Chapter 50
(Mark's P.O.V.)
I run towards the forest, where Jack stands at the edge. He smiles when he sees me and waves. I wave back, soon stopping in front of him.
"Hey." I say. He chuckles.
"Hey. Come on." He says and nods towards the forest. He starts walking in and I shrug, following. Worst case, we have our phones. After only thirty seconds or so of walking in the forest I beak the silence.
"Why is there a trail here?" I ask. Jack chuckles.
"Because while you were in the hospital I came out here and made it." He says, turning and smiling at me before turning back around and leading the way again. I nod. Respectable. But why? He must have something planned... But what? I have to many questions and I'm not gonna bother asking, knowing he won't answer any of them.
We continue walking and while we do we pass by many different things, also having to push branches out of the way. On the side of the trail I spot wild flowers of all colors, large bushes of an unknown type of plant, wild berries, trees with moss or vines growing on them. Overall, a beautiful path. However it doesn't take long for me to bump into Jack, soon realizing that he stopped moving and turned around to face me. I back away, shaking my head a bit as Jack just chuckles.
"Smooth." He says. I just shrug in response. "Anyways, this is the first stop. Come on." He says, grabbing my hand and slowly walking backwards. We pass through a curtain of vines and then he walks to the side, letting me see where we are. I gasp in awe, looking around.
"Wow." I whisper, just staring. We're in a large circular clearing, a large tree in the middle. The entrance we just came through is covered by overhanging willow trees, allowing the clearing to look like a secret garden. All along the edges there's flowers of multiple colors, trees of different shades, and the grass is as green as... Well... Grass! Overall, it's wonderful.
"I found this place a little while ago, made a trail." I turn at the sound of Jack's voice. I chuckle, shaking my head a bit. Jack now sits on the ground in front of the large tree, a red and green checkered blanket out in front of him, along with containers and thermos'. I walk over and sit across from him, looking at the stuff.
"What the hell Jack?" I ask, not being able to get rid of the stupid grin on my face. He chuckles.
"Okay, it's just sandwiches, soup, and Diet Coke, but it's something!" He says, also pulling out two Diet Coke bottles from his backpack. He hands me one and I instantly take it, opening it up and taking a sip.
"Oh my god. Why did you do all of this?!" I ask, laughing. This just makes Jack laugh as well and he shrugs.
"I don't know. I just wanted to do something special." He says, smiling. I stare at him, smiling as well. Eventually we stop staring at one another and we dig into food. I find out that out of the two thermos' one of them contained soup and the other a milkshake. Jack pulls out two straws and says that we can drink it after we eat food.
So we eat, and while we eat we talk. And we talk about whatever. Video games, life, school, made up worlds. Didn't matter. We're just talking. Eventually we get to the milkshake and I hastily grab my straw and put it in the thermos, taking a big sip. My eyes widen and I pull away, staring at Jack with a smile.
"This is heaven." I say. He laughs and nods.
"I'll tell Ma." He says. I nod.
"Please." I say and we both drink the milkshake. At one point Jack gets a brain freeze, which just makes me laugh. Then he proceeds to take the little bit of milkshake left and throw it on my face. I gasp, taking my glasses off. I look at him and chuckle.
"Oh you bitch." I say. He smirks.
"But I'm your bitch." He says and I shake my head.
"I hate you so much." I say. He laughs and gets napkins, dabbing at my face.
"I hate you more." He replies. Soon all the milkshake is off my face and we're working on putting all the empty containers and the blanket into Jack's bag again. Once we finish the cleanup, we walk around making sure we didn't leave anything anywhere and then we stop near the entrance.
"So... Back home?" I ask. Jack smiles and shakes his head, looking at his watch.
"One more stop." He says and grabs my hand, pulling me back onto the trail. I pay attention more to the ground then anything, watching both Jack's feet and my own so I don't trip or die or anything. Instead of going back to the school however, Jack turns to the left, guiding me onto another trail.
"Where are we going?" I laugh after a while of running. Jack laughs as well.
"We're almost there! Don't worry!" He says. I roll my eyes, but I continue to let him drag me anyways. And then he stops. "Close your eyes." He says. I narrow my eyes, smirking.
"What? You gonna push me off a cliff or something?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.
"No. I'm not. Now come on! We're burning daylight here!" He says. I chuckle, closing my eyes and letting him drag me wherever we're going. Eventually the flat land turns into an uphill. It feels like we're climbing forever when Jack finally stops. "Okay." He says and there's footsteps. Then I feel a pair of hands over my eyes. "Open." He says. I do and only see Jack's hands.
"You gotta move your hands you doof." I say. He chuckles.
"Oh come on. It's gotta be just right..." He says. A few more seconds. And then... "Surprise." He whispers, moving his hands. I gasp, staring at the scene before me.
Jack and I are standing on top of a hill, the two of us being the only people in sight. In front of me is the setting sun, slowly making way for the moon and stars. Jack grabs my hand and lays down, making me lay down next to him. I don't hesitate to do so, though I take my hand back, putting both my hands behind my head. The sky is many shades of pink, orange, and blue. Some stars shine, though they aren't very bright compared to the setting sun. The clouds are a cotton candy pink, making the scene that much more beautiful. Overall...
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I say it quietly, more to myself then to Jack, though he answers too.
"Yeah. It really is." He says. Though his voice sounds closer then it should. I turn my head to find him looking at me, smiling. My eyes go wide and my cheeks heat up. He was talking about me? I'm... I'm the most beautiful to him? He chuckles at my expression and puts a hand on my cheek. I move my hands from behind my head and I put one hand on top of Jack's, the other I drape over Jack's side. I turn on my side as well, mimicking Jack's position. His smile grows.
"You will always be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He says it quietly and I smile. Before realizing it I'm leaning in slowly, though Jack doesn't hesitate to close the gap. After the brief moment of shock I kiss back, smiling. I can't help it.
This is all I've wanted for the past three months. All I've wanted was to be Jack's. And now here we are. My wish is coming true... And it wasn't even because of me. Jack did this. Jack did all of this. He messaged me, he became my friend, he proved to me so many things and taught me so much, he saved me from Peter, he planned tonight. It's all because of him. Eventually we pull away for air, and I rest my forehead on his.
"Mark?" He says softly.
"Yeah?" I ask in the same soft voice. He chuckles and sighs.
"I love you." He says it finally, the three words I have wanted to hear him say for the past three months. I close my eyes, not bothering to hold back my tears.
"I love you too." I say back and I open my eyes, seeing that he is also crying. He puts his other arm around my waist and I kiss him once more on the cheek before snuggling into him, watching the sunset with the love of my life.
Three months ago I was walking into this school thinking that it would be the worst year of my life. Three months ago I hated life, I hated everything. Three months ago I never even thought anything like this could happen. Three months ago I got a message from someone named Booper. Three months ago all of this started. Three months ago was the beginning of my story and tonight is the end. And I couldn't be happier.
The End
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