Chapter 15
(Jack's P.O.V.)
"Jack. Jack. Jack!"
"What?!... Is it, Wade?" I ask, trying not to snap. I hate it when people interrupt my thoughts, and they should know this, but I guess not. I shouldn't snap at them for it though, which I think surprises Wade. He's used to us snapping at him.
"You've been really out of it lately, what's up?" He asks. I scoff.
"Nothin'." I say, which is the usual answer when someone asks about me. Bob chuckles.
"Told ya Wade. He isn't gonna say anything." He says. I roll my eyes, looking out the window.
School has been over for some time now, so Bob, Ken, Wade and I are just hanging out in a vacant classroom. It also just so happens to be the math classroom, so I'm sitting in my desk next to the window, the beloved window I love so much. Behind me is where Mark sits. This is one of the two classes we're in together.
"And we've lost him again." I tune back into reality at Ken's voice.
"Hm?" I ask. Ken shakes his head, chuckling. Bob looks at me.
"Dude, you keep spacing out. I know you're gonna reply with "doesn't matter" or "nothing", but are you okay?" He asks, seriously concerned. I nod.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I say, turning back to the window.
"You have a lot on your mind?" Ken sounds doubtful. I turn to him with a glare.
"Yes Ken. I do." I say strictly. Last thing I need are these three bothering me about some silly crush... That isn't all that silly...
"Okay, I'm leaving." I look up to see Wade walking out the door. Bob and Ken soon follow suit. I don't care, I can't talk to them about anything anyways. I'd rather have Mark here, at least I can talk to him about everything. Why is that? I hated him for a year, why is it I can talk to him so easily now?
It's because he's amazing, that's why. He's the best person I've ever met, and the best friend I could ever have. Even though, I don't think he'd call us friends. Not yet at least. I hope we become friends. I hope we become more then friends. I chuckle. Wait... I pull out my phone, opening Kik. Yes, I have Kik back. Apparently Ma didn't realize that turning off your phone doesn't get rid of accounts. I love Ma, but she doesn't really understand all the technology stuff which is amazing for me. I start typing.
BooperDooper: Booper Dooper! Guess Who Got Their Kik Back?
Mark's reply is almost immediate.
Markiplier: I'm gonna guess you.
BooperDooper: Correct! I just wanted to ask when your shift ends.
Markiplier: Eight. Hold on.
I wait, staring at the screen, for about five minutes until he types again.
Markiplier: Sorry. Customers. Yeah, I get off at eight.
BooperDooper: Awesome! Wanna come to my house after? My parents won't be home.
Markiplier: I don't know.
BooperDooper: Call your brother and ask for gods sake. Please? I'm boooooooooored!
Markiplier: Hahahahahaha!
I smile. I love how he always types "hahaha" instead of just "lol". I also love how he always laughs whenever I say I'm bored. I guess it's just one of those triggers for him. It takes a couple minutes but he soon types back.
Markiplier: Tom said yes. I still don't know though.
BooperDooper: I have video games.
Markiplier: Did you say video games?
BooperDooper: Yes...
Why is video games such a big thing? Every time I bring up video games in chat he always starts with at least two ...'s. Hm.
Markiplier: You think you can pick me up?
BooperDooper: Sure. Be there in twenty.
Markiplier: Awesome.
And with that I lock my phone, put it in my pocket and I walk out of the school with my sisters car keys in hand.
I walk into June's Café immediately being greeted by Ann, the waitress from last time I was here.
"Hello again! Let me guide you to a table." She says. I know what she's doing.
"Actually, I'm here for Mark." I say. Her eyes go wide. She was trying to protect Mark, like last time. I chuckle. "Don't panic." I say. This doesn't help her panic.
"Relax Ann. He isn't lying." I hear Mark and both Ann and I turn towards the register, where he stands. He waves at me, I wave back. Ann looks from Mark to me and back again.
"What happened that I missed?" She asks. Mark rolls his eyes.
"I'll explain Saturday. Jack, in the meantime, get a table, order something. I've still got an hour and a half of my shift." He says. I shrug.
"Sure." I say and I turn to Ann. She turns to me as well and I smile. "About that table..." I say. She smiles a bit and leads me to a small two person table. She then takes my order (a simple vanilla milkshake and salad) and heads towards the kitchen. I sigh. And now to entertain myself for an hour and a half... Plague Inc. here I come...
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