Chapter 33
(Jack's P.O.V.)
It's exchange student day, also known as the two year anniversary of my coming to this school. When I came in freshman year, Felix and I were the only foreign exchange students. Last year we got none and this year we have about four. None of them are from Ireland though, which figures. Most Irish born stay in Ireland. Only reason we moved is because Dad got a job offer. At first I was absolutely against the move but now that I am where I am, I'm happy we moved. Sure, I left everything that I knew, but I know new things now. Plus Mark is here. So, that's a plus.
Most classes today are reserved specifically for the new students. I'm mainly here to see Mark, cause the only class that I have that I can go too is math. Which I went to and now I'm just wandering the halls. There are quite a few newer students also wandering around, whether they're heading to class or just exploring I don't know nor care about.
I'm just wandering around when I see Mark, standing in front of the lockers, smiling his goofy smile like always. I smile a bit. I always smile when I see him. Plus, it doesn't help that he and his brother are being incredibly nice. I've been staying with them for three days now and I have no clue when I'm leaving, which they said they're fine with, which is amazing. And not just because I get to sleep with Mark, though that's a huge bonus. I start walking away when I see.
I see a group of boys, three boys, new I can tell. They're talking quietly, and looking at Mark. I recognize that look. It's the same look I looked at him with my first day here. They're looking for prey. I scowl and I walk up to Mark. He doesn't even notice me coming up to him, he must be spaced out or something.
He doesn't notice, that is, until I slam my fist against the lockers above his head. He jumps, staring at me with wide eyes, his smile now gone. Though I don't look at him. No, I look at the group of boys with a threat in my eyes. A threat that says if they come anywhere near Mark they will be my next target. With wide eyes the three quickly scurry off, leaving just Mark and I in the otherwise empty hallway.
"What the hell was that?" He asks. I look at him, smiling again.
"Did you not see those boys?" I ask. He shakes his head. I shake my head slowly, in a disapproving manner. "Mark you seriously need to stop looking vulnerable. You are gonna get beaten again someday if you don't." I say.
Mark straightens and attempts to look less vulnerable. I gotta say, he mostly succeeds. When he's slouching and spaced out it's hard to tell exactly how threatening he can look, especially if he's wearing a looser jacket. But, like, this kid's got muscle. And I noticed that, long long time ago I noticed that. But seriously though. He looks good in more ways then one.
"Right." He says then, snapping me out of my thoughts. I roll my eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder.
"You don't have to worry about it when you're with me. You can space out and be as vulnerable looking as you'd like." I say. He smiles his shy smile and slouches a bit again.
"Right." He says, nodding a bit. I shake my head, chuckling.
"You are to cute for words." I mutter.
"What was that?" He asks. I bits my lip.
"Nothin'." I lie. He nods, though I can see in his eyes he doesn't believe me. "Anyways, what are you doing? I thought one of your classes was going on right now." I say. He shakes his head.
"They changed it last minute. I got to the class only to be kicked out." He says, which causes me to laugh a bit. He hits my arm. "Hey. Not funny." He says, though he's smiling himself. I shrug.
"It's kinda funny." I say. He shrugs.
"What about you? What are you doing today?" He asks. I chuckle.
"Apparently protecting you." I say, smirking in a playful manner. He rolls his eyes.
"And what, you expect a kiss as a thank you?" He asks playfully. I nod to the side a bit.
"Would be nice." I say, teasing him. He just shakes his head.
"Yeah, nice try." He says, turning to walk down the hall. I sigh, following.
"Oh come on. I was teasing. You tease me enough." I say. He turns and looks at me.
"And how do I do that?" He asks. I stare blankly and say with a straight face
"You've called me adorable three, maybe four times in the two months we've been friends." This just causes Mark to bite his lip. There's hesitation in his response, which makes me anxiously wait. Finally he just shrugs.
"Eh, details." He says and turns again. I stare at the back of his head.
"I'll see you later?" I ask. He turns and shrugs.
"Not till, like, eight. I have work today. But yeah, later." He says and I smile, waving as he walks down the hall. Man... He really is to cute for words...
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