The End?!
A/N: *sigh* Oh god... It's over already? Man. This went by to quick. But I mean, two chapters a day'll do that to ya. Man... 135 pages, 50,747 words. Written in about three months. I can't lie, I'm super, super duper proud of this. Like, REALLY proud of this.
And that goes to the next thing. Thank you guys so much for supporting me and reading this story. I didn't think that I would get 1,000 reads. And now it's at 1.4K. I mean, that's a lot! And I'm so happy! I'm so, so happy you guys are enjoying this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I especially want to thank three people...:
1. Companion13 AKA, my best friend in the entire world. She told me to get a Wattpad account, she's supported my writing since the beginning and she's the one that introduced me to the fandom in the first place!
2. @Honeybee9901 who seems to always vote on every single one of my chapters. No clue why, I don't deserve it, but she/he does anyways and I think that is amazing and so kind of her/him.
3. VincentWolf4. Now, Vincent is fricken fabulous. He/she has talked to me so much about all my stories along with other things over Wattpad and he/she has supported me in all of my writing, constantly encouraging me to continue.
I've said thanks before, but thank you again.
And that goes for all of you readers! THANK YOU! Thank you so much. I can't say it enough and I'll never be able too. Now, the end of this story has come, BUT it is not the end of Jack and Mark's adventures.
That's right, you read correctly. I am making a sequel to this. I have so many ideas, and I can't wait to work on it. Sadly though, school's started up again and my life is once again filled with stress, homework, life troubles and teenage hormones (though that last part never went away). SOOOOOO, the sequel either won't be out for a while or if I do post, it won't update often. Sorry! I'll try, but it's hard sometimes. However, I have a special, special sneak peak just for you guys. Here ya go:
Sneak Peak of "Revelations and Truths"
"(Jack's P.O.V.)
I still have about a half hour to kill. I'm just waking around the school halls, looking in classrooms and clubrooms. I already did my homework so I'm all good. I originally wouldn't be hanging out here but Mark's practicing for some musical thing with some of his friends, and I want to hang out with him later so I have to wait till he gets out at 4:30.
I'm not really complaining. I mean, I've seen the videos of some of these musicals they do. And put together, they are really fricken good. A.J and Peter are awesome at what they do. And Mark's a really good singer, which I somehow didn't know. I mean, we've been dating for almost a year now and I never knew he could sing. Up until last month he refused to even try!
But anyways. I'm really bored. I would go to the theater and watch but Mark wants the musical to be a secret and NO SPOILERS, so I'm stuck wandering the halls of school. Man... Senior year already. I can't believe it. Senior year. It's been so long since... Since Ireland, since the bullying. It's been a year since I first spoke to Mark as a friend. It's been ten months since I kissed Mark. I just can't beli - CRAP!
I forgot something in math class! UGH! I turn and run down the halls (more like jog). I take the appropriate turns to get to math. Left, down, right, down, and right into the classroom. I walk in and look around. No one's here. Understandable. Mrs. Walters is probably in the faculty room and the students are long gone, except for those in clubs. I walk over to my desk, opening it and grabbing the forgotten paper.
Then I close the desk and I go to walk away... When I freeze and stare with wide eyes. On my desk things are written. Terrible, awful, insulting things. "We don't need more fags here!" "I dare you to jump off the roof!" "Everyone hates you Sean!" "No one loves you!" "FREAK!" "Monster!" And then in bold letters in the middle... "KILL YOURSELF!" I can't help the tears coming to my eyes as I scan over each and every letter. Then I turn and I run, forgetting about Mark and only focusing on the words I just read."
So yeah. Jack ain't doing so good. However, A.J and Peter are making there way into the story! Yay!... Yeah, no one cares. POOR JACKABOY!!!! Anyways, thanks again and I hope you enjoyed "Secrets and Lies"
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