Chapter Ten
Well...it looks like...
The epilogue will involve the trio as teenagers.:) MarissaHapner gave me an amazing idea for the chapter.:)
WARNING: abuse
Mitch continued to watch T.V, noticing how Kevin and Avi weren't back yet. He frowned slightly, looking back at Scott and Kirstie with wide eyes.
"Where's Papa and Daddy?"
Scott and Kirstie looked back at Mitch, forgetting about the show in front of them for the mean time. Where are their parents?
"Maybe they went to get ice cream?" Kirstie suggested, a smile on her face. Scott and Mitch tilted their heads, nodding in agreement. "They will be back in no ti-"
The door was slammed open, showing Lila and Paul. Mitch widened his eyes, happy that his food was gone. The doctor said that he was extremely malnourished and needed to gain at least ten pounds to be considered 'healthy'.
I don't want to make myself throw up anymore.
"Oh, Mitch," Lila cried, pushing Scott and Kirstie off the bed. The children fell on their bottoms, tearing up a bit at the pain. "Lila is here, baby. It's all okay."
Paul was the next one to hug Mitch. Mitch hesitantly hugged back, feeling the big hard trail down his back. Paul wasn't even near Mitch's bottom when...
Paul turned around, glaring angrily at Scott. Kirstie widened her eyes, wondering why her brother did that. Paul stomped up to Scott, his eyes full of fire.
"You wanna go, kid?"
Scott looked back at Mitch, noticing the timid look in his 'husband's' eyes. Scott looked up at Paul with the fiercest look that he could manage.
"Bring it on, old man."
Paul screamed, lunging at Scott. Scott moved quickly, laughing when Paul hit his head on the floor. The laughter stopped when Paul threw Scott to the ground, grabbing his hair roughly. Scott screamed, his eyes full of tears while Paul laughed.
"Let's see how well you do when you have a concussion."
Paul slammed Scott's head on the hard floor, making the little boy scream. Paul slammed Scott's head a few more times, smiling when he saw blood on the floor. Scott glared at Paul and put his little fists together and-
Scott continued to punch Paul where the sun didn't shine, laughing every time the adult screamed. Lila grabbed Kirstie's hair, making the little girl scream in pain. Scott stopped what he was doing, getting out from under Paul. He felt a bit dizzy, putting his small hand on the back of his head. He widened his eyes when he felt something wet, bringing his fingers close to him to find blood.
His blood.
"You stop right now or I will beat this little girl senseless until she sees the light," Lila threatened, pulling Kirstie's hair even tighter. Kirstie screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks when she felt Lila trying to pull her up. "You decide."
"I don't think so."
Everyone in the room turned towards Mitch, their eyes widening. Mitch glared at Lila, holding the little remote control on his bed that also contacted nurses if he needed anything. He shook his head, his glare ice cold.
"If you lay a hand on my future husband or sister-in-law, I will do something mean to you and that mean thing isn't going to be stealing your animal crackers."
Lila let go of Kirstie's hair, taking Paul's hand despite all the pain he was feeling in his lower region. Mitch smirked, setting the remote down while Scott and Kirstie smiled at him.
"You are amazing, Mitchy!"
Mitch blushed a bit, looking down at his lap while he heard his aunt and her boyfriend fighting outside. He looked up at Scott, his smile becoming wider.
"Thank you, Scott."
"You two are free to go."
Avi and Kevin looked up from their laps, sharing a look as their cell doors opened. The police officer smiled at them weakly, her eyes full of empathy.
"We're sorry. If we would have know you guys did not abuse the little boy, we would have done something."
Avi rolled his eyes, walking away from the officer. Kevin waved goodbye to the officer weakly, walking quickly so he could catch up to his husband.
"Avi, slow down. We need to talk.
"What's there to talk about?"
Kevin sighed, catching Avi's arm when he caught up to him. Avi grabbed his arm back, glaring at his husband angrily.
"What, Kevin?!"
"Please tell me what's wrong," Kevin begged, causing Avi to look away from him. "You could tell me, Av. Please."
"Nothing is wrong! Why can't you see that?!"
"Something obviously is, Avi! I refuse for you not to answer!"
Avi scoffed, walking away from Kevin as he signaled a taxi. Kevin stomped up to Avi, bringing his husband's hand down to hold. Avi shook his head, putting his free hand up to continue what he was doing.
"Avi, tell me no-"
"Scott and Kirstie are going to be taken away from us."
Kevin looked back at Avi, hearing a taxi pull up to them. Kevin opened it, letting Avi come in. The taxi driver looked at the couple, his eyes looking at them through the mirror.
"Where too?"
"Saint Paul Memorial, please."
The man nodded, riding through the traffic as carefully as he could. Kevin looked back at Avi, his eyebrow raised as he thought about his last statement.
"What do you mean that Scott and Kirstie are being taken away from us?"
"It's obvious, Kevin. We were arrested because we were accused of sexually and psychically abusing Mitch. If the foster care system found out, they would think that we do the same thing to Scott and Kirstie and we will have them taken away from us. I don't want that."
Kevin sighed, putting his head on the window. After years of getting 'no's and being rejected for adopting children, Scott and Kirstie were the answers to Kevin and Avi's prayers. Nel used to work for the foster care system and did an amazing job at finding homes for children that did not have abusive people. She was the one who told Kevin and Avi about Scott and Kirstie and since then, the two children became a part of the Olusola family.
"I just can't imagine how sad Nel would be if she found out that we couldn't take care of Scott and Kirstie anymore."
"She'll argue with the authorities until her face turns red," Kevin spoke up, laughing a bit as Avi smiled weakly. Kevin took his husband's hand into his own, kissing it sweetly. "Everything will be okay, Avi. I promise."
The couple finally made it the hospital, paying the taxi driver before they went inside. When they did though, they immediately ducked for cover.
"I HATE YOU," Lila shrieked, handcuffs on her wrists. The police officer held her back, making her fight even more. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
"Yeah, right," Avi called back, shaking his head. Kevin laughed, waving goodbye to Lila. "This is good."
Paul was next, glaring at the couple with fury in his eyes. He shot a derogatory term at them, making Kevin smirk.
"I've been told worse."
Avi and Kevin walked to Mitch's room, wondering where Scott was. Kirstie and Mitch sat on the bed, smiling when Avi and Kevin walked in. Kirstie hopped off the bed, hugging her parents' legs tightly.
"Hi, Daddy and Papa! Scott has a coconut and in surgery."
"A coconut?"
"I think she means concussion."
"Oh, concussion," Kirstie remarked, a ditzy tone in her voice. "Okay. He cracked his head open because Mitch's aunt's boyfriend hurt him."
"What?!" Kevin yelled, making Mitch jump. The little boy instantly covered his ears, becoming scared. "I'm sorry, Mitch. Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Mitch replied, playing with his doll. His tummy made a funny noise, making him blush as he looked up at Kevin. "May I have something to eat?"
"Sure! What do you want?"
"Chicken nuggets!"
"Of course," Avi replied, picking up the remote to call the nurse station. Mitch pulled at Avi's sleeve, making the man look down. "What's up, Mitch?"
"Do I have to throw it up after I'm done eating?"
Avi shook his head, hugging Mitch closely to him as he kissed his temple. Kirstie tilted her head, confused by what Mitch said while Kevin had tears gather in his eyes. Mitch is going to be saved from this toxic environment, but the memories will never be forgotten.
"You'll never have to throw up anything again, Mitch. Only when you're sick and your body makes you throw up. You could all you want and never throw up."
Mitch smiled, hugging Avi as tightly as he could. The little boy kissed Avi's arm, sighing in content.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Mitchy."
"I'm tired," Scott complained, crossing his arms as Kevin laughed. "It's not funny. My head really hurts. Um, Papa?"
"Yes, kiddo?" Kevin asked, smiling when he saw Avi and Kirstie sleeping. Kirstie was on Avi's lap and her head rested on his chest while his arms wrapped around her tightly. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm happy that Mitch and I are in the same room. There's just one thing that I did that might get me in trouble?"
"What did you do?"
Scott blushed a bit, looking at his lap while Kevin waited for him to answer. He looked back up at Kevin, his cheeks red from shame.
"I punched Paul in his privates."
Kevin laughed loudly, hoping that he didn't wake anyone up. Scott giggled quietly, loving his father's laugh. Kevin cleared his throat, patting Scott's back.
"That's not nice, but he deserved it. You're a good kid, Scott."
"Thank you, Papa."
"Anytime, my son."
Nobody would have ever known what will be ahead of them after they left the hospital.
A/N: To the people who wanted choice B...you'll still get it. Avi and Kevin will just be out of jail.xD Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)
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