Chapter 8
(Mark's P.O.V.)
The little bell on the door rings as I walk into the building, quickly tying my apron around my waist.
"Hey Ann." I say, walking towards the break room. Ann looks at me, smiling.
"Hey!" She says. Ann works with me here at the café, she's pretty much my only coworker. She's sixteen, a year younger then me, and only works here because her mom is the one that runs the place. We aren't super close but she'd do anything for me and I'd do anything for her. She's super sweet. "What's up?" She asks then. I nod a bit.
"Nothing much. I wasn't thrown against the lockers as hard today so that's an upside." I say, chuckling. Ann raises her coffee cup.
"Never doubt there's an upside in a day." She says, and I chuckle, holding up my own and hitting hers with it in a sort of toast. We each drink the rest of our coffee then.
"Ann! Mark! Come on. People are starting to file in." Ms. June, Ann's mom and my boss, yells. I chuckle.
"We're coming." I say, putting down my cup. Ann does the same and picks up a tray with water pitchers, walking out of the break room. I pick up my notepad, walking out as well. Three hours after school, from five to eight, everyday. It's a nice job, and Ann and Ms. June are nice, but I still wish I didn't have to work everyday.
The first hour goes by like every other day, with Ann at the register, me waiting on tables, and Ms. June in the back cooking. Then, about half way through my shift, the bell rings and I look up from the register. Ann is on break right now, since her older brother got here and is now waiting on tables. Karl is pretty nice too, but he doesn't work here often. He comes over towards the register.
"Switch out?" He asks. I shrug.
"Why not?" I ask. I grab my notepad and my eyes trail over to the group who just sat down at the farthest table from me. And my eyes go wide. I rush to the break room, startling Ann. Why the hell are they here? I've never seen them here before...
"Mark? What's wrong?" Ann asks. I look at her and I try to calm a bit.
"Ann can you do me a huge favor?" I ask. She nods.
"What's up?" She asks. I look out of the break room just a bit, staring at the table.
"You see that group of guys over there?" I say. She comes next to me and nods.
"What about them?" She asks. I inhale.
"They're the ones that bully me. If they found out I work here they will tear me apart." I say, staring at Jack with hatred in my eyes. He turns this way and I duck back into the break room. Ann smiles.
"Of course I'll take your shift for you. I'll come get you when they leave. Until then, stay here." She says. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Thank you." I exhale. She chuckles, taking my notepad and walking out of the room. I collapse on the couch, closing my eyes. Why are they here? I wouldn't think they'd hang out at a little café like this... I just sit on the couch patiently, having to explain to Ms. June at some point. She understands and allows me to hide. Then my phone buzzes.
BooperDooper: Sup?
I chuckle, typing back.
Markiplier: Nothing much. Just doing some stuff.
BooperDooper: Where you at?
Markiplier: Work.
BooperDooper: Work?
Markiplier: Mm hm
BooperDooper: Why would you have to work?
I sigh, hesitant. I haven't told anybody my living situation before, even Ann and Felix don't know all of it. I'm to... Scared I guess is the word, and shy. But I feel comfortable talking to Booper.
Markiplier: Uh... I was kicked out of my home a little while ago...
His response is hesitant, almost like he doesn't know what to say.
BooperDooper: I'm so sorry...
BooperDooper: You don't have to tell me why... But if you want to talk about it, I'll listen... Or read I guess...
Markiplier: Okay...
I'm hesitant. Do I want to tell him everything? I want to vent to someone, I really really do. But is Booper that person? I sigh and before I can think about it anymore I just start typing.
Markiplier: As you should know, I'm gay. And two years ago my mom found out. She was furious, felt betrayed.
Markiplier: She told me that if I didn't get out of her house she would call the police. So I moved out of her house and in with my brother, forcing him to move out of his college dormitory and into an apartment.
Markiplier: Thing is, once Mom found out he was taking care of me she cut off ties with him too.
Markiplier: So we both got jobs to pay for the apartment.
Markiplier: Then my dad died of cancer.
Markiplier: I started getting bullied at school.
Markiplier: It kind of all went to hell in a hand basket during that first month of high school...
Markiplier: I just wish my life didn't suck.
Markiplier: I wish I still had a family, a mom and dad who loved me and cared for me.
Markiplier: I wish I didn't have to work a job to pay for my life, for a home and food.
Markiplier: I wish I didn't have to cause my brother so much trouble.
Markiplier: But most of all... I wish I didn't get bullied everyday... Bullied by some people who just don't like me because I like guys...
Markiplier: But hey... You need icing on a cake right?
After my little rant Booper doesn't respond for quite a while. Maybe he left? Maybe I bored him or made him leave? After a minute or so however, he types.
BooperDooper: I had no idea...
Markiplier: Nobody does... You're the first person I've told all this to.
Markiplier: A little while ago Jack was yelling at me about my "perfect little life"... If only he knew...
BooperDooper: I'm sorry Mark. Really.
Markiplier: It's okay. I'll live. Plus you help me.
BooperDooper: Really?
Markiplier: Yeah...
BooperDooper: Awesome. I've gotta go though. I'll talk to you some other time?
Markiplier: You got it.
And with that he's gone. I sigh, staring at the conversation. Booper is really cool, he's funny, he's nice, he cares about me. Wait... My eyes widen and I freeze, realizing for once what's going through my mind...
Do I have a crush on Booper?
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