Secretly Famous Part 3
Part 3
I get off the plane knowing Jamie is picking me up. I haven’t seen him in a few months now and I am filled with excitement to meet him again. I guess I will miss Matt, though my schedule for these days doesn’t have enough breaks in it in order to think that much about him.
I feel relaxed after the flight, first class owns. I just have to follow the sound of screaming girls to find Jamie. I don’t understand why he came here to pick me up when he hates airports. I am okay with taking a limo to the hotel myself. Well hopefully he took the limo here, but then I have to turn down the champagne…
Being pregnant sucks! I love champagne. It is something in the sparkles.
I reject an impulse to put my hand on my stomach. Pretending to not be pregnant sucks more. I can never be too careful when the paparazzi might be lurking around.
I do this to protect you.
I send the thought to my baby with a huge smile. Just the thought of having a kid chasing me and shouting mommy makes me happy.
Thankfully not many people cares about me this early morning so I only have to sign three autographs on my way to meet Jamie. I smile to myself when I see the girls crowding the poor guy, rudely pulling him towards them just to gain his attention. I feel a deep push to run towards him too and join the game. He does that to women.
First time I met him I fell for him and I fell for him badly. His dark blue eyes are so intimidating and he is so drop dead gorgeous with that whole beach look and blonde ruffled hair. Still, he can't hurt a fly, that is why he is my best friend.
My ex boyfriend is probably the most caring male in the whole world, always considering all female’s best. But he is fine with satisfying women’s need through the screen, as the amazing actor he is.
I don’t notice that I have stopped a bit away from the crowd until his eyes meets mine and he breaks out in the most amazing world famous smile. He still affects me, but I am not in love with him anymore. That is what I am trying to tell myself at least.
He gently pushes himself through the crowd of girls and pulls me into a gentle hug that won’t ruin my clothes or my hair. To think about it, it is kind of annoying to be treated like a doll. Ugh, don’t rant Molly, you left your boyfriend who really loves to touch you at home.
”Hi Jill.” I say calmly using the nickname I gave him after he broke up with me.
I believe that only a gay man would want to break up with Darlene. No he isn’t gay! He was just scared of my act so he thought we didn’t fit together as a couple. When he broke up it was too late to relax and show him the real me. I know he would have liked me, he loves normal girls, not Barbie dolls. But this Barbie act earns me a lot of money and my career. Anyway I messed it up myself. Sucks to be me. Enough ranting about the past.
”Darlene!” he shouts excitedly. ”I missed you, and you look so amazing today. Only you can look so cool and fresh after a flight.”
”Thank you and good morning.”
”Let’s leave before we make too much attention.”
”It’s too late for that.”
He grabs my arm and leads me to his sports car. My luggage carrier puts my suitcases in the trunk and Jamie’s fans who had followed us out here sighs and cries as we leave the airport.
”You always create such a drama around you. Aren’t you tired of breaking girls hearts?” I wonder casually.
”I only regret breaking your heart, Darling.”
”I regret letting you break my heart too. I should have dated that other actor who you filmed with instead. Then I would have left a broken heart behind me.”
My remark makes Jamie laugh. That actor is a real gay and he absolutely loves me so I am sure I broke his heart every time I left his side.
It is nice being with Jamie, I always feel beautiful and confident around him. I can’t get over the feeling that Matt is out of reach for me. That makes me scared because I don’t know if it will really work between us. I must stop worrying. Think positive instead, like the amazing sex I had earlier this morning…
”Is everything okay?”
”Hmm, can I tell you later? I don’t want us to get into an accident.”
”Is it that bad news?”
”Bad, who said it was bad!” I shout annoyed.
”Just your look…”
”You said my look is cool and fresh.” I interrupt him and turn on the volume of the stereo so high I can’t hear him. I give him a teasing smile, I overpower him so easily. Another reason he broke up with me. That might also be the reason why I am so afraid of relationships now. I am afraid Jamie killed my confidence on that part but I am never telling him that!
Finally in my suite I jump onto the bed and bury my face in the soft blankets.
”You look like you never saw a bed before.” Jamie jokes.
”Shut up, I am mentally preparing.”
”Then this is a new move.”
I sit up and give him an angry look and throw a pillow at his face. He catches it without trouble.
”You don’t know me as well as you think, Jill.”
”Do you want some champagne to celebrate your coming break from the spotlight?”
”I don’t drink that anymore.” Ouch, that really hurts to say when my mouth waters just to think about it. Damn I sound like an alcoholic.
”Why not?” he asks and sits down on the edge of the bed.
”I just can’t at the moment.” I fall back down and look up at the ceiling. It is plain white. I’ve been at places that has mirrors above the bed. Really kinky and not my style. Yes that was in Vegas…
”Is Rick giving you restrictions again? If so this is an unfair move.”
”Oh please, I always did what I wanted behind his back. I pretend to be an angel and cheat when he won’t notice.”
”What is bothering you then? You promised to tell me.”
”No I said I’ll tell you later.”
”So speak.”
”It is not later yet.”
”Then when is it?”
I sit up straight again with a sigh.
”I’m afraid I’m not good enough for anyone as a girlfriend. You should understand since I wasn’t good enough for you.”
”That was different Darlene. I was a lot younger and didn’t want a serious relationship.”
”So that’s what I was to you? A toy? I hope you feel proud of it.”
”I love you. Why would I toy you?”
”Just so you could be my first lover? I don’t know. I don’t care, we had a nice time together before you got sick of me at least.”
”Why are you bringing this up after all these years? Are you avoiding my question?” He gives me a suspicious look and I have to hide my face in my hands.
”Don’t kill me I’m innocent!” I yell and then fall down laughing.
”Very funny Darling.”
”I am just insecure about relationships. You are perfect Jamie, I wish you were my boyfriend but you refuse for some weird reason.”
”I am awful at guessing, just tell me already.”
”You are no fun. Fine, I will stop messing with you.”
”Did you find a serious boyfriend?”
He looks straight into my eyes and I can only nod with a nervous look. He gently strokes my arm and it is calming me down a bit. It feels weird. How can I tell Jamie when I didn’t even tell Matt yet?
I shake the thoughts away. Jamie is my best friend, I should be able to tell him right? He won’t tell anyone and it won’t change our friendship in any way. I can never tell Matt because I want to keep our baby out of the spotlight. He won’t be able to keep it a secret from his family.
It’s the sad truth, he would use it to impress his family, work and friends. Just do it Molly, don’t be a coward. Jamie will pick up the pieces of the damage if my relationship doesn’t work out so it will be a lot easier if he knows.
”I am trying to keep this away from the press. I trust you not to tell anyone what I am going to say now.” I give him a serious look and wait till he nods.
”I promise not to tell a soul about you and your boyfriend. I can understand your decision. It is hard as hell to keep a private life going with the press constantly up your face like we had.”
”I met Matt a few months ago. I don’t know him that well actually because the attraction takes over when we are together and he doesn’t like talking much.” I turn my gaze away from Jamie and I lay down on the bed and turn my gaze to the roof instead.
”How did you guys meet?” he asks curiously when I don’t continue.
”Well,” I start. ”I was dressed in casual clothes so people didn’t recognize me. I ended up in a my favourite pub for a simple meal and he was there. I fell in love right away and he was actually interested in the simple part of me. He is the first man who ever liked me for me. We didn’t really date, we just hooked up as we both are quite busy in our work. I recently moved in with him and he still doesn’t know who I am.”
I close my eyes and reach for his hand and he grabs it. It feels like a friends touch. I remember when the same hands used to make me feel special and loved. Things have really changed. We were never meant to be together, I can accept that fact now and it feels good.
”I am sure it will be alright, though I don’t understand how he can be so blind to not see who you are.”
”I am guilty of misleading my whole family about my music career. No one figured it out yet.”
”Oh.” he just says.
”Yeah. I think you understand my dilemma. If I tell Matt I must tell everyone, and I will lose my privacy.”
”Why don’t you trust Matt to keep your secret?”
”Because I’m pregnant.”
Oh, it was easier to say the words than I thought. I feel quite relived actually. Jamie on the other hand jumps off the bed with a shocking gasp.
”I think you understand my worries now, Jill, because I have decided to keep up the act and my next to non-existent double life will become a real deal.”
”Congratulations! Wow, I don’t know what to say. If you pull this off I must applaud you. Now I understand why you are going on that break and refuses to drink.”
”Thank you. I knew you were a friend to count on.” I smile and jump up to hug him tightly and he kisses my hair. It feels nice to have a friend like him.
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