Chapter 42
(Jack's P.O.V.)
I angrily walk through the halls with my backpack. Mark is ten minutes late for class, this isn't right, it's not supposed to happen, why is he late? Mrs. Walter, for some weird reason, decided to send me to find him which surprised me considering they all know we have problems, or at least that's what they think they know. On the inside, I am happy that I'm the one searching for him cause then I can make sure he's okay. Mark is never late, and I am terrified to see what happened and why he's late.
Please be that he just slept in late or something. Please, please, please. I am begging the universe at this point that he is okay. Cause he is never late. And I mean NEVER. I have been in class with him for three years, he is never late. I walk (more like jog) through hallway after hallway, not once finding any sign of Mark. Until I turn down the hallway that both of our lockers are at. And I stop dead in my tracks.
Mark isn't standing at his locker hastily trying to find his books. Or, crying on the floor. No, what I find is much, much worse. I gasp quietly, my breath hitched in my throat. N...No. No, no, no, no... Without any more hesitation I drop my bag, running over to where Mark lies on the floor, unmoving, blood pooling under him. I kneel down next to him, not caring about the blood soaking my jeans. I reach out hesitantly, but I don't dare touch him.
"M...Mark?" I ask quietly. He doesn't respond, doesn't move. The only way I know he's alive is that he's breathing. I quickly put my fingers to his neck. He has a pulse. That's good too. But he isn't responding. I put my hands on his shoulder. "Mark? Mark..." I say, shaking him gently. Oh my god, oh my god, oh no, oh no... No, no, no... What do I do? He isn't answering, isn't responding, isn't moving. Wait... I know. I pull my phone out of my pocket, quickly and yet shakily calling 911.
"911, what is your emergency?" The lady on the other side asks. I inhale, getting ready to speak something other then Mark's name.
"Um... My name is Sean McLoughlin. I'm a student at Rydell High School. One of my friends... Um... I don't know, I think he got attacked. He's breathing but he isn't responding. I didn't know what to do so I called you." I say it all in one breath.
"Okay Sean, calm down first off. You said you're at Rydell High School?" The lady asks. I nod and soon say "Yes" after realizing that she can't see me. A short pause. "Alright, can you find any major wounds? Where the bleeding is coming from mostly?" She asks in a calm, steady voice, much better than mine. I look Mark up and down, trying to find wounds. There.
"Um... It looks like he got stabbed..." I say. Oh crap, oh no, oh my god... He got stabbed? I continue looking. "And his head is bleeding." I say, my voice slightly higher pitched. Oh my god...
"Alright Sean. An ambulance is on the way. Where in the school can we find you?" The lady asks. I think for a moment. I can't say a random hallway and there's no way I'm gonna try to explain. Uh... Um...
"The nurses office." I say quickly. Yeah, I can carry him there. I hope...
"Alright. We're on our way." She says. I nod.
"Thank you." I exhale. Then she hangs up, so I quickly put my phone in my pocket and I stand up, bending down and picking Mark up bridal style. It's a little difficult, seeing as he isn't the lightest person ever, but I can carry him. I may look small but I'm strong. Ask Peter, or Mark himself. They know. I quickly walk, seeing as I can't run with Mark in my arms, to the nurses office, kicking the door open. Nurse Melanie stands from her desk with wide eyes.
"What are you... Oh my god! Mark!" She exclaims as I walk in, laying him down on the bed/table thing. She quickly runs over, completely forgetting about the paperwork she was previously doing. I just stand, leaning on the same bed/table thing, panting slightly. That was not very fun. "What happened?" Nurse Melanie asks. I shake my head a bit.
"I don't know, I just found him like this." I say, looking up at her with pleading eyes. She nods and starts trying to slow the bleeding, basically making sure Mark doesn't bleed to death waiting for the ambulance. "I called an ambulance." I say while the thought's still in my head. She looks up at me with a strict expression and at first I'm worried I'm gonna get yelled at. But then she nods.
"Good." She says. I exhale, looking at the ground, shaking my head. Who would do this? Why would they do this? Wait... Peter. Peter Stravinsky, that little bitch. He would do this. He did do it. I'm about to storm out of the room when the door bursts open again, three paramedics and a stretcher coming into the room. Nurse Melanie and I get out of the way as two of them put Mark on a stretcher, quickly running out of the room. The other one looks at me.
"Are you Sean McLoughlin?" He asks. I nod, cringing a bit at the use of my real name. That's right, I was in such a panic I said Sean. Whatever. "We'll take good care of him. Are you related to the patient?" He asks. I shake my head. "Do you know how to contact a relative?" The paramedic asks then. I nod.
"Um... His friend Ann, I have her number. She can call his brother." I say, quickly writing down Ann's number on a piece of stray paper. I hand it to the paramedic and he runs off, presumably following the other two. I just stand watching. I can feel Nurse Melanie's eyes drill holes in the back of my head.
"You aren't going with them?" She asks. I shake my head. "Why?" She asks. I start heading out the door.
"Cause I know who did this." I scowl and with that I run out the door, quickly running through the halls back to math class. If I'm right, Peter won't be there. I burst in the doors, Mrs. Walter halting her lesson.
"Mr. McLoughlin! Where is Mr. Fischbach?" She demands. I look at her with a cold look.
"Hospital." I say with clenched teeth. Her eyes go wide. "I called an ambulance." I say. Her surprised look turns back to her strict, I-hate-people look.
"You do not have authority to call..." I cut her off, looking at the class, or more specifically, who isn't in the class.
"Nurse Melanie told me too." I state. Mrs. Walter is silent afterwards, though I know she'll check. Nurse M is cool, she won't say anything to terrible. I look at all the empty desks. There are three desks empty. Mine, Mark's... And Peter's. I turn, running out the door and soon out of the building. I run to the back of the school, turning and the corner and freezing. I scowl, dropping my bag. Peter stops laughing and turns, smirking. He nods.
"I knew you'd come." He says. I shake my head, walking towards him slowly. The two lackeys behind him do nothing (for the convenience I will call them Lackey1 and Lackey2).
"I thought that beating the absolute crap out of you once would be enough to put you in your place." I say and with that I rush up to him, grabbing him by his shirt collar. "You ignored my warning and now I guarantee that all hell will reign upon you." I growl. He just continues smirking, chuckling after my little speech. He turns a bit and looks at his two lackeys.
"Do me a favor and teach him a lesson." He says. The two nod and I let go of Peter. He just steps back, I do the same. However the lackeys start walking towards me, each one holding a tall wooden staff, or a bo as they're actually called. I just wait for one of them to attack, and sure enough Lackey1 reaches me first. He goes to jab me with the bo but I move to the side, knocking the bo away from me. Then I bring up my foot, kicking him in the stomach.
He collapses and it gives me just enough time to turn and deal with Lackey2, who is now swinging at me. The first few swings I dodge, but on the fourth try I grab the bo, twisting it. Lackey2 screeches in pain as his arm twists too. I kick him as well, making him let go of the bo. He comes at me with his hands but I quickly hit him in the head with the bo, causing him to fall on the ground unconscious. I turn to Lackey1, ducking just in time to not get in the face. I stand back up, swinging with fierce strength and speed, causing the bo to fly out of his hands.
Then I hit him in the head just like I did with Lackey2. He falls as well and I quickly make sure neither of them are bleeding (they aren't...much) before throwing the bo to the side. Bo's aren't incredibly easy to use, not without proper training which I don't have. Contrary to popular belief I don't know everything about fighting. Peter nods a bit.
"These two are just friends. From Colorado. They insisted on helping, so what was I to say no?" He asks, shrugging a bit. Walking closer to me slowly.
I just watch with narrow eyes. I watch every move, every quiver. Soon Peter has a knife in his hands, the sunlight bouncing off of it partially blinding. I can't help but stare at the knife though. It has blood on it. No doubt it's Mark's blood. And Peter's holding it. I have to make sure my fingerprints don't get on there, then I can give it to the hospital to analyze and they can punish him for this. And I bet those bo's have blood on them too, from that head wound Mark had.
As soon as the knife had appeared Peter runs at me, ready to stab me like he did Mark. However, I can see him coming and I actually know how to fight back. I move out of the way, quickly grabbing Peter from behind once he runs past. I through him back in front of me, making him lose his balance for a minute. Though, he quickly regains it, deciding that rushing me isn't the best idea. He stays in one spot, teasing me, knowing that I want to hurt him. I scowl, running up to him. He brings the knife out and I quickly turn, slamming into his side.
He groans as he hits the wall of the school. I grab his arm, pulling him back into the middle of the grass. He stumbles and I take the time to rush into him, pushing him down and onto the ground. He swings wildly, desperately trying to cut or stab me. I manage to dodge most swings, getting cuts on my ankles here and there (seeing as he's still on the ground). But eventually I manage to grab his arms, pinning them to the ground. I put my knees on his legs, making sure he can't kick me either. Again, I know my way around fights.
I can't disarm Peter without touching the knife so I let it stay in his hands, though I make sure he can't move his arm enough to use it. Wait, maybe I can make him drop it... I start pushing down on his arm. He just stares with pure hatred. I start squeezing his arm, digging my nails into his skin. He squeaks a bit but doesn't let go. Soon it gets to the point where I'm positive I'm gonna snap his bone in two I'm pushing his arm down so hard. And that's when he lets go. He let's go of the knife and I quickly move him away, still keeping him on the ground and pinning him again as soon as we're away from the knife.
Then I just hit him. I hit him and punch him and only decide to stop when I see he's no longer conscious. I exhale sharply, standing up, staring at my work. The two lackeys are still out of it, just laying on the ground. They don't look bad at all. Peter on the other hand... Man he is not gonna be happy tonight... I turn, looking at the knife on the ground. Uh... Do I have anything I can use? I look around.
My bag! I run over to my bag, quickly pulling out a notebook. I use my shirt to pick up the knife and put it in the notebook, closing the book and holding onto the knife's hilt tightly through the book. Then I turn, I grab my bag, sling it over my should, and I run. I don't care that the hospital isn't at all close, I'm going to get there and I'm going to get there now... Man... This is not gonna be a fun three minutes...
A/N: Nevermind... This is my longest chapter... 2267 words... You people should be happy...
Oh yeah! And what do you think is gonna happen to Mark? I mean, he wasn't looking so good...
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