Football Fancies
"So he has an alter ego named Spike?" Mia asked Leo as he informed her once they met up at the Lobby. He nodded and responded, "Yep. Thought I'd inform you since he may make an appearance sooner or later though I can't imagine anything scarier that Principal Perry on a Monday."
She nodded, "Ditto."
"Hey guys" The two greeted once they had met up with the superhuman trio at nutrition. Mia almost smiled at how much they resembled little kids in awe awaiting instructions from there line leader during playtime. Though there was nothing fun about this situation and as far as she knows, Leo wasn't the best line leader.
Scanning the cafeteria, Leo informed them looking over at their school's leprechaun, "Okay you guys, that's Principal Perry. She has the temperament of a junk yard dog stuffed into a really bad pant suit."
Said leprechaun looked over to Freddie Jason and shrieked, "Hey you, no tongue rings in school! Don't try to hide it, I will take a metal detector to your face."
The brunette girl Bree looked over at one of the 'cute' guys and began to gush, "This is it! My chance for romance. On T.V. the girl always drops her books and the cute guy with soulful eyes picks them up."
"Bree..." Mia warned trying to prevent her from dropping all of her books and papers all over the floor but failed. Big time.
One of the teachers, Mr. Smith had slipped and fallen on his backside. Everyone had visibly winced as Bree made the old and overly used excuse, "Sorry, I'm new" as the teacher got back up to his feet and stormed away.
This was obviously going to take some work, Mia noticed as Bree began picking up her fallen schoolbooks.
After that little encounter, Leo continued, "Okay, your social life is determined by where you sit. We can't sit at 'The cool' table," looking over to where the cheerleaders were sitting Mia smiled as she caught sight of her twin, "but we can be cool table adjacent."
"F.Y.I. Adam just sat down at the cool table."
Leo shrieked suddenly as Adam was making all the girls laugh by lifting oranges to his eyes. Mia's sister immediately spun around and raised an eyebrow at her questioningly as she shrugged. "What! He can't sit there! That's where the football players sit with the cheerleaders, and they pride themselves on finding clever places to stuff your pudding cup." Leo explained.
"Those girls are actually talking to him." Mia pointed out, half surprised, half expected. Her sister was a cheerleader so she hung around them alot. Didn't mean she liked all of them. Except for two. Alison Laura Hardison and Jade O'Connell.
Kadie's two BFF's since she joined the cheer squad back in Middle school when the twins began exploring their options. Katie had discovered her love for cheer and design while Mia found her love for sports and mechanics. Since they were constantly separated they made friends outside from each other. Mia got closer to Leo and Kadie got closer to Ali and Jane. That didn't mean they weren't all friends. They were, just not BFF's like her and her sister.
"They can't talk about shapes and colors forever. See ya." Chase waved off, going over to 'The cool' table. Just as he left, her sister stood up and walked over to her just as Leo exclaimed to them, "No! The football players are going to turn him into the fifth food group!"
"Hey guys." Katie greeted. Instead of greeting her back, Leo waved urgently, "It's a rescue mission. Move in! Move in!"
Once he was gone, Kadie asked her, "How badly do you think this is gonna be?"
Shrugging, she answered, "I think that the last five times Leo has been pudding cupped will be nothing compared to today." It was silent for a moment before she remembered suddenly, "Oh right! Katie, this is Bree, Leo's...step sister and Bree this is my twin sister Kadie."
"Wait?" Bree held up her hand, "Your twin sister is a Cheerleader?"
Looking down at her cheer uniform, Kadie answered, "Well, I wouldn't be wearing the outfit if I weren't."
Smiling slightly at her sarcasm, Bree asked, "So it's true? The football players really do pudding cup people who talk to the cheerleaders?"
"Yep," Kadie nodded, "It's one of the reason's why my brother doesn't talk to me at school. He could take them, obviously, but he's not an idiot. Perry would automatically take the football player's side and get him expelled. It's not exactly what you want in your college resume."
"Hey that's my seat!" They heard someone exclaim. The two girl's knew who that voice belonged too. Turning to face the table, we saw one of the idiots Trent yell at Chase, "Get lost before I use you like a napkin!"
In an instant, Bree was at her brother's side and defended him, "He's not very absorbent."
Ignoring her, Trent opened a water bottle and purposely spilled it all over the table and taunted, "Oh look a spill!" Before grabbing him by the collar and threatened, "I think I'm gonna wipe it with your face."
Kadie winced as Mia said, "This isn't gonna end well."
Before Trent was able to smash his face down, Chase had switched positions and smashed him
Before I was able to kick him where the sun don't shine Chase switched positions and slammed Trent against the cafeteria table earning everyone's attention.
That's when he or who Mia thought was Chase growling, "Think again bubble neck. I'm gonna rip out your knee caps and use them as hockey pucks."
Adam stumbled his way over to Leo and the girl's and informed, "Okay, I don't mean to alarm anyone but I think Spike is back."
"I'm sorry but I thought his name was Chase?" Kadie asked confused.
Turning over to face her twin, Mia used the 'Not now' look before continuing to watch the scene before them unfold.
"You have no idea who you're messing with! Okay?" Trent exclaimed, hiding a whimper behind his voice. Trying to find his confidence, he commanded "Pudding cups!" as two kids placed two chocolate cups in his hands.
Spike smirked, "I'll take those." before crushing it in his hands towards the football players.
As much as she loved football, the doufus' that call themselves a team have ruined it for Mia so she was overjoyed when Chase/Spike had ran them out of the cafeteria screaming.
What? Just because she was a hero didn't mean she didn't enjoy a little caos every now and then.
Once the football team had made a lame excuse to make themselves scarce, everyone stayed silent. Absorbing the scene had just unfolded before everyone began to applaud happily. Especially Kadie because now she no longer was under the control of the football players.
"Take a seat compadres. This is our table now." Chase or Spike told them, pulling up a seat for himself. Everyone followed after as Leo lamely made a greeting over to the cheerleaders. Mia laughed as her sister pulled her over to sit besides her and her two best friends. Maybe change wasn't so bad after all.
"Hey Mia?" Her sister asked, "Do you think they are taking this popularity thing way too far?"
Mia looked over at her and asked, "What would make you think that?"
In that moment, Leo howled, "All right, make room for the alpha dogs! Woof woof woof woof!" before his step brother Adam stopped him embarrassed.
"Wait, if we're the alpha dogs then...Woops!" In an instant, two guys rushed over and picked up Bree's fallen books as she blushed and smiled from ear to ear.
Mia nodded, "I see where your coming from. Don't worry, they'll calm down...eventually."
"I love this!" Bree shrieked, making Kadie look at her pointedly. Mia rolled her eyes and shoed her twin away making her laugh silently before making her way to their older brother.
"What's this?" Spike asked, looking at the slip of paper in his hand.
"That's an all access hall pass!" Leo answered, "You can go anywhere you want with that!"
"I could go anywhere I want already. These-" Spike flexed, "-are my hall passes." He finished kissing his bicepts.
"Okay if he starts oiling up, I'm out." Mia shuddered, crossing her arms.
Slowly, Spike put his arms down at looked around the school cautiously. It was then they all realized that Spike was no longer with them. What confirmed it was when Chase asked, "Commando App disengaged? Guys, why was I in commando mode?"
"Were you in commando mode?"
"I didn't see commando mode."
Adam said obviously, "Oh that's good! Everyone keep lying."
"Guys, you were suppose to watch out for me!" Chase exclaimed, making his siblings feel guilty for the events that had gone down earlier.
Well, except for Leo, who bragged, "Oh we watched the whole thing. You man handled the Quarterback and pudding popped the defensive line."
Chase wasn't as impressed as him, "What?! Aww great, this is so going to come back and haunt my Supreme Court nomination!"
Bree rolled her eyes, "You know what Spike would say to that? Nothing! He'd rip out your rib cage and play it like a xylophone."
That itself was an disturbing image for Mia. Spike's personality reminded her of a sociopath. Crazy, untamed and not someone you want to be around during a horror movie.
"Yeah I liked him. He's like a big fun monster in your sad little body." Adam told him, placing one hand on his shoulder.
"I'll get Spike back." Leo told them confidently, dropping his backpack onto the ground before growling, "Get lost before I use you like a napkin!" Wrapping his arm around his waist, leo attempted to lift his brother off the ground before giving up and informing them, "Yeah, this isn't going to work."
"Hey baby, want a nibble?" Leo said, trying to flirt with one of the cheerleaders.
"Hey there's Trent." Chase stated, "I better go apologize." AS he began making his way over there, Chase was pulled back down by his sister.
"Woah, slow it up buttercup."
"Mail him a greeting card. Much more personal."
Mia looked over to Chase and suggested, "Hey, if you want I could go so then your pretty little face can still stay in good shape."
Instead of giving her an answer, their attention was caught by a sucking noise. Correction; Adam eating his food through a straw. A burger to be precise.
"Guys look, the cheerleaders cut up my food in to tiny pieces. I'm eating a turkey burger through a straw!" He said sipping up more pieces of the burger. "Mmmmm gibblity."
"Hey new kid! Come here." Perry called catching everyone's attention. Chase stood up, automatically knowing it was him she was referring to, "Do you know what happens when my foot ball players get humiliated?" Chase shook his head furiously, "No! You don't! Because my football players don't get humiliated."
"They look humiliated to me."
Perry just growled and continued yelling, "I know what team spirit is about, because I was the jammer on the North Pacific Roller Derby championship team!"
"Quite an accomplishment." Chase replied, trying not to be rude.
"Don't mock me squash face! My career ended when a trash talker like you got inside my head and I wiped out. One zebra called it the worst single body collision you've ever seen."
He tried to joke, "I'd crash too if I saw a talking zebra."
It was then Principal Perry went all up in Chase's face and exclaimed, "It's a referee you desk donkey! Trent told me what you did to him at breakfast, you will not under mind the moral of my team. Evacuate this table."
Pointing to all of them, she shrieked "NOW!"
Looking over at her sister, Mia gave her a goodbye hug and was about to leave until she herd a familiar voice growl, "Watch who you're talking to Sports bra! I bet you panicked, threw yourself off the track, and blamed the other team for your weakness."
Immediately, Mia stood up and walked over to Leo and his siblings as he mumbled over to Bree, "Do you think this Spike thing's gotten a bit out of hand?"
"He might have crossed the line at Sports bra..." She replied to his question.
Looking down at the grownd, Principal Perry mumbled in shame, "I had to quit because of that accident!"
Spike pushed, "Quit? Or move out of the state in shame?"
A bunch of 'oohs' filled the cafeteria as everyone's eyes widened. She defended, "He doesn't know! He wasn't there!"
Spike went right up to her face and suggested, "Why don't you hop in your economy car and toodle on home to your six cats and your online bingo tournament!"
"Jokes on you! I have five cats! Ha!" She squeaked, making Mia feel a strong pang of sympathy for the lady.
That pang of sympathy was gone in an instant when she came back after talking with Trent and suggested, "All right kid, I'll make you a deal! Let's be civilized and settle this the old fashioned way...with a bone crushing grudge match on the football field!"
Without hesitation, Spike replied, "We're in, Me, him, her, her, and...him."
"You and your band of nobodys versus my fighting Dingos."
Bree whispered over to Mia showing off half a heart, "Who's she calling a nobody? I got half a BFF necklace today!"
Principal Perry went on, waving her hand around as if royalty, "Winner takes table and all the glory."
Leo sauntered over to Principal Perry and said trying to stop the football game, "Oh man, as much as I like to flex my football fanciness, girl's soccer has the field tonight."
"Ah, just as well. I can't condone such a violent game on school let's take it to the dog park across the street!"
When she left Leo asked the group nervously, "Am I the only one who's gonna need a fresh pair of pants before we start?"
Adam raised his hand and I couldn't help but wonder if it was for the same reasons.
Mia was speeding over to the game in sweats and an over sized Tee which belonged to her older brother. It was the only thing she could find after her surprise mission.
Once she arrived, Mia noticed how Leo distracting the other team while Bree used her super speed to tie their shoe laces together. Once their attention had returned, they began making their way over to them before completely falling down to the ground as Leo threw the ball over to whoever he was now and made a touchdown.
"Go Alphas! " Mia cheered happily along with Adam.
Adam started getting weird looks from everyone as he replied, "What? If Bree can be a cheerleader, I can too. Woohoo!"
The score was now Dingos: 23 Alpha Dogs 17. Almost a tie.
When they got into a huddle Principal Perry squeezed her way into the huddle and told them, "Seven seconds left. Now remember kids there is no shame in losing. Oh wait! Yes there is!"
"Game on!" She blew the whistle at them making them all wince.
As they all had a small talk about what was to go down, Mia had noticed the sudden change in Spike's behavior. Correction, Chase. He was back.
She was glad, obviously. It wasn't because she didn't like Spike, well partly, it was because he scared the living daylights out of her. And yes she may be a superhero and has been on many missions but she's also human. She get's scared.
Don't tell her that in person though. She will make sure you mysteriously move away.
So when Mia noticed that Spike was no longer in their presence, she ran onto the field as Bree was being held back by her older brother in order to save their younger brother from being manhandled.
"What's going on?" Mia asked just as Trent had shouted from across the field, "Hey, let's go! We don't have all day!"
"Shut it twinkle toes!" Mia yelled back. Her dislike for the boy was obvious as well as the moon was surrounded by stars. He made her sister's life a living hell and made her hate cheerleading. Cheerleading!
Mia doesn't ever think she'll ever get along with him. People can change but once you hurt the people she loves, it's game over from there.
"Time out!" Leo called out, making everyone huddle together.
When they all were together out of earshot, Chase told them, "I told you. I don't want to be Spike. I've been waiting for my first day of school for fifteen years and now I don't even remember it."
"Well when you put it that way, I just feel selfish."
Adam put a hand on Chase's shoulder sympathetically before shrieking, "Oh come on! Snap out of it! I wanna win!"
"No," Leo said sternly, "He's right."
Chase smiled, "Come on guys. We can still win this thing, and even of we don't win, what do we have to lose?"
Everyone had their own answer to it;
"Our table."
Mia shrugged as they all stared at her oddly, "If I wanted to be popular I would have become a cheerleader. Now come on, It's freezing so hurry and wrap this up."
Come on, are we playing football or playing putt-putt!"
"Oh put a sock in it Trent!" Mia yelled back making her way off the field and back in the sidelines.
"Ready? Hike!" Leo yelled, passing the ball to Chase immediately.
Rubbing her shoulders, Mia leaned against the fence as the last moments of the game played on. Let's just say, it ended up with Chase tackled to the ground by three football players.
Perry shrieked, "Game over! Dingos win!"
"See you later in the cafeteria alpha duds. Oh! And the puddings on you." Trent yelled from across the field making some weird movement with his arms as he did so. Mia didn't have a resort to that. She didn't think of one at the moment. Instead she ran onto the field and made her way towards the losing team.
"Well," Chase began once he was back on his feet, "We may not be the alpha dogs anymore but at least we still have each other. We're not total nobodies."
"Yeah," Mia agreed, "I mean, who needs popularity anyway?"
"No, we are total nobodies and I need popularity. But at least I have you four to carry my broken butt home." Leo told them, falling onto the ground. Everyone had gotten a limb and carried the broken boy home. Mia thought that somehow this may not be the last time their going to be doing this.
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