Marco pov
It has been two months since me and Star have became friends, but its getting harder for me to hide my feelings for her, of course I want to tell her but she's with Oskar now. Always going out having fun, she tells me everything that happens and all I can do is be a nice supportive friend.
"Marco you okay?" As I look I see star in her white bikini top and jean shorts "Yeah, so a water park?" She nods "Yup, he asked me to bring a friend so I want you to come along, please for me?" She begged and I blushed a bit, I hate how shes the only one that makes me feel like this
"Star, I don't want to feel awkward there, you'll be with your boyfriend and I'll be alone" she put her finger on my lip and shushed me "No, because Janna is also coming" say what now? "Yup, guess we will be hanging out more" I groan a bit but put a smile on for star
"Yay.. isn't that fun?" Star hugged me and we headed to the water park, my Jeep was fixed up so I drove there and met up with Oskar "This is going to be fun right Marco?" Star asked as she held my arm. She was so beautiful and bubbly "Yeah, super fun"
after awhile we made it to the entrance and saw oskar and star ran into his arms and kissed him quick "Babe, I brought a couple of my friends" he knew Janna already but he seemed to look at me closely "That's Marco, my friend" star said looking at him
"Oh, alright nice to finally chat with you dude" I nodded and shook his hand, which was greasy "Oops my bad, I had to grease up my wheels" I nodded and wiped my hand on Janna who glares at me "Ready babe?"
"Totally!" Star ran off and I was left with Janna who had an amused look on her face "Why won't you admit you like her?" I shake my head quickly
"No, I don't want to ruin her happiness, now come on let's have some fun" Janna sighs and follows after.
We went on water rides, to the pool side and other activities. As it was getting dark I realize that neither me or Janna have seen Star or oskar anywhere and it bothered me.
"Don't worry doofus she's fine, oskar knows how to treat a girl" that didn't help me, I still wanted to know if she was okay "I might go look for her, come with me Janna" she huffs and stands up annoyed
"I should have never agreed to come if you were going to try to follow the poor girl" I groan "I'm not following her, I just want to make sure she's fine" "Marco thats called stalking not following"
I ignored her and kept passing through the crowd of people looking for star but to my luck I didn't see her until I heard giggles "There she is Romeo, shes eating ice cream with her boyfriend"
I let a sigh and walked slowly towards them "Hey Marco, having fun?" I nod "Yeah, having fun" she pats a spot next to her and she hands me a cup of chocolate ice cream
"Here I got your favorite, Janna come with me to the stand please" the girls leave and I'm left with oskar who's looking at me odd "Your awfully close with Star" I nod "Yeah, that's how we are"
he smirks "she always talks about you..how awesome you are or how caring you are.. I don't get it.." I raised a brow at him a little worried "Get what?" "What does she see in you that she doesn't see on me?" I was slightly confused
"Excuse me?" "Dude, sometimes when we kiss she stops and moves away, there's no spark like before, and every time I ask her she just tells me, its nothing but I know its you" I shake my head
"Why would I be the problem? She likes you not me?" He chuckles slightly "I'm not dumb Marco, I can tell in her eyes she isn't happy with me" I didn't want to hear this because its not true
"Oskar thats not true, star cares a lot for you, that's all she talks with me..trust me nothing between us is happening I wouldn't mess around with another guys girl"
he nods and sighs as the girls come back, star kisses oskar and sits between us "What were you two talking about?" I shook my head "Nothing much, hey star I'm gonna take off" I stood up and Janna walked next to me
"Aw, but we didn't hang out?" I smiled "Maybe next time, see you around" I walked off with Janna right behind me "Whoa what is happening?" I sigh a bit "You were right.."
was all I said and grabbed my things and headed towards my car as we sat in it was quiet "She likes you the way you like her" I nod as I start the car
"I don't think I could hang as much as before, her boyfriend thinks we do things that counts as cheating but we don't. It doesn't matter because she's going to be gone in 4 more months"
the thought of her leaving kinda made me feel empty or alone because she's there for me, no other girl was like that besides Jackie.
"Then win her over! If things aren't going great then you can sweep her off her feet like you always do with the ladies" I rolled my eyes at the dumb comment Janna just suggested
"You want me to ruin their relationship? Why Janna? Why do you care?" She put her hand on my shoulder and looked straight at me
"Because I don't want to see you in pain again..you deserve someone who you can trust in, who listens and is caring and sweet. You know Star is like that your just afraid that she'll turn out to be another Jackie. I get that I do but trust me she isn't"
was whatever Janna saying true? Was I fearing the worse and comparing her to Jackie? Of course I like her but I can't just get her to leave oskar that isn't right
"Janna every little thing that comes out your mouth may or may not be true but that still doesn't allow me to meddle with their relationship, on matter how much I want to" she smirks
"I give the relationship a week tops, if she constantly talking about you oskar will eventually leave her and she'll come running into your arms" I shake my head "Let's get home weirdo"
As we made it home, it was finally night and it was a little chilly in October knowing its sunny weather where we are "So, can I have the Halloween party here?" I groan, I rather have a quiet Halloween then having drunk strangers trash my home
"I don't know Janna, how many are coming?" She looks at me and shrugs "I don't know, probably like 20 to 30 people?" I shake my head "No way, find a warehouse to do it at, my aunt will kill me having that many people in the building"
she nods "Fine, if I find the warehouse would you come? I'll even invite Star?" I blush just thinking about star and her in a costume
"Maybe, I'm not really a party person janna" she nods "Alright, hey don't give up" Janna said as she messed up my hair even more "I won't, trust me"
~~~~~~~~~~~ →°°°→~~~~~~~~~~
Star pov
Marco took off with Janna which I thought was weird, I didn't even spend time with him and I actually wanted to but oskar kept me away from him. I know that me and oskar are a thing but it would be nice to hang out with my best friend for once
"Hey, what's with the long face?" I move my face away from him "Don't tell me your upset with me again?" I ignore him "Star, your giving me mixed signals I feel like you want to be with Marco more than me"
I looked at him and had a slight blush and I felt my heart pounding out my chest "I chose you didn't i? Like I said before he doesn't see me like that Oskar, if want we can be done and never see each other again"
he held a look of disappointment and guilt "You know we both don't want that. I just feel like you two are really close and I think you guys might cheat on me" I shake my head "Marco doesn't feel the same way..we're just friends Oskar"
he sighs and stays silent "Star I want to be with you and all but you can't deny that you love him, I'm just here to make you forget about him" I gave him a look of worry "I don't love him? I love you oskar, thats why we're together right?"
He stands up "Let's go star, we'll talk on our way home" we picked up our stuff and put it in his car "Star, be honest with me, do you like Marco more than a friend?"
I blush holding my stomach feeling it turn "Star, please tell me because I don't want to be in the middle of this when you two are obviously really close" I didn't know what to say? Yes I like my best friend or I have no clue if I do or not?
"I'm not sure, its complicated because whenever I'm near him we start acting like ourselves but with you its like I have another person that could also be part of my life. Oskar I have no words to describe this, I might actually love Marco more than I thought but..."
I couldn't continue because oskar looked sad but relieved "Would you rather us stay friends until your truly ready for a relationship?" I sigh but nodded "Yes, I would and thanks for being here for me it means a lot"
he hugs me and chuckles "No problem, if you need anything just call me" I nodded as I gave him a smile "Of course" as he dropped me off I kissed his cheek and grabbed my things "Bye Oskar" he smirks "Bye Star, take care"
he drove off and I trudged right inside my apartment being greeted by amber "Star I don't like that boy for you" I shake my head as I tossed my shoes to the side "Don't worry, we broke up"
amber smiled but then realized I needed to find another one "But your running out of time princess" I nodded "I'm aware but I think I know who I'm truly meant to be" she tilts her head
"Who may that be?" A smile appears on my face as I look at her "Marco Diaz" she scoffs a bit "Why him? He doesn't like me" I giggled "Well that is because you bombard him with questions that aren't really important, he's a gentleman and knows what to do in sticky situations" she sits by me
"Okay, but how are you going to let him know you like him now? What if he likes someone else" I forgot about that "I'll just be extra clingy whenever we're alone or something? Besides Marco told me he wasn't really looking for a relationship..I can always ask him" she sighs
"Star, you have 4 months left you have til then, your mother keeps sending me potential princes for you. They're rather charming if I say so myself" she handed me her tablet and scrolled through them, they were cute and handsome but they wouldn't know the real me
"Amber they're nice and all but they barely know who I truly am" she nods "So what's the plan?" I thought about it and jumped from my seat "I just broke up, I can call Marco to see if he can make me feel better and I'll start flirting with him and he'll fall for me boom! Future husband in the bag!"
Amber laughed and say me down "Maybe you should do the first part of your plan and then subtlety ease into flirting star" I giggled and nodded "Yes, of course I need to do that first" I grabbed my phone and started dailing Marcos number "What are you-"
I covered her mouth waiting for his voice to answer "Star?" I acted the part "Marco.. me and oskar broke up, can I come over?" I sniffled a bit to make it sound real "I'm sorry star, of course do you want me to get you?" I smiled at amber
"Would you? I don't think I could think straight walking over there.." I hear shuffling "I'll be right there, bye star" I smiled "Bye Marco" as I hung up I jumped of joy "now I gotta think of something sad to make it believable"
I kept thinking and my eyes watered and amber was impressed "How did you do that?" "I have my ways, now I gotta find my hoodie before he gets here" I quickly find my hoodie and waited for him at the stairs as I made myself cry he showed up and I stood up and ran towards him
"Hey, its okay star" I kept my tears flowing for a bit before we entered his car. "What happened? You guys were doing so well?" I wiped my tears "We had a heated argument about how close me and you were but I know you see me as a friend so, I told him and he just said he can't so we broke up.. and I'm feeling alone"
he held my hand and looked at me "Hey, its okay I'm here now, who needed oskar anyway? You don't need a guy in your life right now.. do you?" He asked and I shrugged "Yeah and no, Marco lets say I have a crush on a friend of mines..should I tell them or just keep it a hush?"
He looks at me with a flushed face "W-what do you mean?" I sigh and interlock my hand with his
"What if I told you I had a crush on you, reason why is because you actually have similar interest with me..and I can't stop thinking of you" he stared at me still with the flushed face "Star.. I uh" I smiled and leaned in and...
I woke up on a couch but not my couch? I stand up and realize its Marco house, wait was that all a dream? As I look for Marco the house was empty and I was really confused, did I tell him or I wasn't brave enough?
As checked my phone an incoming call was coming through "Hello? Marco what happened last night?" He explained and I embarrassed myself because we literally did nothing but just watch a movie and I stayed the night,
I didn't even tell him about my crush on him "Yeah, I'll lock it when I leave..okay later" I hung up and ran my hand through my messy golden locks "I need more time.."
I sigh and grab my things and lock up and head home as I do I see Tom sitting on the steps "Why are you here?" He stands up and walks towards me "Good morning sunshine" I groan and move around him "Star, come on give me a chance" I gave him a look
"Why? Do you know our history and how bad it was? I don't want that Tom, I'm sorry but no" as I began walking again he grabbed my hand "Tom let go!"
He gave me a look of plead "Just a coffee please, I have my life coach Brian to help me control my temper" as I look there was a middle-aged man standing behind him with something with and furry? "Just coffee, I'll be back"
I entered the house and amber was checking me "He didn't hurt you right?" I shook my head "Amber please come with me, just to keep me safe" she nods
"Of course, hey how did the Marco thing go?" I shook my head "Not the way I wanted it to go but I'll get there" we giggled and headed out, hope this doesn't turn south..
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