[A M B E R]
I opened my locker, taking a step back when a paper came falling out. I sighed, not really knowing if I wanted it to be what I thought it was.
I picked it up anyway, unfolding the crevasses to see once again another drawing. It had been two days since Zayn kissed me, and to be honest I sort of just set the fact off to the side so I wouldn't have to deal with it.
I tilted my head, letting a small smile appear on my face at the sight of the drawing. My finger traced over the prominent lines of pen. I wondered how on earth someone so much like Zayn had the time to do these simple yet pretty drawings. Of me too.
"What's that?" Louis' voice suddenly asked. I jumped, and his the paper at my side.
"Nothing," I told him quickly.
"Bullshit. You're a shit liar, Amber," he raised his eyebrows at me, and reached behind me to grab the paper from my hands. He unfolded it and examined the drawing with furrowed eyebrows, and scoffed when seeing the small signature in the corner. "Really?" he dropped his hands to his sides, "Zayn? Really? After what he did to you he's still trying to get with you?"
I winced, snatching the paper back. "One, he's not trying to 'get with me'. He's trying to befriend me and then go out with me, he's not a total douche," I rolled my eyes, "and two, I'm starting to think that what he did wasn't as bad as we all made it out to be. I mean, he was only trying to flirt with me-"
"By anonymously texting you and not telling you who he was?" Louis put his hand on his hip.
"Well... yeah. But either way, when you think it all over, there wasn't much damage that had been done in the first place. My feelings were hurt and he knew that I liked him. That's all. And in return he likes me back and wants to go out with me. That and he got a black eye, but that was Jamie's fault," I shrugged.
Louis pursed his lips, not seeming totally on board with what I was saying, "Look, I still don't like or trust him, but I guess it's your decision, alright?" he asked.
I nodded, "I know," I shrugged, and then folded the paper and put it in my bag before going off to my first class.
"Why not?"
"Because why?"
"Because I don't want you to," I whined, sighing as I looked to Zayn at my side.
He pouted, "She said to sketch something colorful. You're looking colorful today so why can't I draw you?" he asked.
I let out a chuckle, "Zayn, I appreciate that you want to draw me, but I don't feel like being drawn," I shrug, "oh, and I also appreciate that drawing from this morning," I told him.
He smirked, "No problem. It was a pleasure," he said.
I turned back to my own drawing, but I could still feel a pair of chocolate brown eyes on me. I sighed. "You're drawing me anyways, aren't you," I guessed.
Zayn didn't look up from his paper then, just chuckled, "Absolutely," he confirmed.
I couldn't help but smile as I went back to sketching, glancing over at his drawing that he keeps covering up with his arm so that I can't see it.
Eventually, class ended, and we were all told to put our sketches into the folder on the front table. I try to look over at what Zayn drew, knowing its of me, but he just snatched it away with a smirk and walked up front to get rid of it.
I huffed, "You could at least show the girl you drew the drawing of her. For all I know you have me a pig nose," I pointed out. Zayn laughed, and shook his head.
"No, I promise I didn't do anything wrong to your pretty lil face," he shot me a wink before picking up his bag and exiting the classroom.
Due to the fact that there's only one more chapter now, this was really short. BUT I HAVE A REASON! It's only short bc I wanted to actually have an ending and not have to include it into this short ass chapter. So ya idek bye
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