Chapter 4
(Mark's P.O.V.)
"Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark!" I groan.
"What is it Felix?" I ask, turning to look at him. He smiles, happy he got my attention.
"Where the hell is Jack? He isn't with Bob, Wade and Ken." He says, shrugging. I shrug as well.
"I don't know, and I don't care." I say. Why would Felix bring Jack up? He knows I don't care about him, that he's a jerk, that I hate him with all my might. Felix sighs.
"I just thought that maybe you would worry a little bit considering he could be planning some big beat down again." He says. I chuckle.
"No, no. He beat me up good last week. Won't do it again." I say. Felix frowns.
"Alright. Whatever. I guess you're right, he's probably in the back of the school smoking or whatever the cool kids are doing these days." He says. I smile a bit.
"Probably." I say, but, even though I dislike him, I think Jack is a little bit smarter then to do something like that. But, then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if I was wrong.
"Earth to Mark!" I snap out of my thoughts to see Felix waving his hand in front of my face. I slap it out of the way.
"Yeah, what's up?" I ask. He points to my food tray.
"Lunch is almost over. Better eat up." He says. I look at my tray. He's right. I've hardly touched my lunch, I honestly don't have much appetite. I shrug, standing up and heading towards the trash. "Wait! You aren't gonna eat that?" Felix asks. I shake my head. He then takes the tray and walks away with my food. I watch him go as he goes and sits down at one of the tables with the other game nerds. I sigh, once again all alone. Until...
BooperDooper: How's lunch?
I smile, shaking my head and chuckling. That's kind of amazing. The fact that he actually is checking on me. It's nice. It's nice knowing he cares. At least, to some degree. I reply.
Markiplier: I didn't eat. Not hungry. You?
BooperDooper: I ate fairly quickly. The pizza was pretty good today.
Markiplier: You like Ms. Janet's pizza?
BooperDooper: Well, yeah!
I laugh a bit. Ms. Janet, the lunch lady, is often criticized when it comes to her pizza, not many people like it. But hey, I won't judge.
BooperDooper: Why'd you not eat?
Markiplier: I just wasn't hungry.
BooperDooper: Fair enough.
Markiplier: Where are you?
BooperDooper: Haha! Like I'm gonna tell you! You'd just find me.
Markiplier: *sigh* I thought I'd try...
BooperDooper: Well you did and failed, so no more trying for today.
Markiplier: Whatever you say. We should start heading to class though. Have a nice day Booper!
BooperDooper: And you as well Mark!
And with that I lock my phone and I put it in my pocket, walking inside the building. I walk to my locker and I put my phone in there, then I walk towards class, cause class is important. That is, I'm walking towards class when I'm once again shoved against the lockers by Bob, Wade and Ken. No Jack though. Not today. Whatever.
I sigh, just standing there, watching the trio walk off. I wonder why they hate me so much. I mean, I get being a homophobe being one thing but some of the stuff they do is just... Just really cruel. So what did I ever do to them? I'm sure it wasn't intentional. If it was...Then I'd apologize, I'd apologize either way. If they just told me why...
"Hey! Class is starting!" Felix yells, running through the halls. I nod, walking the last few feet to class.
I'm just hanging out at home, like I usually do. Tom's still in class, and I've got work later. Speaking of which, I should probably set an alarm so I'm not late... I do that real quick, and then I'm back in bed playing on my phone. That is until my phone buzzes, telling me that I got a Kik message. I smile a bit.
BooperDooper: Hello hello!
Markiplier: Hey! What's up?
BooperDooper: Nothing. Just chilling at home. You?
Markiplier: Same. Hey, so I was thinking earlier...
BooperDooper: Oh no, that's dangerous.
I roll my eyes, my smile refusing to leave my face.
Markiplier: Yeah, whatever. Anyways, I wanted to say... How do I really know you're from my school and not just one of my brothers friends or a stalker?
BooperDooper: *sigh* Fair accusation, I understand why. I mean, I refused to tell you who I really am...
Markiplier: Who are you?
BooperDooper: Correction, still refusing.
Damn it.
BooperDooper: But I have evidence.
Markiplier: Evidence?
BooperDooper: Evidence. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
I laugh at that. Nice. Copy and pasting the dictionary in a Kik message. Real nice.
Markiplier: I know what evidence means.
BooperDooper: Really? Wow! You're smarter then I thought!
Markiplier: Oh wow!
BooperDooper: I kid! I kid!
I'm just laying on my bed laughing now, I can't help it. I love Booper, he's amazing, but his snarky remarks are both jerky and hilarious.
Markiplier: So what's this evidence of yours?
BooperDooper: You ready?
I nod and then realize that this is through chat so I type a quick yes. And so, the evidence roll begins.
BooperDooper: Everyday at school you walk to your locker, get your things and while walking back to class you get pushed against the exact same locker every time by Jack and crew.
BooperDooper: Everyday at lunch you sit at the same bench on the left wall of the school.
BooperDooper: Everyday during class if you get bored you start tapping your pencil on your knee in a beat to whatever song is stuck in your head that day.
BooperDooper: Everyday after school you run out of the building as fast as possible and walk down the west sidewalk.
BooperDooper: Is that enough evidence for you?
I'm staring at the messages bewildered. Everything he just typed, everything that he pointed out... Well it's all true, exactly true. No way anyone else would know that except for someone who is part of my school and apparently likes watching me.
Markiplier: I believe you're part of my school, my classes. And apparently you like watching me too.
BooperDooper: I'm so happy there's no camera, I hate blushing.
Markiplier: Aw, did Markimoo make you blush?
BooperDooper: Shut up.
My alarm then goes off, telling me it's time to get ready for work and start walking over. I frown a bit but I say a goodbye to Booper anyways. Then I get up and I walk to work.
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