Chapter 5
(Mark's P.O.V.)
I walk into my apartment quietly, silently closing the door behind me. It's 1 AM, Saturday. I had to work a double shift at work today, which sucked because It's really late, and I have homework I need to do tomorrow... But I'm really not tired... I drank, like, seven cups of coffee, each with around five shots in it. I'm caffeinated and not getting to sleep anytime soon.
I walk to my room, passing Tom's room in the process. I can hear him snoring, which is good. He should be asleep by now. I walk into my room, closing my door behind me and throwing my apron onto the floor. I don't need it, not till tomorrow. I then collapse on my bed, sighing. Work. I hate work. Just, all kinds of work. My job, homework, school work, all kinds. Doesn't matter what it's for, what I get out of it, I just hate it.
*Bz bz*. My phone buzzes loudly, making me tense. Though, I hear no noise nor any lights come on so it's all good. I pull my phone out of my pocket, staring at the little glowing screen. I chuckle. It's Booper. Why the hell is he up at 1 AM?
BooperDooper: I'm messaging you to wake you up.
Markiplier: To late, I'm already up. What the hell are you doing up?
BooperDooper: I woke up fifteen minutes ago and I'm bored.
Markiplier: Eh.
BooperDooper: You?
Markiplier: I was out.
BooperDooper: Ooh, party?
Markiplier: Nope.
I'm relieved when he doesn't bother asking for any more info, strictly because I don't feel like explaining why seventeen year old me has to work at a café.
BooperDooper: So, I was thinking, since we're both up, we can learn more about each other.
Markiplier: Mm?
BooperDooper: Just simple questions, like what's our favorite color or music or some crap like that.
Markiplier: Okay. What's your favorite color then?
BooperDooper: GREEN!
I laugh silently. I can just imagine his enthusiasm when typing that. Just GREEN!!!!!!. I can totally see it.
Markiplier: Fair enough. Mine's red.
BooperDooper: We're like Christmas then.
Markiplier: Apparently.
BooperDooper: Do you listen to music?
Markiplier: Yeah. I'm not a huge music geek, but it's cool.
BooperDooper: Awesome! What kind?
Markiplier: I don't know, whatever's on the radio nowadays.
BooperDooper: Haha! Fair. I listen to a lot of BVB.
Markiplier: ?
BooperDooper: Black Veil Brides.
Markiplier: Oh yeah! I've heard of them! I don't really like their music...
BooperDooper: All the screaming?
Markiplier: Not a fan.
BooperDooper: Some of them don't have screaming. I'll recommend some to you.
Markiplier: You'll have to do that.
BooperDooper: =)
Markiplier: :-)
The next message is hesitant, not immediate like before. Probably thinking of another question. Or at least I hope so. Maybe he fell asleep. Wouldn't be a bad idea...
BooperDooper: Ooh! What's your favorite video game?
Markiplier: Video game?
BooperDooper: Yeah
Markiplier: Um... I like a lot, I can't really choose a favorite...
It's kind of a lie, kind of not. I've never actually played video games before, not since childhood at least. But I have seen videos of people playing them and some of them look really fricken cool. It's hard to choose one. Just one? I don't know how anybody could choose just one.
BooperDooper: Sweet. My favorite is "Shadow of The Colossus", but "BloodBourne" is a close second.
Markiplier: Cool.
I have no clue which games those are but they sound interesting...
BooperDooper: I'm trying to think of another question...
Markiplier: How do you like your coffee?
BooperDooper: Haha! A weird question...
Markiplier: Better then yours.
BooperDooper: I didn't have one.
Markiplier: Exactly.
BooperDooper: So, how do I like my coffee? Hazelnut with four creams and three sugars.
Markiplier: Sounds good. I just like mine with some cream and is all good.
BooperDooper: Ha! Not me!
Markiplier: Starbucks must cost a fortune.
BooperDooper: Tell me about it...
It's times like these that I really appreciate having a friend like Booper, even if I don't know who he really is. I feel like I can talk to him about anything and everything, which is rare. I'm normally very cautious and introverted around other people. But not him...
BooperDooper: You fall asleep?
Markiplier: Nope. Just thinking.
BooperDooper: Ah. You're being dangerous again.
Markiplier: Shut up.
BooperDooper: =P. Anyways, I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep. Night.
Markiplier: Night. :-)
And with that I put my phone on my night table and I just pass out.
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