Secretly Famous Part 6
Part 6
The resort turned out to be an amazing experience with Matt. Having him to myself was fun and we tried out all the things the resort had to offer. The meals were delicious, the swimming pool area had different pools in an exotic enviroment and we took long walks in the nearby forest. It felt like a honeymoon.
For the first time in years, I didn’t have to think about work at all and just care about myself. Matt took care of me too and made sure I felt like a princess. All the guests looked at us and thought it was sweet of us to go on a trip like this while I’m pregnant.
It didn’t stop the single women to flirt with Matt, but I can’t blame them when he is so breathtaking gorgeous. Thankfully I’m not a jealous type of person. When we finally arrived home I felt happy and relaxed. It was nice to travel again after spending a whole month in Matt’s apartment.
I hear a phone ringing but I am too sleepy to care. It keeps ringing and I throw a pillow over my head to keep the sound out. It doesn’t keep the sound out completely but I don’t care.
”Are you going to answer that?” I hear Matt’s voice somewhere from the door stand.
I mumble something and finally the phone stops ringing.
”Hi, this is Matt. Molly is asleep, do you want to leave a message?”
Ugh, why did he have to pick up the call? What is wrong with voicemail?
”Molly, wake up. It is Rick, he says it is important.”
”He always say it is important. Why did you answer it!” I moan and crawl myself up to sitting position.
”It has been ringing for the last five minutes.”
He gives me the phone and I put it to my ear. He ruffles my hair and I can’t help to smile and give him a fast morning kiss.
”This better be important,” I complain to Rick on the phone.
”It is nine am. I just want to remind you about our meeting so you will be here in time. Don’t forget your things, be here in an hour.”
”Whatever joy killer.”
”I don’t like your attitude, you should try be more polite when I call.”
”I did everything you wanted the last seven years or so. Can’t you just give me a break? Oh right, this is my break.”
”Anything that is good for business. Plaster on a smile and get down here.”
”Fine but I might be late.” I finish and turn the phone off so he can’t call me again. ”Why are you still at home?” I ask Matt curiously.
”I made you some breakfast. Let’s eat before you get ready, I can drive you to work. I have a meeting tonight so I will be home late.”
”Like always,” I moan. He helps me out of bed and escorts me to the kitchen. ”Sorry I’m not sexy anymore. What did you make for me?”
”You are still sexy, Molly. Just omelette and French toasts and orange juice.”
”Sounds delicious.” The sight of the breakfast makes my mouth water. Matt always eat a lot in the morning, it is the most important meal of the day! I picked up his habit.
I bury the toast in the omelette and devour it. My boyfriend can seriously become a chef instead! I give him a goofy grin. He has a lot better eating manners than me.
”I’m glad you appreciate it.”
”I am so lucky to wake up beside you everyday and letting you spoil me with your cooking.”
”I am happy to have a crazy girlfriend like you to mess up my life. I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”
”You are the perfect boyfriend. You have no idea how much you just melted my heart.”
”Perfect is boring.”
”I know! You are the only exception.”
”I feel so lucky you are being yourself with me.” He hesitates a bit and then look deeply into my eyes.
”I love you Molly.”
”I love you too Matt.”
”Despite everything else that is going on in your life, this is the part I love of you, the part I fell in love with.”
”Is this the part where you ask me to marry you?”
He gives me a surprising look.
”Are you proposing to me?”
”You started the flirting.”
”You tricked me into it.”
”That is why you love me.” I tell him sweetly.
”Yes actually I do,” he answers with a grin.
I can feel my whole body filling with warmth. Happiness. Dear sweet stuff like pink clouds, I can jump on them without falling down. I trust him now. It feels amazing. I am finally ready to let my guard down.
”You do? You do want to marry me?” I reach for his hand and he grabs it.
”I do Molly, if you want me.”
”I want you,” I confirm with a blush.
”Just promise me one thing, don’t let my mom run you over. You are my family, she is only a relative.”
”I promise.” I take a deep breath, knowing what I must do. ”Matt, there is something I must tell you…”
”I know.” he interrupts me.
”You know?” I ask him nervously.
”I always knew, since the first time I saw you. I didn’t want to tell you because I fell in love with you. The real you.”
”Oh,” is the only thing I’m able to say.
”I understand why you kept it a secret and I hope you can forgive me for not telling you either.”
I look down on the table. I feel so ashamed, I thought he didn’t care about me, instead he did everything so I could keep my secret from him. I am stupid, stupid, stupid!
”I’m sorry.”
”You don’t have to keep your fame a secret from me anymore.”
”I actually feel relieved. I promise to not keep any secrets from you anymore.”
”I only want you to be happy.”
”Well, I am happy.”
Matt did the dishes while I took a shower. I never expected him to actually know my secret. Damn he is good at pretending. Or maybe he didn’t pretend? He said he loves me for being me. Does that mean he doesn’t care about Darlene?
I decide to straight my hair and I put on a green dress and pick up my guitar. I find Matt waiting for me in the living room. I take a seat in the armchair and look deeply into his familiar eyes. They are burning with curiosity.
”I wrote this to you. I hope you like it.” I say carefully and start playing. I love to play guitar, it makes me feel at home, excited and content. To finally be able to share this with Matt is amazing. When I start to sing he stare at me in wonder and is completely troll bounded till the last tone.
”That was amazing,” he finally says after a few quiet moments.
”I know. This is me, the most confidence I have in doing.”
”Seeing it in reality is so much better.”
”I’m happy you think so. Otherwise it would be a waste of career.”
”You do it because you love it.”
”I feel pregnant at the moment and that is what I want to focus on and plan my life for. Music can not be the centre of my life anymore, you and our baby must be.”
”I better take you down to the studio now, Rick is going to kill me otherwise.”
I can’t stop myself for jumping into his arms and burying my head in his chest.
”I am sorry! I feel terrible.”
”It’s alright. I should have told you in the beginning instead.”
”It still feels like my fault.”
”How about we go out and buy an engagement ring for you tomorrow?”
I nod into his chest. I tie a scarf in my hair before we leave the apartment. As the wonderful fiancée I am I made Matt carry all my stuff down to the car. The car ride is quite fast and I force Matt to stop at a donut shop and actually convince him to buy a box for me while I wait in the car. He returns a few minutes later and we continue the rest of the way and parks outside the studio backdoor where no one ever goes.
”Do you want to come in and see how I work?” I ask him with a pleading look.
”You just want me to carry your stuff again,” he sighs.
”So you will?” I give him an adorable smile and he opens his door and then helps me out from my side. It still tingles when he touches me. I wonder if he feels the same. Do men even have the same kind of emotions as women? I wonder, would a song text like that be a good idea?
We enter the building and I take the lead through the corridors and we take the stairs to the third floor. I greet everyone we meet on the way, the studio is still sleepy in the morning though. Finally we reach the parts of the studio I usually reside within. Ned, Anne and Rick are already waiting for me.
”Good morning!” I greet them. ”This is Matt, my soon to be husband. And here is the donuts I heard you wanted.” I put the box on the table and let Matt shake hands with them. Rick gives me a dark look when I start eating one donut.
”Honey do you want one?” I ask Matt sweetly and offer him one.
”Thank you dear, it is nice of you despite the fact that I paid for them.”
I and Anne laughs at his comment. Matt charms everyone but he soon have to leave to his own job.
”He is quite a keeper,” Anne says after he left.
”He’s not bad for a Gregory,” Ned adds.
”He is wonderful!” I can’t help to say.
”Show us the work you have been doing,” Rick interrupts us and start looking in the papers I brought. We are soon lost in the discussion. It feels good working with song writing again. It feels even better knowing I have a family to go home to afterwards. I will keep doing my best for them.
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