoo: mannequins and the fucking Ocean! Oh and that I will disappoint the people I love and care about most.
Boss god: like Meh?
Markimoo:yes... Anyways how about you?
Boss god:heights and the fear that I will note succeed in life with the person that is my true love.
Markimoo:like Meh? Lol jk jk!
Boss god: lol. So do you have a job?
Markimoo:Meh jobs to keep you safe!
Boss god:that's nice! But I'm not paying you...
Markimoo:lol. That's okie! Have any pets?
Boss god:sadly noooooope! You?
Markimoo:yep! My little Chicago bicka! She's a golden lab and she's so fucking ADORABLE!<3
Boss god:lol. Tell Meh more!
Hey guys! Sorry but imma have to make this into two or more parts. Sooooo....
~to be continued...~
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