Chapter 30
(Mark's P.O.V.)
I've been home from work for quite some time now, and so now I'm just sitting on the really crummy couch watching TV on the really crummy TV set. Tom's in his bedroom doing homework, which makes sense. He has this whole essay he needs to work on and then another project and a whole bunch of stuff. Whatever. I focus on my TV again when there's a knock at the door. I frown. We aren't expecting anyone... The person knocks again, quicker and more frantic.
"Mark! Answer the door please!" Tom yells from his room.
"Yeah, sure." I say, standing. I go over to the door and I open it slowly, looking out in the hall. But once I see who it is I throw the door open wide. "Jack? What are you doing here? Wait, how did you find out where I live?" I ask. He shrugs.
"School phonebook." He says. Huh. Okay, good enough for me.
"Okay. What are you doing here?" I ask again. He shakes his head a bit.
"I had this huge fight with my parents. Do you think I can stay here tonight, and maybe tomorrow? I have my things." He says, motioning towards the backpack slung over his shoulder. I stutter for a second.
"Um..." I say. He shakes his head.
"Please Mark, I don't have anywhere else to go." He says. That's right, He, Ken, Bob and Wade haven't been talking. I sigh.
"We don't have a guest bedroom and our couch isn't suitable to sleep on." I state. He shrugs.
"If you're okay with it I am. Please Mark." He says, practically begging at this point. I sigh, chuckling.
"Fine. Come in." I say, moving out of the way.
"Thank you." He breathes, walking into the apartment. I close and lock the door behind him, turning to find a very confused Tom staring at Jack.
"Mark, who's this?" He asks. I bite my lip. And now for what could possibly be another argument.
"This is Jack. He's gonna stay here for a couple days." I say. Tom narrows his eyes.
"The same Jack that bullied you?" He asks. Jack closes his eyes, biting his lip as well, and nods. "What are you doing here?" Tom asks. Jack sighs and explains quickly. Tom's concerned face falls and instead is replaced with a smile. "Okay. Yeah, I know how that feels. You can stay here as long as you need too." He says. Jack sighs.
"Thank you so much... Um..." Tom chuckles.
"Tom. My name's Tom." He says. Jack nods.
"Thank you Tom." He says. Tom nods in return and then looks at the clock. I do the same. Whoa, it's almost eleven already. Well, time flies.
"I should probably go to bed. I have classes pretty early tomorrow." He says. Jack frowns.
"On a Saturday?" He asks. Tom chuckles and looks at us.
"College. It sucks sometimes." He says. I roll my eyes.
"Alright. We'll just head to my room then. Night." I say, walking over to my room. Jack follows, waving to Tom but he stops him. Tom whispers something to Jack, causing Jack to nod and then follow me. I just shrug it off. I let Jack in first and then I follow, closing my bedroom door. I don't know how long we'll be up and I'd hate to bother Tom. Jack sits on my bed and smiles a bit.
"So this is your room?" He asks. I nod.
"It's really boring." I say. He shakes his head.
"I don't see it as boring, more of a new opportunity." He says. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah sure, whatever." I say. I look at the bag on Jack's shoulder and I frown. "Hold on a sec." I say. He nods and I go over to my closet, pulling out a large empty box that I have. I then take Jack's backpack (with permission of course) and I dump all his stuff in there. I then point to the box. "This will be your storage space while you are here. That way you don't have to live out of a bag." I say, shrugging. Jack laughs at my little solution.
"Okay then. Thanks." He says. I nod. Jack then walks over and goes digging through the box, soon standing up with a dopp kit in his hands. "Bathroom?" He asks. I nod.
"First door on the left." I say. He smiles and nods, exiting the room, also taking with him a pair of pajama pants. That's smart. I should do that too. While he's gone I close and lock the door, quickly getting changed into a pair of pajama pants before opening the door. Not long after I'm done changing does Jack walk back into the room, sporting dark green pajama pants. He closes the door behind him and looks at me.
"I left my stuff in there, I hope you don't mind." He says. I wave it off.
"Don't worry about it. Make yourself at home here." I say. He chuckles.
"Oh no, you wouldn't like the at home version of me." He says. I shrug.
"I doubt that." I say. He nods and for some reason in the silence it feels very, very awkward. I don't necessarily know why but it does. Jack stands by the door, I'm sitting on my bed. Finally, after what feels like forever, I finally speak. "I'm uncomfortable sleeping with my shirt on, is that okay?" I ask, and then do I realize why it was so awkward in the room. Jack exhales and nods.
"I'm the same way." He says. I nod. Okay, awkwardness... Partially done. I shake my head, chuckling.
"I thought we promised not to be awkward with each other anymore." I say. He nods.
"I don't think when we made that promise we saw us sharing the same bedroom, same bed, shirtless in our future." He smiles. I can't help but smile too, laughing a bit.
"Yeah, probably not. I can't speak for you though." I say, and he raises an eyebrow.
"What are you accusing me of?" He asks. I shake my head.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I say. Jack laughs it off, shaking his head. Then it's once again silent.
"I've had a long day, I think I'm just gonna go to bed." He says then. I nod.
"Yeah me too." I say. Jack walks around the foot of the bed and stops on the side he'll sleep on. I turn around to turn the light off but I stop. Jack's back is to me, so when he takes his shirt off I see his back... But also his tattoo. I take my hand away from the light switch. "Jack..." I say quietly. He looks at me and he sees me staring. He closes his eyes.
"Dammit." He whispers. I chuckle, standing. I go and stand behind him, making him sigh.
"Why did you not want anybody to see this?" I ask, staring at it. It's beautifully done, and not at all what I expected. It's a green eyeball with a blue iris, it's tail wrapped around a dripping black heart.
"Because it's not what anyone would expect." He says, shrugging. I shake my head.
"I don't care. It's amazing." We're both speaking quietly, almost whispering but not quite. Jack shakes his head a bit.
"Mark I seriously am tired. Can we just... Not bother anymore?" He asks. I sigh, frowning.
"Fine. But it is really nice." I say, smiling. He turns and looks at me, smiling as well.
"Thanks." He says. I nod and I go back to my side of the bed. I turn off the light before taking off my shirt, just kind of dropping it on the floor afterwards. Then I actually lie down, pulling the covers on over my shoulders cause dear god it's cold. Jack also lies down and both of us basically put as much distance between us as possible. I sigh, closing my eyes.
"Night." I say softly. Jack chuckles.
"Night." He responds and I'm out like a light.
A/N: The picture is Jack's tattoo, drawn by my best friend Companion13. Isn't it awesome looking?! Also, YOU GUYS ARE LUCKY! Four chapters in one day? Be happy pandas.
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