Chapter 26
(Mark's P.O.V.)
Markiplier: Morning.
BooperDooper: Morning.
Markiplier: I didn't get much sleep last night. You?
BooperDooper: Same. I kept expecting to wake up to gunshots.
Markiplier: Yeah, me too.
Markiplier: You going to school today?
BooperDooper: Heeeeeell no.
BooperDooper: I'm gonna have nightmares about that place for a week without going, with going it'll be more like a month, plus I'll just be paranoid during classes.
Markiplier: Yeah, me too...
BooperDooper: Wanna do something then? You can come over, we can play video games.
Markiplier: Sure. When?
BooperDooper: Whenever. Both of my parents are working till 8 so...
Markiplier: Awesome, I should be over in, like, ten minutes.
BooperDooper: Awesome.
I put my phone in my pocket then, sighing. It's the morning after the shooting and I probably got around two hours of sleep last night. After I had my nap I didn't go to bed till, like, three AM. Then I kept waking up, over and over. I woke up for good at six. It's eight now. And I'm tired. I'm so, so tired. Jack is gonna beat me even worse at video games today. No doubt. Speaking of Jack, my phone buzzes. I look at the screen before opening Kik.
BooperDooper: Mark... Yesterday... During the shooting...
BooperDooper: You said you forgive me...
BooperDooper: Do you?
I stare at the messages. That's right, I did say that. Originally it was just to calm him down but... I really do. At this point, I've fallen far to much in love with him to not forgive him. And part of me hates myself for that, another part loves it. And then the last part just doesn't know what to think. And I'm okay with that.
Markiplier: Yeah. Yeah I really do forgive you.
BooperDooper: Thank god...
BooperDooper: I wasn't sure and it was eating me up.
BooperDooper: God...
Markiplier: Everything okay?
BooperDooper: Better then okay, that's the thing
BooperDooper: Everything seems to be kind of working out...
I smile, closing my eyes. I nod a bit before typing.
Markiplier: Yeah...
Markiplier: Yeah it really is...
A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter... Please don't be mad! DX Despite what you think though, it is important for the plot! I promise!
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