[C.14] Brave Soul
"방금 시작되었습니다."
A U T H O R ' S P. O. V
"Where the heck are they?" Lalisa muttered as she silently bit her lower lip in anticipation.
She was currently standing behind the gates to wait for her two bestfriends as she didn't want to enter the academy alone, especially after that viral video of her punching the school's resident dickhead got out. When she woke up this morning, there was still this small shimmer of hope inside her that they won't pay her any mind, but the curious gazes of her fellow schoolmates who passed by her immediately drowned out that small voice internally telling her that it was okay. Sure she was so hell bent on making students not bat even an eyelash at her, but she did bring this trouble to herself so she really couldn't blame anyone else.
For all its worth though, she could say that she didn't really regret what she did because sometimes, desperate situations call for extra measures, and Lalisa didn't want Taehyung fighting their battle alone, plus punching Kim jongin was just a bonus.
She knew she still fucked up a bit, so she'll just wait and see how the day unfolds as she knew that there was no way possible she could turn back time.
Lalisa facepalmed hard at that thought.
The thai heiress automatically shot her head up to find Chaeyoung and Taehyung waving their hands as they walked towards her. At least the sight of her friends eased her a bit.
Seeing Lalisa sigh in relief, both Chaeyoung and Taehyung shared a knowing look, they knew something's up, and they might have a clue what that something is.
"First of all, good morning Li, and secondly, I'm already telling you right now to not worry, there will be two sides in this situation, one side will most likely disapprove of you, and those people will probably be the other elites here who will think 'how dare this girl punch an asshole- I mean a person of our kind'."
Taehyung's statement was enough to trigger the girls to laugh, and it made him smile, he liked the fact that perhaps, just perhaps, he had the ability to make Lalisa forget her problems even if it only lasts for a few seconds.
"Furthermore, the other side will look up to you, and those people will most likely be people like us," Taehyung smiled, "Students who were once victims of their rotten personalities, and lucklily Lali, I bet Jongin already terrorized half of the campus." He laughed.
Hearing her friend's words, she felt her worry disappearing slowly, though there was still that small ounce of fear creeping in her heart, she decided to just face this problem head on, attention on her be damned. As long as people still wouldn't find out about her identity, she'll handle this in a careful way where her secret won't be revealed and besides, she had Bambam, Jieun, Chaeyoung, and Taehyung by her side, who by the way, were all amazing people, so she knew this isn't something she can't handle. She knew that with her loved ones smiling by her side, she'd take on anything. Also, logically speaking, her family's position in the elite hierarchy was quite high so she had much more power than Jongin and she can kick his ass easily, not that she will. . .or atleast it will depend on his behaviour.
But then again words were always hard to turn to actions, but she wouldn't give up that easily, so she held her head high as they passed through the sea of bodies inside the academy, like she said, attention on her be damned, and that was exactly what she did, she ignored all those curious and prying eyes that bore onto her back.
"Besides," She was snapped out of the temporary reverie she trapped herself in when Taehyung's deep voice spoke again, "Who knows? The royals may be on your side, Jongin did have a past with Jennie, but who am I kidding? Some of them already hated his guts even before one of them dated him."
"True." Chaeyoung agreed as she pushed her thick rimmed glasses further up her tall nose.
Ah, the royals, how could I forget.
Lalisa internally grimaced, her mind wandering back to her run in with the academy's golden boy at the cafè, she'd rather call him the academy's golden prick if she were to be honest. The recent event kept replaying inside her head that it drowned out Chaeyoung and Taehyung's conversation, she didn't even notice the student body making way for eight particular students because by then, something dawned onto her.
Shit, he knows my name.
"Well, if it isn't Lalisa Jeon,"
Gasps echoed throughout the school's gigantic main hall, followed by murmurs which seemed to be growing louder and louder as seconds pass by. Lalisa let out a silent scoff, it was easy to miss it but it didn't under Jungkook's watchful eye, because then he raised a brow, the smirk never leaving his handsome face.
He really had to make a scene huh?
"Oh, I was mistaken, it was Lalisa Manoban, right?" He smiled innocently. If Lalisa didn't know about this man's true colors, she would have thought that he was a soft and angelic guy.
It seems to fit though, as stereotypically most demons would take an angel's form to be able to deceive people. But not Lalisa.
The said Jeon examined Lalisa carefully, trying to read the girl but it was either she wasn't related to Pranpriya at all, or she was a damn good actress. Fortunately, concealing emotions were one of Lalisa's specialty, but Jungkook didn't have to know that.
"Jeon Jungkook," Lalisa spoke so calmly that it made Chaeyoung and Taehyung, as well as other students look at her in awe (count some of the royals in), because if it was any other student, they would have probably ran or peed their pants already. "The guy from the cafè."
"I thought the Lalisa Jeon incident was already resolved, no?" Even Lalisa was surprised of how casually she combined their names together like it was nothing, she wondered where this kind of bravery came from, but she wished it would last a little longer as she didn't want to give Jungkook the satisfaction of seeing her crumble upon his presence, she'll kill herself first before she does that and Lalisa was never a fan of suicide, so it's safe to say that she will never do that.
Jungkook nodded, still not diverting his eyes anywhere as they were still transfixed on Lalisa, and Lalisa only
"Then. . .why are you still talking to me?"
Another round of gasps, because as far as anybody is aware, nobody, like as in nobody talks to the Jeon Jungkook like that, or at least except this girl.
Lalisa swore she saw one of Jungkook's eye twitch momentarily and that she heard another royal saying 'I like her' or something along those lines. But when she looked at Jungkook again, she found him smiling at her like she was the most amusing thing to ever grace the world and it agitated her a little bit.
"If you have nothing to say more, then let's go Chaeng, Tae." Lalisa looked back at her wide eyed friends who snapped back to reality when Lalisa called out their names.
The trio walked pass the group of eight, ignoring the loud murmurs and obvious stares. Lalisa noticed that the other cliques were present too, which meant Bambam was there, and even Jongin too, who's actually been sending the thai girl glares the moment he laid his eyes on her. The cousins descreetly shared similar smirks before the three of them finally disappeared to a corner.
Not today, Jeon. Not today.
"What was that, Jeon?" Yoongi raised a brow at his youngest dongsaeng, secretly baffled at the fact that the boy just let Lalisa go that easily, to him it didn't seem like a Jungkook thing to do. So from that moment on, he knew something was up.
"Woah, what is this? Jeon Jungkook finally met his match?" On the contrary of Yoongi's rather calm comment, Jimin added while silently laughing, highly amused. He made a mental note to tease the male later as he clearly didn't miss the way how Jungkook's demeanor wavered for a millisecond back there.
The rest of the royals looked at youngest expectantly as they were all quite confused too. But Namjoon as the intellectual he is, already had a picture in his head, he knew the young heir enough to know that he was already brewing yet another cynical plan in his head.
"It's not like that." As expected, the boy on the receiving end of the questions replied calmly. He was about to speak again when he noticed that the crowd—not including the other notable groups of the campus as they already walked away—was still gawking at them. Slightly annoyed, Jungkook gave them one glance which was enough to have them quickly disperse and leave them alone, afraid of facing the wrath of the almighty eight.
"What do you mean? She clearly ended you, Gguk. Now I'm reconsidering that thought of thanking the girl." Jennie smirked.
"Ended? Who says it ended, Jen?" Jungkook countered, his own smirk slowly painting his face.
"It's just getting started."
When Lalisa, Chaeyoung, and Taehyung finally found a place free of other students as most of them were gathered back there to watch the commotion, they looked at each other for a few seconds and then burst into fits of laughter. They really weren't that nervous knowing that Bambam was secretly on their side, so the worries were still there but they decided to ignore it for now, and besides, they still needed to laugh at how funny the situation from earlier was.
"Did you see their faces? Especially Jeon's? That was so hilarious and priceless!" Chaeyoung said in between laughs.
"Lis, I knew that befriending you would change some things, but boy did I not expect this." Taehyung barely added as he was already on his knees laughing, literally. He even had to take his glasses off to wipe the tears building from his eyes.
"As much as how fun that was, let's try our best in avoiding scenarios likened to those as much as possible." Lalisa mused, the girl did find it highly amusing, but she knew to herself that she would be lying if she didn't feel even a small pinch of fear because she did, she just hid it well.
She's such a brave soul indeed because now in the student body's eyes, she didn't only provoke Kim Jongin, but also dared to do the same thing to Jeon Jungkook. What a nice setting, just what she needed.
"Some things never change, still as savage as ever."
Another voice that came from neither the three of them made them stop their laughter and stare at the owner behind them, only to find a grinning Bambam and Jieun slowly approaching them.
Lalisa's eyes widened, "Bam, unnie! Somebody might see you here with us." She whisper-yelled.
"No worries Lali, we'll be quick, we just wanted to know if you're okay." Jieun furrowed her perfect brows as Bambam nodded.
Her statement erased Lalisa's smile almost immediately as she realized what her unnie was implying, and just like that the temperature in the air suddenly dropped much to Chaeyoung and Taehyung's confusion. The duo dwelled on their sunbae's vague words.
"I'm okay unnie, and besides you saw what I did back there right? It felt good to be doing that." Lalisa reassured them, she did smile but it didn't reach her eyes as it usually does. The thai heiress didn't want to linger on the topic any longer so she thanked the heavens when the sound of the bell invaded their ears.
"Alright, but we'll still talk later at the house." Jieun smiled softly, she and Bambam understood what Lalisa was trying to do so they'll give the girl the peace of mind she wants right now.
"But next time, remind me to have you teach me how to be savage like that, okay?" Jieun chuckled lightly which encouraged the others to do too. She might as well bring back the mood she and Bambam broke earlier.
When the laughter subsided, Bambam took a step forward, kissed the crown of Lalisa's head, and hugged her briefly, to which the latter returned. "You've been strong, L." He whispered, loud enough for only him and Lalisa to hear.
"Thanks, Bam." Lalisa whispered back, trying her best not to let her tears go before pulling back, grinning at his cousin and saying their farewells.
"Bye Li, you too Chaeyoung, Taehyung."
The two perked up after hearing their names before waving back shyly.
"You guys are so sweet." Chaeyoung cooed when the popular duo disappeared to their classrooms, she personally admired their bond, especially after she found out that the three have had each other's backs for a notable amount of years already, she looked at Lalisa and Taehyung, hoping that they'll have the chance to have that same connection too.
"Yep, I'm lucky to have those two as my family, and that includes the two of you," Lalisa nodded, her eyes finally smiling with her lips once again.
"Okay before we get anymore cheesy, let's not be late, okay?" Taehyung suddenly chimed in which earned eye rolls from the girls. Sure the brown haired male didn't want to be late for class, but it was mostly because he didn't want the two to see him tear up too. He's a soft guy after all. "Oh, come on."
The girls just shook their heads while sporting their own smiles before following Taehyung, but because they were doing so, they didn't witness their male friend stopping in his tracks which caused them to bump into each other.
"Yah! Kim Taehyung!"
But Taehyung didn't move even by an inch, they furrowed their brows before looking ahead the boy's shoulder to see the cause of their friend's unusual behavior. Their eyes widened when they realized they weren't alone, which meant whoever that person was, witnessed their casual interaction with Bambam and Jieun.
The nameless person was about to run but Taehyung's reflexes were much faster, he immediately grabbed the person's hand.
Lalisa stepped forward and upon closer inspection, she realized that it was a girl, a rather familiar girl. She racked her mind as an attempt to remember where she possibly saw this girl from, and when it dawned to her after a few seconds, she panicked, because it was no ordinary student, it was the same student she bumped into at her first day at the academy.
Kim Yerim.
One of Kyeongsoo High's insiders, so it would definately spell out trouble if they get on this girl's bad side now that she witnessed something juicy enough to be the next talk of not only the school, but the town. It's funny how even if Lalisa manages to save herself from this current issue, she'd still be main character of the next possible story. Hah, how wonderful, the heiress would probably think if it would really happen.
"Let go." Yeri glared at Taehyung's grip. At any other day, the boy would have let go of her hand in a heartbeat as her position in the school's food chain was way higher than his, but this situation was diferent, Lalisa's secret was on the line.
"You saw?" Lalisa asked in a straightforward manner with Chaeyoung standing by her side, as much as possible she didn't want to risk anyone else knowing their little secret.
"I did, now I finally have an idea on who you are, L." Yeri tried to sound intimidating, but the pain on her wrist was becoming more evident.
"Tae, let go, she's hurting." Chaeyoung pointed out as the grimace on the younger girl's face was becoming more noticeable to them. Upon his friend's words, he let go immediately and muttered a small sorry, still not taking his eyes off Yeri just in case she gets any idea of escaping. They were well aware that they might be late, but this is currently more important.
Meanwhile, Lalisa was in deep thought, only her closest friends call her that nickname that just escaped Yeri's lips, she didn't know if the girl knew her name, but apparently she even uttered her nickname, so the situation started to seem suspicious to her.
"Why did you call me 'L'?" Lalisa narrowed her eyes at the shorter girl.
But Yeri just ignored her question as she has a set of her own, not to mention those thoughts have been invading her mind lately, and this must be one of those days where her mouth speaks before her mind does, "I'd really hate to cross some lines because this is our first conversation but no, who are you to Bam?" She glared at Lalisa.
As much as Yeri didn't want to assume things, she just can't help her thoughts, she's a close friend of Mina and the scene of Bambam hugging and kissing the mysterious girl in front of her was enough to set the alarms that rung inside her head earlier. She's a social butterfly so she has a lot of connections, and as far as she knew, Bambam only had a limited amount of people who he's close with, and this was the first time she saw this girl.
So at first glance, that scene earlier could mean a lot of things, and normally her accusation would be one of the first things other people would assume too.
"I asked the question fir—"
"He has a girlfriend you know." Yeri crossed her arms with a pointed look on her face, her overprotective-friend side showing from out of nowhere.
Lalisa's brows creased, but when she connected the dots of what Yeri was trying to say, she only grunted in disbelief. "Does everybody really take me as a person who engages in a relationship with taken people?"
Much to the youngest's confusion, the two other people who were still strangers to her only laughed, "This is funny to you?"
"I'm sorry Yeri-ssi, but right now I'm already telling you that you're probably having the wrong picture in your head, I'll leave it up to you if you'll believe it or not." Lalisa firmly said, making sure that the sincerety she voiced out was enough to win Yeri's trust, and much to her surprise, it worked because after a few seconds of contemplation, the girl only nodded slowly.
"Okay then, my unnies always reminded me to not jump to conclusions but as long as what you're saying is still not proven true, then we're not done here, just so you know I treasure my friends very much." Yeri stared back at the taller girl with the same amount of intensity.
The thai girl could definately relate though.
Lalisa might not have said it out loud, but Yeri's behavior was a surprise to her, at first she still has doubts if her name was really that clean as she was deemed as one of the populars, but upon their current conversation, her friend's words were not lies after all. She admired the younger girl's determination in making sure that the people she cared for wouldn't get hurt, and at the same time do the job fairly by letting the people who might have offended them the chance to explain themselves and analyze the situation only if she already had the bigger picture in her head.
It's quite rare to find people like her these days if Lalisa were to be honest, she concluded that humanity did still have hope after all.
"Thank you Yeri-ssi, but I believe I haven't properly introduced myself yet, my name is—"
"Lalisa Manoban."
Lalisa was surprised, "How'd you know?"
"Well, I was present there earlier, and I have to say though, you are one brave soul," The corner of Yeri's lips lightly quirked upwards, her aura shifting to something a little kinder than the one she emmited earlier, this one was more friendly, "And besides, you're actually kind of a hot topic recently especially after the video got out."
"Oh, that." Lalisa winced, thanks to Yeri she remembered that she still had another issue to worry about, she almost forgot about it especially after the events from earlier unexpectedly occured.
"Don't worry, I'm on your side on this one, Lalisa-ssi." Yeri immediately made her dislike towards Jongin known.
"You can just call me Lisa."
"Right, Lisa, like I said he obviously deserved that." Yeri scoffed, "After all, his ass might already be jealous of all the shit coming out from his mouth."
Though she said it in a rather vulgar way, the trio knew it was true, so Taehyung, Chaeyoung, and especially Lalisa unconsciously grinned, she suddenly had this feeling that she was going to like the girl.
"It's just getting started. "
An extra long chapter after my comeback :) I missed you guys so much!
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
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