Secretly Famous Part 2
Part 2
Two and a half months and it doesn’t show yet. I should cut down on my intense training, swimming will be enough I guess. Matt is driving us home to my aunt after seeing the doctor. I still can’t understand that I have been pregnant during half of our time dating, but my life have just been too busy for me to notice it earlier.
“Well I guess it is good that I asked you to move in before you told me,” he says with a smile trying to ease the tension between us.
“I don’t need to bring that many things to your apartment, I must buy new clothes soon anyway.”
I am worried, what should I tell my aunt? How will my dad react? Rick will freak out for sure. I still have five sold out concerts within this following month but thankfully nothing after that so my fans won’t notice anything hopefully. I have to make sure I wear baggy clothes which fortunately is in fashion right now.
We reach my aunt and uncle’s house. It is ordinary with brown bricks and the garden is small but full of flowers. This is the home where I grew up in and now I am about to leave the safety zone it always offered me.
“I grew up here after my mom passed away.” I start telling him. “My parents divorced before mom found her cancer. My brother and sister grew up with our dad, I wanted to stay with mom‘s sister. She can’t have children and dad didn’t mind. I can‘t believe I never told you this earlier.”
“That’s fine Molly. I never told you anything either. We just have to deal with it as it comes.”
He kisses my lips and then got out of the car. I take a deep breath and follow him to the big green door. He just have to deal with my career whenever I need to bring it up. Oh dear…
“Auntie, I’m home!” I announce when we enter the house.
“No need to be so loud, I am in the kitchen.” she answers. “I made your favourite cookies, come here and taste some! Don’t dare say no this time skin and bones.”
My aunt is the reason to my career. She supported me and forced me to keep going for my dream, with help from dad’s money of course. He paid for my private lessons without complaint. Those things are common in high society families though my mom and aunt was born into middle-class.
I smile and grab Matt’s hand before we walk into the kitchen.
“Oh dear, you brought a guest!” she says surprisingly.
“Matt this is my aunt Rosemary. Auntie, this is Matt. He is my boyfriend and I am going to move in with him.”
“Move in? I didn’t even know you were dating again Molly.” She shakes her head.
“Nice to meet you Rosemary.” Matt says politely and shakes her hand.
“Please, call me Rose. Why don’t you sit down and have some new made cookies?”
Soon enough we all sit around the table eating cookies and drinking coffee, in my case tea.
“Tell me Matt, what are you working with?”
“I am at my father’s company Ilvy Medicals.”
“Al Gregory’s son I see. Molly is the daughter of Trey Williams. Your parents will probably not have any objections against your relationship unless the Gregory´s find Molly unworthy in some way. Molly you must impress them so they treat you well.”
“Auntie.” I complain at her serious tone. She still tells me what to do even if I am old enough to take care of myself. I had no idea Matt was a Gregory and it makes me groan inside. They are a tough family, only accepting the elite society to be in their friend circle. Sure my dad is in it, but since I am raised by my aunt they won’t accept me that easily. Well unless I tell them who I am since they are real suck-ups to famous people.
“Molly and I are having a baby.” Matt suddenly tells her.
Crap! There goes my life. Please auntie don’t kill me, I plead to her with my eyes. I know her facial expressions too well. She is always polite but I can see her tense. Kind bitches are the worst ones and this one is always bossing around with me.
“Molly?” my aunt says with her sweet voice. “What about your career?”
“I can take a two year break.”
“Molly can be a stay at home mom, I can support us all.” Matt says trying to sound responsible.
“Hmm… Molly didn’t tell you?” my Aunt states disapprovingly, glaring at me.
“If she really wants to work then I can’t stop her.” Matt continues.
“Oh well we can’t get everything we want.” I try to ease the situation. “I am just going to pack my stuff while you two catch up.”
I hurry to my room and sigh when I sit down on my bed. Shit mess! I quickly find my suitcases and throw down the clothes I need and all my notebooks and folders. Hopefully Matt isn’t the kind of guy who searches through things. I go back to the kitchen fifteen minutes later, after putting three bags and my guitar by the front door.
“Auntie, we better get going so I can unpack today.” I tell her. I always keep my stuff organised and unpack as soon as I reach my destination. No one messes with my flow. No one.
“Oh well then, it was nice meeting you Matt and you better take care of yourself Molly. I will visit you soon and see how you both live.”
“Your aunt is nice, she just cares about you a lot.” Matt says after we left the house.
“Oh please, I don’t want to know what she said.” I beg. “She is so overprotective.”
“She said it was wiser to meet your father first before you meet my family.”
“Fine, I will call him.”
Then we have another quiet car ride home. Yup, I better get used to calling it that.
It is easy to unpack. Matt have a whole empty wardrobe he never used before so I happily put my clothes into it. I just threw all my papers and stuff into a drawer. I prefer to use the bed as my desk when I’m writing.
Despite my huge nervous breakdown I feel so happy moving in with him. Not to mention the part where we will become parents in just six, seven months from now. I put my hands on my stomach, sitting on the bed. It has just gotten a tiny bit bigger. Matt enters the room and find me sitting like that. I meet his gaze and lose my breath seeing his gorgeous eyes.
“Hello mommy Molly.”
He walks up to me and gives me a kiss to die for. He pulls off my shirt easily and continue to kiss down my body and stop at my stomach. He gives me a wide smile.
“This is actually turning me on.” he says with a grin.
“Men!” I mutter and give him a push so I can straddle him. I smile back pleasingly when I feel how hard he is. “Ok then daddy, show me what you can do.”
“You started it.”
I am not able to say anything more because Matt pulls me down onto him and gives me another rough kiss. He sure can turn a girl on.
“Say what?”
“Don’t be a baby Rick. No one will disagree if I disappear from the spotlight for a year or two.”
It’s finally Friday and I am sitting with all the important people in my business to discuss my forthcoming press conference. I had just explained the deal to them and they all look quite shocked over the news.
“The plan is perfect, I just need some time off to write some new material. I never took a break in six years and I have always been full booked.”
They are sitting quietly for a bit more before Ned Nelson, the boss of the record company, finally speaks up.
“Darlene is right. If she is able to, she can still make a few concerts and interviews in about nine months from now so they won’t miss her for long. But only enough to keep her on the market. She have to stay away from publicity after the concerts next month and until she has the child.”
“But her having a baby will be an awesome way to promote her career.” Mrs Anne Nelson states. She always supports her husband in his work. The married couple is still good looking in their late forties. They have been together for twenty years and nothing can separate them.
“I don’t want my fans going crazy over my baby.” I tell them firmly.
“You are lucky we didn’t plan anything half a year ahead, Darlene. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to meet your request.” Mr Nelson finish the argument.
“Thank you so much Ned. I really appreciate your understanding.”
“I don’t have much choice since your current contract is running out in two weeks. I was afraid you would leave us but this news seems promising for us to continue our good affairs.”
“I would never leave you. You have been the best people ever making my highest dream come true. We just have to include some more things into our new contract before we can sign it.”
“With that I think we all agree to hold the press conference tomorrow at two pm. The meeting is now over and I think we all should leave so Rick can went on Darlene alone.” Ned says with an amused smile and they all leave the room.
Rick starts yelling as soon as the door is closed behind them.
“What were you thinking of? Ever heard of birth control? You will never be able to focus fully on your career again.”
“What about my own life Rick? I don’t have any. It is just Darlene, Darlene, Darlene. It is what I wanted but I want other things too! Like combine a real life with it and that is what I am doing. I committed to the music, now it is time to harvest the price from it. Can’t you let me do that?”
“But it is the Gregory’s.” he hisses. “You will regret getting mixed with them.”
“I must give it a shot. Done is done.”
“You know I’m right. I am so upset right now. I’ll see you at the press conference tomorrow.”
He leaves the room angrily. I understand his feelings. The Gregory family isn’t exactly the most friendly one. Most people follow them because they are too scared to do anything else. Power rule this town and I hate it.
At least the meeting turned out for my advantage. The last thing I want is having the paparazzi outside my door wanting to document my pregnancy. The thought of it makes me sick. My baby is a being, not an item to give to the world. I know I can’t keep it secret forever, but for now it is the best choice.
Matt and I still don’t talk. Everything is as it always was between us. Quiet and action. He never ask me where I disappear to when I leave the apartment so I don't ask him either. I read the headlines in the newspaper Sunday morning.
Darlene is officially taking a break
The press conference was no difference from the other ones I held before. I can handle the press and my fans accepted it like I thought they would.
I give Matt a look over the table. He is only interested in reading the business part. I touch his leg with my foot, moving it slowly upwards.
“You are distracting me.” he says with an annoyed look.
“Good!” I answer with a huge smile. “Dad is still on his business trip to China. We have to wait a week before he returns.”
“I have a lot of work this week so that is actually good news. I will barely be home.”
I give him a frown and remove my foot from him and place it up on my chair instead.
“Then you won’t mind if I go away for some days to meet my friend?”
“Of course not. When are you leaving?”
“From Tuesday to Friday.”
That solves one of my concerts. He doesn't object and have nothing more to ask. He should though, I will meet my friend who is in fact my ex-boyfriend who I still to this day have a huge crush on. What Matt doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
Besides that, I got tired of waiting for Jamie to change his mind about us. We are officially known as the worlds best friends, which sucks most of the time when I wanted more. I wonder how Jamie will react when I tell him. A part of me want him to feel hurt by it, another one doesn’t. It doesn’t matter though, it is already too late for us.
“Do you want to go out and eat today?” Matt asks me suddenly.
I jump out of my chair.
“Yes!” I scream and I am sure all the neighbours in the house can hear me. I don't care because I have a date to look forward to.
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