30 | Unopened Letters
2016 ― Tree Hill, North Carolina
"Well... I like athletics... horsing around with my pals," The video played on. Logan was sitting in class, and the majority of her friends were in this class with her. Whitey was showing them the time capsule the Tree Hill students made 50 years ago. Most of the class saw it as a pass to sleep, but Logan was interested.
Logan thought the person whose video they were watching now was attractive. "I suppose most of the fellas like to chase girls," He said and some people in class laughed.
"And does that go for you too?" His teacher asked. The student, which was Whitey, quickly shook his head and smiled.
"Ah, no sir. I have a steady girl. Some kids find it difficult, having a steady. I don't. I guess the key is, just finding someone who feels the same way you do," He said. Then Whitey turned off the TV, opened the blinds, and turned the lights back on.
That was met with a chorus of groans.
"In 1965, Students at Tree Hill High School created a... time capsule which was to be opened in 50 years. They were simply asked to... talk about their lives. Isn't it interesting how things haven't changed much? Within the next week, each of you will go into our converted supply closet... push the green button in front of you and videotape your thoughts," Whitey said.
"Do we have to?" Nathan asked. Logan could hear the annoyance in his tone. It had been about a month since Haley left, so she understood there was nothing about his life that Nathan would want to talk about in that capsule.
"Yes, you have to," Whitey said to him and then turned back to addressing the entire class. "I won't see it, nobody will. Not until 2065; by which time, I'll be dead and buried," Whitey said. The bell rang and everyone started to pack their things up and leave the room, but Whitey stopped Nathan.
"Nathan, you got a minute?" Whitey asked.
"Nope," Nathan said as he continued to walk out of class. Whitey then approached Roman, Logan, and Lucas who were still packing up their things. Mainly it was Logan still putting her things away and the boys were waiting for her.
"Are you three looking after him?" Whitey asked. The three of them sighed as they looked in the direction Nathan had left before turning back to Whitey.
"We're trying, coach."
When Logan got back home after school, she saw Nathan was painting their walls pink. She raised an eyebrow to see that it was bright pink. Nathan turned around when he heard Logan come in and then he turned back to painting.
"Um... what are you doing?" She asked.
"Haley hates pink," He said without turning around.
"Okay, and?" She asked. That's when she noticed that he was painting pink over the wedding wall that Peyton had made for them. "Look, Nate... Haley is a good friend of mine, and I know I don't fully understand what you're going through and I know it sucks, but it doesn't have to be like this," She said. Nathan remained silent as he grabbed a picture of a clown and put it up over Haley's face. "Uh... the clown?" She asked.
"Yeah, they creep her out," Nathan said.
"They creep me out too, so you're going to take that down. Also, I love you so much, so I'm very sorry for what I'm about to do," She said.
"What...-" Nathan was about to ask, but he was cut off by his sister smacking him, hard. "Logan, what the hell!?" He exclaimed.
"There's my brother. Whatever the hell you're doing. Snap out of it. Call your wife," Logan said. Nathan backed away from her as he rolled his eyes.
"I did that... I got her voicemail."
Logan decided to give Nathan much-needed space. She went to Peyton's house. She and Brooke were going to help Peyton get ready for her date with Jake. "You are so having sex with Jake Jagielski tonight," Logan said as Peyton walked out of her closet with a top on. Peyton pointed a finger at her friend.
"Logan! It's our first date!" Peyton exclaimed.
"Please! You're sharing a bed, you have history, and he's clearly experienced; see 'skanky ho,' otherwise known as Nikki," Brooke said and they all laughed.
"Seriously though. Sex, you, him, tonight," Logan said. Brooke stood up with a smile on her face.
"I have to go," Brooke said. She quickly tried to get out of the door, but Peyton called out for her.
"Wait!" Peyton exclaimed. Brooke turned around in the doorway while Peyton held up two shirts. "Which one?" She asked. Logan looked at the shirts and knew which one she would pick, but she wanted to see if Brooke was thinking the same thing.
"Black bra, black sweater, leather jacket, Calvin's, condoms, underwear; optional," Brooke said. Logan laughed as Peyton dropped her arms and sighed. "Have fun!" She exclaimed. She tried to leave again, but Peyton stopped her again.
"Brooke," Peyton said. Brooke turned around and Logan was confused about why Brooke was trying so hard to rush out. "You don't think I'm crazy for wanting to take it slow, do you?" She asked.
"No, I don't think you're crazy, but he might," Brooke said. Logan watched as Peyton's face slowly turned to worry. She could see it all over her face. "You'll be fine. You got good hips," She said and Peyton still looked unsure. "I'll see you at the party," Brooke said and then she left. Petyon looked at Logan.
"Lo?" She asked.
"Peyton... don't do anything you're not ready to do. That's all I have to say," Logan said and Peyton smiled.
"Thanks. See you at the party?" She asked and Logan nodded. Felix and Anna went on a cruise for a while, and they were still gone when Brooke won the class presidency, so now he wanted to throw her a party to celebrate.
"Yeah, I'll see you there."
The party was in full swing.
Lucas, Mouth, Brooke, Roman, and Logan sat with each other. Logan was sitting on her boyfriend's lap as he greeted Nathan who had just arrived. Logan was still worried about him, she didn't know what to do, how to help him, or how to be there for him. Nathan turned to Lucas.
"Nice wheels outside. Gift from Daddy?" Nathan asked before walking away and Logan sighed. She could tell he was already drunk, meaning that he pregamed and drove there drunk.
"So how's Nathan?" Anna asked once he walked away. Logan rolled her eyes.
"Uh... not good," Lucas said.
"If you couldn't tell," Logan said sarcastically.
"Well, I know it's none of my business, but Lucas, that's your jacket in Felix's room, right?" Anna asked. Lucas nodded and Anna frowned.
"Yeah," He said.
"Well... Nathan was going through the pockets a few minutes ago," Anna said. Logan shook her head as she stood up from her boyfriend's lap. Roman and Lucas were in front of her in seconds.
"You're not going," Lucas said.
"I agree," Roman said.
"Well, it's a good thing neither of you are the boss of me. Of the three of us, I know Nathan best and live with him. Just let me save him from making a mistake," Logan said. The two of them knew they weren't going to be able to stop her, so they moved out of the way.
"Okay, but please be careful," Roman said. Logan nodded and quickly kissed her boyfriend before running after her brother.
When she caught up to Nathan, she saw he had a drink in his hand as he approached the car that Lucas borrowed from Dan. "Nathan!" She exclaimed. He ignored her and took another swig of his drink. "Nathan, stop!" She said as she put her hands down on the hood of the car.
"Move, or I'll run you over," He snapped and Logan took a deep breath.
"I'd love to see you try... give me the keys," She snapped back. He rolled his eyes, but then he smiled at his sister as he started the car. Logan quickly walked to the passenger side and got in. She quickly put on her seatbelt and looked at Nathan. "You've been drinking, Nate. Do not drive off," She said.
"You better hold on... big sis," Nathan said as he stepped on the gas and quickly drove off. Logan took a deep breath, telling herself to stay calm. She needed to help her brother, she could worry about herself later.
"Pull over, Nate," Logan said. Nathan shook his head and took another swig of his drink. "Hey, don't be a dick and drive drunk, you could kill us or someone else," Logan snapped.
"I'm not even buzzed," Nathan said. That was a lie.
"It's still an open container, and you're still underage," Logan said. Nathan shrugged as he continued to drive.
"Fine," He said. Then he threw the open beer can out of the car window and Logan sighed because immediately after, red and blue lights were flashing. She knew Nathan was going to get charged with a DUI, and probably another charge since they're underage. He could get his license suspended. "Wow! I love my life! You think we can outrun them?" Nathan asked.
"Nathan, just pull over. Don't be an idiot!" She snapped and then she sighed. "You're already being an idiot, don't make it worse!" She said. Nathan shrugged.
"Alright, Logan. Seeing how I've already been arrested once this year, it's been nice knowing you," He said as he pulled over.
"Switch seats with me, now," Logan said.
"What?" He asked.
"Get in the back, let me get over, and then get in the passenger seat. Hurry up," Logan snapped. Nathan and Logan switched seats as quickly as they could, which was pretty quick because they used to do this a lot as kids. By the time the cop got to the car, Logan was in the driver's seat. Nathan smiled as Logan rolled down the window to face the officer.
"Evening, officer. Buy us some beer?" Nathan asked. Logan looked at the officer with an apologetic smile, but internally she was raging.
She was going to kill Nathan.
Logan's rage turned into even more rage when the bars of the cells slammed closed behind her and Nathan. She looked at her brother, a hard glare set in her eyes, a glare that would kill if looks could kill. Nathan was lucky they couldn't.
"Perfect! Nice work, asshole!" Logan snapped.
"Hey, you were the one who was driving," He said. Logan started laughing as she shook her head. She was starting to see red, that was the only time she ever laughed when she was angry.
"Yeah, so you can either thank me or shut the hell up," She snapped.
"Whatever, Logan. I didn't ask you to take the fall," He said and she rolled her eyes. Right when she thought she and Nathan had found some common ground, he's gone back to being an asshole. She could see he had been slowly reverting to the person he used to be before Haley came into his life.
Then Logan noticed something unusual. "What the hell," She mumbled to herself. The pay phone was inside of the cell. She always thought the phones were on the outside of the cells because that's what she always saw on TV, it's not like she knew from experience.
Until now.
"Hey, call for a pizza. I'm starving," Nathan said. Logan rolled her eyes.
"Wow... you're hilarious. I'm calling Lucas or Roman... someone has to bail us out," Logan said. Luckily the bail wasn't too much since they are minors and Logan wasn't drunk.
"No problem; call my wife... oh wait a minute, scratch that."
After calling her other brother and boyfriend who had no money to bail them out. Roman offered to call his Mom and Leo but Logan told him not to bother them and that she would swallow her pride and call one of her parents. She had three to choose from. Logan decided to go with Karen, she felt like the safest option out of the three.
"Hello?" Karen asked when she answered.
"Hey, Karen... uh, don't freak out, but I'm in jail and I kind of need you to bail me out," Logan said. Lucas had told her about the courthouse and how he chose to stay with Dan. Since Logan was only there on the weekends, her presence wasn't required, but Lucas also stated on behalf of her that she was fine being there on the weekends. However, she doesn't think that gives Karen grounds to be upset with her, it's not like she ever lived with her.
"What happened? Was it Dan? Is Lucas with you?" She asked.
"No, it wasn't Dan and Lucas is fine. I'm actually in here with Nathan, Dan had nothing to do with it. Nate and I were in the car... and Nathan also had beers in the car," Logan said.
"Logan, listen, are you okay?" Karen asked.
"Yeah, we're fine," She said.
"Okay, you got a quarter in your pocket?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah... I have about three," She said.
"Good. Call the father that you and Lucas love so much," Karen said and Logan scoffed.
"Okay, I get you're upset about Lucas' decision, but I never lived with you, and you didn't raise me. You're only my mother in the biological sense, so you're directing your anger at the wrong person. My mistake for thinking you'd be there for me," Logan snapped before hanging up. She knew her words were unfair, but Karen punishing her for a decision that Lucas made was equally unfair.
"What happened?" Nathan asked.
"She's not coming," Logan said and Nathan laughed as he laid back against the pillow on the cot.
"Wow... even your biological mom can't stand you."
Logan was getting irritated again.
She was trying not to hold onto her anger against Lucas, but he had been hurtful and spiteful and she was getting sick of it. She understood that he was hurting about Haley, but that didn't give him the right to treat her awfully. "What the hell is so funny?" Logan snapped after she couldn't take it anymore.
"You. What? Do you need me to connect the dots for you?" He asked.
"Apparently, since I'm the stereotypical blonde right now, right?" She said and Nathan laughed. "What I really need is for you to shut up," She said.
"When I first met Lucas, I figured the best way to hurt him was to take Haley away and now she's gone. How's that for karma, right?" He said. Logan shook her head as she sighed.
"And is it any wonder she left a dickhead like you? Look at yourself, Nathan! You're pathetic," Logan said. Nathan sat up and raised an eyebrow as he looked at his sister.
"I'm pathetic!? You're chasing after Mom and Dad once again and I'm pathetic!?" Nathan snapped as he stood up from the bed and walked over toward her. Logan rolled her eyes.
"Would you just let that go!? Why the hell are you so threatened by it? You want to move back in too?" Logan snapped. Nathan started laughing while shaking his head. "Afraid Daddy might like Lucas and me more than you?" Logan taunted.
"Yeah, kind of like how he liked my mom better than both of yours," Nathan snapped and she glared.
"That's why I was raised by our mother, right?" Logan snapped and then she started laughing. "But no, I would say it's more like how your wife likes Chris Keller more than you! Maybe she ran off with him because she missed the challenge of making the bad boy go good!" Logan snapped.
She knew the minute it left her mouth that it was unfair and a low blow, but Nathan had been being rude and unfair to her for weeks and she finally snapped. She wanted to hurt him the way he had been hurting her. Nathan reached his hands out and shoved his sister hard. Now Nathan knows that men should never 'put their hands on women,' but he and Logan were siblings. Throughout the years, they've gotten into plenty of physical fights and Nathan has never once struck her in the face.
Logan retaliated by slapping him and then pushing him away. Nathan rushed at her again, as if he was going to tackle her, but she caught his arms and held him back. An officer heard the commotion they were making and ran into the cell, pulling Nathan away from his sister.
"Hey, you two! Stop it."
The officer handcuffed Nathan and Logan to opposite sides of the cell so they couldn't fight anymore. Logan sighed. She was exhausted and she didn't know what the hell they were doing. She decided to extend the only olive branch she knew would bring Nathan back around. "Dad wanted revenge on Keith... that's why Lucas is staying with him, and I'm staying on the weekends. To protect Keith," Logan said.
"Yeah, you already said you two are protecting Keith. What does Dad want revenge for?" Nathan asked and Logan sighed.
"Keith slept with Mom... Dad caught them the night he had his heart attack," Logan said. The siblings locked eyes and then Nathan started laughing. "It's true. I asked Mom myself, and Lucas asked Keith," Logan said.
"Of course it's true! Nobody's faithful anymore. Nobody can be trusted!" Nathan said.
"Yeah, well... Dad's revenge was hiring Jules to make Keith fall in love with her, and then break his heart," Logan said. Nathan started laughing even harder.
"It's outstanding. What else you got?" Nathan asked.
"That's it. Lucas and I stay with him... he leaves Keith and Jules alone and they get to be happy because Jules fell in love," Logan said as she shook her head. Nathan laughed again.
"Yeah, until she sings a duet... and goes on tour," Nathan said as he turned away from his sister. Logan knew their conversation would eventually switch to Haley.
"She's got a dream, Nate," Logan said. Nathan shook his head.
"No... no, she left to be with Chris. You know she kissed him before she left, right?" He asked. Logan nodded as the frown set in.
"I did know that... and I'm sorry, Nate," She said.
"Well, that's what she said when I called her," Nathan said and Logan frowned.
"I thought you said...-" Nathan cut his sister off.
"...-I lied! She said she was sorry. She said she loved me and it wasn't about Chris. She just... needs some time to figure everything out. Do you believe that? Because if I love her and if she loves me... what's there to figure out?" Nathan asked as he looked away again.
Logan's heart broke. She knows Nathan isn't her twin, but she could still feel his despair. She could feel the heartbreak radiating from him and she wanted nothing more than to give him a hug, but she couldn't. She was handcuffed to her side of the cell. She continued to look at her brother as he looked at the bars of the cell and she sighed.
How were they going to get out of there?
The answer came in the form of Dan Scott.
Logan had no choice, she had to call him, which is what she said to Nathan as they walked out of the jail together. Lucas and Roman had blown up both of their phones, and their Dad was standing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for his children. "You should have your mail forwarded here. They give you the same cell as before?" He asked.
"I don't know, they redecorated," Nathan said with a shrug and Dan smirked.
"Great! Make jokes. You know how much it's going to cost me to get you two idiots out of this mess?" Dan asked and Logan rolled her eyes. She didn't do anything wrong. Of course, the officer didn't know that because of how it looked, but she knew she didn't do anything wrong.
"Don't call me an idiot! The only idiot in this scenario is your son who decided to get behind the wheel of a car while under the influence!" Logan yelled at him.
"Then don't get me out of this mess! Huh? Don't cut any deals with me like you did with Logan and Lucas," Nathan snapped and Logan sighed. This was why she didn't want to tell him the truth. "Oh, tell Mom that Keith says hi," Nathan snapped as he walked past Dan. Logan rolled her eyes.
"You told him?" Dan asked.
"Clearly," Logan responded.
"You should have. You're his sister. Go on, he could definitely use a friend tonight," Dan said. Logan sighed as he nodded. She didn't feel like arguing anymore. However, she knew that Nathan needed more than a friend.
He needed his wife.
"Thanks, Dad," Logan said. Dan nodded and then Logan ran off to catch up with Nathan.
He walked all the way back to their apartment, and Logan followed beside him in silence. When they walked inside together, the first thing she saw was the painting of Haley, and she sighed. "She still loves you, Nate. You know that?" She said. Nathan looked at her and remained silent. "Look... I know it sucks that she kissed Chris, but Haley married you, and she told me that she loves you. That has to mean more than some confused kiss," She said.
"Maybe I was the confusing part for her," Nathan said and Logan shook her head.
"Nate... Haley fell for you when you were a different guy; a lesser guy... the biggest asshole anyone knew. Maybe you should remember the real Haley, even when she's being lesser... even when she's being the asshole too," Logan said. Nathan looked at her and she could see the tears in his eyes. "Come on, let's get out of here."
Nathan and Logan walked to the river court where Roman and Lucas were waiting for them. "Thank god you're both alright," Roman said as he first hugged his girlfriend while Nathan greeted his brother. Then Roman and Nathan greeted each other.
"Are you guys okay?" Lucas asked and Logan nodded.
"We're fine," Logan said.
"I got pulled over... Lo made me switch seats with her," Nathan said. The boys looked at her and she shrugged. Then she walked over to Lucas.
"He just really misses Haley... you know her better than anyone. Help me," Logan whispered to him. Lucas nodded as he approached his brother.
"You know, after my accident, I asked you what the secret was to getting back. You remember what you told me?" Lucas asked. Nathan shook his head while shrugging. "You told me there is no secret... Just start shooting one day and deal with the pain... Somewhere along the way, it gets easier," He said.
Nathan had a small smile on his face and he nodded as Lucas bounced him the ball. Roman and Logan went to the picnic table while the brothers started a pickup game. Logan laid her head down on her boyfriend's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.
"You're a good sister. You know that?" He said and Logan shrugged.
"I try my best. I extended an olive branch and told him everything about Dad, Keith, Jules, and Mom. I think once he understood that, he let the anger go," Logan said. Roman looked down at her and smiled.
"I'm glad you told him the truth... did you do your time capsule today?" He asked.
"Yeah... I did, and I may or may not have mentioned you," Logan said as she smiled. Roman leaned down as she leaned up and brought their lips together. When they pulled away she kissed his cheek and then she smiled when she heard Nathan and Lucas laughing together. Roman smiled as he tapped her nose.
"I may or may not have mentioned you too."
[Logan's time capsule video]
I guess we're just supposed to talk about our lives as of late. Right now, I can tell you that mine kind of sucks, and it's all because of secrets. Secrets truly ruin everything, so don't keep them. Especially not from those you love. I guess since this is 50 years from now, I can say this publicly. My name is Logan May Scott, although by the time this is opened, my name will probably be Logan May Castillo. Anyway, I was raised believing the famous NBA player Nathan Scott was my twin brother when it was actually the bestselling author, Lucas Scott. Our father, Dan Scott, took me from my biological mother Karen Roe when I was three months old. Will he be dead by the time this comes out? Who knows.
The three of us have now been learning to function as siblings, but it's hard with the weight of this secret weighing down on all of us. On top of all that, Nathan is going through a really hard time, and I don't know how to help him. His wife, Haley James Scott, left and went on tour with Chris Keller, after kissing him, which isn't great, but she claims it's not about feelings, it's about the music. Whatever, that's her business, but Nathan is miserable, and I hate seeing him like this. It makes part of me hate Haley as well because it's her fault he's like this. And I know that's unfair to say. She's my sister-in-law and one of my best friends, but she lied to Nathan about Chris multiple times, so how could she expect any of us to believe it's just about the music?
And on top of that, my Dad, Dan Scott has been blackmailing Lucas and me into living with him. You see, Nate and I emancipated ourselves because our parents were toxic and we needed to get out. But then my Mom went and slept with my Uncle Keith, my Dad caught them and had a heart attack. Then he hired a woman named Jules, if that's even her real name, to fall in love with Keith and break his heart. But now, she apparently loves him and they're getting married. Dan told Lucas and me, he would only leave them alone if we moved in the house with him to let him prove he's a good Dad. Yeah, prove you're a good Dad by blackmailing your kids and threatening to hurt their Uncle? Great parenting skills.
I feel bad, I negotiated only being there on the weekends. I couldn't move back into that house. Nobody except those closest to me knows this about me, but... Hopefully this time it will be past tense. I struggled with bulimia nervosa for most of my adolescent years. I had to go to an eating disorder hospital the summer before this school year started. After finding out the secret of what happened three months after I was born, I relapsed, and I relapsed badly. I'm currently still in that relapse and lying to everyone I love about how bad it is. 50 years from now, if anybody watching this is struggling, I see you, I hear you, I know your struggle and it's important to me. Don't conceal it, lean on those who love you, and let them help you. I know the guilt and the shame that you'll feel, that you'll internalize by thinking that if you let someone in it means you're weak. Listen to me, you're not. You're strong. You can beat this.
But my eating disorder is the reason I couldn't give Dan his full terms. I couldn't be back in that house full-time because being there made my urges worse. Honestly, it felt good to get all of this out, and it feels better knowing that nobody will see this until 50 years from now and hopefully, everything I've shared, except for the bulimia part, will be completely irrelevant.
Now that I've trauma-dumped all the bad on you guys, I guess I should give you something good too as well, right? Earlier I mentioned that by the time this video is being watched, my name might be Logan May Castillo. Yes, Castillo as in another famous NBA player Roman Castillo. We started dating this year after being sort of frenemies for years. He's always been Nathan's best friend, and I didn't see him as anything more than that until around freshman year, but I never told him that because his ego would never be able to handle it.
Roman has been my main source of comfort through all of this turmoil that's been going on. He's dependable, caring, and kind, he knows how to make me feel better when I'm having the worst day of my life, and honestly, I am so head over heels in love with him, that I feel like I could die. And I know, I know, not everyone marries their high school sweetheart, and I'm 17 years old so I shouldn't put all my eggs into one basket, but... the phrase that when you know, you know is very true, because I know. I've never been more sure about anything before in my life. Roman Castillo is the guy for me. And okay, if in 50 years I'm wrong, and I'm with someone else, but I watch this video again and can remember the way I felt while saying these words to this camera, that'll be enough for me too. But I don't think I have to worry about that. Roman and I are the real deal and we're going to make it. Mark my words.
And if our grandchildren are watching this, I hope my gushing about your grandfather didn't embarrass you too much. Thanks for listening.
hope you enjoyed the glimpse into Logan's capsule.
don't forget to vote/comment.
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