Secretly Famous Part 11
Part 11
I did something I never did before, something I don’t know why I never did. Just the feeling afterwards, wow, amazing. My heart is beating so hard and Matt chuckles next to me.
”You are like a little kid on Christmas Day, Molly.”
”Oh, really?” I answer a bit breathless from Matt’s sexy voice and my new experience. Gosh yes, Matt still affects me in the most crazy ways, more crazy than when I first met him.
”You’re cute. I wonder how you will react when we buy a house.”
”Don’t mention it! I am not used to buy these things, it is not like going to the mall and buy shoes or jewellery.” I keep my eyes on the road, it is snowing lightly but it doesn’t bother me.
”You do realise that not many people can go and buy a luxury sports car all cash.”
”Paying cash is something I am used to though.”
”It is quite amazing.” He shakes his head, also a bit taken from the experience.
”You don’t want to know how much money I make everyday.” I tell him.
”I guess not.”
I am driving, but I am not planning to use this car as much as Matt will. How convenient is it to put a baby seat in this car? We only need one car for that and Matt already owns one so I don’t see any problems with buying a toy like this.
”You are getting married to a world famous star.” I tell him.
”It is starting to sink in,” he admits. ”You are so normal Molly, it feels a bit surreal even though I know. It is crazy how you can go around without people recognizing you. I never saw the fan hype yet and you had to take a lot of shit from my family.”
”I can survive that, it is just annoying.”
”You are completely different in reality than media reflects you. I love the real you more.”
”That is Rick’s fault. I promised myself to never bring my image into a relationship again when Jamie broke up with me.”
”It feels hard to compete with Jamie Allen.”
”You don’t compete with him, you already won. Jamie is just my friend.”
”I think I have the right to be jealous, I mean it is Jamie Allen of all people.”
”I love you Matt, we are getting married and are starting a family. I never felt this attraction to anyone else. You don’t have to be jealous at all. I don’t go around and think about your ex girlfriends.”
It is true. When I am with Matt I feel totally sure that he is the one.
”Babe, keep your eyes on the road.”
I didn’t realise I was checking him out and I let my gaze fall on the road again with a smirk. I am used to driving these cars, even if I never actually owned one before.
”It’s that sexy body of yours.” I tease him. ”But a bed is better than a car seat for what I want to do with you.”
”We can try in a few months,” he teases back.
”I’d love that.”
We are just driving around to show off our car. None of us have to work at the moment and it just nice being with Matt without interruptions.
”I love this. I could never do things like this before I met you. I never had any free time.”
”The things in life we take for granted.” Matt answers me. ”I want you to have everything you want, you deserve it.”
I stop the car outside a small restaurant.
”Let’s celebrate our new car with a dinner so I can tell you all the things I want without an accident.”
I lean forward to kiss his warm lips and he hugs me back. He makes me so happy.
I knock on the door and it opens after a while by a woman with a warm smile. Her hair is brown thick and curly and I immediately like her.
”You must be Molly!” she greets me. ”Come in, I’m Eric’s mother Teresa.”
”Hi Teresa,” I give her a smile back and step into her warm apartment.
Three small dogs comes running and jumps on me begging for attention.
”Lucy, Mary, Colly, down!” Eric’s mother tell them and they back off with wagging tails.
”How wonderful! They are adorable.” I say happily. ”I love pets.”
”They are three little monsters.” Teresa answer with amusement. ”Eric is almost done. He said you two are going swimming?”
”Yes, I like to swimming four times a week.”
Eric joins us in the hallway, he is holding a black bag with a huge yellow smiley on it.
”Nice bag,” I tell him.
”Hi Madam. It is smiling because it is seeing you. Are you ready to go?”
”Hey, that should be my line!” I pout and give him a small hug. ”Nice to meet you Teresa!”
”I hope I see you again dear. Now you make sure Molly doesn’t overwork herself, Eric.”
”No mom, I am sure she knows exactly how much she should swim.”
I open the door and we start walking down the two stairs and through the gate and out on the street where I parked my car just five minutes earlier.
”Holy shit!” Eric stops right in front of the car drooling.
”It’s nice right?” I ask with a smirk.
”Nice? It is freaking awesome! Who can afford a car like that?”
I pick up my car key and unlock it.
”Uhh…me,” I admit and he looks at me for a few seconds and brushes his fingers through his hair.
”Wow,” he says. ”No way!”
”Yes way!” I open the driver’s door and I would like to jump in but I can’t in my condition so I just take my seat very carefully so I don’t slip on the icy ground. ”Are you getting in or what?”
He open the passenger door slowly and takes a seat in the black leather seat. I start driving and he is just… kind of what I felt like when I bought this car yesterday.
”Are you sitting comfortable?” I tease him.
”Yes, is this really your car?” he asks me hesitantly.
”I wanted to give Matt something he can enjoy, and me too of course.”
He shakes his head.
”Right, where are you swimming anyway?”
”You’ll see.”
It takes ten minutes to drive to the multi fitness centre where I do all my training. I park the car in and Eric follows me inside the building, after admiring my car some more of course.
”Isn’t this place extremely expensive and only open for actual members?” He ask me.
”Yeah that’s the point.” I tell him.
”I am not member here, I thought we were going to a public swimming hall.”
”I intend to buy you a year membership. It is good for you to get special training here.”
”I can’t let you pay for that.”
He is dead serious and a bit shocked by my offer. I stop and look him deeply into his eyes.
”Now you listen to me,” I tell him with my commander voice I usually save for all kinds of staff I usually work with, ”I am not a rich housewife who likes to buy toys. I work hard for my money so I can help people in need. Today I decided to spend it on you. Do you not deserve it Eric?”
He gulps and then laughs out loud and bows.
”Whatever you want Madam.”
”Let’s just enjoy today okay?”
I buy him a member card in the reception and then we walk off to change into swimsuits.
”See you on the other side!” He says and disappears into men’s changing room.
My swimsuit is black and silver. I only use a bikini on the beach. Pregnant women look stupid in bikinis anyway, but that is just my opinion. I put my hair in a long ponytail before bringing my towel with me out to the swimming hall. Eric is already waiting for me, feeling the water with his toes.
”It is empty in here.” he tells me a bit surprised.
”I have booked the whole pool.” I put my towel next to his on the bench and walk up to him.
”Isn’t that a waste of money?”
”I like my space. You should feel honoured I brought you today.”
”Do you usually swim completely alone? Is that safe?”
”I have an instructor, but he won’t disturb us today. He is watching us from the booth up there.” I point up to the glass box on the side of the room. ”He can be down here in two minutes if something happens.”
”Okay, good to know. I only thought celebrities did things like this.”
”There is another swim hall next to this one that can’t be booked. There is where you’ll be swimming when you are not here with me. Any more questions?”
”No, that was all.” he smiles.
I get into the cool water and I float on my back for a while and enjoy the feel of weightlessness. Eric starts swimming and I join him after a while and we are having fun. He takes a few breaks during the swimming so he doesn’t overwork his heart. I keep swimming and he comes back into the water when he feels better.
”Why are you being so generous to me?” Eric asks me when we are relaxing in the comfortable chairs beside the pool.
”You make me smile and you are my friend.”
”I don’t want to be your friend, I want to be you knight in shining armour!”
”See?” I laugh at him. ”It is hard for me to make friends. They all want something else than just my company.”
”Oh, comes with the money I guess?”
”I don’t live in a normal world but I found a normal friend. I’m sorry I have to bring you into my world to do these kind of things. I don’t go out in public much.”
”Wow thanks,” he says. ”No one would call me normal because of my weak heart.”
”You don’t have a weak heart Eric.”
”You are quite amazing Molly, do you know that?”
”Matt tells me that everyday. It makes me feel good that you think so too.”
”Your child is going to have the best mom in the whole world.”
Somehow I doubt it. I mean, who wants to share their mom with the whole world?
”Are you nervous?” my aunt asks me when we are preparing the big party room in my dad’s country house for the engagement party.
”Only a little bit.” I admit. ”I don’t want any fights like during the family dinner.”
”I am sure everyone will behave. Just relax.”
I look around in the room, we prepared with candle lights, tables, seats and a long buffet where they can choose what they want to eat. The food will be delivered later on by a catering service. I had bought my favourite champagne to celebrate this occasion. Too bad I can’t drink it. Snap out of it Molly! I also made some other arrangements like a karaoke room and for the children we had opened up the play room me and my siblings used to hang in when we were small. It has been untouched for a while so we had to clean it out thoroughly.
Mrs Gregory wanted us to hold our party in a hotel, but I want to be at home ground. I will be at advantage here, in the house I grew up in. I can still hear mom laughing in these rooms. She was so happy with us children. This is the perfect place, it is warm, isolated and more personal than any banquet hall ever can offer.
”Molly!” my dad shouts from the door. ”Didn’t you order any flower decoration?”
”No, believe me dad,” I laugh. ”We won’t need any.”
”I thought all women are crazy about flowers.” He scratches his head and drops the issue.
”I think everything is ready. Let’s just dress up, relax and wait for the guests to arrive.” I tell them and walk off to my room.
Matt is getting dressed when I walk in. I let him off half an hour ago so he could shower before me.
”Is everything ready?” he asks me.
”As ready as it can be. Were only waiting for the food, the guests and the flowers.”
”I thought you didn’t order any flowers.” He says confused.
”You’ll see,”
I enter the bathroom and take a quick shower. I want to look perfect today so I take a lot of time to fix my looks. The bedroom is empty when I come out from the bathroom and I can imagine where Matt is now, in the library with my dad. I hope he won’t be too embarrassing with his dad talk. I curl my hair a lot and put a different makeup than I usually do. I have chosen to wear a white wool knee long dress and my silver jewellery collection. I have white wool slippers on my feet and white tights. I look myself closely in the mirror when I am done. I look like a snowy angel.
I am ready, totally ready.
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