Chapter 22
(Mark's P.O.V.)
I've been home for the past hour or so and I haven't heard from Jack, not that I was expecting too, I was just hoping. Mostly because I am bored like no tomorrow, but also because I want to continue talking to him! I sigh, continuing to play games on my phone cause why the hell not? Except that my phone buzzes. I immediately go to Kik and I open up my conversation with Jack.
BooperDooper: Hi
Markiplier: Hey. Everything okay? You normally don't start with something like that...
His response is delayed, which is very odd. Very, very odd.
BooperDooper: Um... Not really.
Markiplier: What happened?
I hope he's okay. Did he get in a car crash or something? God I hope not. That would be terrible! Oh my god, now I'm worried.
BooperDooper: So this new girl's in school. Her name is Brittany.
Markiplier: Blonde hair, cheerleader, complete bitch?
BooperDooper: That's her.
Yeah I know who he's talking about. I've seen her around. She's the new talk at school. She's been in school for three days and she's already favorite of the cheer squad. She may be a bitch, but that's some talent.
BooperDooper: She's an ex of mine.
BooperDooper: And she stopped me on the way to my car.
BooperDooper: And she told me some news.
Markiplier: What is it? Is everything okay?
The response is incredibly, incredibly delayed. Like, I'm sitting here waiting for two minutes straight for a response. A couple times it says he's typing but nothing sends. I really, really hope everything's okay. I really, really hope that he's not in trouble, or hurt, or anything like that cause that would suck. Finally a response comes. But it isn't a response I would have hoped for.
BooperDooper: She told me she's pregnant.
What in the actual hell? What. In the. Actual. Hell? That's... What?! Did she go to a doctor? When did this happen? Is Jack okay with this? Well, obviously not, but... Whatever. Just... What?!
BooperDooper: Damn it Mark, I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.
Markiplier: I don't know what you're looking for from me, I'm lost here.
BooperDooper: AAAGGGHHH!
BooperDooper: GOD DAMN IT!
I sigh, shaking my head. I can't believe it. What the hell am I supposed to say?! What the hell am I supposed to DO?! Nothing! I can't do anything! And I don't know what to say! I can't say "it'll be alright" cause it sure as hell isn't alright!
Markiplier: What do you know?
BooperDooper: That it's mine, that's kinda it. As soon as she said, I booked.
Markiplier: Not the smartest move.
BooperDooper: Do you blame me?
Markiplier: Not in the slightest.
BooperDooper: Damn it, what do I do?!?!?!
Markiplier: I don't know man. I really don't know.
Markiplier: Are we sure it's true?
BooperDooper: I don't know and I can't contact her in any way. I hope to god it's not.
BooperDooper: I'm fricken 17.
BooperDooper: Not to mention that I don't like her in the slightest, for multiple reasons.
BooperDooper: It's just... GAAAAAAH
Markiplier: When would this have happened anyways?
BooperDooper: Summer camp.
Markiplier: Why am I not surprised? Stuff like this ALWAYS happens at camps...
BooperDooper: And apparently I'm the unlucky douche that gets chosen for the unluckiest thing to happen ever
Markiplier: If it's true
BooperDooper: If it's true
BooperDooper: God this is gonna haunt me all night. There is no way I'm getting sleep tonight.
Markiplier: Just try to calm down a bit, we don't know everything.
He has a good point. He doesn't have a reason to calm down. If this is true though... Man he's probably gonna do something ridiculously stupid. No clue what, but something. And, again, he has a good reason. He has a good reason for everything. He always has a good reason for everything. I really hope to god this is all a stupid prank or gimmick or something. I hope to god.
BooperDooper: Mark, please tell me something to do other then calm down.
Markiplier: I don't know man. I really don't know...
BooperDooper: Are you free tonight?
Markiplier: *chuckles* am I free?
BooperDooper: Yeah, we can go to an arcade or something, just something to take my mind off of all this.
Markiplier: Yeah sure. When?
BooperDooper: Meet me at the arcade near the school in ten minutes?
Markiplier: Yeah I'll see you then.
BooperDooper: Mk.
Markiplier: And Jack?
BooperDooper: Yeah?
Markiplier: Try not to freak out to much. It'll all figure itself out tomorrow.
BooperDooper: I just don't know if I can wait till tomorrow.
And with that there's no more messages. I gather my things and, after telling Tom where I'm going, I'm off to the arcade. I just can't believe it. All this going on. Man, I feel so bad for Jack. I just hope it all works out...
A/N: Hey guys!!! SO, stuff's happening huh? Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to change the plot that much XD. No, I have other things in store Mwahahahahaha*laughs evilly*! So anyways, I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 300 VIEWS! Okay I'll go now... Mwah! <3
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